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以往一般认为郑州商城制陶作坊的使用年代为商代二里岗下层二期至二里岗上层一期,但通过考古发掘资料的检索与分析,该制陶作坊遗址中包含有二里岗下层一期至二里岗上层一期的制陶文化遗存.从这些文化遗存来看,二里岗下层一期该制陶作坊已经兴建并开始使用,二里岗下层二期生产规模进一步发展,二里岗上层一期进入繁荣期.目前的考古发掘没有发现二里岗上层二期的文化遗存,可能此时该制陶作坊生产规模缩小,亦可能已经废弃.  相似文献   

我国制陶荫室起源于何时?本文提出从考古学上辨识制陶荫室的标准,梳理商周时期的制陶作坊材料,辨识出5处制陶荫室,发现:至少从西周早期开始,制陶作坊中已经有荫室的设置;制陶荫室主要用于泥质陶的晾坯;周代都邑的制陶作坊尤其注意利用这一技术保证陶坯质量;制陶荫室的辨识增加了我们对当时制陶作坊生产组织的认识。  相似文献   

二道井子遗址作坊区位于居址区南部,与该遗址的墓葬区共处于同一坡地之上,但与墓葬区以沟和空地相分隔,相对独立,区域内发现有烧制陶器的窑址、不同于居住区的特殊灰坑,有淘洗陶泥及储泥的各类遗存。从分布的区域、规模及发现的陶窑、制作陶器的一系列遗存、临时居住的小型半地穴式房屋等遗存状况来看,应属该遗址的制陶作坊区。其发现对二道井子遗址聚落的制陶生产有了基本了解,也表明制陶业在当时聚落中的重要性。同时为研究夏家店下层文化的作坊分布、规划以及制陶业的发展提供了重要证据。其与中原及周边地区制陶作坊的异同也体现了各区域文化、技术的广泛交流。  相似文献   

河南中牟宋庄遗址发掘清理出保存完整的汉代陶窑两座、宋代陶窑一座,在陶窑周围均有功能相匹配的多种遗迹与其共存,这些遗迹与陶窑共同组成了功能较完备的汉、宋时期制陶作坊区。汉代制陶作坊区平面布局由陶窑、房址、灰坑等构成,通过梳理中原地区汉代陶窑形制结构的演变与发展,并结合宋庄汉代窑址的使用痕迹,推测该制陶作坊始建于东汉早期,至少延续使用至东汉中期。从烧窑所用燃料分析,初步认为陶窑应为民营性质。宋代制陶作坊区的平面布局更趋完备,规模更大,由陶窑、房址、灶坑、粮仓、水井、墓葬及众多灰坑等共同组成,结合房址邻近墓葬出土的铜钱年号,推测该作坊区的使用年代当在北宋晚期。依据宋代陶窑火门内残留的燃料痕迹,推测其性质可能为民营。  相似文献   

秦芷阳制陶作坊遗址清理简报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
秦芷阳制陶作坊遗址清理简报陕西省考古研究所秦陵考古队临潼县文物工作队1992年4月至12月,陕西省考古研究所秦陵工作站与临潼县文物工作队,配合工程建设,清理了秦芷阳地区制陶作坊遗址一处。主要遗存包括有:陶窑3组8座,陶泥贮藏坊2,砂坑2及制坯房与水井...  相似文献   

本文以偃师商城遗址制陶作坊区的十座陶窑及与之共存的其他遗迹群为研究对象,通过遗存中发现的残次陶片的器类与数量的统计分析,讨论陶窑的主烧产品和辅烧产品。偃师商城3段和4段时,陶窑集中分布于作坊区的东侧,主烧商品为单一器类;5段时,陶窑集中分布于作坊区西侧,主烧产品转变为多种器类。陶窑以生产泥质陶器为主,主烧产品为盆、鬲和大口尊,此三者为偃师商城居民主要使用的日用陶器。制陶作坊区的规划和布局处于偃师商城城市建设的整体统筹之下,是商城东北部手工业区的组成部分。偃师商城遗址的制陶作坊为高度专业化的综合性附庸型手工业作坊,主要使用时间为4段和5段,以生产日用陶器为主,同时也生产葬器、高等级陶礼器等物品,以满足城内不同消费群体的需求。  相似文献   

2008年,在位于襄阳邓城城址南约600米处的王家巷遗址清理出春秋早期窑址1座、灰坑13座,出土较多的制陶工具和大量陶质生活用器。该遗址为古邓国制陶作坊遗址,为研究古邓国提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

周仁先生等为研究中国古代制陶工艺开辟了一条新路,笔者在前人研究基础上,采用考察实物与模拟实验相结合方法对黄河流域新石器时代陶器的制作工艺进行研究。  相似文献   

1993年春节期间,我曾在海南省黎族地区进行采风,对当地的手工业生产技艺作了调查,考察了昌江县大安、白沙县九架等村寨的制陶工艺。其中九架村妇女的制陶术极其原始,即采用泥片贴筑方法成型,这为探索人类早期制陶方法提供了一个珍贵的例证,现在介绍如下,供专家们参考。一、制陶原料和工具黎族是一个历史悠久的民族,保存许多古老的文化传统,物质文化和精神文化的内函丰富多彩,由于生产力低下,加上当地又有极为丰富的自然资源,不少古老的生活器皿长期流传使用。如竹制的水筒、竹釜,椰  相似文献   

中国古代的轮轴机械制陶   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文以现有考古资料对中国古代轮轴机械制陶工艺的发展过程作了解说:轮轴机械制陶最早起源于垫板制陶,后来出现慢轮制陶,最后出现快轮制陶。快轮装置是新石器时代和铜石并用时代最先进的生产工具,快轮制陶的出现,是社会生产力发展水平提高的标志之一。  相似文献   

2003年10月焦作市文物工作队发现一座西晋墓(2003JHM1),清理出武士俑、牛车、角兽、马、灶、井、多子槅、俑等文物23件(套)。根据墓葬形制与随葬品判断此墓时代为西晋中期。  相似文献   

二里头文化陶礼器的造型艺术表现为简洁质朴的艺术风格,这与夏代礼制文化中"尚质"的审美倾向十分吻合。陶礼器的造型艺术由黄金比例、纹饰和仿生三种设计方法以体现陶器造型和装饰的简洁与抽象性,而三至四期动物造型装饰的增多则为商代青铜礼器的艺术形式奠定了基础。酒器和食器的器物造型构成了礼仪中行为与时间的观念,以及动与静的礼仪活动的日常行为规范。而高等级墓葬中的稀有陶器斗笠形器,其造型与古人对天的描述相同,它不仅代表了所葬之人的身份与职能,还是上层社会对天祭祀权力的象征。  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper deals with the recent discovery of Iberian 'Boquique' Bronze Age pottery on the Balearic Island of Mallorca. It marks the 'maritime' spread of this distinctive pottery into a geographic area not previously recorded. It should therefore be of particular interest to mainland investigators and others concerned with its geographical distribution as well as those dealing with long-distance trade and possible kinship links during the period. The find is further supported by the 'micaceous' and 'quartz' composition of the pottery clay fabric, since mica is not known on the island as a component of local clays. The presence of Boquique pottery with 'micaceous' clay properties is demonstrated by microphotographic slab and thin sections as well as chemical clay analysis. This suggests that the pottery was imported, either as a trade item or as personal possessions.
Along with recent evidence of earlier trade in exotic 'elephant' ivory and other items during Bell Beaker times, where the Boquique pottery appears to be a late intrusive element into local Beaker contexts ( Waldren 1998 ), this new evidence represents the first material sign of cultural maritime interaction (Boquique in the present case), either as demographic extension or commercial exchange of these cultural items into the area.
Furthermore, contextual radiocarbon dating surveys strongly indicate a date of 1700–1400 BC for the pottery, in accord both with recent Iberian mainland dates as well as the local archaeological sequence in which it was found.  相似文献   

以宜兴为中国陶业经济文化典型,从社会文化学和遗产学角度,对其6000年陶业生产活动进行分析梳理和分期归纳,从中提炼出宜兴陶业文化遗产的重要概念;陶业文化遗产对当代宜兴甚而中国社会可持续发展,以及振兴宜兴和中国陶业经济文化有着重要作用与意义。  相似文献   

In recent times, a large number of radiocarbon dates appeared for the Southern Neolithic on the basis of pottery dating because other organic matter has practically not been preserved. There are two organic fractions of pottery useful for dating: food residues and carbon from the pottery matrix itself. Food residues are often dated, but this material is not always preserved and is prone to being removed during the cleaning of the pottery. The clay mass of the pottery contains carbon, often directly visible upon breaking of the pottery. The article focusses on determining the chemical composition of the organic fractions in the pottery and the origin of the carbon. For this aim we used the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method to identify the chemical compounds in the food residue and in the pottery matrix. As an example we used pottery from the Neolithic sites: Zamost??e (Central Russia) and the Varfolomeevskay sites (Southern European Russia, Low Volga region) from archaeological collections. The results obtained demonstrate that the food residue and the pottery matrix contain practically the same organic compounds, even if the relative abundances of various compounds are different in these materials. The origin of the carbon from pottery is discussed.  相似文献   

针对考古出土的彩绘陶存在脆弱易毁、难以保存的问题,选择明胶和水性氟碳作为潮湿彩绘陶片的加固材料,采用不同浓度的加固材料对4种颜色彩绘陶片进行加固,并对加固前后的强度、色差以及光泽度进行检测和对比,结果表明较为理想的浓度选择为明胶在1%左右,水性氟碳浓度在20%左右。同时,对有底层和无底层两种类型的彩绘陶片进行加固对比实验,发现经明胶加固及老化后,有底层试样的色差和光泽度变化比无底层试样小;经水性氟碳加固后,有底层试样的色差和光泽度变化比无底层试样小,但老化后,则相反。在实践应用时,选用这两种材料对盱眙出土的一组潮湿彩绘陶进行了抢救性加固保护,都取得理想的效果。  相似文献   

河南省荥阳官庄遗址发现了用于制陶的粘土原料以及未烧制的陶坯,这为研究西周中期以后中原制陶技术提供了不可多得的研究资料。为此,本研究利用能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪、X射线衍射分析仪分析了部分原料和陶坯,并使用马弗炉对其中的陶泥进行了烧制实验。结果发现,官庄遗址的制陶原料含铁量较高,烧制过程中析出磁铁矿等铁类矿物,且烧成陶色偏深;此外,制陶原料和同期陶片之间物相的趋同性和化学成分的聚类性,显示陶器本地生产的特性。研究结果为研究西周晚期至春秋早期时期制陶技术提供了基础材料。  相似文献   

Pots as tools is a concept that has been widely accepted and developed since Braun’s classic 1983 publication. However, in northeastern North America archaeologists continue to use pottery primarily as an aid to culture history and research problems based thereon. In central New York State it has been postulated that a change in pottery forming technique heralds the onset of Iroquoian pottery traditions at around AD 1000. Empirical data on pottery forming and two other pottery traits do not support this postulation. Rather the trends in these traits are consistent with social learning theory and changes in mobility and population aggregation. Following Engelbrecht (1999, 2003) we suggest that a more fruitful approach to understanding the evolution of northern Iroquoian groups is to be found in ethnogenesis theory as described by Moore (1994, 2001).  相似文献   

江西仙人洞遗址两万年前陶器的年代研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶器的出现使得人类生存和社会行为发生了重要转变。我们对江西万年仙人洞遗址出土陶器进行了年代研究、对陶片和碳十四测年样品层位关系开展地层显微结构分析,结果显示遗址出土最早的陶片年代为距今19,000~20,000年,比东亚和其他地区的陶器早了2000~3000年。洞穴内遗存证明这些陶器是在末次冰盛期由采集狩猎者所制造,可能被用做炊煮器。说明陶器在农业出现以前一万年甚至更早就被制造和使用了。  相似文献   


Excavation of a Late Classic Maya platform at K’axob, Belize, has revealed a suite of pit features and associated artifacts that are strongly suggestive of pottery production. Interpretation of the features as remnants of pit kilns used to fire pottery is bolstered by comparanda from the Andean region. Archaeometric and experimental replication studies also support the interpretation of this locale as one of pottery fabrication. Findings discussed include features identified as kilns, raw material suitable for temper, lumps of fired clay, ground stone, and expedient clay-working tools made of recycled pottery sherds. This research contributes to knowledge of the organization of Maya pottery production by providing the most comprehensive information presented to date on the technology of ancient Maya pottery fabrication and firing.  相似文献   

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