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Research on late medieval England has tended in two directions. There has been a great renewal of interest in matters chivalric and in the conflicts between the chivalric ideal and reality as interpreted by chroniclers such as Froissart. Quite divorced from such inquiry, the study of pelf and place has proceeded apace. A study of Richard II's conferments of knighthood provides an interesting opportunity to unite these disparate strands of inquiry.Richard II, who ended his life as the simple knight Sir Richard of Bordeaux, had afar deeper sense of chivalric values than many historians have allowed. Chivalry was a vital component in the outlook of the man.Yet, Richard II found himself in this position as a result of intense factional rivalries in which he had been a leading if ultimately losing player. Records of the order of the Garter provide one source of material for this study, but the article also looks at Richard's conferments in more general terms. Clearly, Richard manipulated the chivalric ideal for practical ends, but a tarnished ideal is not a repudiated ideal. Richard II made use of knighthood within his system because he - and his clients —continued to operate within the chivalric code for which such knighthood stood.  相似文献   

赵闯 《世界遗产》2014,(11):12-19
<正>上个世纪90年代以来,在辽河以西的土地上,相继发现了大量侏罗纪的恐龙和早期鸟类化石,震惊了当时整个古生物研究界。带有羽翼的恐龙化石的发掘,似乎为争议颇多的鸟类恐龙起源学说提供了佐证。拂去化石上的累累尘土,科学艺术家为我们还原了一个个曾经鲜活的生命,把我们带入到远古神秘的"龙、鸟时代"。  相似文献   

This article looks at the origins of the army of Nader Shah (reigned 1736–1747) and the nature of the Persian armies in the Safavid period before considering in more detail the composition and structure of the army at its peak in the early 1740s. It suggests, building on work by Rudi Matthee, that it was only under Nader's tutelage that Persia fully embraced gunpowder weapons and that this initiated a Military Revolution (not just a revolution in technology, but in drill, discipline, and army size as well as ethos) that, but for Nader's untimely death, could have brought about the wider social and economic changes that Geoffrey Parker and others have associated with the Military Revolution in Europe.  相似文献   

Despite the nature of American influence in postwar Iran, and despite the fact that Iranian studies has grown into a flourishing field in the United States, scholars have not explored the field's origins during the Cold War era. This article begins with the life of T. Cuyler Young to trace the critical genealogy within the field as it developed, in cooperation between American and Iranian scholars, during the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. It proceeds to analyze two cohorts of American scholars whose political inclinations ranged from liberal reformism to revolutionary Marxism. As revolutionary momentum swelled in Iran in the late 1970s, critical scholars broke through superpower dogmas and envisioned a post-shah Iran. However, Cold War teleologies prevented them from fully grasping Iranian realities, particularly Khomeini's vision for Iran. This article argues that the modern field of Iranian studies in the United States was shaped by multiple generations of critical voices, all of which were informed by historically situated encounters with Iran and expressed through a range of methodological and theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   

Robert d'Arbrissel, first of the wandering preachers of the late eleventh century in northwestern France, often skirted the edges of heresy. Scholars have wondered what separated Robert from similar figures, such as Henry of Lausanne, who were in fact condemmed as heretics. Since Robert came from a modest family in a region of Brittany dominated by the Angevin counts, his career was always oriented towards Anjou. One possibility, then, is to examine Robert's career within the context of the Angevin nobility. His first patron, Bishop Silvester of Rennes, was a member of the count of Anjou's entourage, as were many other powerful figures who later supported him. Chief of these was Rainald, Lord of Craon. Under Reinald's patronage, Robert was able to establish the church of La Roë with the personal approval of Pope Urban. When Robert left to preach to crowds of followers, powerful Angevin churchmen recalled him to his duty. Once again it was the Angevin nobility, many related to the house of Craon, who provided Robert with the means to establish a monastery at Fontevraud. This establishment, backed by the Angevin nobility, kept Robert within the good graces of the Church.  相似文献   

Garma Garze painting school is one of the threefamous painting schools in the Tibetan-inhibitedareas (along with Moinze and Qenze paintingschools),and was formed in the 15th century.Major master painters of the school include Tongl-ha Zeweng,who is one of the most outstandingmodem painters in the region. Tonglha Zeweng(his religious name being Garma LhozhubWose)was born in Dege County in 1901.He started to learn to  相似文献   

高虹 《收藏家》2008,(6):75-80
京派与海派曾发生过激烈之争,鲁迅在20世纪30年代发表过《“京派”与“海派”》一文。他认为:北京是明清的帝都,上海乃各国之租界。帝都多官,租界多商,所以文人之在京者近官,沿海者近商。近官者在使官得名,近商者在使商获利。而自以赖以糊口,要而言之。不过“京派”是官的帮闲;“海派”则是商的帮忙而已。以今人的眼光去看当时对“京派”及“海派”的议论,会觉得有些偏颇。  相似文献   

薛宏涛 《收藏家》2014,(2):35-38
明清时期是我国绘画流派林立的繁荣时代,是“浙派”、“吴门画派”、“松江画派”、“虞山画派”、“娄东画派”频繁活动的时期,这一时期也是西方绘画流派崛起的重要历史时期。东西方绘画流派同时进入盛期,成为世界绘画史上颇为壮观的历史时代。“虞山画派”、“娄东画派”继承了明末“松江画派”的绘画观念以及绘画创作理念,  相似文献   

If you hire a cab in Lhasa don‘t be surprise if the driver is playing the song from Aamir Khan‘s award winning film Lagaan. Indian films and music is a hit in Tibet. Nobody understands the language but everybody loves to listen to Indian film songs.  相似文献   

名人效应是我国历代书画艺术领域中引人关注的重要现象,这一现象反映在艺术市场上,是书画价格的高低不在于其作品质量如何,而主要取决于其作名气的大小;这种艺术价值与市场价格的错位,成为中国书画艺术及其市场发展的“瓶颈”。为此,本对这种“瓶颈”的现象、成因及其对策做了深入的探讨和论述。  相似文献   

本文探讨中国肖像画在造型技术上从易到难,有一个由侧面到斜侧面最后才到正面的发展过程。在解决正面肖像的描绘难题时,曾经借助过相术,即以汉字造型特点对人物面部形象的归类方法和观察方法,从而促进了肖像画的进一步发展。  相似文献   

王雯  王少石 《收藏家》2008,(9):37-38
绘身与文身是既古老而又时尚的人体装饰艺术。从广义上讲,人体装饰是人类的一种化装行为,但是绘身与文身并不同于一般的生活化装与艺术化装。生活化装需要配合一些供人体穿戴、佩带的精美装饰品,这些装饰品可以脱离人体而存在。艺术化装以表演为目的,要服从于表演的内容,依附表演主体而存在,其独立的意义微乎其微。  相似文献   

山西自古就因其天然的地理条件优势而为历代统治者所重视,金朝也不例外。金朝通过在政治、军事和经济各方面对山西的经营,从而巩固了金朝的边防,促进了山西经济、文化的发展。但由于金朝统治政策、金朝与各方的战争等因素,导致山西未能进一步发展。  相似文献   

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