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19世纪以来西方语言学关于语言与思维的关系有普遍主义和相对主义两种解释。本文评述洪堡特的观点、萨丕尔——沃尔夫假说、列文森的综合观,探讨语义研究的视角问题,提出研究视角取决于研究目的的观点。不同研究视角之间是互补关系;语义普遍性和民族性是语义性质的两个方面;旨在为语言教学、翻译、词典编撰等提供可资借鉴的成果则自然会选择民族性为语义研究的对象,从种族视角研究语义会选择对比或比较的研究范式。  相似文献   

广告的目的是宣传产品争取消费者,促成其购买行为。这决定了其翻译的特殊性,决定了语义翻译和交际翻译的适用性。译者在翻译过程中以纽马克的翻译理论为基础,灵活采用语义翻译与语用翻译相结合的方法,同时考虑到文化差异及译语消费者的审美标准和价值取向,巧妙处理内容与功能的传达,充分发挥广告宣传产品吸引顾客的功能。  相似文献   

愫方是剧作家曹禺在《北京人》中塑造的一位女性。对于作者和观众而言,她是一个”熟悉的陌生旭。她出生于江南名门世家,具备了名媛淑女所共有的气质,知书达理、工于书画、温婉恭顺。她的性格是一个封闭自足的体系,其随着剧情的演进逐渐在类型中实现了个性化。她的人格体系呈现为一个“语义场”的形态。这个“场”的意义内核--愫方内倾型的静穆美,在她从自我异化到自我超越的过程中发散开来,在整部戏剧中,此种发散在人物性格的对比与矛盾冲突之中展开。  相似文献   

Risk perceptions are important to the policy process because they inform individuals’ preferences for government management of hazards that affect personal safety, public health, or ecological conditions. Studies of risk in the policy process have often focused on explicating the determinants of risk perceptions for highly salient, high consequence hazards (e.g., nuclear energy). We argue that it is useful to also study more routinely experienced hazards; doing so shows the relevance of risk perceptions in individuals’ daily lives. Our investigation focuses on the impact perceived risk has on citizens’ preferences over hazard management policies (as distinct from identifying risk perception determinants per se). We use a recursive structural equation model to analyze public opinion data measuring attitudes in three distinct issue domains: air pollution, crime, and hazardous waste storage and disposal. We find that citizens utilize perceived risk rationally: greater perceived risk generally produces support for more proactive government to manage potential hazards. This perceived risk–policy response relationship generally holds even though the policy options respondents were asked to consider entailed nontrivial costs to the public. The exception seems to be when individuals know less about the substantive issue domain.  相似文献   

Based on field research from three regions with distinct variations in environment, population density, livelihood bases and levels of resource dependency, this study investigates the gender aspects of environmental change. It seeks to illustrate the relevance of gender factors for the patterns of adaptation to change, for the welfare impact of changes on the population, and for the ramifications for resource management and livelihood generation at the community level. It employs a gender analysis to examine the impact of such changes on population variables, particularly on health and nutrition, and to explore the more general question of whether women's socio-economic status is being threatened by the pressures of environmental change.  相似文献   

PopulationandEnvironmentinTibet¥WANGSHAOQUANAtthe1992UNConferenceonEnvironmentandDevelopmentinBrazil,ZhaxifromTibetdeclaredth...  相似文献   

This article suggests that three widely shared commonsense principles of fairness or equity converge upon the same general answer to the question of how the costs of dealing with a global environmental challenge like climate change could be distributed internationally. The first of these principles is that when a party has in the past taken an unfair advantage of others by imposing costs upon them without their consent, those who have been unilaterally put at a disadvantage are entitled to demand that in the future the offending party shoulder burdens that are unequal at least to the extent of the unfair advantage previously taken, in order to restore equality. The second is that, among a number of parties, all of whom are bound to contribute to some common endeavour, the parties who have the most resources normally should contribute the most to the endeavour. The third commonsense principle is that, when a) some people have less than enough for a decent human life, b) other people have more than enough, and c) the total resources available are so great that everyone could have at least enough without preventing some people from still retaining considerably more than others have, it is unfair not to guarantee everyone at least an adequate minimum.  相似文献   

旅游开发与居民感知态度影响因素实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以一个旅游开发比较成功的乡村旅游点--威海市"胶东渔村"为典型案例,重点分析、探讨了社区居民积极的旅游感知态度形成的影响因素,包括旅游开发前的知识普及、居民在经济上对旅游业的依赖程度、旅游开发对社区经济、社会、文化等方面的影响、旅游经营模式及利益分配机制等,试图通过实证研究,对社区居民积极、正面旅游感知态度的培育过程进行理论探讨,以此为实现旅游业的可持续发展提供有借鉴意义的研究成果.  相似文献   

李金莲 《民俗研究》2006,(1):203-208,256
众所周知,日语不仅借用了汉字,还吸收了汉语的大量的词。而“语言是一种社会现象,和人类社会有密切的联系。所谓‘社会’,就是指生活在一个共同的地域中、说同一种语言、有共同的风俗习惯和文化传统的人类共同体,即一般所说的部落、部族和民族。”(叶蜚声,1997:10)汉语的词被移植到日语中,就意味着它们  相似文献   

明代大运河的启用,使黄淮运交汇区域成为治水的关键区域。官方为了维护运河的畅通,采取了使水系结构与水情产生变化的措施。明前期的河道基本上沿袭了元代河道多股并流、迭为主次的特点。随着运河、淮河与黄河的治理,特别是筑堤的兴起,黄河各水道有一个从面到线,再从一线到清口一点的集中过程。第一阶段是黄河北流断绝,第二阶段是徐邳河道与上游固定于一线。黄河固定集中于徐邳一线以后,嘉靖年间河多决于徐州的上游,嘉靖四十四年以后,河多决于下游。黄运合一区域的河道治理,从一个跨越南北的扇形面,发展到南部半个扇形面,再集中于一线,最后集中于清口。总体的治理过程,基本上为保运服务。从面到点,从大区域的治理到小区域甚至于一点的工程治理,这是明代黄淮运水利工程的水流控制特色。这种随水环境变迁而进行的治水工程调整,充分体现出古人大区域地利用水环境的智慧,具有鲜明的生态特色。  相似文献   

This paper is an exercise in theory building that explores container form, function, and distribution. Using ethnographic data, environmental reconstructions, and archaeological information, containers are examined within the framework of the container complex, the group of containers used within a system. The results reveal a robust patterning between stone boiling and direct fire boiling and environmental thresholds. It also shows that container fabric used in these cooking strategies patterns by environmental variables. The results are models of the distribution of cooking strategies and the container fabrics used for cooking that can then be applied to the archaeological record.  相似文献   

旅游环境保护与政府干预   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈国生 《旅游科学》2004,18(3):70-73
提要旅游经济的快速发展带来的环境问题不容忽视,为实现旅游业自身的可持续发展,必须保护环境。制度经济学为解决旅游资源可持续开发利用问题提供了一种思想方法和分析工具。文章在分析我国旅游资源开发所面临的环境问题的基础上,寻找环境恶化的制度原因,最后从法律、法规、政策等政府行为方式的转变角度提出了减缓以致消除环境恶化的对策。  相似文献   

The focus of most analyses of environmental struggles and discourses in colonial and postcolonial India is on rural and forest areas, and on subalterns versus elites. Recently, however, there has been increased interest in urban environmental issues, and, to some extent, in India's (variously defined)‘middle classes’. This article reviews a range of literatures — environmental, social‐cultural and political — in order to draw out themes and arguments concerning the relationships between India's middle classes and the complex meanings and materialities of the environment. Three issues are explored in detail: civic indifference and the public sphere; environmental activism; and Hinduism and ecological thinking. The article emphasizes the importance of recognizing diversity and dynamism within the middle classes in relation to the environment. It argues the need to develop situated understandings of what constitutes ‘the environment’ amongst different middle class groups; and underlines the ways in which environmental issues reflect and are often emblematic of wider social and political debates.  相似文献   

Tibetan Environment: Facts and FiguresTibetanEnvironment:FactsandFigures¥CHFNGFANTibetisfreefromenvironmentalpollution.itscul...  相似文献   

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