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敦煌文书《为肃州刺史刘臣壁答南蕃书》所见的两次战争分别为:发生在727年吐蕃进攻河西瓜、肃二州的唐蕃战争,为该时期双方间发生的较大规模的战争.这次吐蕃行军,取道青海通河西及西域的一条间道--玉门军道;吐蕃再次进攻肃州的时间为759年,仍取道玉门军道,其间双方进行了一次神秘的肃州谈判,此为史书所缺载.  相似文献   

小说《琴之音》的作者以浪漫主义的笔调描写了一个流浪少年变为盗贼和该流浪少年受荚妙琴声的感动而良心得到净化的故事。深受古典文学影响的作者在《文学界》青年带来的西方艺术至上主义的启发下,第一次通过自己的作品倡导了音乐救济的思想。由于时代的限制以及作者本身能力与思想的局限,小说无法去救助人脱离物质困境,而只能去救助陷于困境者的心灵。  相似文献   

小说《琴之音》的作者以浪漫主义的笔调描写了一个流浪少年变为盗贼和该流浪少年受美妙琴声的感动而良心得到净化的故事。深受古典文学影响的作者在《文学界》青年带来的西方艺术至上主义的启发下,第一次通过自己的作品倡导了音乐救济的思想。由于时代的限制以及作者本身能力与思想的局限,小说无法去救助人脱离物质困境,而只能去救助陷于困境者的心灵。  相似文献   

正陈雁著社会科学文献出版社2013年10月出版,36.9万字,79元陈雁著《性别与战争:上海1932—1945》一书,是在其国家社科基金课题"战争与性别"结项成果基础上修改而成,并被列为"复旦大学历史学系近代中国研究青年学者书系"之一。作者以1932年至1945年的上海女性生活为中心,跳出了"国家兴亡,匹妇有责"的传统女性战争史的写作窠臼,从性别角度重新思考民族战争,尽力探究战争与  相似文献   

海明威的《永别了,武器》是第一次世界大战后出现的一部优秀的反战小说。小说主人公亨利在战争中的痛苦经历和他与英国护士凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧,反映了战争摧残生命、扼杀人性的罪恶本质以及它给人类带来的悲剧。  相似文献   

杜甫滞留梓州时期,屡有出峡离蜀之计,但又东赴阆州逗留了半年。旧说多以杜甫欲改由阆州离蜀,诗史互证,可发现广德元年其三往阆州应与当时唐蕃战争及阆州隶属的变更有关。时局之艰使诗人搁置了出峡计划,转而赴阆参与防边谋略,《代阆州王使君进论巴蜀安危表》等诗文反映出他对时局深度的关切与思考。这段经历时间不长,向为此前研究者所忽略,若细究之,可对杜甫的人生选择及精神世界有更深入的了解。  相似文献   

明末清初时事小说考订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对明末清初时事小说的鉴别标准作了辨析,对每部作品的作者、成书时间、所写事件结束时间及两者之间的时间差作了考订,以期能更准确地反映时事小说的面貌。  相似文献   

参军抗美 "从东北,到西南;从高原,到海边,愤怒的声音连成一片,热血的青年纷纷参战……"这是我参军后最爱唱的一首歌。美帝侵朝战争爆发后,全国青年掀起了抗美援朝、保家卫国的参军热潮。  相似文献   

“大江”是解放前汉口《大刚报》的文艺副刊,创刊于1946年3月,到1949年5月武汉解放时,出了近500期(每周二、四、六出刊).它的创始人也是第一任主编是女作家葛琴(鲁迅先生曾为她的小说集《总退却》写过序言).其后接替过这一位置的有端木蕻良、王采、天风和我,以我任职的时间最长.曾经协助过编务的是青年诗人牧星.在这个副刊上写过稿的作者有茅盾、雪峰、荃麟、艾芜、吕荧、邹获帆、阿垅、路翎、绿原、冀汸等著名的作家、诗人,也有许多青年作者.它为荒芜的武汉文坛带来了生机,显示了希望.那几年正是解放战争激烈进行的时期,这个副  相似文献   

《缅甸荡寇志》作者之谜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘亦实 《文史春秋》2005,(12):48-49
近些年来,描写第二次世界大战时中国远征军进入缅甸抗日作战的作品多了起来,有纪实文学,也有小说,颇为引人注目。然而,许多作品的作者没有经历过那场严酷的战争,他们的作品中,谬误之处时有所见,这似乎也是难免的。在我国,最早以纪实作品反映这场战争的是孙克刚。他于1946年出版的《缅甸荡寇志》一书,可说是相当真实地描述了中国远征军在印缅战场与日寇作战的经过,弘扬了爱国主义精神,揭示了日本侵略军凶残野蛮却又相当虚弱的真实面目。  相似文献   

`In one area of his prose work, the Croatian writer Pavao Pavli?i? belongs to a group of writers in the 1970s who used a fantastic narrative model and thematized irrational parallel worlds as opposed to a realist model of narration. Pavli?i?’s novel Evening Act (published as Ve?ernji akt in 1981) has a realistic beginning, but it slips into fantastic narration when the main character, a young man called Mihovil, discovers his ability to falsify documents and works of art. At the same time, he is capable of recognizing falsified art works and documents that are accepted as an integral part of social, cultural, and historical memory. When this ability becomes dangerous, Mihovil falsifies his own body to escape from his unbearable reality. This paper will analyse the function of the fantastic model in Pavli?i?’s novel as a postmodern play with traditions of Croatian and world literature and culture. The ludic layer of the novel has a highly symbolic value: it draws attention to the relationship of cultural institutions and society to the authenticity of art works, the role of art, and ways of preserving (or destroying) cultural memory.  相似文献   


The history of a man from Malaita in Solomon Islands, who was kidnapped for the labour trade in 1871 and returned home after about 30 years as a Christian evangelist, is recalled in oral history a century later. It was also documented by colonial sources of the time, and the contradictions between local and foreign versions of the history contribute some epistemological questions to the current debate on the dehegemonisation of Pacific Islands scholarship. It is suggested that Islanders have more to gain by reconciling local and colonial histories and epistemologies than by pursuing the distinction between 'insiders' and 'outsiders'.  相似文献   

Arthur Wellington Clah was a Tsimshian man on the Pacific north-west coast of Canada, who encountered the missionary, William Duncan, as a young adult at the Hudson's Bay Company's Fort Simpson in the 1850s. Moses Tjalkabota was an Arrernte man in central Australia. He was a young boy when he first came into contact with Lutheran missionaries at Hermannsburg mission in the 1880s, and was baptized in 1890. Both these men became Christian evangelists, both preached to their own people, and further afield among neighbouring groups. But here the similarities between them seem to stop. Clah was never part of a mission settlement, maintaining his independence from any established church; while Moses, who became blind as a young man, spent most of his life at Hermannsburg.
  This article examines these two evangelists' understandings of Christianity and how they communicated these understandings to their own and neighbouring peoples. Clah encouraged good behaviour, which conformed with his understanding of Christian precepts; Moses tried to communicate a more abstract form of belief through which happiness and eternal life could be attained.  相似文献   

在日本近代文学史上,宫泽贤治是一个独特的存在。英年早逝的宫泽贤治作为儿童文学作家,他的童话文学也迥异于当时儿童文学的主流作家们。本文论述了宫泽贤治独特的童话创作观念,艺术上独创的故事性、小说式的展开方法以及思想主体上具有宗教色彩的求道性,以期阐释其童话文学传世的因由。  相似文献   

杨国蓉 《神州》2011,(7X):12-13
《米》是苏童向新历史小说转型后的第一部长篇小说,作品以现实中的城市和梦中的乡村为背景,描写了一个叫五龙的逃荒男性从枫杨树乡来到城市奋斗和毁灭的过程。本文将在前人研究的基础之上,另辟蹊径,通过心理学角度,对苏童笔下的这名逃难乡村青年疯狂想要占有米的行为,分析他在乡村洪水灾难中由于食物的匮乏而产生的一系列心理投射行为。另外,《米》中与五龙发生千丝万缕关系的除了米便是女人,然而作为男性作家笔下的女人,她们都没有逃脱被贬低或压迫的厄运。也就是说,女性在男权社会中,不在是男性作家笔下的花玉,而是一堆血淋淋的碎尸。  相似文献   

The article focuses on the representation of Milan in Massimo Bontempelli's 1920 short novel La vita operosa . In this novel the protagonist-narrator, a writer and journalist returning to Milan after the end of the war, is confronted with a city which has lost all its points of reference and has turned into a place dominated by the ethics of speed and profit. In this context, the protagonist's adventures in Milan assume the features of an ironic and self-ironic journey of discovery for the letterato who finds himself having to redefine his identity and role in a society whose taste and values have profoundly changed.  相似文献   

中国当代文学受到市场经济和西方现代派的双重影响呈多元化的走向。日本纯文学作家村上春树的创作准确地反映了当今社会,特别是生活在繁华都市的青年人的精神世界。村上作品的出现不仅给日本文坛带来震撼,也给多元化的中国文坛带来了新的气息。其作品独特的艺术魅力、特别是西化的思想性引起了当代中国年轻一代的共鸣。中国的“村上春树热”现象说明中国的当代文学已日趋接近西方现代艺术的潮流,同时也向中国作家提出了挑战,要求我们的作家进行新的探索和尝试,创作出既受读者欢迎,又有高度艺术性的文学作品。  相似文献   

In this article, I examine how Monique Agénor uses oral traditions and supernatural practices in her novel Comme un vol de papang' in order to bequeath Malagasy traditions not only to all the Malagasy people who are still living in the red island, Madagascar, but also to those who are now exiled. In her book, the writer tells the history of Madagascar in the wake of its decolonization and the story of Hermina, a young Malagasy descent woman who was born and lives in the island of Réunion, in the Indian Ocean. Thanks to her divine power, Herminia succeeds in spreading the history of an island that she does not know personally. By the agency of numerous rituals, symbolic visions, and the use of traditional rhetorical discourses borrowed from the Malagasy oral traditions, kabary, Agénor transmits the history of Madagascar and ensures its survival.  相似文献   

森鸥外是活跃在日本明治和大正两个年代的文坛巨星,他从小受到了良好的儒家文化熏陶,青年时期又接受了西方的近代思想。他一生创作了大量的作品,是一个具有双重性格的作家。在他早期文学作品中,具有启蒙思想和浪漫主义倾向。作为一名军医,他充当了日本帝国主义侵略战争的工具,他的人道主义精神只能凭借文学之笔来表达。在“大逆事件”中,森鸥外通过文学作品为被害者伸张正义。在“大逆事件”后日本文坛的黑暗时期,鸥外不得不通过历史小说表达对时局的批评和对封建体制的反抗。晚年的鸥外转向了历史传记的创作,削弱了作品的批判力度,追求“达观”的境界。  相似文献   

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