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Two distinct archaeological phenomena appeared between the middle of the second century BCE and the middle of the first century: the Hasmonean folded wheel-made lamp and the standing pit burial cave. Following an examination of their dating, distribution, and social significance we suggest that this material culture was characteristic of the Jews in Judaea during this time and that it reflects the creation of an ethnic identity. The fact that the Hasmonean folded wheel-made lamp and the standing pit burial cave were typical of Jews in Judea indicates that they were ethnic features of Jewish society. By these means the Jews emphasized their dissimilarity from the rest of the population. The archaic appearance of the lamps and the burial caves, which replicates the cultural characteristics of the Kingdom of Judah during the monarchic/first Temple period, indicates that Jewish society in the Hasmonean period sought to legitimize its existence through the use of its former culture and memory.  相似文献   

2008年发掘的巩义涉村宋代壁画墓墓室为圆形,穹隆顶,中部为六个铺作,下部被六个倚柱分成六个壁面,六个壁面靠近阑额的地方绘24幅行孝图,下部绘砖砌家具与生活壁画。此墓的发掘对于研究宋代壁画中的行孝图有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

A Dingo-type dog skeleton was excavated in Pukapuka Island of the Cook Islands with an estimated age of about 350 years. Luomala (1960) suggested that an investigation of the breed of Polynesian dogs would provide clues to the history of migration of the Polynesians, who domesticated the dogs. The Pukapuka dog skeleton is morphologically similar to the dingo and suggests some racial or economical interchange among Australia and Polynesian islands before contact with western civilization.  相似文献   

Archaeologists, linguists and geneticists generally agree that Near Oceania was subject to two major pulses of human dispersal: a Pleistocene occupation around 40,000 BP and a Late-Holocene migration at 3500 BP commonly associated with the Austronesian expansion out of Taiwan. The latter led to the development of the Lapita cultural complex in the Bismarck Archipelago which resulted in the settlement of Remote Oceania and there are a variety of competing models (express train, slow boat, entangled bank, etc.) used to explain this. Recent genetic studies have focused on this issue, but none of them have taken into consideration the bias possibly introduced by 19th-century historically reported population decline caused by European contact.  相似文献   

青海都兰热水墓群2018血渭一号墓墓主考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墓主族属与身份是青海都兰热水墓群研究争议最大,也是最关键的问题。本文从最新考古发掘的2018血渭一号墓的墓葬形制和出土遗物入手进行考察,认为2018血渭一号墓是吐蕃化的吐谷浑王陵,根据墓葬树轮测年和出土印章,并结合敦煌本藏文文献,进行分析认为,墓主是吐蕃赤德祖赞时期的吐谷浑王莫贺吐浑可汗,其母后是689年嫁给吐谷浑王的赞蒙墀邦。  相似文献   

Recent archaeological excavations on San Nicolas Island, located off the coast of southern California, revealed the remains of a double dog burial interred sometime during the 13th and 14th centuries. Two carefully laid to rest and possibly sacrificed juvenile, female domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) between the ages of 1 and 6 months were found within a Native American village. Digestive tract residues include burned and unburned fish and marine mammal bone that suggest scavenging behavior or direct feeding by humans. Breed classifications place it between the Short-Nosed Indian dog and the Plains-Indian dog, likely representing a cross between those and other varieties of North American dogs. Comparisons with other dog burials from archaeological sites across southern California suggest commonalities and possible cultural linkages.  相似文献   


The small Channel Island of Herm combines several distinct habitats ranging from steep rocky coasts and a rolling upland plateau in the south to a dune-fringed sandy lowland in the north. Where upland and lowland meet, a line of megalithic tombs constitutes the island’s most striking archaeological feature. Four seasons of fieldwork (2008–2011) have sought to determine the environmental history of northern Herm since the last glacial period and to place the tombs within the broader context of Neolithic activity. A series of trenches and boreholes has revealed the changing morphology of the prehistoric land surface that lies buried beneath the extensive deposits of aeolian sand that cover this part of the island. Results indicate that much of the lowland plain was initially occupied by a shallow marine inlet that was cut off from the sea and progressively infilled starting in the 4th millennium b.c. Pollen and soil sequences reveal how the wooded early Holocene landscape around the edges of this inlet was steadily degraded by human impact and climate. Traces of settlement and cultivation (plowmarks) suggest the megalithic tombs were situated within an agricultural landscape. This finding has relevance for theories that have proposed that islands were favored places for burial by communities visiting from the neighboring mainland. Herm was a locus for settlement and farming as well as for burial during the Neolithic period.  相似文献   

Among the ceramic vessels recovered from the burial mounds of Bahrain, a small percentage represents Mesopotamian imports or local emulations of such. In this paper two overall horizons are distinguished in these Mesopotamian ceramics. These are significant because both coincide with major stages in Mesopotamia’s interaction with the populations of the ‘Lower Sea’. The first import horizon is comprised of a vessel type found exclusively in the scattered mounds of Early Type which pre‐date the rise of the Dilmun ‘state’ proper. The distribution of these vessels outside their areas of production demonstrates how they circulated widely in a network elsewhere considered to reflect the orbit of Mesopotamia’s late third‐millennium ‘Magan trade’. Here it is consequently concluded that this particular type represents an important fossile directeur of the ‘Magan trade’ and pre‐Dilmun florescence. The vessels that make up the subsequent horizon of Mesopotamian imports are found exclusively in the compact mound cemeteries and thus coincide with the heyday of Dilmun. On these grounds it is argued that the two horizons are the product of, respectively, the Ur III network of ‘Magan trade’ and the contracted Isin‐Larsa network of ‘Dilmun trade’.  相似文献   

The relationship between the kanaka maoli people of the traditional kingdoms of the Hawaiian Islands and Captain James Cook and his crew is interpreted in the context of a theory of gift exchange. It is argued that interpretations of kanaka maoli behaviour based on an implicit assumption that social relations were structured primarily by property rights leads to error. Instead, sense can be made of kanaka maoli behaviour only if a logic based on rights of person is taken into account.  相似文献   

This article outlines some general aspects of the Magan and Dilmun trade and goes on to examine the Umm an-Nar pottery discovered in the tombs of the Early Dilmun burial mounds of Bahrain. These ceramics are of particular interest because they indirectly testify to Dilmun's contact with Magan in the late third millennium. In this article, thirty vessels of seven morphological types are singled out. By comparison with the material published from the Oman peninsula the Bahrain collection is tentatively dated to c. 2250–2000 BC. The location of the Umm an-Nar pottery within the distribution of burial mounds reveals that its import was strongly associated with the scattered mounds of Early Type. It is demonstrated that the frequency of Umm an-Nar pottery declined just as the ten compact cemeteries emerged c. 2050 BC. The observed patterns are seen as a response to the decline of Magan and the rise of Dilmun.  相似文献   

This article outlines some general aspects of the Magan and Dilmun trade and goes on to examine the Umm an-Nar pottery discovered in the tombs of the Early Dilmun burial mounds of Bahrain. These ceramics are of particular interest because they indirectly testify to Dilmun's contact with Magan in the late third millennium. In this article, thirty vessels of seven morphological types are singled out. By comparison with the material published from the Oman peninsula the Bahrain collection is tentatively dated to c. 2250–2000 BC. The location of the Umm an-Nar pottery within the distribution of burial mounds reveals that its import was strongly associated with the scattered mounds of Early Type. It is demonstrated that the frequency of Umm an-Nar pottery declined just as the ten compact cemeteries emerged c. 2050 BC. The observed patterns are seen as a response to the decline of Magan and the rise of Dilmun.  相似文献   

Strontium (Sr) isotope analysis of archaeological crops is a potential method of provenancing and identifying the movement of crops in the past, but there remains uncertainty about whether original 87Sr/86Sr values can be obtained from carbonized buried grains. We have determined that hydrochloric acid (HCl) leaching removes some, but not all, exogenous Sr from carbonized cereal grains buried in soil for up to one year. We conclude that while further work could refine the leaching method, Sr isotope analysis of archaeological cereal grains can distinguish crops sourced from outside a particular (e.g., local) area if it can be shown that leaching moves grain 87Sr/86Sr values significantly away from the expected Sr signature.  相似文献   


New Zealand is proud of its decolonization record: Prime Minister Peter Fraser’s role in developing provisions for non-self-governing territories in the United Nations; New Zealand’s support for the 1960 declaration on colonialism; its leadership on decolonization in the Pacific; the innovative decolonization solution of self-government in free association with New Zealand adopted by the Cook Islands in 1965, and similar arrangement by Niue in 1974. This record is ascribed to a New Zealand belief in self-determination. Closer examination shows many officials, ministers and parliamentarians were opposed to self-government for the Cook Islands, and concerns lingered about Niue. The arrangements reached reflected New Zealand’s reluctance to let go. Yet self-government was granted, in the context of a reassuring New Zealand view of itself as the centre of the South Pacific region. With new competition for influence in the region, it is important that New Zealand does not seek to constrain the Cook Islands’ and Niue’s self-government and potential future self-determination.  相似文献   

2001年在重庆万州晒网坝遗址发掘的编号为CWTM10的墓葬被确定为蜀汉时期墓葬,这是该遗址中唯一一座可确定的蜀汉墓。该墓出土的30件陶器和陶俑成为遗址断代的重要依据。  相似文献   

王亮 《文博》2009,(6):15-25
自1974年开始发掘秦始皇陵墓周围坑,就认识到陶质军队及所有雕塑品早在成形之时其上都有彩绘纹饰.但是直到1999年,对完整的雕塑品上彩绘漆层进行第一次成功加固后,陶兵俑才首次作为彩绘雕塑品被鉴赏.同时,在陵墓周围新发掘出土的其它类型的雕塑上彩绘保存较为良好,尤其是百戏俑和青铜禽类.从2003年开始,对漆层材料和技术的研究作为中德文化遗产研究项目的一部分在中国已经开展.这些研究使得对技术现状有了一个详细的了解,包括对颜料和粘结剂辨别.他们还让人们更好地理解原始色彩.2006年,该研究结果将作为重建色彩和图案计划的根据.从2号坑过洞的一组跪射俑中可以看到作为个人和作为一个编队的彩绘陶俑.显示其总体的图案效果,色彩与效果的生动组合,以及色彩装饰的细节.它也明显的说明了每一件雕塑品的彩绘都不相同,各自独立.装饰品的彩绘图案只限于特别的高级别军人如高级官员和将军.不同类型的复杂图案可以被重建.他们详细的描绘纺织品,以及因为伸展身体而使表面变形的纺织品.另一种类型的装饰是有造型的应用结构.这些单色的结构表面描绘了百戏俑裤子上的精细丝绸,青铜禽类的羽毛或青铜战车上将军的翡翠挂件的突起.装饰图案与真实纺织品之间的关系强烈的令人惊讶.出土的宝贵的丝织品构造可以让我们明白这些陶质雕塑的绘制者想描绘什么样的纺织品,并再次说明陶质雕塑的色彩装饰现实主义.  相似文献   

Major corrosion has been found at depth in carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs from different geologic provinces. Fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotopic compositions of carbonate cements, predating major corrosion, constrain the interpretation of the evolution of parental fluids during progressive burial and prior to the major corrosion event. Post‐major corrosion mineral paragenesis includes pyrite (‐marcasite), anhydrite, kaolinite (dickite) and fluorite. Although the post‐corrosion mineral paragenesis represents minor volumes of rock, it may provide valuable insights into the post‐corrosion brine chemistry. Using reactive transport numerical models, the roles of cooling and/or mixing of brines on corrosion have been evaluated as controls for dolomitization, deep burial corrosion and precipitation of the post‐corrosion mineral paragenesis. Modelling results show that cooling of deep‐seated fluids moving upward along a fracture may cause minor calcite dissolution and porosity generation. Significant dolomitization along a fracture zone and nearby host‐rock only occurs when deep‐seated fluids have high salinities (4 mol Cl kg?1 of solution) and Darcian flow rates are relatively high (1 m3 m?2 year?1). Only minor volumes of quartz and fluorite precipitate in the newly formed porosity. Moreover, modelling results cannot reproduce the authigenic precipitation of kaolinite (dickite at high temperatures) by cooling. As an alternative to cooling as a cause of corrosion, mixing between two brines of different compositions and salinities is represented by two main cases. One case consists of the flow up along a fracture of deep‐seated fluids with higher salinities than the fluid in the wall rock. Dolomite does not precipitate at a fracture zone. Nevertheless, minor volumes of dolomite are formed away from the fracture. The post‐corrosion mineral paragenesis can be partly reproduced, and the results are comparable to those obtained from cooling calculations. Minor volumes of quartz and fluorite are formed, and kaolinite‐dickite does not precipitate. The major outputs of this scenario are calcite dissolution and slight net increase in porosity. A second case corresponds to the mixing of low salinity deep‐seated fluids, flowing up along fractures, with high salinity brines within the wall rock. Calculations predict major dissolution of calcite and precipitation of dolomite. The post‐corrosion mineral paragenesis can be reproduced. High volumes of quartz, fluorite and kaolinite‐dickite precipitate and may even completely occlude newly formed porosity.  相似文献   

Recent, mainstream, American mortuary archaeology, in its paradigmatic outlook, middle-range theory, analytic methodology, and case studies, has emphasized social organization as the primary factor that determines mortuary practices. Broader anthropological and social science traditions have recognized philosophical-religious beliefs as additional, important determinants. The historical roots of mortuary archaeology's focus on the social, and the consequence of this on theory development, is reviewed. Then, through a Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) cross-cultural survey, the kinds of philosophical-religious, social organizational, circumstantial, and physical factors that affect specific kinds of mortuary practices, and the relative importance of these factors, are documented. The data are also used to test basic premises that mortuary archaeologists routinely use today to reconstruct social organization. A balanced, more holistic, and multidisciplinary approach, which considers many kinds of causes beyond social ones, is found necessary to interpret mortuary remains and to reconstruct the past from them.  相似文献   

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