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刘琰之 《收藏家》2011,(5):55-58
近十余年间,书画市场上陆续出现了数种版本的八大山人《岁寒三友图》。由于八大山人在画坛上的巨大影响。这类作品每一出现,都成为收藏家追逐的热点。自1997年香港佳士得拍卖推出第一件《岁寒三友图》立轴后,与此同一题材、同一内容的作品,多次出现于国内的拍卖会上,  相似文献   

正一、2011年全国拍卖市场中弘一书法行情文物艺术品拍卖会是买家、卖家参与的交易市场。由于拍卖行参与组织拍卖中介环节,市场成了买方、卖方、中间拍卖方三者相互角力的综合市场。而艺术品拍卖市场行情最为直观的表现之一,除了拍场上买家们竞相叫价所体现出的市场冷暖之外,还较规范的勾勒出艺术家本人行情数据,而从拍卖综合数据分析,2011年无疑是弘一作品的高企之年。回看香港苏富比拍卖2011年4月春拍,"中国书画专场"共拍出9件弘一书法作品,总成交价为1848万港元,成交率100%。最高成交价578万港元,拍品为弘一《楷书八  相似文献   

香港-全球艺术市场领导者佳士得拍卖行于本年5月24日在香港举行了全球首场“亚洲当代艺术”及“中国二十世纪艺术”夜间拍卖,此两项拍卖创下多个骄人的纪录,显示出亚洲艺术增长令人鼓舞。这次夜间拍卖尽集各艺术范畴中难得一见的作品,其创下的佳绩证明香港继纽约和伦敦之后,已成为全球重要的艺术拍卖市场之一。  相似文献   

正北京翰海2017秋季拍卖会定于12月13?16日举行,此次拍卖为展两天拍两天,将于13?14日预展,15?16日拍卖,地点为北京嘉里大酒店。从业已公开的拍卖日程和崭露头角的作品阵容,不难看出"2017秋拍季"将会是一个比肩接迹、百花争妍的景象。丰富与集中的拍卖活动,无疑将带来更多精彩的艺术展现,也会助推市场的流动性和活跃度。距离2012年拍卖市场始  相似文献   

裘影萍 《文史月刊》2014,(10):75-77
有世界文化名人之称的齐白石,无论是在美术史上,还是在艺术市场上,都是个重量级人物。名人字画在业内被誉为“软黄金”,而白石老人的画堪称“软黄金”市场的“领头羊”。 基于齐白石画坛泰斗的地位与名气,它的画作经常被人仿冒。近年来,艺术品拍卖市场上总计出现了约3万多幅署名齐白石的作品,等量于他的全部存世真迹。但实际是,白石老人的大部分作品是被收藏在各地的美术馆、博物馆里的,它们不可能被拿出来卖,而民间收藏也就有几千张。由此可见,拍卖市场上齐白石的很多画作都是假画。实际上,白石老人在世时,就有伪作不断出现。为此,白石老人饱受困扰。但是,齐白石是个很有责任心的大画家,他不愿看到仿冒他的假画坑人,于是就想办法打假。  相似文献   

在中青年画家中著名花鸟画家柳学健无疑是一位成功者。他穷二十多年之功,步步为营,既不断提高自己的艺术水平,形成自己独特的艺术风格,又直面市场、为自己寻求市场定位,向市场求证自己的成功。如今,柳学健名声日隆,在拍卖市场上作品价位高企,求画者络绎不绝.形成当今画坛颇为特别的“柳学健现象”,受到社会各界的热切关注。  相似文献   

赵余 《收藏家》2014,(9):64-73
随着纽约亚洲艺术节落幕,香港地区于4月份开启了2014年的春拍大戏,香港苏富比、香港保利、香港嘉德三家公司共计拍卖成交49.03亿元,同比增长57.65%。同时产生4件亿元作品,为之后5月份开始的大陆各地春拍大大提振了市场信心。整体看来,大陆地区文物艺术品拍卖市场仍处于调整阶段,但在2013年企稳回暖的基础上,本轮春拍继续保持稳定,行情表现更为扎实,市场呈现出诸多亮点和结构性调整。这表明,2014年的中国文物艺术品拍卖市场在企稳中不断寻求自我完善。  相似文献   

在中青年画家中著名花鸟画家柳学健无疑是一位成功者。他穷二十多年之功,步步为营、既不断提高自己的艺术水平,形成自己独特的艺术风格,又直面市场、为自己寻求市场定位,向市场求证自己的成功。如今,柳学健名声日隆,在拍卖市场上作品价位高企,求画者络绎不绝,形成当今画坛颇为特别的“柳学健现象”,受到社会各界的热切关注。  相似文献   

<正>在2009年书画拍卖市场上,齐白石老人作品行情再一次飙升,人们普遍认为白石老人的画作自成一体,是笔性、墨性、水性的综合发挥,往往数笔之间就能露出大方之家独有的神韵,可谓是"别出心裁"。大师笔下的花鸟虫草,生动逼  相似文献   

周思中 《收藏家》2004,(8):54-58
近年来,中国的艺术品拍卖市场可以用风起云涌、厚积爆发来形容。如果说自1986年新中国在广州开始最早的拍卖实践,到1993年国内许多大的艺术拍卖公司建立是中国艺术品拍卖市场初具雏形阶段,那么,自1993至2003年十余年则是中国艺术品拍卖市场着陆,迅速起飞的阶段。如果说,中国的改革开放使中国的市场经济在传统的计划经济藩篱中冲开了一片缺口,并把中国经济带上了每年近百分之十的高速发展轨道,引起了世界的震动  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The Uses of History: Essays in Intellectual and Social History. The Meaning of Democracy As Used in European Ideologies from the French to the Russian Revolution. The Concept of Representation. The Greeks. The Moral and Political Tradition of Rome. Britain in the Roman Empire. Byzantiurn: The Imperial Centuries, A.D. 610-1071. The Medieval Town. The Office of Ambassador in the Middle Ages. Heresy in the Later Middle Ages. Paris and Oxford Universities In the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Enterprise & Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of England, 1575-1630. The Down of British to the East Indies: As Recorded in the Court Minutes of the East India Company,1599-1603 The Correspondence of Isaac Newton. Volume IV, 1694-1709. Edmund Burke. The Practical Imagination. Britain and the Balance of Power in North America, 1815-1908. An Expanding Society: Britain, 1810-1900. The Chamberlains. Great Britain and the War of 1914-1918. Politics and Diplomacy of Peacemaking: Containment and Counter-Revolution at Versailles, 1918-1919. The Works of Jacques-Auguste de Thou. The Blood and Iron Chancellor: A Documentary-Biography of Otto von Bismarck. Germany without Bismarck: The Crisis of Government in the Second Reich, 1890-1900. The German Revolution of 1918: A Study of German Socialism in War and Revolt. The Nuremberg Party Rallies: 1923-39. The Fall and Rise of Modern Italy. Italy from Liberalism to Fascism, 1870-1925. The Origins of the Pact of Steel. Poland's Politics: Idealism us. Realism. The Land and Government of Muscouy: A Sixteenth-Century Account. Lenin: The Man, the Theorist, the Leader: Politics and the Military in Jordan: A Study of the Arab Legion, 1921-1957 The Chinese Communist Regime: Documents and Commentary. Sins of the Fathers: A Study of the Atlantic Slave Traders, 1441-1807. The American Revolution and the British Press, 1775-1783. The National Waterway: A History of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 1769-1965. Patriotism Limited, 1862-1865. Union Pamphlets of the Civil War, 1861-1865. Grover Cleveland. Presidential Vetoes, 1792-1945. King Cotton and His Retainers: Financing and Marketing the Cotton Crop of the South, 1800-1925. The Negro's Image in the South: The Anatomy of White Supremacy. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Volume II, 1981-1884; Life of George Bent Written from His Letters. Charles Evans Hughes. Politics and Reform in New York, 1905-1910. The Pendergast Machine. Daily Lift in Early Canada. Mexico: The Struggle for Modernity. Church Wealth in Mexico: A Study of the ‘Juzgndo de Capellaanfas’ in the Archbishopric of Mexico, 1800-1856. The Twilight Struggle: The Alliance for Progress and the Politics of Development in Latin America.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Historical and Critical Essays. The Emergence of the Eastern World. The Family in Classical Greece. The War at Troy. Contours of the Middle Ages. The Life of Francesco Guicciardini. The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: Religion, the Reformation and Social Change. A Manual of Siegcraft and Fortification. The French Enlightenment and the Jews. The History of Germany Since 1789. Raspail, Scientist and Reformer. The Tragic Week: A Study of Anticlericalism in Spain, 1875-1912. Franco, The Man and His Nation. A History of Sweden. Essays in Swedish History. The Early Fasas. A History of Sweden, 1523-1611. Russia and the Outbreak of the Seven Years' War. The Peasant in Nineteenth-Century Russia. The Origin of Forced Labor in the Soviet State, 1917-1921. Stalin, Hitler, and Europe: The Origins of World War 11, 1933-1939. English Cistercian Monasteries and Their Patrons in the Twelfth Century The Royal Policy of Richard II: Absolutism in the Later Middle Ages. Henry VIII. Charles II's Escape from Worcester. A Collection of Narratives Assembled by Samuel Pepys. The Later Correspondence of George III. Volume IV, 1802-1807. William Stubbs on the English Constitution. Life of John William Strutt, Third Baron Rayleigh O.M., F.RS. Celts, Catholics and Copperheads; Ireland Views the American Civil War. Anti-Catholicism in Victorian England. Britain and the Persian Gulf, 1894-1914. Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine, 1840-1861: The Impact of the Tanzimat on Politics and Society. Travels in Ethiopia. Smuts: The Fields of Force, 1919-1950. They Came for Sandalwood: A Study of the Sandalwood Trade in the South-West Pacific, 1830-1865. James Truslow Adams, Historian of the American Dream. Reinterpretation in American Church History. The Americans and the French. The Antinomian Controversy, 1636-1638: A Documentary History. A Rope of Sand, The Colonial Agents, British Politics, and the American Revolution. Attack on Quebec: The American Invasion of Canada, 1775. The Philosophy of the American Constitution. Origins of the Fifth Amendment. Mirror For Americans. Likeness of the Eastern Seaboard. 1810. Most Uncommon Jacksontans: The Radical Leaders of the Early Labor Movement. The Papers of Andrew Johnson. History of the Second Seminole War, 1835-1842. William Montague Browne: Versatile Anglo-Irish American, 1823-1881. The Gettysburg Campaign, A Study in Command. Presidential Reconstruction in Mississippi. The World of Andrew Carnegie: 1865-1901. The Emergence of the New South, 1913-1945. Progressive Politics and Conservation: The Ballinger-Pinchot Affair. From Prague After Munich: Diplomatic Papers, 1938-1940. The Faces of Power: Constancy and Change in United States Foreign Policy from Truman to Johnson. Drafted or Deferred: Practices Past and Present. The Supreme Court and Political Freedom. The Supreme Court and Administrative Agencies. The Extirpation of Idolatry in Peru. Brazil: The Land and People. Why Perón Came to Power. The Background to Peranum in Argentina.  相似文献   

The Faces of Fraternalism: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan. Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives. The Racial State: Germany, 1933–1933. The Silent Holocaust: Romania and Its Jews. The Devil Soldier. The Norman Achievement. Asia before Europe: Economy and Civilisation of the Indian Ocean from the Rise of Islam to 1750. Gentlemen and Tarpaulins: The Officers and Men of the Restoration Navy. Berlin Calling: American Broadcasters in Service to the Third Reich. The English Police: A Political and Social History. China: A New History. Kings and Lords in Conquest England. The Diplomacy of Imperial Retreat: Britain's South China Policy, 1924–1924. The Miracle That Was Macedonia. Goths and Romans, 332–332. The English Spa, 1560-1815: A Social History. Robert Boothby: A Portrait of Churchill's Ally. Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 1806–1806. Politics and War: European Conflict from Philip II to Hitler. Grand Strategies in War and Peace. Nicholas Jenson and the Rise of Venetian Publishing in Renaissance Europe. The Cambridge History of China. The News under Russia's Old Regime: The Development of a Mass-Circulation Press. Antiquity and Anachronism in Japanese History. The Unification and Division of India. Peasantry and Society in France since 1789. Germans against Nazism: Nonconformity, Opposition and Resistance in the Third Reich. The Invention of Scotland: The Stuart Myth and the Scottish Identity, 1638 to the Present. The Conquest of Christian and Muslim Spain, 1031–1031. Civic Calvinism in Northwestern Germany and the Netherlands: Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries. The Secularization of Early Modern England: From Religious Culture to Religious Faith. The Restoration Church of England, 1646–1646. Disorder under Heaven: Collective Violence in the Ming Dynasty. Roman Marriage: Iusti Coniuges from the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian. Tom Mann, 1856-1941: The Challenges of Labour. The Origins of the Federal Theology in Sixteenth-Century Reformation Thought. International Theory: The Three Traditions. Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 1973–1973. The Chairman: John J. Preacher: Billy Sunday and Big-Time American Evangelism. America in the Modern World: The Transcendence of United States Hegemony. Robert Cole's World: Agriculture and Society in Early Maryland. Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement. Moving the Mountain: The Women's Movement in America since 1960. Playing Cowboys: Low Culture and High Art in the Western. George Scarborough: The Life and Death of a Lawman on the Closing Frontier. Night Boat to New England, 1815–1815. A Sorrow in Our Heart: The Life of Tecumseh. The Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign: A Study of Failure in High Command. Hard Places: Reading the Landscape of America's Historic Mining Districts. The First Day at Gettysburg: Essays on Confederate and Union Leadership. Manufacturing Knowledge: A History of the Hawthorne Experiments. Woodrow Wilson. Francis Parkman, Historian as Hero: The Formative Years. The American Communist Movement: Storming Heaven Itself. Steinmetz: Engineer and Socialist. Northern Arizona University Half Slave and Half Free: The Roots of the Civil War. Partisans and Progressives: Private Interest and Public Polio/ in Illinois, 1870–1870. Christianity Comes to the Americas. Appalachian Frontiers: Settlement, Society, and Development in the Preindustrial Era. Quakers and Baptists in Colonial Massachusetts. Female Piety in Puritan New England: The Emergence of Religious Humanism. Colombia and the United States: Hegemony and Interdependence. Dubious Victory: The Reconstruction Debate in Ohio. The United States in Central America, 1860-1911: Episodes of Social Imperialism and Imperial Rivalry in the World System. America's Germany: John J. Beautiful Machine: Rivers and the Republican Plan, 1755–1755. From Paralysis to Fatigue: A History of Psychosomatic Illness in the Modern Era. Slavery and the Rise of the Atlantic System. The Victorian Homefront: American Thought and Culture, 1860–1860. Cochise: Chiricahua Apache Chief. The Mysterious History of Columbus: An Exploration of the Man, the Myth, the Legacy. Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Herodolos the Historian: His Problems, Methods and Originality. Roman Foreign Policy in the East: 168 B.C. to A.D. 1. Kings and Queens of Early Britain. English Medieval Diplomacy. Criminal Law and Society in Late Medieval and Tudor England. The Power of the Early Tudor Nobility: A Study of the Fourth and Fifth Earls of Shrewsbury. Renaissance Essays. The English Aristocracy: A Comparative Synthesis. English Industrial Cities of the Nineteenth Century. A Social Geography. The Unfortunate Duke: Henry Pelham, Fifth Duke of Newcastle, 181 1–1864. The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Era of Disraeli and Gladstone. The Scaremongers. The Advocacy of War and Rearmament, 1896–1914. The Great Devonian Controversy: The Shaping of Scientific Knowledge Among Gentlemanly Specialists. The Maupeou Revolution: A Study in the History of Libertarianism, France, 1770–1774. Policing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Paris. Royal Republicans: The French Naval Dynasties Between the World Wars. Pierre Laval: Traitor or Patriot? Diplomacy in Iron: The Life of Herbert von Bismarck. The Western Allies and the Politics of Food Agrarian Management in Postwar Germany. The Image of Peter the Great in Russian History and Thought. The Princess of Siberin: The Story of Maria Volkonsky and the Decembrist Exiles. Strategy and Supply: The Anglo-Russian Alliance, 1914–1917. The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police. The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, December 1917–1922. The Economy of British America, 1607–1789. The Limits of Liberty: American History, 1607–1980. The Evolution of the southern Backcountry: A Case Study of Lunenburg County, Virginia, 1746–1832. The Ambiguous Iroquois Empire: The Covenant Chain Confederation of Indian Tribes with the English Colonies from Its Beginnings to the Lancaster Treaty of 1744. Politics and Statesmanship: Essays on the American Whig Party. First Lady: The Life of Lucy Webb Hayes. The Breadstealers: The Fight Against the Corn Laws, 1838–1846. The War Against Proslavery Religion: Abolitionism and the Northern Churches, 1830–1865. The March to the Sea and Beyond: Sherman's Troops an the Savannah and Carolinas Campaigns. Books and Libraries in Camp and Battle: The Civil War Experience. Phil Sheridan and His Army. Vengeance and Justice: Crime and Punishment in the 19th-Century South. The Haymarket Tragedy. The Anti-Monopoly Persuasion: Popular Resistance to the Rise of Big Business in the Midwest. By Steven L. Piott. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985. Pp. x, 194. $35.00.) Malevolent Neutrality: The United States, Great Britain, and the Origins of the Spanish Civil War. The Invisible Hand of Planning: Capitalism, Social Science, and the State in the 1920s. The Liberal Mind in a Conservative Age: American Intellectuals in the 1940s and 1950s. The Truman Doctrine and the Origins of McCarthyism: Foreign Policy, Domestic Politics, and Internal Security, 1946–1948. Dirksen of Illinois: Senatorial Statesman. The Hoosier Politician. Officeholding and Political Culture in Indiana, 1896–1920. Frank Murphy: The Washington Years. Refugee Scholars in America: Their Impact and Their Experiences. Buffalo Soldiers in Italy: Black Americans in World War II. The Empire of the Seas: A Biography of Rear Admiral Robert Wilson Shufeldt, USN. The Indian Man: A Biography of James Mooney. American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century. Edited by Vine Deloria, Jr. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985. Pp. 258. $16.95.) Farm Workers, Agribusiness, and the State. American Sociology: Worldly Rejections of Religion and Their Directions. Still the Golden Door. The Third World Comes to America.  相似文献   

The German High Command at War: Hindenburg and Ludendorff Conduct World War I. The Germans and the Final Solution: Public Opinion under Nazism. The Two Cities: Medieval Europe, 1050–1050. To the Ends of the Earth: Women's Search for Education in Medicine. Sylvia Pankhurst: From Artist to Anti-Fascist. Religion and Society in Russia: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. The Production, Distribution and Readership of a Conservative Journal of the Early French Revolution: The Ami du Roi of the AbbÉ Royou. The Soderini and the Medici: Power and Patronage in Fifteenth-Century Florence. For King and Kaiser! The Making of the Prussian Army Officer, 1860–1860. A History of the Peoples of Siberia: Russia's North Asian Colony 1581–1581. Revolution in Russia: Reassessments of 1917. Nature Lost? Natural Science and the German Theological Traditions of the Nineteenth Century. The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes: Structure, Principles, and Ideology. Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army. English and French Towns in Feudal Society. A War Imagined: English Culture and the First World War. The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan. Cinema and Soviet Society, 1917–1917. Before the Normans: Southern Italy in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Parliament under the Tkdors. Rewriting the French Revolution: The Andrew Browning Lectures, 1989. United Government and Foreign Polioy in Russia, 1900–1900. Dreadnought: Britain, Germany and the Coming of the Great War. Rebel Daughters: Women and the French Revolution. The “Nazi Menace” in Argentina, 1931–1931. Byzantium: The Apogee. From Ostpolitik to Reunification: West German-Soviet Relations since 1974. Philanthropy and the Hospitals of London: The King's Fund, 1897–1897. Saint Louis: Crusader King of France. Fields of Knowledge: French Academic Culture in Comparative Perspective, 1890–1890. Reform and Revolution: The Life and Times of Raymond Robins. Women in the Chartist Movement. Zvringli: An Introduction to His Thought. Soldiers of Christ: Preaching in Late Medieval and Reformation France. The Communists: The Story of Power and Lost Illusions, 1948–1948. A Policy Calculated to Benefit China: The United States and the China Arms Embargo, 1919–1919. la Mettrie: Medicine, Philosophy, and Enlightenment. The Protestant Crusade in Great Britain, 1829–1829.  相似文献   

在中岳庙的历史上,其创建时间、迁址问题、定址问题、明末被焚及其原因、当今庙制格局的确立等一直是困惑人们认知中岳庙的悬案。经过对中岳庙尘封历史的揭示,其疑案逐渐清晰。中岳庙始建于春秋,北魏没有迁址,唐开元非是定于现址的时间,明末战乱中岳庙被焚毁殿堂17座,乾隆十五年增修后奠定了当今庙宇的格局。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Noel Weeks, The Biography of Ancient Israel: National Narratives in the Bible
David G. Horrell, Asceticism and the New Testament
William Klassen, Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation
Rick Strelan, The Religion of Paul the Apostle
Ruth E. Leader, The Barbarian Plain: Saint Sergius Between Rome and Iran
Anthony Grafton, Investigations into Magic
Conal Condren, The English Sermon Revised: Religion, Literature and History, 1600–1750
Mary Chan, Catholicism and Anti-Catholicism in Early Modern English Texts
Tim Cooper, Providence in Early Modern England
Paul Turnbull, The Enlightenments of Edward Gibbon, 1737–1764
Paul Turnbull, Barbarism and Religion. Vol. 2, Narratives of Civil Government
Martyn Lyons, Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century France. Vol. 1, The Clerical Establishment and its Social Ramifications
Martyn Lyons, Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century France. Vol. 2, The Religion of the People and the Politics of Religion
John Gascoigne, The Modern Papacy Since 1789
Mark Smith, Politicians in the Pulpit: Christian Radicalism in Britain from the Fall of the Bastille to the Disintegration of Chartism
Mark Smith, The Diocesan Revival in the Church of England, c. 1800–1870
D. W. Bebbington, Hugh Price Hughes: Founder of a New Methodism, Conscience of a New Nonconformity
Mark Smith, Anglican Ritualism in Victorian Britain
William W. Emilsen, In the Shadow of the Mahatma: Bishop V. S. Azariah and the Travails of Christianity in British India
Jim Masselos, Ashes of Immortality: Widow-Burning in India
Giselle M. Byrnes, The Island Broken in Two Halves: Land and Renewal Movements Among the Maori of New Zealand  相似文献   

Hitler's Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich. Germany and the Union of South Africa in the Nazi Period. The Unwritten Law: Criminal Justice in Victorian Kent. The Impossible Peace: Britain, the Division of Germany Mechanized Juggernaut or Military Anachronism Theatre of Horror: Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Germany Sir Philip Sidney: Courtier Poet. By Katherine Duncan-Jones Townlife in Fourteenth-Century Scotland. By Elizabeth Ewan Principled Pragmatist: The Political Career of Alexandre Millerand Caligula: Emperor of Rome. By Arther Ferrill. Assimilation and Community: The Jews in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Risk and Survival in Ancient Greece: Reconstructing the Rural Domestic Economy. Playing the Scottish Card: The Franco-Jacobite Invasion of 1708. Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath. By Carlo Ginzberg. The Kremlin and the Schoolhouse: Reforming Education in Soviet Russia The French Navy in Indochina: Riverine and Coastal Forces July 1914: The Long Debate, 1918-1990. By John W. Langdon. An Interrupted Past: German-Speaking Refugee Historians in the United States after 1933. The Making of an Industrial Society: Whickham, 1560–1560. Women and Social Action in Victorian and Edwardian England. A Nazi Legacy: Right Wing Extremism in Postwar Germany. The Making of the English Nation: From Anglo-Saxons to Edward I. Protestants First: Orangeism in Nineteenth-Century Scotland. The Margins of City Life: Explorations on the French Urban Frontier The People's Peace: British History, 1945–1945. The Scottish National Covenant in its British Context, 1638–1638. Bismarck and the Development of Germany. 3 vols. Roman Culture and Society: Collected Papers. The Vikings. By Eke Roesdahl. Translated by Susan M. Margeson and Kirsten Williams. The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France since 1944. By Henry Rousso. Translated Reluctant Icon: Gladstone, Bulgaria, and the Working Classes, 1856-1878. By Ann Pottinger Saab. Being Present: Growing Up in Hitler's Germany. Politics and the Sciences of Culture in Germany, 1840–1840. The Broken Spell: A Cultural and Anthropological History of Preindustrial Europe. Interpreting History: Collective Essays on Russia's Relations with Europe. The Cambridge Social History of Britain, 1750–1750. Paris and Its People under English Rule: The Angb-Burgundian Regime. Women Religious: The Founding of English Nunneries after the Norman Conquest. The British General Election of 1931. Mountains of Debt: Crisis and Change in Renaissance Florence, Victorian Britain and Postwar America. Exile in Mid-Qing China: Banishment to Xinjiang, 1758–1758. Austria-Hungary and the Origins of the First World War. France, the Cold War and the Western Alliance, 1944: British Officials and British Foreign Policy, 1945–1945. Chain Reaction: Expert Debate and Public Participation in American Commercial Nuclear Power, 1945–1945. Pride, Prejudice, and Politics: Roosevelt versus Recovery, 1933–1933. Pawnee Passage: 1870–1870. The Laser in America, 1950–1950. Politics, Religion, and Rockets: Essays in Twentieth-Century American History A Family Venture: Men and Women on the Southern Frontier. Seasons of Grace: Colonial New England's Revival Tradition in Its British Context. The Development of Medical Techniques and Treatments: From Leeches to Heart Surgery. Richard B. Russell, Jr., Senator from Georgia. The Presidency of Franklin Pierce. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.: The Political Biography of an American Dilemma. The Rockefeller Conscience: An American Family in Public and in Private. A History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780–1780. John Nelson: Merchant Adventurer. Literacy in the United States: Readers and Reading since 1880. The Juggler: Franklin Roosevelt as Wartime Statesman. William Dorsey's Philadelphia and Ours: Central America and the United States: The Search for Stability. The Dispossession of the American Indian, 1887–1887. Edison and the Business of Innovation. Indiana Quakers during the Civil War. Promises to Keep: African-Americans and the Constitutional Order, 1776 to the Present. Writing Women's History: International Perspectives. A Question of Character: A Life of John F. Kennedy. Hell's Half Acre: The Life and Legend of a Red-Light District. Agenda for Reform: Winthrop Rockefeller as Governor of Arkansas, 1967–1967. Toward a Social History of the American Civil War: Exploratory Essays. Moments of Unreason: The Practice of Canadian Psychiatry and the Homewood Retreat, 1883–1883. Washing “The Great Unwashed”: Public Baths in Urban America, 1840–1840. The Old World's New World.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The Greeks and the Persians From the Sixth to the Fourth Centuries. Essays in Modern History. Selected from the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society on the Occasion of its Centenary. The New Nationalism. Europe Overseas: Phases of Imperialism. Kurt Tucholsky and the Ordeal of Germany, 1914-1935. The German Officer Corps, 1890-1914. Der Orden unter dem Totenkopf – die Geschichte der SS. Reichsführer … Briefe an und von Himmler. The Italian Campaign, 1943-45: A Political and Military Reassessment. Expansion and Coexistence: The History of Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-67. The Parlement of Paris. Daily Life at Versailles in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. The Rise of the Cistercian Strict Observance in Seventeenth Century France. The Royal Provincial Intendants: A Governing Elite in Eighteenth-Century France. Dilemma of Democracy: Tocqueville and Modernization. The Making of Early England. The Early Christian in Britain. Hubert Walter, Lord of Canterbury and Lord of England. Edward I A Medieval Society: The West Midlands at the End of the Thirteenth Century. The First Earl of Shaftesbury. Politics of Colonial Policy: The Board of Trade in Colonial Policy, 1696-1720. English Historians on the French Revolution. The History of the Royal Commonwealth Society, 1868-1968. Pacific Circle: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference of the Australian and New Zealand American Studies Association. American Imperialism: A Speculative Essay. White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812. John Cotton on the Churches of New England. Benjamin Franklin Georgia and State Rights. Mission San Fernando. California: An Interpretive History. August Belmont: A Political Biography. The Great Rapprochement: England and the United Slates, 1895-1914. A Diplomat Looks Back. The Landing at Veracruz: 1914. The Mooney Case. Reciprocity and the North Atlantic Triangle, 1932-1938. The Forgotten Farmers: The Story of Sharecroppers in the New Deal. The Hawks of World War II. Eisenhower. The President Nobody Knew. Sam Johnson's Boy: A Close-up of the President from Texas. To Heal and to Build: The Programs of President Lyndon B. Johnson. British Honduras: Colonial Dead End, 1859-1900. Cuba: The Making of a Revolution. Daily Life in Colonial Peru, 1710-1820. Crown and Clergy in Colonial Mexico, 1759-1821: The Crisis of Ecclesiastical Privilege. Britain and the Onset of Modernization in Brazil, 1850-1914. A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, 1796-1798. Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands. Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima History in Communist China. The Fortunate Slave; an Illustration of African Slavery in the Early Eighteenth Century. African Zion: The Attempt to Establish a Jewish Colony in the East Africa Protectorate, 1903-1905.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The World of the Phoenicians. The awakening of the Greek Historical Spirit. Imprisonment in Medieval England. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. A History of the Franciscan Order: From its Origins to the Year 1517. Venice and the Defense of Republican Liberty. Renaissance Values in the Age of the Counter Reformation. Florence in Transition. Volume II, Studies in the Rise of the Territorial State. The New Cambridge Modern History. Volume III, The Counter-Reformation and Price Revolution 1559–1610. The Aberdeen Coalition, 1852-1855: A Study in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Party Politics. Britain and the Congo Question, 1885-1913. The New Cambridge Modern History. Volume XII, The Shifting Balance of World Forces, 1898-1945. The German Conception of History. The National Tradition of Historical Thought from Herder to the Present. The Nazi Persecution of the Churches, 1931-45. A Cultural History of Tibet. Panditji, A Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru. The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann. English Edition. Series A, Letters. Volume I, Summer 1885 - 29 October 1902.  相似文献   

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