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Late‐medieval and post‐medieval writings report that scurvy was a widespread condition in medieval and early historical Poland. Archaeological and historical data indicate that the diet of children was based on foods poor in vitamin C and contained small amounts of raw plant products. Also, historians emphasise that in medieval and post‐medieval Poland, there were seasonal fluctuations in food availability, frequently accompanied by poor harvests. Both resulted in long periods of poor nutrition, which affected children most severely. The aim of this study was to investigate skeletal manifestations of scurvy in subadult remains from medieval and post‐medieval Poland. Following standards described by Ortner and colleagues, anatomical sites pathognomonic of scurvy in subadults (<17 years) were assessed for abnormal porosity and hypertrophic bone among skeletons excavated from three sites: Ostrów Lednicki (dated to the 11th–14th centuries AD), Cedynia (10th–14th centuries AD) and Słaboszewo (14th–17th centuries AD). In total, 3.6% of all examined children were found to bear traces of vitamin C deficiency. The prevalence of scorbutic lesions was 4.5% for Cedynia, 2.6% for Ostrów Lednicki and 3.6% for Słaboszewo. The majority of affected children were less than 7 years of age. Scurvy was likely more widespread in the living populations than it appears from the calculation of skeletal markers, because some individuals might have recovered or died before obvious traces became apparent. Also, in some children, scurvy might not have reached an advanced stage, identifiable in the skeletal material. The prevalence of scurvy reflects not only dietary patterns but also food storage and preparation techniques adopted in the Polish territories during the Middle Ages, which contributed to low intakes of vitamin C. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The London Hospital, located in the heart of the East End, grew in tandem with the industrialization and increasing population of an impoverished area of the capital. It provided care and emergency facilities to employees of local industries amongst others. Archaeological excavations uncovered a forgotten burial ground for poor patients. Osteological and documentary evidence combined to reveal that many of the dead were first given to the hospital medical school for anatomical study. Human dissection no doubt contributed to scientific development within the medical profession, but the practice came with consequences that many at the time found unpalatable.  相似文献   

Non‐metric variations have been the subject of anatomical and anthropological studies for more than a century. In this study, we present an individual from Sion (Canton of Valais, Southern Switzerland) dated from the Middle Neolithic who shows evidence for four non‐metric variations. This young adult male presents an os acromiale, spondylolysis, a bipartite patella, and bilateral calcaneus secundarius. These non‐metric variations have a low frequency in most populations (less than 10%), and for each of them the origin is usually considered to be genetic, environmental, or a combination of both. This case is of interest for understanding the potential genetic origin of these non‐metric variations as well as for demonstrating their usefulness in bioarcheological analysis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Osteological lesions can be important to positively identify human remains in forensic contexts, as well as contribute to past population studies. However, their analysis requires training and appropriate research conditions, which may be lacking in certain geographic areas as, for example, the northern region of Brazil. Emphasising existing resources, such as anatomical collections, may help to address this issue. This study explores the anatomical collection of Professor Dr. Manuel da Silva Braga of the Federal University of Pará (Brazil), introducing the traumatic lesions identified in seven crania (13.7%; 7/51) of male (four) and female (three) individuals. The sample profile and the cases identified are in accordance with the pattern of violent victims in the region. This study is the first of its kind in the Pará State, contributing with case studies and examples, to the disciplines of biological anthropology, paleopathology, and bioarchaeology and forensic discipline. It also highlights the significance that anatomical collections may have in the development of those disciplines, suggesting a need for reappraisal and reevaluation of existing resources, as these may be of use for training and research. Lastly, this study builds a bridge towards the social and cultural context of the collection, reinforcing the value of an interdisciplinary approach to human remains. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spondylolysis refers to a separation of the spinal body from the arch. Researchers have documented that these fractures occur due to stresses related to activities involving the lower limb and back. Spondylolysis in sacral and lumbar vertebrae of 146 (66 males, 66 females, 14 indeterminates) California Amerinds were examined to determine whether sex differences were present. Sacral anatomy (i.e. sacralisation and lumbarisation, sacral base angles, and superior facet morphology) was analysed in relation to spondylolysis and sex, to explore whether sex differences could be better explained through activity patterns or anatomical variation. Spondylolysis afflicted 24 individuals (16.4%). Males had more than twice the rate of spondylolysis than did females (26% and 11%, respectively). Activity patterns, such as thrusting and throwing shafted obsidian points, could explain the sex differences. Males were most frequently buried with obsidian point artefacts, whereas females were buried with mortar and pestles. For sacral anatomy, only males had lumbarisation, and all other anatomical variation had no significant sex differences. Lumbarisation related to spondylolysis in males. In this study, sacral anatomical variation could not fully account for sex differences in spondylolysis; activity patterns provided a better explanation. Nonetheless, anatomical variation may predispose males to spondylolysis, or spondylolysis may affect sacral anatomy. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the anatomical illustrations and physiological demonstrations of sixteenth-century Flemish-born anatomist and physician Andreas Vesalius concerning the recurrent laryngeal nerves. Although Vesalius was primarily an anatomist, he also used vivisection as a pedagogical device to help his students understand the function of structures within the fabric of the body that they had previously studied in anatomical detail. Vesalius’s masterwork, De humani corporis fabrica or simply the Fabrica (1543, 1555), was ostensibly an anatomy text, but Vesalius included textual and figural references to his use of vivisection to explicate the function of specific structures. Even as he began to criticize the errors in Galen’s anatomical works, Vesalius nevertheless adopted some of Galen’s classic physiological demonstrations, in particular the ligation (and subsequent release) of the recurrent laryngeal nerves of a pig to demonstrate their role in generating the pig’s squeal. Vesalius’s illustrations concerning the recurrent laryngeal nerve in the Fabrica were of two types: elegant anatomical woodcut plates—unsurpassed for their clarity, accuracy, and detail — and the distinctly inelegant historiated initial Q, depicting a throng of putti busily engaged in vivisecting a pig. Vesalius’ anatomical plates were heavily plagiarized while the historiated initials, showing the rough work of an anatomist or surgeon, were largely ignored and remain little recognized today. While Vesalius’ anatomical illustrations of the recurrent laryngeal nerves contained some errors, they were a dramatic departure from prior meager efforts at medical illustration and indeed far surpassed all contemporary published illustrations by others. Vesalius was also influential in reviving Galen’s approach to vivisection, at least for pedagogical purposes, if not really then yet as a full-fledged investigative technique.  相似文献   

In 1881 the Reverend Samuel Barnett, Anglican incumbent of St Jude's Church, Whitechapel, established the Whitechapel Fine Art Exhibitions with his wife Henrietta. These quickly became an important part of the parochial programme ofSt Jude's. The Barnetts followed the art theories of John Ruskin and Matthew Arnold and argued that exhibiting famous and beautiful paintings would revive the spirituality of poor East Enders. In order to test this theory, they introduced the practice of ‘Voting for Your Favourite Picture’. The result, however, did not bear out straightforwardly the Barnetts' belief that paintings are ‘Windows into the other World’. The gap between the intended outcome and the actual reception of the Whitechapel Exhibitions reveals that, although they may not have adopted the Barnetts' religious aestheticism, working-class visitors were keen to engage with art on their own terms.  相似文献   

Taphonomic studies of faunal assemblages from archaeological and palaeontological sites need biostratinomy research to endorse their results. Many papers have studied the relationship between the differential conservation of anatomical parts and the animal responsible for the deposits. In this paper, we present the biostratinomy results from 18 Cervus elaphus hispanicus carcasses (Hilzheimer 1909) in a Mediterranean ecosystem (the Sierra Norte Mountains in Seville Natural Park). We also describe the skeleton decay related to scavenger community, where Sus scrofa (Linnaeus, 1758) is maybe the most important bone scavenger in our study area. These results of this research were compared to those obtained from a similar study carried out in Doñana National Park (Huelva) and confirmed that post-mortem tendencies are similar in both ecosystems.  相似文献   

Charcoal analysis—the study of charcoal from archaeological contexts—is designed to reconstruct palaeoenvironment and human use of wood. At two prehistoric sites in the Causse du Larzac (France)—Les Canalettes (Mousterian) and Les Usclades (Mesolithic)—charcoal analysis has revealed specimens whose anatomical structure was abnormally compressed in transverse section. The authors conducted experiments to determine how the compression could have occurred. The result was the first evidence for lignite in Palaeolithic settlements. Lignite fragments in a hearth suggest local Palaeolithic people used it for fuel. The lignite could have come from major coal outcrops within 7 to 15 km of the sites. Coal use is otherwise unknown for Palaeolithic cultures in France, and its use at Les Canalettes during the last glacial is the oldest recorded instance. Coal may have been used for fuel primarily because wood became scarce during the last glacial.  相似文献   

This article considers the transformation of artists' education during the nineteenth century, from neo-classical idealism to classical naturalism. Through a study of manuals of anatomical education used in the Royal Academy and the École des Beaux-Arts, it shows that this change was the result of the massive importation into Western Europe of specimens of fifth-century B.C. Greek art, and, most notably, of specimens of the work of Pheidias and Polycletus. European contact with Pheidian anatomical naturalism acted as a catalyst for the introduction into art of the modern spirit of science thereby making figural art modern.  相似文献   

This paper examines the outcome of interregional migration in various aspects from the migrants' perspective. It is based on a survey, including 6 000 interregional migrants in the five Nordic countries. The results indicate that interregional migration leads to a positive outcome for most migrants and few people seem to be forced to make decisions including painful tradeoffs. Motives have an effect on what aspects of outcome migrants are satisfied with. The influence of individual migrants' characteristics on migration outcome revealed few significant effects. Migrants claimed to be most satisfied with living conditions and less satisfied with the livelihood after moving. To be satisfied with social conditions turned out to be crucially important for the general outcome of migration.  相似文献   


There is a growing interest in the geography of health in the concept of ‘wellbeing’, as it provides a fuller understanding of health, builds in embodied experiences, and accounts for the socio-spatial relations and contexts that shape health. The paper sets out the case for using ‘wellbeing’ to rethink the poor health outcomes experienced by people with learning disabilities, which conventional tools of healthcare and health promotion have failed to address. Shifting the focus of concern from the individualised objective ill-health of people with learning disabilities to a broader sense of emotional and social wellbeing and happiness, the paper argues that there is potential within learning disability spaces and networks for wellbeing to flourish, through greater self-determination and presence in and attachment to local places. The outcome is people with learning disabilities being able to find stability and build resilience in difficult bodily and social circumstances.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth century, Catholic charity was an important source of poor relief in Belgium, as well as a means for Catholics to practice and express their devotion. Driven by a renewed religious fervour, men and women actively engaged in lay charitable organisations with the purpose of serving God through the poor and working towards self-sanctification. Historical research has especially noted women's charitable fervour, furthering the idea that the nineteenth century was characterised by a feminisation of religion. Recent studies have shown, however, that men did not become estranged from religion, and that multiple religious identities and practices existed at the same time across different contexts. Charity attracted both men and women, but the various masculinities and femininities that existed in the charitable space have seldom been explored. This study examines how gender roles were defined in the discourses of Catholic charities and the ways in which these roles structured social interactions among charitable actors, and between them and their recipients. To this end, two lay charities are taken as a case study: the Society and the Ladies of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, both committed to the practice of poor visits.  相似文献   

以陕西省平利县79个贫困村为研究对象,基于协同理论,建立贫困风险耐受度评价模型,利用主成分分析与地理加权回归方法,辨识平利县村域贫困风险因子,评测贫困村风险耐受度,并与贫困发生率进行对比验证。结果显示:自然本底、区位-生产资料、内外助力和生产生活保障等四个贫困风险因子作用方向有所差别;全县贫困风险耐受度处于中下水平;比对贫困风险耐受指数模型与贫困发生率现状,发现二者分布趋势相似性特征明显,未出现异常现象。后续应建立针对性的风险预测和防范机制,适量减少直接性福利供给,激发农户脱贫的内生动力,提升贫困户风险抵御力和恢复力,构建持续稳定的脱贫-振兴的扶贫新模式,持续监测县域贫困村贫困风险耐受度的时序变动特征。  相似文献   

The analysis of musculoskeletal stress marker (MSM) development is a commonly employed tool in osteological surveys and is used to infer patterns of occupational activity and societal organisation in archaeological populations. Although the majority of research into upper limb MSMs has focused on the bones of the arm, the bones of the hand have been conspicuous by their absence. This is likely to be due to methodological issues surrounding the study of hand bones and a presumed lack of variation in MSM development in this area. To date, there have been no systematic studies investigating the presence and variation in MSM morphology for the muscles of the human hand. To address this issue, a presence/absence scoring system was developed for twelve sites of muscle origin and insertion in the metacarpals and phalanges, which was used to determine bilateral asymmetry in the hands of 31 individuals from the Naval Hospital Cemetery site in Greenwich, London. Analysis found observable variation in MSM development between and within the hands, which could be used to determine patterns of asymmetry within the sample. Comparisons with MSM scores from the humeri of these individuals indicate a differentiation in MSM development and asymmetry between these anatomical regions. Levels of asymmetry in the hands and humeri were generally low, with only the dorsal interossei displaying statistically significant asymmetry. Subsequent upper limb MSM research will benefit from the inclusion of data from the hands. These results do not support the continued use of the humerus as a proxy for MSM expression across the upper limb as a whole and suggest that important information regarding behavioural asymmetry in the hands is being lost because of the continual exclusion of this anatomical unit from MSM research. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to study and evaluate the effect of hydrolyzing enzymes on the anatomical structure and chemical composition of archaeological wood samples. Pine and beech wood samples, which were taken from anonymous mashrabia, have been cleaned with three types of enzymes then a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) study were undertaken, to see if any significant structural or chemical differences could be detected between “untreated” and “treated” wood. No dramatic changes in functional groups on the wood surface, as monitored by infrared spectroscopy, occurred in the samples before and after enzymatic cleaning. SEM data, however, show that protease and lipase enzymes may give good results in cleaning wood surface, but the enzyme residues remaining on the cell walls of archaeological wood are another point to consider.  相似文献   

新中农的崛起:土改后农村社会结构的新变动   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王瑞芳 《史学月刊》2003,(7):109-118
土地改革后,中国农村社会结构发生了重大变动,其中最突出的现象是大多数贫雇农上升为新中农,农村普遍出现了中农化趋向,农村社会结构从“下边大上边小”的“宝塔式”结构,转为“中间大两头小”的“纺锤形”结构,这种社会结构变动对中共阶级政策产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   

Caesarea is the first fortified city to undergo palaeopathological analysis of its Crusader period inhabitants. This study of the 12th and 13th century population aims to determine the major types of trauma present, whether from weapon injuries or accidents. Since the Crusades were known for the significant number of battles and raids that took place, weapon injuries were expected to be common. Thirteen cases of trauma are described and a highly unexpected pattern has come to light. These cases do not include one single example of weapon‐related trauma. Every fracture is of a type expected from accidents or interpersonal violence without weapons. Possible explanations include the location of the city deep within Frankish territory and the robust city walls giving effective protection to the inhabitants, and also that the population were involved in activities that left them prone to accidents but not weapon injuries. The other important finding from this study was that the cases of lower limb long bone spiral fractures had healed in a near‐anatomical alignment. This is not what we would expect, as a proportion of these injuries would normally have been unstable and tend to heal poorly aligned. The good position could have resulted from surgeons' use of splints to immobilise the bones while they healed. This suggestion is supported by laws of the kingdom of Jerusalem, which stated that surgeons were to be punished if they allowed such fractures to heal at an angle. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Strategic projects based on culture and sports have been one of the vectors of regional development since the 1990s. Accordingly, local and regional governments have drawn up entrepreneurial strategies to project their image internationally and foster investment and tourism. These developments have been described in Spain as ‘The Calatrava Model’ for putting a city/region on the map and for boosting tourism. However, from the study of the case of Valencia and four strategic projects (The Fifth World Meeting of Families, The America's Cup, Formula 1 and The City of Arts and Sciences), we will show how there is a hidden side to this paradigm, which boils down to an unsustainable, top-down system whose sole purpose is to gain and maintain political hegemony. We will also assess the medium and long term impacts of these projects in terms of: opportunity costs, snowballing debt, corruption, and an utter breakdown of democratic controls as a result of Valencia’s poor regional governance.  相似文献   

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