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旅游工艺品商品化与真实性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张敏  方百寿 《民俗研究》2006,20(2):52-60
现在旅游工艺品的生产和营销,已经成为旅游业中一个增长迅速且日益重要的领域,但是相关的研究明显不足。早期的旅游研究者倾向于批评或者贬低旅游工艺品,没有将它们视为社会和人们的正常需求。随着二战以后大众旅游的兴起,以及由此引发的对旅游现象的深入研究,人们开始关注旅游工艺品领域。  相似文献   

More 100-Year-Olds in TibetWhen Yuzin, aged 101, woke up tofind warm sunlight comingthrough the windows of her room, sherose to wash and breakfast. After this,she made a small pot of buttered tea andcarried it on a ritual walk around theBuddha pagoda in the village. As a matter of fact, Yuzin is one of116 people aged over 100 years old inTibet. In 1991, however there wereonly 57 such people.  相似文献   

Tibetanwritingwascreatedasearlyassome3,oooyearsago.ItmaturedduringtheTuboSambhotawroteeightworksinthelan-guage.DuringthereignofNyitriTsampo,thefirstldngoftheTibetanrace,sutrasoftheBonreligionweretranslatedintoTibetan.Andthissegmentofhistoryfounditswayinto…  相似文献   

AuthoredbyTubdainPuncog,thisbooktellsofthehistoricaldevelopmentofThebookrecordstheexperienceofthescientificsurveyteamsentbytheChineseAcademyofSciencestotheQinghai-TibetPlateau.Theteamwascomposedofthreegroupsofpeo-Wewe(k-)uthoredbyTubdainPUncog,thesbookLte…  相似文献   

On one morning at the end of July 2003,I paid a visit to Zhuxi. He was busy discussing the symptoms of apatient from Gansu Province. After a while, there came a woman of the local village suffering from strained lumbar muscles. After dealing with the patient from Gansu Province, Zhuxi began to treat the woman patient. She was asked to lie on the bed face down, and Zhuxi made four moxa cones from Artemisia Argyi, which he stuck on the acupunc-  相似文献   

ZhaxiCering:FirstGenerationTibetanPilotDAINBALHAMOAboywasbornintoapoorpeasantfamilyinGarzeCounty,SichuanProvince,in1954.Wat...  相似文献   

Tibetan,Population:StatusQuo¥Tibet'spopulationhasinthelast40-oddyearsincreasedbymorethan100percent,withtheannualprogressivein...  相似文献   

Tibetan Environment: Facts and FiguresTibetanEnvironment:FactsandFigures¥CHFNGFANTibetisfreefromenvironmentalpollution.itscul...  相似文献   

PROFILEThe 10th Panchen Erdeni is seatedon his holy throne. Holding the Diamond Club and bronze bells inhands, the kindly Buddhist mastersmiles and examines the landscape in the snowland with great zest and satisfaction. Around himare the majesticKangdese andQomolangmopeaks, and theTashilhungpoMonastery which ishis residence.These arepart of the Portraitthat LobsumShangqug createdto mark the firstanniversary of thedeath of thePanchen. When itwas published,hundreds of thousands of copie…  相似文献   

在恢复和发展湖北手工业、试办手工业合作社的基础上,1953~1956年湖北省人民政府先后多次召开手工业会议,贯彻"积极领导、稳步前进"的方针,集中解决手工业发展中的突出问题,进一步明确手工业合作社的性质、任务和方针,建立全省手工业管理机构,保证手工业合作社及其生产的快速发展。到1956年底,全省手工业社会主义改造基本完成。1957年,全省又着重解决了农业社和手工业社的关系、集中经营和分散经营的关系,以及社员分配问题,从而大大促进了湖北手工业的健康发展。  相似文献   

LiuLiqian:AnOldTibetanHand¥byDuYongbinIntheTibetanstudiescircletheregathersagalaxyofaccomplishedoldscholars.Forsomanyyearsthe...  相似文献   

Hada is a Tibetan--word meaningsilks in Tibetanlanguage.It is tra-ditionally used as a ritualfabric presented to the stat-ues of Buddha, Living Bud-dhas,any revered person orVIP, and during wedding orfuneral ceremony.  相似文献   

“浴兰汤兮沐芳华”——内地百姓习惯以兰草汤药沐浴,袪除暑热毒瘴、预防疾病。而在青藏高原,人们也笃信天上的药师佛用清冽的甘霖,辅以各种药材和花叶沐浴,可预防疫病,有益健康身心。沿袭“五味甘露浴”传统配方的甘露曲秘,致力于遵照传统,同时依靠现代的科技手段,守护人们的健康生活。  相似文献   

Tibetan Football     
In general view,people always believe that the"roof of the world"at 4000 meters above sea level would never have any connection with football.However,the fact is that football is no less popular in Tibet than it is in any other place.Particularly in recent years, on the snow-capped plateau,the residents increasingly love football.An ordinary football match can attract a big group of fans.Whenever  相似文献   

Tibetan Mastiff     
About twenty or thirty years ago,the Tibetan mastiff served only as a shepherd dog for Tibetan herders,but today it has a five,six or seven-figure Yuan worth.  相似文献   

Tibetan Knife     
The Tibetan knife is essentialto Tibetan people's life. It alsohas high art value as a form ofethnic handcraft with a long-standing good reputation athome and abroad. The typical Tibetan knives ofthe Xigaze area are from Lhazeand Xietoinmen, which hasbecome a very fashionable sou-venir or gift for tourists to takehome. The shinning bright knifeis a completely handmade of  相似文献   

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