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1. The Anonymous Nasa in the Accounts of the Individual Delivery for the Deities before Sulgi 47' ii' (47 vii)/13
40 years ago, T. Jones and J. Snyder, in their groundbreaking Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty, 1961, found a mysterious and anonymous predecessor of Nasa, who we know as the general manager or receiving official of the Animal Center of Sulgi in Puzris-Dagan (modem Drehem), which has been a subject of study for researches of the Ur III Period for many years.  相似文献   

I.The Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia and the Qing Court's Policies towards Nationalities and Religions
During the late Ming Dynasty (Altan Khan's reign in Northern Yuan), the Gelug Sect, one sect of Tibetan Buddhism (the Yellow Hat Sect),2 prevailed in Mongolia once again, and soon after that, the local people embraced it. Until the first half of the I7th century, all the Mongols in the north, south and west of the Gobi Desert accepted the Gelug Sect, However,  相似文献   

1. Introduction
Since the first time Easter Island was explored, scholars have been arguing and speculating about the date of the natives' arrival, the nature and purpose of the larger statues, its actual number of inhabitants, the reasons for the progressive deforestation of the island, etc.  相似文献   

In his article "Argos andArgives in the Iliad" (1979) Robert Drews argued for reviving an idea, first brought forward by William D. Geddes in 18782 and later on fully developed in Paul Cauer's "Grundfragen der Homerkritik", according to which the origins of heroic poetry and of the Iliad in particular are to be sought in the less civilized northern regions of the Mycenaean world, especially in the realms of Thessaly. This area was known to the composer of the Catalog of Ships as the "Pelasgic Argos"; this was the home of the people called Hellenes and Achaians, who set out against Troy with 50 ships led by Achilles (Ⅱ.Ⅱ 681-685).  相似文献   

In JAC16, I have discussed the development of the House of the Lady in Girsu from the rule of Enentarzi to Lugalanda according to the ration lists of the House,which include the fodder lists, and concluded that Urukagina was the legal successor of Lugalanda and there might not be the so-called “reforms of Urukagina” in Lagash and Girsu. In this article, I would like to continue to investigate the kinds, number and fodders of the donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the end years of Urukagina and tried to find the clues for the decline of Lagash under Uruka~ina.  相似文献   

Tibet, the most magical snow-land plateau on the planet, has given birth to the most mysterious and ancient civilization in human history: Shangshung. "Yung-drung Bon Religion" ("Bon" for short) originated in the ancient Gangdise Mountains of the Shangshung area (now the Ngari area of Tibet) and is the oldest religion in Tibet with thousands of years of history.  相似文献   

We begin our study of the city of Nippur in the neo-Surnerian period (ca. 2100- 2000 B. C.) with the publication of an unpublished text. This text belongs to the Okayama Orient Art Museum, Okayama-shi, Japan. Prof. Dr. Takashi Taniichi, the curator of the museum, generously permitted me to study and publish it.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the migration of middle school students to the interior of China after the Japanese invaded in 1937. It argues that the Guomindang (GMD) central government was generally successful in handling the 500,000 displaced students, making substantial efforts to monitor, register, educate, and provide training for them, as well as establishing government-run "national middle schools" during the war. Meanwhile, the GMD also exerted a strong influence on course curriculum, instructing educators how to implement the Three People's Principles and other party doctrines in classrooms. These processes expanded the state's hand in secondary education and allowed the GMD to include refugee students and schools in its wartime narrative of progress, praising the students' patriotic participation in defying the Japanese occupiers and their contribution to "national reconstruction" (jianguo). However, there were still many challenges. Refugee students, teachers, and principals forcibly converted Buddhist temples into schools and clashed with local monks, farmers, villagers, and even the GMD military. With schools merging and moving inland, relocation also provided opportunities for unscrupulous administrators and teachers to exploit the situation for themselves, as government reports reveal many cases of corruption in the wartime schools.  相似文献   

Dear Editor China's Tibet Magazine: Number 3 arrived. I subscribed to Chinas Tibet magazine 10 years ago and I am happy I take the magazine out of the envelope. Look at the cover, then I glance at the pictures page by page to get first impression, then read the articles. I look at the cover again and it opens my eyes. The back is continuation of the cover I missed looking at before. Front cover and back cover make one long picture. Now I am very much impressed and I want to put that long picture on my bedroom wall. When I wake up and look at the dock,  相似文献   

In JAC 19, I investigated Lists of Monthly Barley-Wheat Distributions and Allowances (se-gar ziz-gar sa-dug4 itid-da), with regard to the types and amount of fodder provided to donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the end years of Urukagina. In this paper, I found that from Urukagina Year 5, ii (2^nd month), the daily fodder for donkeys, and the number of types of donkeys, were greatly reduced. Economic decline occurred in the reign of Urukagina, king of Lagash, from the fifth year on, possibly as a result of political decline. The fact that the archive of the House of The Lady ends in Urukagina's seventh year may imply that it is in this year that Lugalzaggesi, king of Umma, captured Lagash and Girsu.  相似文献   

On 26^th Feb.2009,China's Tibet magazine and other Chinese media were invited to sit in on the felicitation ceremony organized by Association for Sri Lanka China Social & Cultural Cooperation(ASLSCC) to celebrale 30^th Anniversary of Reform & Opening Policy in China. These media were awarded by ASLSCC for their service and introducing reform and opening policy of China to Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

On March 28th, 2010, the 51st anniversary of the emancipation of the million serfs in Tibet, an exhibition on the theme 'Treasures in the Snow.land, witnessing Tibetan History and Promoting Tibetan Culture" taking place in the newly built Museum of Tibetan Culture in the China Tibetology Research Center, Beijing. Over 100 leaders, experts and academics from related state departments, the Tibet Autonomous Region, relevant research institutes,  相似文献   

Did Homer know the story of the 'Judgement of Pads'? The answer to this question depends on our assessment of two or three verses towards the end of the Iliad. When Achilles is desecrating Hector's body, the gods, we are told, are f'mally moved by pity for the slain hero, although none of them had rushed to his support before. They decide to put an end to the repulsive spectacle by ordering Hermes to steal Hector's body from Achilles' chariot. This plan is approved by all, but three gods - Hera, Poseidon, and Athene (Ω 25ff):  相似文献   

Editor's Note:Sun Yongfu is now vice-minister of railways. In 1962, when he graduated from the Department of Bridges and Tunnels of the Changsha Railway Institute of Hunan Province, he was assigned to work in the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau. In a survey of the bearing capacity of railway bridges, he examined bridges one by one from Zhengzhou in Henan Province to Wuhan in Hubei Province. On this basis, he produced the studies that made him famous and led to his promotion as one of the senior technical personnel. In the ensuing years, he participated in construction of a number of railways, including the Sichuan-Guizhou, Guizhou- Kunming, Chengdu-Kunming and Hunan-Guizhou lines. He also participated in the China-aided construction of the railway between Tanzania and Zambia. In 1984, Sun was promoted to be vice-minister of railways and was put in charge of national planning and construction. He presided over the construction of some 10,000 km of trunk line, including the Beijing-Kowloon, Datong-Qinhuangdao, Nanning-Kunming and Hengyang-Guangzhou railways. In early 2001, Premier Zhu Rongji proposed Sun to be the deputy head of the leading group for the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, taking charge of the routine work. In the document Premier Zhu signed, Sun was allowed to enjoy treatment due to a minister (instead of a vice-minister). On June 29, 2001, when the inauguration ceremony for construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was held in Lhasa,  相似文献   

Of all the Greek cities in the classical period, Athens is the one for which we have by far the greatest range and quantity of evidence.Therefore, Athenian history - and in particular Athenian democracy - has been a major subject of twentieth century scholarship. From the vast number of valuable works dedicated to Athenian democracy we should like to name C. Hignett's History of the Athenian Constitution (1952), A. H. M. Jones' Athenian democracy (1957), R. K. Sinclair's Democracy and Participation in Athens (1988), J. Ober's Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens (1989), M.H.Hansen's The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes (1991), which ever since have been indispensable reference books for teachers and students in ancient Greek history. Although study of Athenian democracy has been going on for more than a century, many questions have not been settled yet. At the turn of the new century, Rhodes has brought forward his new book 'Athenian Democracy'. In fact, it is a collection of academic theses, but it certainly will necessitate much reconsideration of scholars in the field of 'Athenian democracy'. Te work consists of fourteen articles, each illuminating Athenian democracy from different angels and by different kinds of approaches. The articles are organized into four major topics as follows.  相似文献   

胡瑾 《神州》2013,(34):163-163
Media with the Politics
It' s not fresh news to anyone of us that the politics can use the media as an efficient strategy to present themselves and their political views. With the rapid development of the mass media and communications, it offers political figures to employ the strategies of symbolic construction with the purpose of presenting and promoting themselves in front of the audience (Schlesinger and Tnmber, 1994). With the purpose of keeping public orders and reduce the crime rate, the media plays a very important role in .'broadcasting' the 'advertising' for the government,  相似文献   

The "Tashideleg for Beijing and Tibet" activity started at the end of 2004. With the help of the Haidian District Children's Work Committee the Lhasa Chengguan District Children's Work Committee and the China Tibet Information Center, 25 primary schools including the Lhasa Lodui Primary School and the Beijing Shuangyushu Central Primary School paired off in a Hand-in-Hand relationship. On May 26, 2005, 16 teachers and students from Lhasa Chengguan District came to Beijing to participate in exchange activities for one week with the help of Haidian District children.  相似文献   

<正>While visiting England,Ireland and France(from April 16th to 28th.2012).the delegation of editors from the Journal China's Tibet sought to survey the publication and circulation of the journal.With full support of Chinese embassies in the three countries,as well as Chinese societies and associations overseas,the delegation interviewed overseas Chinese,including Chinese media,overseas Tibetans and local readers from all walks of life,received their comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the journal.  相似文献   

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