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王紫林 《南方文物》2004,(1):99-102
江西是历史文物大省,革命文物强省,文物资源非常丰富,革命文物、陶瓷文物、青铜文物、宗教文物和书院文物在全国、乃至世界都有重要地位。近年来,尤其是2003年以来,省委、省政府高度重视文物工作,连续召开三次会议研究文物工作,重点抓好“六个点”,文物工作呈现新局面。  相似文献   

本文在对现阶段宗教文物保护现状阐释的基础上,对后期宗教文物的保护工作提出建议性的保护措施,该研究工作对宗教文物后期长久保存具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

作为近年我国修复保护项目的重要工程之一,“大足石刻千手观音造像抢救性保护工程”髹漆贴金层修复是此次修复工程的重点和难点之一.考虑到千手观音的综合价值,以及作为宗教类文物的特殊性,贴金层该如何修复影响着整个保护工程的最终效果.2013年7月,修复工程组技术人员完成了针对髹漆贴金修复效果的本体试验,并得到了专家认可.本文主要介绍此次试验的前期准备和具体实验内容,讨论保护理论与修复操作的实践结合办法.  相似文献   

李精明 《东南文化》2023,(1):149-156
展览类型或展览面向对于展览策划、展览评估具有方法意义。宗教文物具有艺术面向、宗教面向等多种面向,根据展览面向不同而有不同的策展依据、评估指标。博物馆展览往往倾向于展示宗教文物的艺术面向。从展览目的、展览的陈列与设计、展览文本内容三个层面,对宗教文物展览案例进行评估与比较,研究发现宗教物件整体的品质影响了物件是否展示为艺术作品,馆所的创办人和历任馆长的理念、馆所形成的展览惯习、策展人的专业背景均为宗教物件是否展示为艺术作品的影响因素。博物馆可通过制定明确而具有差异化的博物馆宗旨和定位、吸纳不同专业背景的策展人、确定清晰的展览面向,促进宗教文物展览的多元面向,避免出现博物馆的美术馆化、宗教文物千篇一律展示为艺术作品的倾向。  相似文献   

文化部文物局于今年七月二十八日至八月五日在贵州省贵阳市召开了文物普查与文物志编写工作座谈会.会上交流了各地开展文物普查和文物志编写工作的情况,收获和经验.贵州、云南、辽宁,吉林、湖南、陕西等省和江苏省南京市、内蒙古自治区敖汗旗的代表还在大会上作了发言.部分省、地、市、县的文物普查记录,科学档案和已编印出的文物志版本及编辑方案、提纲、篇目,也在会上作了交流.会议着重讨论了今后文物普查和文物志编写工作中亟待统一解决的一些重要问题.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织把全球第一个?多元文化展示中心”定点于泉州是有道理的.这个宋元时期的“东方第一大港”至今活跃着多种戏曲、民俗与宗教,闹市之中随处可见高规格的文物和建筑,构成了这座千年古城的历史底色。  相似文献   

民俗宗教是在民间信仰、民间宗教的基础上发展、成熟的一个学术概念,指民众日常生活中制度性宗教之外的各种宗教信仰和习俗。碑刻民俗宗教文献是以石头为载体的民俗宗教记录。作为一种历史书写,与历史本相间不可避免的矛盾关系是其史料价值探究意义之所在。作为一类出土文献,它具有文献和文物的双重属性。明清以降雁北关公庙碑刻无论从碑刻书写范式及撰述意图,还是文物特点和背景,都具有真实而丰富的社会文化内涵;尤其是其文物史料价值,对于历史学、民俗学、宗教学研究,以及中国优秀传统文化的保护和传承,具有重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   

苏靖 《丝绸之路》2015,(4):73-74
甘肃藏区包括甘南藏区和武威天祝藏区,藏区文物遗存比较丰富,覆盖了古遗址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺及石刻、近现代重要史迹和代表性建筑等类型。由于地理上的过渡性、文化上的交融性、宗教上的包容性,甘肃藏区文物遗存具有明显的民族特征和独特优势,是民族交流融合、发展繁荣的重要历史见证。但由于城镇化发展和村民保护意识不强,文物保存现状岌岌可危。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]2004年6月11日,甘肃省文物局和公安厅联合召开全省文物安全工作会议,各地、州、市文博系统和公安战线的主要负责人汇聚兰州,就新时期文物安全工作及其相关问题进行了广泛而深入的研讨。本次会议以“三个代表”重要思想为指针,全面落实全国文物安全工作会议和全省文物工作会议精神,贯彻“保护为主,抢救第一,合理利用,加强管理”的文物工作方针,全面总结了“九五”以来全省文物安全工作,客观分析了当前文物安全形势,研究讨论了加强文物安全工作的新思路,安排部署了当前和今后一个时期全省文物安全工作。甘肃省文物安全工作会议在兰召…  相似文献   

为了贯彻四川省文物古建筑消防安全研讨会精神,普及古建筑消防管理法规,提高消防技术,促进开放寺庙、教堂的防火安全管理,重庆市文化局、民族宗教事务局、公安局消防支队于3月16日至20日,在市中区罗汉寺内联合举办了“重庆市文物古建筑消防安全培训班”。 培训班共开设了《文物管理工作》、《宗教古建筑工作》、《文物古建筑消防管理》、  相似文献   

中国国家线性文化遗产网络构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球化与快速城市化背景下,中华大地上的文化遗产受到了前所未有的威胁与破坏,特别是在国家历史上对维护国家政治稳定、经济发展、社会进步与文化交流发挥过重要作用的线性文化遗产亟待引起重视并得到系统保护。本文着重探讨了国家线性文化遗产网络的构建途径。通过将文献研究与专家问卷德尔斐法相结合,判别出了由19个线性文化遗产约250,000km线性要素所构成的国家线性文化遗产网络。以期在国土尺度上建立一个集生态与文化保护、休闲游憩、审美启智与教育等多功能为一体的线性文化遗产网络,在中华大地上形成一个彰显民族身份、延续历史文脉、保障人地关系和谐的文化"安全格局"。  相似文献   

季国良 《东南文化》2016,(4):11-16,127,128
遗产本质上具有伦理性,在历史主义保护传统中隐含着以传承为中心的伦理向度;同时,当代遗产保护运动中"人类遗产"理念和传承共同责任,又提升了遗产的公共性,揭示出了遗产保护中的当代共享向度。在历史主义保护占据主导地位的情况下,当代人在遗产面前的主体共享诉求相对不足,近些年国际国内对这种现象有较多的批评和反思。在需要满足当代人共享愿望又不能废弃传承伦理向度的情况下,创新保护理念和方式,在利用中实现"文化再生产"也许是文化遗产保护的有效途径。  相似文献   

Perhaps the most challenging heritage management issue since the beginning of the modern conservation movement relates to religious buildings and sites. This paper investigates approaches to the management of religious heritage buildings and sites in Osogbo, a multireligious Nigerian city, through the perspectives of various stakeholders. These stakeholders include the State, and its role in formal legislation and enforcement, the religious authorities as heritage owners and decision-makers, local communities’ understanding of heritage, and expert opinions about the properties. Drawing on physical observations, ethnographic assessment methods and secondary literature, the paper demonstrates how decisions taken by political leaders to construct a secularised national heritage have shaped the community’s cultural heritage perceptions, alienated from religious connotations. This selective use of the past gave heritage owners a free hand in decision-making about conservation, without taking into consideration historic and architectural/artistic values. It has also rendered expert judgment marginal.  相似文献   

"十三五"以来,我国文化遗产保护事业进入新阶段,但是文化遗产管理体系复杂、多头管理、权责不明等问题一直未得到解决.因此,国家文化公园建设过程中,应首先理顺国家文化公园与既有遗产保护体系之间的逻辑与关系,建立以重大文化遗产为主体的国家文化公园体系;以保护传承为首要目标,构建统一规范高效的国家文化公园管理体制;突出国家代表...  相似文献   

As a crucial part of the Maritime Silk Road, underwater cultural heritage plays a role in promoting development of One Belt and One Road in China due to its historical, archaeological and cultural value. The Chinese government has taken effective and reasonable measures to safeguard underwater cultural heritage, with numerous achievements. This paper addresses recent developments in the preservation of underwater cultural heritage with regard to legislation and policy.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the role of ethnic community in the process of heritage management and preservation. Drawing on two heritage projects dedicated to historic Chinese American cemeteries – the nineteenth-century Chinese Memorial Shrine in Los Angeles, California and Concordia Chinese Cemetery located in El Paso, Texas – this study examines how heritage serves as a central referent in constructing a collective identity that gives continuity and political unity to an ethnic community. Heritage preservation, as a practice connecting the past and present, provides us with insight not only into the historic meanings attached to heritage, but also the contemporary values and ideologies of communities with regard to their efforts in interpreting the past. This paper highlights the relationship between identity politics and heritage, suggesting that heritage becomes a vital means of identity formation which helps articulate cultural traditions in the face of a dominant national culture that essentialises ethnic pasts.  相似文献   

旅游业给遗产保护与遗产地管理带来了机遇与挑战。旅游业对维护文化和自然遗产价值,对社会、当地群众及非物质文化遗产均有影响,也给当地遗产设施发展与保护带来机遇。联合国教科文组织始终致力于文化与自然遗产的保护与弘扬工作,开创有前瞻性的旅游业,承认文化多样性原则,强调旅游业在促进遗产保护等方面的有效作用。其创意城市网络主推的"善行旅游",严格遵循原真性与完整性的原则,通过对世界文化遗产、纪念碑、历史建筑、国家公园、博物馆等各类景区定期评估,提升公众关于新旅游产品及旅客稀少遗址的意识,提升参观者体验感受等多种行动,改善人群福利,保护自然和文化遗产,促进经济和社会发展,从而有利于文化遗产保护与旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   


This paper looks at the effectiveness of the policy of non-discrimination towards minorities in the preservation of minority cultural heritage, constructing a case study within Albania. After defining the key terms used, this paper examines the legal framework of non-discrimination towards minorities in its historical development and looks into the state of preservation of minority cultural heritage on the ground throughout the 2010s combining extensive field-work with interviews with key representatives of ethnic minorities in Albania. The poor state of preservation of minority cultural heritage is mostly attributed to under-financing and the insufficient policy of non-discrimination. As I demonstrate, in the case of minorities with a kin-state in the region, most notably Greece, as well as the heritage claimed by neighbouring states, primarily Turkey, the policy of non-discrimination and the practice of under-financing paves the way for external involvement in the protection of cultural heritage, in pursuit of international political agendas. The paper concludes that more needs to be done for the protection of minority cultural heritage in Albania.  相似文献   

This article illustrates how Japan’s involvement in international heritage discourse, in particular since the Nara Conference in 1994, played an important role in the development of a global understanding of heritage and what it constitutes. It explores the way the Ise Shrine came to be represented as an iconic example of an ‘Eastern approach’ to heritage to become central in the paradigm shift within global heritage discourse towards acknowledging cultural diversity. In this article, however, I argue that the presentation and understanding of the Ise Shrine has perpetuated a number of misconceptions about an Eastern approach to heritage conservation. In particular, its presentation and interpretation as a cultural site devoid of its distinct religious and political significance, limits what can be learned from it. This article argues that without full recognition of the religious beliefs intimately embedded in the traditional social structures, practices and attitudes related to heritage sites, recognition of cultural diversity would remain limited.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

This paper explores the decision-making process for heritage management at the monastic community of Mount Athos, a World Heritage Site in Northern Greece, in relation to the concept of living religious heritage and the pursuit to balance the heritage values of both the experts (heritage professionals) and the non-experts. The function and impact of a specific heritage agency — KEDAK (Centre for the Preservation of Athonite Heritage) — designed to establish the decision-making power of the Athonite monasteries will be critically discussed. A range of interesting compromising solutions and some challenges and problems raised by the function of this agency will serve as the background for examining the extent to which different perceptions on heritage management can coexist, particularly when heritage professionals find themselves on the bottom of a top-down decision-making process.  相似文献   

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