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The origins of the neonatal neurological examination are described with their common basis attributable to evolutionary theory, the classical neurosciences, clinical neurology, and developmental psychology. It is shown that not only have the techniques of the bedside examination changed over the past half century but the purpose of the examination has also evolved; initially the examination was used to assess maturation of the developing infant, now it is used to determine whether cerebral pathology may be present and whether examination abnormalities are helpful in outcome assessment. The development of several of the current neonatal neurological examinations are reviewed and their clinical and scientific basis examined.  相似文献   

The casket was plain unvarnished pine, and over it was draped the American flag. As my fellow Rehnquist clerks and I carried that casket up the marble steps of the Supreme Court building, to the Great Hall, it occurred to a number of us that this was very fitting. For Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist was direct, straightforward, utterly without pretense—and a patriot who loved and served his country.  相似文献   

徐兆奎是一位在历史地理学、地名学、地理学史及地理教育上做出重要贡献的历史地理学家。本文梳理了徐兆奎的生平,分析了其在上述领域的主要贡献,希冀引起学界的重视,以此缅怀这位前辈知名学者。  相似文献   

刘琨  李群 《安徽史学》2017,(2):53-62
1905—1918年,弗兰克·迈耶作为美国农业部派驻中国的植物猎人,组织开展了多次植物和作物采集活动,仅邮寄到美国的作物品种就有2500余种,其中包括粮食、蔬菜、果树、饲料等经济作物的种子或插条样本。本文以美国农业部《新作物引种公告》为分析素材,考证迈耶在华作物采集活动的主要路线、代表性成果、采集作物的具体性状等,在此基础上,尝试归纳迈耶采集活动给美国农业带来的深远影响,以及对中国现代农业的启示意义。  相似文献   


In this, the second Finniston Lecture, the growth in the production, usage and disposal of engineering materials is reviewed on a worldwide scale over the period of Sir Monty's lifetime. He worked in all stages of the cycle. The materials treated are steel and the common non-ferrous metals, the bulk plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylchloride, polystyrene) and Portland cement. The total tonnage used is determined by improvement in quality, both in production and in service, the market demands, substitution by other materials and waste minimisation. These are considered for each material so as to show an emerging future in which demand per caput decreases as living standards rise. This fact, coupled with a philosophy of 'do more with less' and the pressures of environmental concerns are leading to an important change of emphasis within the materials cycle occasioned by the demand to increase the recyclability not only of the materials but also of the components made from them.  相似文献   

In 1989 the Council of the Royal Society of London established a Study Group to investigate the current status and future requirements of solar-terrestrial monitoring in the United Kingdom. This paper summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of the U.K. Study Group. The rationale for regular synoptic monitoring of the solar-terrestrial environment is reviewed briefly. Instruments used for solar-terrestrial monitoring in U.K.-supported research programmes are listed, with special emphasis on research instruments that produce monitoring data. Some important applications of solar-terrestrial monitoring are outlined and criteria are presented for determining the priorities of various monitoring operations. High priority is attached to monitoring operations that are important for:
  • 1.(i) deriving geophysical models and reference systems;
  • 2.(ii) calculating the principal solar-geophysical indices;
  • 3.(iii) producing long time series of good data, especially at sites of particular geophysical interest; (iv) detecting global changes;
  • 4.(v) contributing to real-time forecasts of solar-terrestrial conditions, or to longer-term predictions and planning; and
  • 5.(vi) providing background data for other observations and experiments. The existing U.K. programmes of solar-terrestrial monitoring make a highly prestigious contribution to national and international scientific activity. Synoptic measurements of the solar-terrestrial environment are crucial for underpinning present and future programmes of basic, strategic and applied research. Therefore, a core programme of synoptic monitoring must be maintained in the U.K. It is recommended that this core programme should be financed centrally through the Research Councils and reviewed quinquennially.

明初厉行海禁,片板不许下海。与海禁政策相对应的是由官方控制的以“朝贡”形式进行的朝贡贸易。自古以来,“朝贡”一词包含有外交和贸易两种含义。国家同外部世界的关系,一切都通过朝贡的形式表现出来。从官方角度来说,朝贡体系下的朝贡贸易是唯一可行的外贸形式。有学将海禁政策与朝贡贸易制度比作“明朝对外政策的两大支柱”。虽然朝廷厉行海禁,但东南沿海人民历来以海为田,加上历史上早已形成的联系,仍有为数不少的人流寓海外。这些聚集在东南亚的早期华侨身处严厉的海禁政策和生存需要的两难境地,他们积极地寻找着因应策略。  相似文献   

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