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联总援助与我国铁路交通善后   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战期间及战后初期,我国内陆交通遭到严重破坏。根据《中国善后救济计划》,联合国救济善后总署(简称联总)无偿提供大批交通运输器材,帮助我国恢复残破不堪的水陆交通。出于控制华北的政治目的,国民党政府曾打算利用联总援 助的铁路器材优先修复津浦、平汉、平绥和胶济铁路;停战协定生效后,中共曾表示,在保留解放区境内铁路区段实际控制权的前提下,愿意协助修复华北铁路交通。由于国民党政府顽固坚持以武力解决国内政治争端的错误政策,致使全国内战爆发,铁路再度成为交战双方争夺的焦点而频遭破坏。交通部不得不改变初衷,转而将联总器材主要用于修复粤汉、浙赣、南洵铁路和改善华东地区的路况,并收到显著成效。  相似文献   

欧美学者对古希腊城市的研究简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内学者对于与古希腊城市相关联的城邦问题的研究大约始于20世纪中期.1957年,胡钟达先生在<历史教学>发表<雅典的民主政治及其阶级基础>一文,率先指出城市工商业经济的发展对雅典城邦民主政制的决定性作用①,至20世纪80年代,在日知(林志纯)、刘家和、王敦书等前辈学者的努力下,中国世界古代史学界对希腊古代城邦史的研究不断深入.笔者据中国人民大学复印报刊资料<世界史>统计,自1985年至2003年,国内学者发表的有关希腊古代历史的研究论文约300篇,其中近1/3的论题是研究希腊古代城邦之政治、经济和文化的②,专门研究希腊古代城市的论文、论著则较少.③.  相似文献   

Highway to the HeavensHighwaytotheHeavens¥HUANGDUOQUNFollowingthepeacefulliberationofTibetin1951,theCentralGovernmentsetabout...  相似文献   

ThisJune,tbrthefirsttimeever,morethan1,000highwaymaintenance'workersontheTibetanplateaulittheirhouseswithelectriclampsandwatchedTV.TheyenjoyedtheseluxuriesatierbeingrealIocatedinto156newmaintenancesquads.TibetistheonlyregioninChinawithoutrailroadsorwatert…  相似文献   

名义性安全有其局限性,实质性安全才能反映道路的安全性,道路事故预测模型可以很好地将名义性安全转化为实质性安全,但是仍存在一些问题,需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note: During the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Qinghai-Tibet and Sichuan-Tibet Highways,we interviewed Song Wangui, director of the Tibet Highway Bureau, on road conditions of the two highways and the transport situation in Tibet.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Highway experienced four renovations in the past 40 years and has now been asphalted. For the fourth renovation, some 1.17 billion Yuan was consumed. It is now a modern highway. Extending 2,100 km from Xining of Qinghai to Lhasa of Tibet, it became 1,937 km after re-working. It goes 1,400 km in Qinghai.The Xining-Golmud section crossed many mountains and many rivers,extending 782 km. The Golmud-Lhasa section crosses four mountains—Kunlun Mountains (4,700 meters), Fenghuoshan Mountain (4,800 meters),Tanggula Mountain (5,150 meters above sea level at the mouth) and Nyainqentanggula Mountain, and crossed three rivers---Tongtianhe River, Tutu River and Curmar River with an average elevation of 4,500 meters. The Highway extends 544 km in Tibet. More than 80 percent of goods were transported through the highway.  相似文献   

日俄战争结束后,日本帝国主义从俄国获得了中东铁路南部支线即南满洲铁路铺设权。此后,南满洲铁路和中东铁路成为日俄势力在中国东北地区冲突、竞争的象征。为争夺中东铁路承担的物流运输以有效地牵制或削弱苏联势力,日本着手铺设拉滨铁路。1934年拉滨铁路完工后,逐渐发挥预期效果,承担不少物流运输,而中东铁路的经济功能随之下降。由此可知,拉滨铁路的铺设目的,就在于牵制中东铁路以减少苏联在中国东北地区的势力。  相似文献   

ArailwayistobebuiltfromQinghaitoLhasa,creatingnewaccessfromthehinter1andtoTibet.Atpresenttheoptionsfortrav-elaretheseparatehighwaysfromSichuan,Qinghai,YunnanandXin-Jiang.TheXinjiang-TibetHighwayextends1,179kmfromYecheng,intheXinjiangUygurAutonomousRegioninnorthwestChina,toShi-quanhe,capitalofNgariinTibet.Morethan4,oooworkersbuilttheroadinnineteenmonths,fromMarch1956toOctober1957.About915kmofitsIengthisatanelevationof4,ooOmeters,while13Okmisat5,oOOmeters,makingittheworld'shighesthigh…  相似文献   

Lhasa-Gonggar Highway ResurfacedLhasa-GonggarHighwayResurfaced¥FENGXIAOXIASome15,556cubicmetersofearthandstoneworkhasbeencomp...  相似文献   

Focusing on Midland Railway (MR) strikes in the 1870s and 1880s, this paper examines how the geographical properties of railway work shaped the conduct of collective action. It examines three sites of contestation within the industry discussed in terms of network and organisational spaces. These are considered in terms of the relative power of workers and managers to exploit the strategic resources available for them to conduct industrial action. The paper examines why it was so difficult for railway workers to pursue industrial action in the 19th century. It concludes by arguing that a key factor is railway companies power to define and redefine the spatial scale of railway labour variously at national, regional and local scales each configured in such a way as to hold railway workers in place.  相似文献   

Three highway bridges spanning the Missouri River flood plain were selected for evaluation of seismic site response for moderate size earthquakes emanating from the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) in the Midwestern United States. The NMSZ is known to be capable spawning earthquakes larger than magnitude (M) 7.0, four of which occurred in a three-month period between 1811 and 1812, and the Mw 6.0 earthquake of October 1895 centered near Charleston, Missouri. This study evaluated the likely impacts of long period motion of these historic earthquakes on three long-span highway bridges using geotechnical data obtained from recent investigations. Our results suggest site amplification between 6× and 9×, depending on the magnitude and epicentral distance. We believe that threshold magnitude for serious foundation failure and damage to these bridges is between Mw 6.5 and 6.6. Above these magnitudes widespread liquefaction is predicted, which would effect the peak horizontal acceleration and spectral accelerations, causing the ground motions to be different than predicted. Increase in amplification of the response spectra also should be expected where the periods are higher than 1.0 sec. Therefore, Mw 6.5+ earthquakes at ranges 210–260 km could be expected to engender resonant frequency problems for multiple span bridges and tall buildings (10 to 25 stories) in channel corridors containing 20 to 46 m of unconsolidated sediment.  相似文献   

正The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a key area for global biodiversity preservation and also a priority area for the Biodiversity Preservation Program of China.Building a railway in such an environment is an unprecedented magnificent feat in the history of railway construction.During the construction of the QinghaiTibet Railway,a strict environmental protection strategy was applied with a  相似文献   

According to monitoring conducted byrelevant departments in charge of environmental protection in Qinghai and Tibet construction of the Qinghai Tibet  相似文献   

This paper presents hybrid simulations of a three-span R/C bridge among EU, US, and Canada. The tests involved partners located on both sides of the Atlantic with each one assigned a numerical or a physical module of the substructured bridge. Despite the network latency in linking remote sites located on the two sides of the Atlantic the intercontinental hybrid simulation was accomplished and repeated successfully, highlighting the efficiency, and repetitiveness of the approach. Adaptations, challenges, and limitations are discussed, focusing on the implications of network communication latency, the insensitivity of the sub-structuring arrangement, and the accuracy of the results obtained.  相似文献   

History of the New World called America. By Edward John Payne, Fellow of University College. Volume I. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1892. Pp. xxviii + 546.

Travels in Africa during the Years 1882–1886. By Dr. Wilhelm Junker, Translated from the German by A. H. Keane, F.R.G.S. Illustrated. London: Chapman and Hall, 1892. Pp. viii + 586. Price 21s.

Up the Niger. Narrative of Major Claude Macdonald's Mission, to the Niger and Benué Rivers, West Africa. By Captain Mockler‐Ferryman, F.R.G.S. F.Z.S. With Maps and Illustrations. London : George Philip and Son, 1892. Pp. 326. Price 16s.

Cinq Années de Séjour aux Iles Canaries. Par le Dr. R. Verneau, Chargé de Missions Scientifiques. Ouvrage illustré de 42 gravures, 4 planches, et 1 carte. Couronné par l'Académie des Sciences. Pp. xvi + 412. Paris : A. Hennuyer, 1891.

Studies in Mohammedanism, Historical and Doctrinal, with a chapter on Islam in England. By John B. Pool. London: A. Constable and Co., 1892. Pp. xvi + 420. Price 6s.

Sicily (Story of the Nations): Phænician, Cheek, and Roman. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A., Hon. D.C.L., LL.D. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1892. Pp. xvi + 378. Price 5s.

Afrihanische Petrefahten. Ein Versuch die grammatischen Bildungen und Formwurzeln der afrikanischen Sprachen durch Sprachvergleichung festzustellen. By A. W. Schleicher. Berlin : Theodor Fröhlich, 1891. Pp. 93.

Die Triangulation von Java, ausgeführt vow, Personal des geographischen Dienstes in Niederländisch Ost‐Indien. Dritte Abtheilung. Von Dr. J. A. C. Oudemaks. Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1891. Pp. 180.

Das Verebnen der Kugeloberflache fur Qradnetzentiviirfe. Von Dr. A. Bretjsing. Leipzig : Verlag von H. Wagner und E. Debes, 1892. Pp. 69. Price 3 m.

Appleton's General Guide to the United States and Canada. Illustrated. With Railway Maps, Plans of Cities, and Table of Railway and Steamboat Fares. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1892.  相似文献   

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