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Geographical research has demonstrated that there is a marked spatial variability in the ‘incidence’ of many types of pathological events—disruptive events which are unwanted by society. This article extends the scope of this research through the analysis of spatial variability in the characteristics of rhythms in pathological events—‘pathology rhythms’. The approach adopted here is to examine the impact of increasing distance from the Central Business District (CBD)-a major source of timing—on the shape of twenty-four hour pathology rhythms in Newcastle, New South Wales. This is achieved by analysing rhythms for selected types of pathological events, in four zones around the CBD. The results suggest that spatial variability in the shape of pathology rhythms does exist.  相似文献   

This article is a comment on: Tubridge et al., 2012. Decennial reflections on a ‘geography of heritage’ (2000). International Journal of Heritage Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2012.695038  相似文献   

"北洋",在中国近代史上是一个习见名词,内涵数变。其源头古意仅是地域名称。第二次鸦片战争后,转成官职概念。北洋大臣的设置是清朝外交从地方到中央的转变,从南到北位移的过渡,在李鸿章之手,天津的屏障外交作用得以充分发挥。到袁世凯的"北洋",含义再变,前此侧重外交和洋务的意味淡去,而更多地具有了军事政治派系的命意,进而成为中国主要统治集团的称谓。  相似文献   

Post‐Processualism's influence is waning in Britain, linked to the decline of its parent Post‐Modernism. Both lost credibility through attempting to dominate discourse, and their negative implications for human rights. Modernism and its offspring Processualism had reflected the scientism and socio‐economic centralism that dominated the 20th century up until the 1970s. Jameson and Harvey have exposed their Post‐Modernism as a superficial aesthetic movement spawned by Post‐Fordist economics. Perceived from the History of Ideas this temporal succession is the recurrent opposition between Positivist and Idealist philosophies. Wittgenstein's philosophy shows a ‘third way’ where objective and subjective approaches are complementary tools for scholarship. In Cognitive Processual archaeology a pragmatic merger arises from these formerly competing traditions.  相似文献   

评刘琨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘琨在北方活动的时期正值西晋末十六国初期。这个时期北方民族矛盾上升为主要矛盾,刘琨在北方与少数民族贵族政权的斗争代表了汉族人民的利益.在一定程度上保护了汉人的生命、财产;刘琨的斗争也使少数民族贵族政权在一定程度上改变了对汉族人民和大族的政策。对汉人,变肆杀为安抚;对大族,变屠杀为重用。同时。刘琨的斗争对牵制北方少数民族贵族政权兵力。阻止其南下也起了一定作用。  相似文献   

This article examines questions of explanation in urban geography through consideration of the gentrification process. Particular attention is given to the problems of ‘structural’ analyses and the need to develop alternative political economy perspectives.  相似文献   

摇钱树是分布于以四川为中心、具有西南地域特色的文物,迄今已发现近200例,有关研究论文数量已达60余篇.1998年在德阳举办了全国摇钱树专题学术会议,使摇钱树的研究达到高潮.现有研究涉及其性质、内涵、特点、用途、起源时间、地点和摇钱树佛像诸方面.本文还指出摇钱树研究中存在的问题,对进一步研究做出了展望.  相似文献   


Studier i vestnorsk bergkunst. Ausevik i Flora. By Anders Hagen. Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen, Hum. serie 1969, no. 3. 151 pp, 15 Pls., 71 Figs. Bergen 1969.

Skomaterialet fra utgravningene i Borgund på Sunnm?re 1954–1962 By Arne J. Larsen. Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen. Hum.serie 1970, no. 1. Bergen, 1970. 54 pp, 11 Pls., 16 Figs.  相似文献   

1935年10月28日,永载日本文坛史,是日新进作家石川达三以小说《苍氓》登上龙门,首摘日本文学大奖——芥川奖。  相似文献   


Forfatteren var selv en av deltakerne på NAVF's forskningsseminar i Kautokeino om minoritetsforskning sett fra humanistisk og samfunnsvitenskapelig side. I denne artikkelen gjør han rede for målsettinga med seminaret, som var en del av Forskningsrådets program for samisk og kvensk språk, historie og kultur. Han tar her saerlig for seg de grunnlagsproblem og forskningsetiske problem som generelt reiser seg i forskning som gjelder minoritets‐befolkninger, og setter seminaret i sammenheng med en pågående debatt ført av filosofer og sosialantropologer. Avslutningsvis gir forfatteren også en kortfattet vurdering av innleggene på seminaret sett i et slikt forskningsperspektiv. Hans eget innlegg på seminaret stod trykt i Acta Borealia nr. 1 1984.  相似文献   

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