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温晶  侯侯 《旅游纵览》2013,(7):12-17
<正>如果说人的一生,有什么事情是一定要做的话,尝试一次邮轮旅行必居其一。十几年前的一部经典电影《泰坦尼克号》,Rose站在豪华邮轮上,张开双臂迎着夕阳,温柔的倚靠在Jake肩膀上……邮轮旅游从此也在人们心中留下了奢华、浪漫的印象。近年来,随着上海、天津、三亚、大连、厦门等地陆续建成国际邮轮码头,"邮轮之旅"开始走入百姓的休闲生活,成为国内时尚的旅游消费热点。  相似文献   

Highway to the HeavensHighwaytotheHeavens¥HUANGDUOQUNFollowingthepeacefulliberationofTibetin1951,theCentralGovernmentsetabout...  相似文献   

前些天,北京的几个客人来,我陪他们游览了西宁的南山公园,随后就在公园的茶园野餐。客人们在享用便宜实惠的羊肉套餐时感到别有风味,而满山树阴底下一团一簇围桌而坐的人们或饮酒吃肉,或打牌下棋,或唱歌说笑,那种怡然自乐的情景更是令客人感到新鲜和惊奇。当我向客人们介绍西宁市郊的大小茶园有数十个,西宁人历来就有郊游野餐的习俗,并且到如今愈来愈盛时,客人们感慨不已,说这才是真正的享受生活。西宁人很早就有郊游的习俗,俗称“浪河滩”。每年农历五月至八月,是“浪河滩”的主要季节。人们或以一家一户为单位,或亲朋好友联合起来,在天朗…  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note: During the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Qinghai-Tibet and Sichuan-Tibet Highways,we interviewed Song Wangui, director of the Tibet Highway Bureau, on road conditions of the two highways and the transport situation in Tibet.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Highway experienced four renovations in the past 40 years and has now been asphalted. For the fourth renovation, some 1.17 billion Yuan was consumed. It is now a modern highway. Extending 2,100 km from Xining of Qinghai to Lhasa of Tibet, it became 1,937 km after re-working. It goes 1,400 km in Qinghai.The Xining-Golmud section crossed many mountains and many rivers,extending 782 km. The Golmud-Lhasa section crosses four mountains—Kunlun Mountains (4,700 meters), Fenghuoshan Mountain (4,800 meters),Tanggula Mountain (5,150 meters above sea level at the mouth) and Nyainqentanggula Mountain, and crossed three rivers---Tongtianhe River, Tutu River and Curmar River with an average elevation of 4,500 meters. The Highway extends 544 km in Tibet. More than 80 percent of goods were transported through the highway.  相似文献   

现在已经是2011年。如果把时间也可以算作旅程的话,那么,一段旅程已经结束,又一段旅程已经开启。在那段已经结束的旅程中,你看到了什么,你经历了什么?而在正在开启的旅程中,你希望遇见什么,你希望收获什么?  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Barkor Street around Jokhang Monastery has a history of 1,300 years. The age-old street, however, has found the fountain of youth and takes on a new outlook today. And the fountain of youth is none other than the ongoing reform and opening program.  相似文献   

Sanyan refers to a place that is tucked away in a deep gully screened by high mountains and by the Jinshajiang River in Gongjor County, Qamdo. It is obviously a solitary place, but it has found its way into the historical records and became so famous that Qing Emperor Qianlong wrote of it.Over the past few hundred years, it was home to  相似文献   

IreturnedtoTibetlastsummer.Thechangestakingplaceintheregion,whereIhadworkedfordecades.werebeyondmyexpectation.UponreturntoBeijinginthegoldenautumndays,IsoughtbooksonTibettogainmoreknowledge.TheLdeoftheTibetanFarmers(Lifeforshort),contributedbyXuPingandZhengDuiwiththeChinaNationalTbetanStudiesCenter,turnedouttobeoneofthebestIhaveeverread.IenteredTibetasamemberofthePLA18thArmy,workinginGyangze.WhatisdescribedinLifeiswhatIsawandexperiencedthen.PriortotheDemocraticReforminTibetinl959,…  相似文献   

<正>经过四季的轮回,春天来了!立春那天,远方的朋友发来短信:下午1点45分立春,这时候一定到外面走走,吸吸地气,要去有泥土有草的地方,对身体有好处的。我被朋友如春风一样的话语感动,打开窗子,裹挟着泥土与草叶气息的春风扑面而来。有鸟儿的鸣啾声,依稀还有信鸽的鸽哨声,精神为之一凛,通体清爽。放眼远方,遥远地平线的那边,  相似文献   

Lhasa-Gonggar Highway ResurfacedLhasa-GonggarHighwayResurfaced¥FENGXIAOXIASome15,556cubicmetersofearthandstoneworkhasbeencomp...  相似文献   

In two-dimensional and single axis three-dimensional finite element analyses, the ground motion incidence angle can play a significant role in structural response. The effect of incidence angle for three-dimensional excitation and response is investigated in this paper for response of highway bridges. Single-degree-of-freedom elastic and inelastic mean spectra were computed from various orientation techniques and found indistinguishable for combinations of orthogonal horizontal components. Probabilistic seismic demand models were generated for the nonlinear response of five different bridge models. The negligible effect of incidence angle on mean ensemble response was confirmed with a stochastic representation of the ground motions.  相似文献   

东山 《满族研究》2001,(2):72-72
凝结辽宁省各级民族工作部门、民族工作者和部分专家学者的心血和汗水 ,由辽宁省地方志办公室主编 ,辽宁省民委具体组织编篡的《辽宁省志·少数民族志》,已由辽宁民族出版社正式出版。该书共六篇四十七章 ,90余万字 ,1 6开本 ,38.5印张 ,有如下几个特点 :1 .全书以马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论为指导 ,坚持实事求是、尊重历史、尊重史实的原则 ,真实地记述了辽宁省少数民族的历史和现状 ,反映了各少数民族在辽宁大地的源流、生活和政治、经济、文化等社会诸多情况。2 .第一次以史志的形式 ,记载了新中国成立以后辽宁省民族工作的情况 ,…  相似文献   

R. D. Martin, G. A. Doyle and A. C. Walker, eds. Prosimian Biology. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1974. xxi + 983 pp. Figures, tables, indices. $48.00.

Ian Tattersall and Robert W. Sussman, eds. Lemur Biology. New York and London: Plenum Press, 1975. xiii + 365 pp. Figures, tables, and index. $22.95.

W. Patrick Luckett and Frederick S. Szalay, eds. Phylogeny of the Primates: A Multidisciplinary Approach. New York and London: Plenum Press, 1975. xiv + 483 pp. Figures, tables and index. $39.50.  相似文献   

the_air 《旅游纵览》2014,(8):78-81
<正>电影《魔戒》的上映不仅让人们注意到这部充满魔幻色彩的英国史诗小说,也让全世界的影迷们被新西兰奇幻的景致所震撼。白雪皑皑的山峰、梦幻的蓝色湖泊、壮丽的冰川、开阔的平原,让新西兰从此拥有了"中土世界"的名字。据说《魔戒》的拍摄外景点一共有150多处,其中米佛峡湾一带是主要外景地之一。这次,我终于可以有机会追随魔戒,穿越这片中土密境,寻找电影中那些令人着迷的美丽景色。  相似文献   

ItookpartintheconstructionoftheXikang-TibetHighwayintheearly1950s.Althoughsome40yearshavegoneby,theexperienceisstillfreshinmymind.COWHIOESHOES.Constructionofthehighwaybeganin1952,andwereachedLhasainlate1954.TheworkerscamemainlyfromthePLANo.155InfantryRegimentandtheArtilleryBattalionofthePLATibetMilitaryArea,alongwithsomeTibetans.TheCentralGovernmentTibetWorkCommitteeandthelocalgov-ernmentofTibetformedthecon-structionleadinggroup,underwhichwerethreesub-groupscomposedofPLAbuilder…  相似文献   

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