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所有的道路都记得 从苦难出发 穿泪雨 践血泊 山脊上逶迤明亮的火蛇 寒夜里铿锵铁马金戈 所有的脚印都记得  相似文献   

历史与人的意志支配的实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对人类历史是不以人的意志为转移的合乎规律的客观发展过程的传统见解,本文提出正是人的意志支配下的对象性实践活动创造和改变了实际历史进程.历史发展的"合力论"不能成立.观察了各种理论派别对人类历史的基本理解,揭示辩证唯心主义、实证主义、人文主义解释学、传统历史唯物主义殊途同归,都将人类历史归结为精神的发展.只有马克思的"新唯物主义"的实践哲学揭示了实际历史过程的实践本质,启迪历史学朝着科学认知的实践的方向发展.  相似文献   


The philosophical debates that unfolded in Enlightenment Britain left a deep mark on the mindset of future generations of thinkers. A clear echo of eighteenth-century disputes over the meaning of human liberty is heard in the subsequent confrontation between materialists and idealists. In more recent times, a number of arguments developed by compatibilist and incompatibilist philosophers still resemble more old-fashioned positions. However, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the differences between Joseph Priestley’s defence of “necessitarianism” and Thomas Reid’s elaboration of counterarguments to support “metaphysical liberty” – as the two doctrines were known in the late eighteenth century – on the background of their methodological assumptions and the different styles of their reasoning. I contend that a different adoption of the Newtonian scientific method, which they brought to bear on the study of the human mind, is key to understanding the way they endeavoured to defend necessity and liberty, respectively. I also argue that their interpretation of the nature of causality importantly shaped the arguments they put forth in attacking each other’s position.  相似文献   

“把你们的证件都交出来!”和藏族小伙子闹布东周相处1个多月来,这是我第一次听到他嗓门这么大。在他面前并排站着的,是非法闯入可可西里无人区的27名游客。平时满脸笑容的他,此刻已经愤怒到青筋暴露。为了抓捕这27人,他头一天晚上在车里待了整整一个通宵。和他一起守在车里的,还有另外两名巡山队员--尼玛扎西、巴义尔。  相似文献   

This article scrutinizes the merits of holding a referendum over UK membership of the EU. It queries the assumption that direct democracy can somehow resolve the longstanding Europe question in British politics. To do this, the analysis traces the existence of an exceptionalist approach to the EU within Britain, now associated with re‐negotiating UK membership in the shadow of a referendum. The article argues that the prospects for a radical reconfiguration of the UK's treaty obligations are slim, thereby increasing the risk of a vote to withdraw. Yet withdrawal would be the opposite of a simple solution to the Europe question. Political and economic interests dictate lengthy politicking over a highly complex post‐Brexit settlement revisiting free movement of goods, services, capital and people. Such negotiations undermine any mooted cathartic benefits of a popular vote, while Eurosceptics will remain dissatisfied in the event of a yes, a result likely to further destabilize the Conservative Party. Consequently, the simplicity and decisiveness that a referendum—particularly one that spurns the EU—promises is merely a mirage as relations with the EU necessarily form part of an enduring British political conversation.  相似文献   

在地球某个角落,生活在林荫中的一群人用他们的行动和习俗演绎着对神的虔诚,对祖先的眷念及对生命的特殊理解。他们被称为中国最后一个枪族部落,大树的民族。他们过着大部分中国人所向往的桃源生活,享受着现代人已久违的那份清淡与宁静。这就是至今仍信仰着人树同体的贵州从江县岜沙苗人。  相似文献   

An early 1949 version of Davydov's grandiose scheme for diverting water from the Yenisey and Ob' Rivers to Kazakhstan and Central Asia via the Turgay Gates and the Aral and Caspian Seas in order to stabilize the level of the Caspian, expand the irrigated acreage of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, generate abundant hydro-electric power, provide a cheap water transport route between Siberia and Central Asia, eliminate sukhovei (dry winds) at their source, and ameliorate the continental climate of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia. The plan reflects the anthropocentric “transformation of nature” and the large-scale “great projects of communism” drives of the late Stalinist period. The translation was prepared by James R. Gibson of York University, Toronto.  相似文献   

The ‘longer’ will of St Remigius of Reims, as preserved in the mid‐tenth‐century Historia Remensis ecclesiae of Flodoard of Reims, is widely agreed to be a forgery. But despite the fact that it is known almost exclusively from Flodoard's work, historians have never suggested that this document was produced in his day. This article contends that the longer will was indeed an original component of the Historia. Read in this context, the will can throw new light on the Historia itself, the career of Flodoard and the tumultuous history of the church of Reims in the first half of the tenth century.  相似文献   

This article examines Soviet reproductive politics after the Communist regime legalized abortion in 1955. The regime's new abortion policy did not result in an end to the condemnation of abortion in official discourse. The government instead launched an extensive campaign against abortion. Why did authorities bother legalizing the procedure if they still disapproved of it so strongly? Using archival sources, public health materials, and medical as well as popular journals to investigate the antiabortion campaign, this article argues that the Soviet government sought to regulate gender and sexuality through medical intervention and health "education" rather than prohibition and force in the post-Stalin era. It also explores how the antiabortion public health campaign produced "knowledge" not only about the procedure and its effects, but also about gender and sexuality, subjecting both women and men to new pressures and regulatory norms.  相似文献   

Via an historical-cum-ethnographic analysis of the history of chiefship in the vanua (country) of Sawaieke, central Fiji, this essay argues against the prevailing view that Fijian social relations are fundamentally hierarchical. Rather social relations in general and chiefship in particular are predicated on complementary and opposing concepts of equality and hierarchy, such that neither can become, in Dumont's terms, ‘an encompassing value’. This radical opposition between equality and hierarchy, Hegelian in form, is fundamental to Fijian dualism, so it pervades Fijian daily life and informs, for example, sexual relations, kinship, chiefship and notions of the person. ‘The household’ is the basic kinship unit and while relations within households are hierarchical, relations across households are those of balanced reciprocal exchange, epitomised in the relation between cross-cousins as equals and affines. The analysis shows that Fijian chiefship — past or present — cannot, as ‘value’, encompass the pervasive antithesis between hierarchy and equality. Rather its efficacy and its continuity require that hierarchy and equality remain in tension with one another as opposing, and equally important, concepts of social relations.  相似文献   


The global crisis we have experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency challenges our perception of the global and local context in which we live, travel, and work. This crisis has spread novel uncertainties and fears about the future of our world, but at the same time, it has also set the ground to rethink the future scenario of tourism and hospitality to bring about a potentially positive transformation after 2020. Such a scenario can be understood in light of the work of Doreen Massey and the pivotal theorisations on ‘space’ and ‘power-geometry’ she presented in her book For Space (2005). Massey conceives space as the product of multiple relations, networks, connections, as the dimension of multiplicity, the result of an ongoing making process, and in a mutually constitutive relationship with power. Interweaving Massey’s theorisations with a critical examination of the neoliberal capitalism approach to the conceptualization of space, the COVID-19 global crisis prompts us to rethink the space inside and outside of tourism and hospitality by re-focusing on the local dimension of our space as the only guarantee of our own wellbeing, safety, and security. While the global dimension seems more broken than ever, the urgency of belonging to the local is more and more evident. Hence, we propose a critical reflection on the implications of such a scenario in the space of tourism and hospitality, foreseeing a potentially positive transformation in terms of activation of local relations, networks, connections, and multiplicities able to open up such space to multiple novel functions designed not just for tourists and travelers but also for citizens.  相似文献   

《UN chronicle》1997,34(4):50-51
Every day, 1000 children become infected with HIV. UNAIDS therefore estimates that by the end of 1997, 1 million children under age 15 years will be living with HIV and experiencing the physical and psychological consequences of infection. Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 2 million HIV-positive children have been born to HIV-positive mothers, and hundreds of thousands of children have acquired HIV from blood transfusions and through sex or drug use. More than 9 million children are estimated to have had a mother who died due to AIDS. Although AIDS is the most recognized disease in the world, insufficient attention has been given to the impact it is having upon children. Unless the spread of HIV is quickly checked, gains achieved in reducing infant and child death rates will be reversed in many countries. An UNAIDS report estimates that by 2010, AIDS may increase infant mortality by as much as 75% and under-5 child mortality by more than 100% in the worst affected countries in the world. It is clear that AIDS will soon be a major cause of death among children. Since about 90% of children under age 15 years acquire HIV from their mothers, either before or during birth or through breast feeding, reducing the vulnerability of infants to HIV infection means enabling women to prevent themselves from contracting HIV and to procure antiviral drugs which can reduce the risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission.  相似文献   

Cultural history's recent treatments of Sieyès’ political theory have understood his political writings in their convergences with and divergences from Rousseau's political theory. By sketching a thoroughgoing analogy between the ecclesiological arguments in Malebranche's Entretiens sur la Métaphysique et sur la Religion (1688) and the arguments that Sieyès offers on the floor of the National Assembly concerning the nature of representation, I suggest that we should recontextualize Sieyès’ speeches vis-à-vis the broader discourse of the ‘general will,’ which was theological at its root. That is, the arguments Sieyès offers for the sovereignty of the National Assembly, separately and in combination, appear to have been shaped by a malebranchiste ecclesiology that grew out of the particular context of the Jansenist challenge to the Church. This argument has ramifications not just for our understanding of Sieyès and revolutionary political theory but also for what have been called the “religious origins of the French Revolution.”  相似文献   

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