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1997年9月,一项特别法案赋予庞贝考古遗址新的身份——从意大利文化部的地方直属管理局改制为一个自治管理局.2008年7月,意大利总理宣布庞贝进入为期一年的紧急状态,并委任一名特别专员以应对“该考古遗址的严峻局势”.本文旨在回顾庞贝在这十年间的转型,考察其重大机构改革,并分析其间的工作以及人力和资金管理的演变.本文除关注专业问题之外,还着重研究文化机构问责制的作用,以及意大利公共行政管理体系的特征,并对公共机构转型是否存在全球统一的路径提出质疑.  相似文献   

大遗址保护工程建设是我国文化遗产事业当前重点工作之一。针对大遗址保护工程建设中涌现的建设用地问题,在分析西方各国对于土地权属处理方式的基础上,给出了大遗址保护工程建设中基于可转移发展权的土地权属流转方法;考虑到国家考古遗址公园作为当前大遗址保护工程的一种典型建设形式,借鉴意大利庞贝古城管理改革和法国文化遗产法律体系发展的过程,提出了一种可管理、可自治、可问责的大遗址保护工程建设管理新模式。  相似文献   

河南博物院将于今年11月5日至2005年3月31日举办“古罗马文明展”。“古罗马文明展”是河南博物院建院以来第一次引进的大型国家级外展,这个展览是由中国国家博物馆与意大利文化活动和遗产部考古总局经过近3年的筹划确定举办的大型文物展,河南是第二站巡展地。这次参展的173件文物,来自意大利那不勒斯国家考古博物馆、罗马帝国广场博物馆、罗马卡匹托林博物馆、罗马文明博物馆、罗马市区遗址博物馆、庞贝博斯科瑞博物馆等6家著名的博物馆,这批文物反映了古罗马  相似文献   

2010年,意大利庞贝古城发生了三次坍塌事故。本文阐述了庞贝古城发生事故原因以及存在的问题,并联系龙门石窟实际,对其存在问题进行了分析,探讨了解决思路,强调了日常保养维护在文物保护工作中的重要性。  相似文献   

正Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 2019年第3期南伊拉克文化遗产的风险评估:影响考古遗址的动因、风险和行动Federica Zaina本文提出了南伊拉克地区考古遗址的风险类型,以及可能的保护办法。之所以能提出这样的方案,得益于由伊拉克-意大利QADIS调查项目所建立起来的558个遗址样本的遥感和实  相似文献   

一 1985年4月参加在意大利威尼斯召开的“中国古代文明”国际学术讨论会之后,我应德意志考古研究所的邀请,去联邦德国作了十六天的访问。这是继1979年参加中国社会科学院考古代表团之后,我所进行的第二次访问。访问期间,德意志考古研究所委托在科隆大学进修的黄其煦同志全程陪同,为参观访问提供了不少的方便。由于德国考古研究所的周密安排和有关单位的热情接待,对于联邦德周的研究机构和博物馆的考古情况、田野发掘和现代科学方法的应用、重要史前遗址的参观考察和学术交流等方面,都取得比较深入的了解,特别是发掘现场的参观和古代遗址的考察,是这次访问的突出收获。  相似文献   

正2021年3月19日,由河南省文物局指导,河南省文物考古学会、《华夏考古》杂志主办的"2020河南考古新发现论坛"在三门峡市举行。经过各项目负责人汇报,专家无记名投票,最终在10个汇报项目中,推选出"巩义双槐树遗址""淮阳时庄遗址""伊川徐阳墓地""洛阳白草坡东汉陵园遗址""隋唐洛阳城玄武门遗址"五个考古发掘项目为"2020年度河南省五大考古新发现",并将"渑池仰韶村遗址第四次考古发掘"推选为"特别关注考古新发现"。  相似文献   

50年来,作为全国成立最早、规模最大的省级考古研究机构,陕西省考古研究院在省内各个研究领域取得丰硕成果的同时,在域外考古发掘与研究方面也备受瞩目.自1984年开始,陕西省考古研究院先后承担了第二次全国文物普查西藏部分区域、三峡库区、香港扒头鼓、沙田区、西贡北区及西贡沙下遗址、越南义立遗址、南水北调工程湖北、河南两省部分区域以及甘肃礼县早期秦文化遗址的考古调查、勘探与发掘工作,取得了一系列重要的研究成果,也受到了合作单位的一致好评.现将主要收获归纳如下.  相似文献   

海龙囤遗址是一处以军事防御为主的宋明时期土司山城遗址.毁于明万历二十八年(1600年)的平播之役。遗址地势险要,环囤有墙.尚存关隘9道."老王宫"和"新王宫"是囤顶最大的两组建筑群.2012年4月~2013年1月.贵州省文物考古研究所等考古机构在此进行了以"新王宫"为重心的海龙囤史上首次大规模考古发掘工作,探明"新王宫"是一组带有衙署性质的明代建筑群。发掘成果荣鹰2012年度全国十大考古新发现.本刊选登发掘领队李飞的三篇发掘手记——一个个性化的视角解读海龙囤.  相似文献   

本文是对1991年新密黄寨遗址考古发掘工作的补充.本文重点介绍H1以及所包含的一片卜骨.卜骨上面的刻划符号,对研究我国文字起源具有重要意义.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the application—for the first time in the Mediterranean area—of the combination of the study of chemical residues in floors and ceramics, with the aim of providing information about the activities carried out in archeological buildings. We chose the Garum Shop at Pompeii to test the method. In fact, due to the peculiarity of this archeological context, it provided an ideal case in which the activities performed are in part known, and the ceramic vessels recovered are still in situ. Floor samples were studied by means of spot tests developed in Mexico aimed at identifying the presence of phosphates, fatty acids, and protein residues, while the organic residues preserved in the ceramic matrix of amphorae, dolia, and other ceramic vessels were studied by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Moreover, we integrated the data obtained with specific studies directed at better identifying the solid residues found inside two of the amphorae studied: botanical studies of fruit stones recovered in a Dressel 20 amphora and the characterization of the lime preserved in an African amphora. The research allowed for the identification of the traces of some of the activities performed, such as cooking and producing garum in the floors of the building, and the use and re-use of amphorae and dolia before the Vesuvian eruption.  相似文献   

Presented here are the results of an archeological and archaeometric study of two famous marble sculptures displayed in the Gabinetto Segreto of the National Archeological Museum of Naples: the “Pan and She-Goat” group from the Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum and the statue of the “Bikini Venus” leaning on a statuette of Priapus from the House of Julia Felix in Pompeii. This study offers some art historical observations about the sculptures and the first minero-petrographic (polarizing microscopy on thin section and x-ray diffraction on powders) and isotopic (C and O stable isotope ratio) investigation of their marble types. The results indicate that the “Pan and She-Goat” group employed the statuary white Carrara variety, while the Parian lychnites was used for the “Bikini Venus”. Analyses proved also that the red finishing layer present on the latter statue is composed by sandyx.  相似文献   

In the past decade, there has been an increasing interest shown by the Government and Local Authorities in issues concerning the implementation of new technologies and means of communication in the public administration. Several operations have been moved online, including some significant purchasing functions and procedures. Electronic procurement, or e-procurement, indicates the use of electronic tools or practices during each stage of the purchasing process. E-procurement is seen as a powerful instrument to achieve efficiency and cash savings. While e-procurement helps public sector bodies to achieve their budget targets, it also increases the level of competition among public sector suppliers. This may influence the level of economic activity generated at local levels and potentially reduce the level of business provided to local firms. In the worst case, this situation could produce a knock-on effect especially in peripheral and remote areas, where the public sector is often the major purchaser. This paper focuses on the significance of e-procuring and e-tendering practices among Local Authorities in Cumbria, North-West England. The paper explores how the tendency to use e-procurement may vary among public sector suppliers with regard to business characteristics such as size, headquarter location and sector of activities. In addition, the author investigates the suppliers' ability to deal with e-procurement practices and procedure, and examines how e-buying and e-tendering in the public sector affects Local Authorities' patterns of spend.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new approach to measuring government efficiency, based on the theory that communities that allocate resources efficiently in the local public sector maximize property values. We use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to identify the counties in Minnesota that are characterized by property-value maximization and hence an efficient public sector. The results indicate that the dominant source of public sector inefficiency is an inappropriate scale of operations. It appears that some county jurisdictions are too large to service the population efficiently. The size and concentration of government power are also responsible in part for observed inefficiencies.  相似文献   

Italian capitalism has long been distinguished by the large size of the public enterprise sector and the power of large family firms, underpinned by powerful networks of inter-firm alliance orchestrated by the merchant bank, Mediobanca. This article seeks to analyse the extent to which the current programme of privatization is serving not only to shrink the size of, but to transform the structure of, power in the private sector. While some reformers have seen in privatization an instrument to encourage the adoption of Anglo-Saxon forms of corporate governance in Italy, it is argued here that the evidence of recent changes indicates the emergence of a more differentiated pattern of corporate governance rather than the triumph of any single model.  相似文献   

Jed Levin 《Archaeologies》2011,7(3):596-618
For seven-eighths of George Washington’s presidency a large Georgian townhouse in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, served as both the President’s executive offices and residence. In the early years of this century the former location of this house became the focus of intense public interest. The compelling story of the President’s House and its occupants, most particularly, nine enslaved Africans who Washington brought with him to Philadelphia, provoked intense public dialogue and protest by a diverse coalition of citizens. Public activism led to an archeological excavation where the power of an engaged citizenry transformed an ‘orchestrated’ public archaeology project into a demonstration of public ownership of the past.  相似文献   


The paper revolves around the figure of Enrico Cuccia, the patron of Mediobanca for half a century, whose activities represented for bad and good how the Italian economic system was organized before the privatizations of the 1990s. It was Cuccia who ‘substituted’ an absentee State in strengthening the Italian big business sector.  相似文献   

Drawing on empirical work with a third sector community organisation in the UK and the young NEET adults (16–20 years old, ‘not in employment or education or training’) they ‘creatively’ work with, this paper explores the practices and meanings of creativity as they emerged through a project funded through public and third sector organisations. The paper argues that there is an increasing disjuncture between creativity as a process or method, evidenced in the approaches, practices and ethos of the community organisation I worked with, and the notion of creativity as productive outcome seen in wider policy. This is having an impact on the practices and values of community organisations, particularly as they are pushed to rationalise processes as a result of austerity measures. Indeed, in the era of wider public and third sector cuts, creativity as a process or method is becoming harder to sustain on a day-to-day basis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of globalization of production on the Italian footwear sector and investigates the structural changes taking place in some shoe districts as they join international production networks. The following questions are discussed: Are Italian footwear districts specializing in particular phases of the production cycle? Is there a trend towards the reduction of activities carried out within districts? Or are different patterns emerging according to the districts' main market segment and to the value chains (e.g. luxury fashion market or mass market) they belong to? The study explores these issues using data on outward processing trade (OPT) collected by Associazione Nazionale Calzaturieri Italiani (ANCI) to analyse the fragmentation of production in the footwear sector at “provincia” level. The available disaggregation of data allows an investigation of the different outsourcing strategies and emerging trends within the district. Two case studies are presented; one on Riviera del Brenta in Veneto and the other on Barletta in Puglia. In the footwear districts investigated, evidence of different international delocalization strategies is found. It is argued that these different patterns of specialization are closely related to the clusters' market position and suggest that these patterns influence the clusters' potential for future competitiveness.  相似文献   

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