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Mountain and Water Deities on the Tibetan Plateau In Tibetan Buddhism,all aspects of this earth's physical environment are alive,for example,mountains,rivers,the grass,birds,fish and insects are all considered living organisms deserving of respect.Although these are not human life,according to the Dharma,all lives are equal.To take life is considered the action resulting in the worst karma.Similarly,if someone does good things,they will have a good karma resulting in a good rebirth.While it is permissible to kill a domestic animal for family consumption,hunting of wild animals for any reason is not acceptable.A person who does this will go to hell in his or her next life or be reborn as an animal.  相似文献   

TheTibetanTVStationinQinghaiwentintotrialserviceonOctober1,1984.Bytheendof1996.ithadbroadcast2,911hoursofTibetanlanguageprograms.Whenthestationwasfirstcreated,wereceivedunreservedsupport,recalledMaGuan,deputydirectoroftheTibetanLanguageTranslationSectio…  相似文献   

The year 1920 saw the establishment of a post office in Tibet. It was located in Daingyiling in Lhasa. Stamps were produced by the Zhaxi United Factory and postmen were called "Zhawa" in Tibetan. The major post road, with Lhasa as the center, reached Gongbogyangda in east, Yadong in south, and scores of post stations were set up along the road. The major work of the postmen was carrying private mail and remittances, etc. on foot; while official documents of the local government were mainly sent by professional postmen (Ngazong in Tibetan) hired by the government.  相似文献   

Now,itisknowntoallthatserfsandslavesinoldTibet,whomadeup95percentoftheTibetanpopulation,ownedlessthan10Der-centofthesocialwealth.Underthesituation,theserfsandsIavessangfEvenifthesnowymountainsturnintobutter,theybelongtotheserf-owners.Evenifriverwatersturnintomilk,wehavenoaccesstoitatall.TlBETANPoPULATloN.Beforel765,therewere2millionpeopleoftheTibetanethnicgroupwestoftheNujiangRiver.Inl95l,theyearTibetwaspeacetlillyliberated,how-ever,thenumberofTibetansdroppedtolmillion.Statisticssh…  相似文献   

蠢BY NAMGⅥ&DoRQoINBENBAinceⅡ1e yearof 1979,[he Cen幢alGOvemment has invested m0Ilethan 400 million Yuan on themajntenance and cons仃ucdon ofmOnasteries and 1’eligious sites in Tjbet.AC presem,山erle have been 1780 monas一【e1’ies and reⅡgious sites in Tibet,includ—ing l 30 nunn“es.S0 manv r_eligioussites are owned bv me 2 million reH西叫s.dnd 1av people of Tjbet.which is peer】essin other Drovinces and cides of Chin乱 ln me monasteries and Ileligious sitesspreading a11 over v…  相似文献   

TibetanFarmerArtistsInEuropeYEXEIKANGZHOLAgroupofTibetanfarmersfromtheYarlungmyerValley,carryingsix-stringedmusicalandavanity...  相似文献   

In Tibetan families, there are always two wooden bowls, a big one and a small one, the former for the father and the latter for the mother. In well-to-do families, each wooden bowl has a silver lid, on which are carved patterns symbolizing good luck. In even wealthier families, every wooden bowl is inlaid with silver and carved with patterns, with only a finger-width part left in the middle of the bowl to show its wooden nature. Above it is the lid and under it is the tray, both made of silver. The lid is shaped like a tower and inlaid with silver and gold, on the top of which is a red agate forming a handle. The tray is especially unique. It is in the shape of eight petals of a lotus, with a pattern of good luck on each petal altogether making up the traditional eight propitious omens.  相似文献   

Tibetan garments unique to Zou Qu (Dragon Water in Tibetan language) constitute a part of the dress of the Tibetan race. Located in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southern Gansu Province, Zou Qu became a county in 1962.This part of the land is crisscrossed with three rivers-Beilongjiang, Gongba-he and Boyuhe. Major rivers here include Qingshanliang, at an elevation of 4,500 meters, and Yangboliang, slightly lower. The surviving environ-  相似文献   

ATriptoTibetanAreasinSichuanandQinghaiWANGLUOInsummerlastyear,myfriendsandItravelledtotheTibetanareasinSichuanandQinghaiprovi...  相似文献   

Ihavebeenawayforsomanyyears,andImissmyhometown.Around1985,IreturnedtWotimesaff6raSeparationof3oyears.Whenmyfirstwifeplantedherselfinfrontofme,whatIrememberwerehereyes,WhboIthinkareStillbeautifuldespitethefactthatshewasAnut5oyearsold.Mysonwaswodeng.TheylivedagoodIffe.'Mysecondwlleissick,andsoismyd8ughterIamoId.Iyeamforar6tumhome.Hot!Hot!Theairtemperaturehadreached48degreesCentigradeinNewDelhi!in26years.Oppressedbytheheat,thelocalIndiansshunnedworking,andsodidI.Onahotevening,Itookmyfa…  相似文献   

The dressing of the people in Yamzhog (in the Nangarze County) is affected deeply by such areas as Lhasa and Xigaze (Xigaze area), and it has unique features because of the unique historical and geological environments in Yamzhog.  相似文献   

Lighting incense in a room and planting oneself into the environment scented by the smoke is one of the ways Tibetans keep fit. And they say they are taking a bath when doing so.According to the Tibetan medical code, the Tibetans had long produced many ways for "taking baths" to cleanse themselves, build up their physique and prolong life. Most popular ones include taking baths in  相似文献   

拉毛措 《攀登》2007,26(4):161-164
藏族妇女教育是藏族教育的重要组成部分。本文通过回顾藏族妇女教育的近现代史,透视藏族社会妇女教育的发展历程,指出藏族妇女教育仍是不容忽视的重要问题。  相似文献   

One hundred years ago,Tibetan people,under theadministration of local Tibetan government led byTudan Gyatso (thub-bstan rgya-mtsho),the 13 DalaiLama,ignored the disapproval of the government ofQing Dynasty,and went through a war which shat-tered the earth and made the devil cry to fight againstthe British imperialist invasion.This war was a greatevent in the modern history.One hundred years after,massive progress accompanying the groundbreakingchanges around the world has been achieved in thecivilization of human communities.The world is  相似文献   

四川境内有很多传世碑刻 ,对移民入川的客家人之创业经历作了记述 ,具有很高的研究价值。本文即对此作了一些举例探折。  相似文献   

In the late July of 1908, Ootani Kouzui (1876-1948, the 22nd abbot from of the Japanese Nishi-honganzi Monastery) sent hisyounger brother Ootani Sonyu (1886-1939) to go to Wutai Mountain to secretly meet the 13th Dalai Lama. The monastery of Japan and the local government of Tibet had reached an agreement on the issue of exchanging students. In accordance with the agreement, Aoki Bunkyou and Tada Toukan, spent three and ten years respectively studying in Tibet. And the 13th Dalai  相似文献   

The main sects of Tibetan Buddhism (popularly; Lamaism) were originally the Nyingma(rnying-ma), Kagyu(bkav-brgyud), Kadam and Sakya (sa-skya) traditions. Tsongkhapa founded the Gelug(dge-lugs) sect at the beginning of the isth century Afterwards, the Kadam sect merged into the Gelug sect. Therefore the four main sects of Tibetan Buddhism became the Nyingrna, Kagyu, Gelug and Sakya, which continue today Tibetan Buddhism's eastward spread was a long process.  相似文献   

三足架和拔镰是在战国末期古蜀民接受制铁技术而创造的独特铁器。汉代以后,随着古蜀民的汉化,两种铁器广泛普及于四川地区的汉民族化中。这些铁器是为了解古蜀民被秦国征服后怎样经过汉化过程这一问题的重要资料。  相似文献   

AuthoredbyTubdainPuncog,thisbooktellsofthehistoricaldevelopmentofThebookrecordstheexperienceofthescientificsurveyteamsentbytheChineseAcademyofSciencestotheQinghai-TibetPlateau.Theteamwascomposedofthreegroupsofpeo-Wewe(k-)uthoredbyTubdainPUncog,thesbookLte…  相似文献   

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