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李长健  袁蓉婧  王棚宇 《攀登》2008,27(6):56-60
农村土地交易的现状是令人担忧的,现行物权法为农村土地交易厘清了所有权及其相关权利的关系。但是。农村土地交易仅仅依靠物权法是无法解决的。农村土地交易权利配置与利益分享机制是解决农村土地问题的关键。构建以农地发展权为基础的农地制度,再进行具体的制度安排,是构建我国土地交易利益分享机制的有效途径。  相似文献   

社会资本是建立在人们之间的关系网络基础上的情感、信任与规范等,它能够通过推动人们之间的行动来提高共同体的工作效率。本文运用社会资本理论,分析企业应该怎样利用社会资本来开拓农村市场。农村市场有不同于城市市场的特点不能把城市中的营销手段简单地移植到农村市场。企业开拓农村市场要做到:与农村社团建立好关系;企业文化要与农村文化融合起来;与农村的联系要制度化。  相似文献   

诺邓,地处我国西南边陲,位于云南省大理白族自治州云龙县城以北,是一个崇山峻岭环绕的非常边远偏僻的山村,即便在云南都少有人听说过。然而,正是这个偏远而沉寂多年,现在看来有些残破的山村,却有着颇为悠久和辉煌的历史文化。  相似文献   

专业村是近年来得到学术界普遍关注的领域,其对农区经济发展有着重要的促进作用。本文基于对国内专业村文献的梳理,论述了专业村的概念以及专业村形成的影响因素,总结了专业村研究中出现的一些新动向:基于社会网络联系的专业村研究、农户自主发展能力的研究、专业村和金融地理研究等。在以下领域尚需加强:专业村研究适当关注地域广阔的中西部地区;除加强专业村经济效益评估外,应注重专业村对农区经济、政治、文化建设的整体推进;加强多尺度综合研究,如微观的农户,中尺度的农区,宏观尺度的国家和国际层面等。  相似文献   

新型城镇化驱动下,乡村人口转型呈现就近非农化不断增强等新特征。本文以岳阳市为例,首先揭示人口转型的总体格局,选定城关型、偏远山区型、传统农业型三个典型村庄,全面透视其外出、常住人口的转型特征,揭示自然本底、地域经济、社会服务的影响。发现:中部地区人口以流向省外为主,但回流增强,主要流向镇街;城关型村庄人口以就近(地)非农化为主;偏远山区村庄异地城镇化为主、就近非农化为辅;传统农业村庄人口外流、就近城镇化与非农化并存;村庄资源禀赋及利用程度、地域经济水平、生活服务配套等对人口外出程度和距离、择居(业)、年龄和家庭结构、村庄兴衰有不同影响,城镇化应因况施策。  相似文献   

医院可达性评价与规划——以江苏省仪征市为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
医院作为公共服务设施的一个重要组成部分,为居民提供了必不可少的医疗机会,其空间分布以及可达性的优劣,直接影响到居民能接触到医院的机会和方便程度。把可达性的概念引入到医院规划中,利用Mapinfo公司的控件MapX和Borland公司的可视化编程语言Delphi,开发了基于时间最短的路径选择信息系统,生成了医院可达性的等时线图和医院服务范围图,通过该系统可直观的看到区域内任何一点到达同一级医院所花费的最短时间以及通过的路径。以江苏省仪征市的医院为例,运用该系统对医院的可达性进行了评价,并提出了医院的规划方案。  相似文献   

Anthropologists have come to realize that even the most ‘traditional’ Melanesian practices and ideologies may be historically shaped by the people's experiences within encompassing regional systems. This article examines the reshaping of local understandings of the village among the Maisin people of Oro Province over the past century. I distinguish three contexts within which Maisin notions of the village have been formed: colonial models of village government imposed before the Second World War; Christian village cooperatives in the post-war colonial period; and village meetings in the 1980s. The paper shows that the idea of the village has a complex evolution, shaped within overlapping dialogues between villagers and significant outsiders and between elder and younger village leaders who have had differing experiences of the outside world and the place of their own community within it.  相似文献   

Although there is a body of research regarding the development of village self-governance in China, there is only limited research regarding the activity of international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in relation to this development. The paper fills this gap through an analysis of the activities and effects of the village self-governance programs of three American-based NGOs: the International Republican Institute (IRI), the Carter Center and the Ford Foundation. These NGOs have assisted in the implementation of a number of reforms to village self-governance in China. NGO involvement in village democracy in China exemplifies a process of 'political globalisation' that involves the intermingling of layers of power and interests at the national and international levels. The paper concludes that, through this process of political globalisation, rural political reforms in China are both promoted and exploited by national and international political actors.  相似文献   


Retirement villages represent a recent addition to the range of residential options for older people in the UK. Research has focused on the development and nature of retirement housing in the public and voluntary sectors in England. Limited attention has been directed to the private retirement communities and, in particular, to the lived experience of residents in private sector retirement villages. This research, which is the first study of a private retirement village in Scotland, overcomes this information deficit by identifying the nature and growth of private retirement villages in the UK and exploring the lived experience of residents of the private retirement village of Firhall. The discussion is organised into four main parts. Part I examines the concept of the retirement village. Part II explains the growth and geography of retirement villages in the UK. Part III comprises the empirical analysis of the case study retirement village. The research identifies the social, economic and demographic characteristics of the village population and provides insight into lived experience of the residents in the study village. Finally, in part IV, the discussion identifies a number of key issues for further research, and the potential contribution of retirement villages for meeting the needs and preferences of the growing third age population of the UK.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a recent and popular rhetoric in academic literature that women are discriminated against, often in the name of ‘custom‘, in the male‐dominated village courts of Papua New Guinea. The rhetoric is interrogated with reference to academic research findings and reports since the early days of the legislatively introduced village court system, and to data from the author's own research in recent years. On the basis of these two sources, it is argued that the evidence does not support the rhetoric, and further that the latter does less than justice to grassroots women in Papua New Guinea by portraying them as relatively passive victims of village courts. On the contrary, fieldwork research findings indicate that women are confident and reasonably successful disputants and that village courts are a community‐level resource which is becoming increasingly useful for grassroots women with limited avenues for seeking justice and recompense.  相似文献   

In ancient China, formal government institutions stretched to the county level. This system witnessed a radical transformation during the late Qing and the Warlord period, with various types of township/village administrations mushrooming in many places across the country to meet the requirements of institutional reform and the demands for modernization in local regions. These township/village administrations can be divided into two types: one is the newborn township/village administration in the late Qing dynasty, and the other is the township/village or quasi-administration that evolved from the old localized Xiangdi (local administrative system). Functionally, the former can be further divided into two kinds, the monofunctional township/village administration, which might include education, or police and security, and the multifunctional administration. The latter falls into three categories: some were new-model administrations directly translated from the old rural Xiangdi system; some were subdivisions of the neonatal administration composed of the old local Xiangdi system; and still, others basically reserved the intrinsic property and function of the old Xiangdi system. As political entities, township/village administrations of this era can be further differentiated into those bordering on “self-government” and those lingering under “the official system.” Township/village administration at this time mostly consisted of a standing body, with their personnel, who enjoyed the status of professional civil servants, set up by legal proceedings. Government outlay was sponsored by public finance or tax income, and it assumed all kinds of modern administrative functions, basically of a modern character. Meanwhile, of course, it retained much of its traditional flavor in actual operation. All in all, the birth of this form of township/village administration constituted an important dimension of the modernization of China’s local administration system. Translated from Beijing Normal University Journal (Social Sciences), Vol. 2, 2004, by Sun Yue  相似文献   

黄山市乡村旅游初步研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
黄成林 《人文地理》2003,18(1):24-28
黄山市是全国重点旅游城市,乡村旅游接待量约占全市旅游接待量的40%。黄山市乡村旅游景点以黄山风景区为依托,交通比较方便,旅游资源优势与黄山风景区互补,景类景型比较单一,参与性旅游项目少,资源所有者以村民和集体所有为主,主要景点资源品位很高但知名度不高,旅游管理水平和服务质量有待提高。必须加强管理,搞好规划,重点开发,突出个性,加大宣传力度,提高服务质量,促进黄山市乡村旅游进一步发展。  相似文献   

This study of livelihood patterns in a single rice village of coastal Guyana from 1887 to the present stresses economic and ecological linkages between the village and nearby sugar cane plantations. In the village of Bush Lot, typically populated by descendants of indentured plantation labourers from India, problems of maintaining drainage and irrigation canals have been compounded by a lack of village labour coordination. Varying yields from the community's ricefields have been affected by recurring drought and flood, so the villagers have never been full-time subsistence farmers. Rather, they have worked seasonally on the nearby plantations to supplement village farming activities. This part-time estate work has tended to inhibit social and political solidarity within Bush Lot. The plantations have coped better with water control than have villages. Nevertheless, the cane estates have depended upon nearby villages for seasonal labour. Although agricultural technology and scale of production have changed dramatically during the psst century, plantations and villages of the Guyanese coastal plain remain closely interlinked.  相似文献   

本文基于整体网视角对张谷英村社区咨询网进行研究,试图揭示传统村落旅游地社会网运行机理。通过确定样本边界得到了169户家庭构成的样本空间,对咨询网络结构分析与社区权力分异研究发现:(1)张谷英村旅游地社区咨询网络结构呈现不均衡性;大多数家庭活跃于由可达性产生的1-派系小圈子之中,并由11个基础派系衍生出240个衍生派系。(2)整体网视角下张谷英村旅游地社区权力分异呈现金字塔结构;年龄、是否参与旅游经营、助人经历、能力展现与业余爱好是权力分异的主要影响因素;位于权力分异金字塔结构顶端的家庭很少,但对张谷英村旅游地社区咨询网络演化产生重要影响。本文研究也显示:旅游实践活动既是传统村落旅游地社区成员能力展现的重要平台,也是体现社区社会网权力分异的重要平台;基于社会网视角的传统村落旅游地社区权力分异将处于动态演化中。  相似文献   

深圳市“城中村”非正规住房的形成与演化机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵静  闫小培 《人文地理》2012,26(1):60-65
非正规住房是发展中国家普遍存在的城市现象。快速城市化背景下,大量村庄被纳入城市并以"城中村"的方式成为我国城市的非正规居住空间。"城中村"非正规住房作为规划外的住房发展方式,在承担特殊的住房供应职能的同时带来各种环境、经济、社会和管理问题。论文在梳理深圳市"城中村"非正规住房发展演化过程的基础上,从制度—市场—社会的视角剖析"城中村"非正规住房形成与演化的影响因素,并运用"结构—能动性"理论总结"城中村"非正规住房形成演化的内在机理。在此基础上,提出"城中村"非正规住房的管治方向与措施。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ever-shifting symbiosis between the village motif, social justice and populist politics in Iran over the past three decades. The village has remained a recurring motif in Persian literature, employed by a variety of writers and state institutions for a range of means. As a symbol, it has been a conduit into which any ideology can be poured; the village allegory can be manipulated to both condemn and support the official policies of the state. A comparison of Iran’s pre- and post-revolutionary literature sheds light on the ways the state literati perpetuated an idealized picture of the village as an authentic, sacred space, increasingly associated with religious nationalism during the 1980s. The paper examines the key socio-political influences on the evolution of the pastoral motif, the work of state-sponsored official poets, and the impact of the village on the cultural doctrine of the Islamic Republic.  相似文献   

Located on Dongshan Island,off the coast of Fujian province,is a typical rural village called Tongbo.On May 10,1950,147 men were abducted by the KMT army on its way to Taiwan.Since a majority of the men were already married,overnight,their wives became "widows," and most would remain so for the rest of their lives.Consequently,Tongbo village became more widely known as Widow Village.The first objective of this paper is to document the tragic experiences of men and women in Tongbo village,focusing on these forced separations in 1950,the possibility of reunion after 1987,and the struggle to cope with the difficulties in between.The second objective of this paper is to argue that while heartbreaking,the experiences of this village are not extraordinary in the context of the Chinese Civil War.What made the men and women in Tongbo extraordinary is not their collective suffering,but how these villagers suffered less,not more,than in many other places,because of the actions of three key figures.  相似文献   

结合黄土高塬沟壑区的自然地理特点,以陕西淳化县为例,分析黄土高塬沟壑区小流域村镇体系的空间分布特征,提出"两沟夹一塬"单元是黄土高塬沟壑区基本的自然与社会经济组织系统。提出应以城镇发展为核心,逐步形成适合于地域特征的"枝状"村镇体系空间结构体系;应对分散的村镇适当迁并,充分发挥城镇的集聚效益,逐步形成黄土高原沟壑区"大分散-小聚合"的村镇体系格局;应以生态环境建设为目的,加强轴线地带非城镇化地区的空间管制。  相似文献   

本文以陕西韩城党家村为例,采用问卷调查和现场访谈相结合的方式,运用EXCEL、SPSS等软件对调查结果进行数理统计,分析了居民对当地旅游开发的感知态度及差异,探讨了有关居民旅游感知的影响因素;并运用旅游发展阶段理论、社会交换理论等分析了党家村旅游开发的现状,认为目前党家村的旅游开发处于良好的状态,当地居民对旅游开发和旅游者持欢迎态度,处于融洽阶段。  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2002,21(4):473-494
This article examines the politics of migration in an indigenous Oaxacan village (Mexico), and finds that the village acts, with measured success, to shape the timing and rhythm of migration. Villagers regard migration as necessary yet problematic. Migration provides income for village families yet undercuts traditions of community service and disrupts the integrity of local development networks that link the community to NGOs, state bureaucracies, and product markets. As a consequence, villagers engage in a cultural politics of negotiation and contestation that moulds both the meanings of migration, and the village social practices that regulate migration. Regulation operates via the setting of norms for village communal labor participation: those who do not undertake assigned tasks (cargos and tequios) face loss of usufruct of communal lands. This finding of strong sending community agency is contrasted with recent migration studies that emphasize the agency of migrant networks and transnational spaces. The paper presents a case study of migration that examines the exercise of community agency via collective labor participation, and the study concludes by calling for a greater analytical focus on the cultural politics of sending communities.  相似文献   

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