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风儿把你送入天空,你仍在飘落,你甜美的春梦,随着秋叶一起飘落……随着季节的深入,眼前的风景也跟着生动了起来。走在幽静的小路上,沐浴着秋日的阳光。凝神间,仿佛看见无数落叶在舞动、翻飞,在秋的美妙的旋律里,落下金黄的一片,如美丽的绸缎,铺满生命来去的旅途,不愿去惊醒沉睡的大地,悄悄地来去,舞步轻盈,迷恋那洒脱的风儿,幻想那春日的影儿。  相似文献   

矗立于中亚的帕米尔高原,与东南的青藏高原连为一体,构成平均海拔4000米以上的高亚洲.在帕米尔周围延伸出五大山系:东北的天山山脉,东南的昆仑山脉、喀喇昆仑山脉和喜马拉雅山脉,西南的兴都库什山脉,地理学家称之为帕米尔山结. 帕米尔高原具有一些矛盾的特性,她既偏远又中心,既是险阻又是通衢,对于中国人来说,她是辽阔国境最西部的一个高原;然而,纯粹从地理的角度看,她位于欧亚大陆的中心偏南,恰似心脏般强壮和耀眼,将亚洲大陆分割成东亚、南亚、西亚和北亚几个独立的地区,画地作狱,天各一方;同时,她又提供了一条条隐秘而坚韧的通道,让各地声气相通,是引人瞩目的交通枢纽.  相似文献   

国庆、中秋双节出游正遇阴雨天气,赶到孟达已是大雨滂沱,望着浓云密布的山峦犹豫不决,是冒雨登山,还是望雨止步?正在迟疑之间,忽见从山路上走下一妙龄少女,被雨水浸透的牛仔装紧紧裹住她那健美的身姿,衬托出丰满匀称的体态,雨滴从脸颊滑落,一双炯炯有神的大眼睛.她没有撑伞或雨具,双手插兜,戴着耳机,哼着小曲,体态轻盈,从山中飘然而至.面对眼前的情景,我被惊呆了,不仅赞叹她的俊美,更是叹服她那不畏风雨敢于游山的毅力和勇气,这使我们下决心冒雨游天池.  相似文献   

王雯娟 《风景名胜》2016,(5):148-149
姚江源头茶飘香 春天的四明山,犹如一个活泼的少女,满山的红枫樱花和千亩最美茶园,向游人尽情展示着自己的美丽,这个时节,向着姚江源头进发,品茗赏花正当时. 大岚镇万亩樱花已经开放,进入其中,沿途满眼樱花,徜徉在粉色的浪漫花海之中.走过了花海,四明山区域的最美茶园更为醉人.千亩茶园参差分布在梯田之上,形成绿油油的波浪,其间点缀着忙碌的采茶人.嫩芽需要马上进行加工,因此茶园基地内专门有现场炒茶的师傅随时待命于此,几个茶人坐在铁锅前,手掌在滚烫的锅底来回翻动着新芽,渐渐地,茶叶的青草味减退,清香愈加浓郁.只取一小撮,看新茶在滚水中翻滚跳跃,香气四溢开来.  相似文献   

初冬,午后,一室阳光。信手从书架上抽出一本小说,随意翻看。书页略微泛黄,空白处,是一排排略显青涩的文字。一笔,一划。杯中的香茗散发着氤氲的热气,绿色的叶片在温热的清水中曼妙舒卷,回忆若杯中的绿色,渐渐清晰,我仿佛看见年幼时的自己,端坐在书桌前,一丝不苟地写下一排排工整的字迹,然后合上书本,小心地将它放回书架的  相似文献   

<正>照片中,秋天的蛤蟆坝孕育着成熟的美。起伏的山谷,明净的河水,斜阳打在远处的树上,拉出参差的树影,牛群渡过河流时,悠闲地低头饮水……拍摄者顾晓军为我们展现的,是旖旎醉人的,光彩照人的蛤蟆坝,虽没有表现其景色全貌,但画面细腻的光影,明丽的色彩,以及丰富的细节,已将耶悠远辽阔的意境渲染到极致。构图之美内蒙占塞罕坝草原上,深秋的黄昏来了。顾晓军在蛤蟆  相似文献   

正奇特的语言和文字,从印度洋吹来的温润的风,未知而又丰富的生物,召唤着我,踏进了那滴在印度洋上的泪珠——斯里兰卡。虽然语言文字不同,迎接着不同大洋吹来的风,但是我坚信,对于爱鸟,任何地方的观鸟人都会没有异议地表示赞同。因为只有它们,才能为我们的大自然点缀上最靓丽的一朵会跳跃、会飞翔的花朵。至于我印象最深刻的关于爱鸟的一件事,曾以为,小朋友对爱护鸟类这种事情是还没有概念的,但是我经过这件事之后,发现我错了,这件事在平常人眼中看是一件小事,而在我看来,它的  相似文献   

灵灵  曾豪 《旅游》2013,(7):52-59,3
两个精神世界高度相似的人,凑在一起,总会进发某些意想不到的火花。我和曾豪就是这样的两个人。我们是同事,是朋友,是恋人,更是心灵伴侣。工作上,我们相互配合,相互切磋。生活中,一起看书、学习、看电影,空闲了,来个说走就走的旅行。很多人难以想象,这样几乎24小时都在一起的情侣,竟然不会吵架,也没见发生大的矛盾,甚至从没觉得腻。或许和我们俩的性格以及相处方式有关,独立、信赖、理解,有问题随时沟通。旅行,不在乎远近,不在乎目的地,在乎的是心情,以及和你同行的人。我们享受在路上的感觉,自由而随性。喜欢摄影,喜欢骑行,喜欢两人开着摩托,到乡下、到河边、到山中,到最接近自然与真实的地方,感受不期而遇的美好。不怕岁月流逝,不怕容颜日益苍老,只要心怀梦想与激情,我们会永远拥有青春。  相似文献   

娟子  Frank Lir 《风景名胜》2008,(2):112-115
记得是二月,邂逅一场爱的飞雪,那一场冬季恋歌。记得是《冬季恋歌》的凄美旋律,把那段时间彻底浸润。是春川的美,给韩剧《冬季恋歌》披上了可泣诉的外衣,还是《冬季恋歌》中男女主人公惟珍和俊尚前尘后世的爱恋,给了春川如梦如幻的色彩?其实这已经不重要了。重要的是,由此,我们可以在韩国江原道的地图上,找出春川,那座小城的位置,爱情那个位置标上一个温暖的温度。春川,是电视剧《冬季恋歌》的外景拍摄地,一座青春浪漫的小城。漫天雪花中笔直的水杉路,闪烁灯火下小小的街道,古老的校园,如诗的浓雾,寒风中晶莹的滑雪场……冬季丰富的影像给缠绵悱恻的故事涂上了一笔浓浓的色彩,这一切,都为一场纯真的初恋贴上了心灵和视觉盛宴的标签,一唱三叹,荡气回肠。"如果这是最好的结局,为何我还忘不了你。"年轻人演绎的爱情如此刻骨,镜头里唯美的画面如此煽情,那么好吧,就让我们将脚步迈进这座温暖小城,这座因为《冬季恋歌》而扬名海内外的韩国小城——春川,进行一次爱情之旅,与爱与雪来一场忘情邂逅。  相似文献   

青海是花儿的故乡,民歌的海降。花儿的曲令五彩纷呈,余音绕梁。花儿的传统唱词,色彩斑斓,熠熠生辉。不少歌词,隽永深邃,言简意赅,朗朗上口,历久不衰,这是我们宝贵的财富,比之唐诗宋词,毫不逊色。但是,由于多种因素的制约,花儿的歌词创新与曲令创新未能同步,曲令已由上世纪末的近百个发展为近二百个,出现了前所未有的喜人局面,但唱词创作却远远落后于形势,大大影响了花儿的发展与提高。  相似文献   

南阳和山东是我国汉代画像墓葬发现和使用较早的两个地区,但两地画像墓葬的类型、形制以及发展的趋势各不相同。比较两地汉画墓葬的类型、结构形式、画像装饰的题材和布局,对深入研究汉画墓葬的兴衰及其社会根源具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

人字顶木椁墓首次发现于浙江绍兴印山越王陵,之后在闽越、南越等地区也相继发现,商周时期江南地区土墩墓内的建筑形式推测原来也为人字形墓葬建筑遗存。江浙地区人字顶木椁墓是越文化的独特葬俗,闽越和南越的族属渊源与南下越人有紧密联系,发现的人字顶木椁墓应该是延续了越人的葬俗,这种葬俗不是贵族特有而是普遍采用的。  相似文献   

An experimental study on half-scale brick-masonry models with different strengthening and retrofitting measures has been studied under cyclic loading in a quasi-static test facility. The strengthening measures undertaken for the studies axe the horizontal bond beam at the lintel and sill level with a combination of vertical reinforcement at corners and openings. The retrofitting measures studied are grouting with epoxy-sand-mortar and cement-grout-injection with welded wire mesh in the cracked region. The tests reveal that the horizontal bond beam at lintel level with vertical reinforcement is effective in reducing the cracking above the lintel level. The insertion of an additional sill-band signi-ficantly reduces the cracking in walls. The epoxy-sand-mortar techniques for retrofitting of cracked regions prove to be effective enough to restore the initial strength, stiffness and deformation capacity. Although specimen retrofitted with cement-grout-injection with welded wire mesh is effective to regain the ultimate strength yet the brittle failure is observed as the specimen is stressed beyond the elastic limit.  相似文献   

The levels of ten elements (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, strontium, barium, potassium, sodium, zinc, iron, and aluminium) have been measured in the femurs and humeri of laboratory rats grown on test diets as a model for palaeodietary studies of excavated human skeletons. High levels of dietary fibre correlate with lower Ca and higher Sr and Ba in the bone. High values of the dietary Sr/Ca ratio correlate with high Sr levels in the bone. High levels of dietary protein correlate with lower Sr and higher Zn. High values of the ratio Ba/Ca and lower levels of Fe correlate with higher levels of Ba. Because bone levels typically are controlled by several dietary components, variation of the levels of a given element in the diet does not necessarily translate into analogous variations in bone. Only K and Fe in bone correlate highly with their levels in diet. The failure of bone Sr, Ba, and Zn to correlate positively with dietary levels is fully explicable in terms of their interdependence on other dietary components, such as Ca, P, Fe, protein, and fibre.  相似文献   

Do Western researchers in non-Western countries face special situations that require adopting a unique research methodology and ethics when conducting research with children? Are methodological and ethical rules, common in the West, also valid for research with children in non-Western countries? The present article addresses methodological and ethical questions that arise when conducting research with children in football academies in Ghana. The article focuses on five main issues that raise methodological and ethical questions: access to children, informed consent, power relations, reciprocity and the use of interviews as a research tool with children. Examples derived from my fieldwork in Ghana illustrate that universal ethical guidelines may restrict Western researchers to a far too rigid framework that does not take into consideration the local context. Thus, there is a need for culture-related methodology and ethics when we conduct studies with children in non-Western countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines cooperation patterns of firms in the German low-technology region of Lower Bavaria. Particular emphasis is placed on the interplay among the spatial scale of cooperation, the form of cooperation and the type of innovation. Generic results show that overall, firms with a spatially more diverse set of cooperation linkages have a higher likelihood of innovating. However, the innovation outcomes differ depending on the spatial scale of cooperation. While cooperation with regional partners positively correlates with low-threshold innovations, cooperation with spatially distant partners positively correlates with product innovations. Surprisingly, it is application-oriented cooperation that channels the relation in both cases. The findings support the view that innovation of firms in low-technology regions is driven by ‘development’ rather than ‘research’. It also suggests that innovation-driven growth may even be possible in regions with limited values on the traditional innovation-supporting factors.  相似文献   

大遗址考古发掘与保护的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、背景大遗址的概念是我国文化遗产保护在全球视野下从近十几年来的遗址保护与管理工作中提出的一个重要概念。尽管这个概念在目前还没有清晰而科学的法定量化界  相似文献   

C. Bakels 《Archaeometry》2019,61(2):470-477
This paper describes an experiment to provide baselines for the δ15N values of prehistoric cereals. Emmer wheat and barley were grown in tubs filled with two different substrates and placed in a cage to protect them from birds and cats. The experiment lasted three years. Values obtained in this way may serve in cases where no experimental farms of long standing with unmanured fields can provide them. The results are in line with the values obtained at such farms, as well as with values presented for ethnographic cases in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper aims at a greater comprehension of the distribution of differentiated knowledge bases and their association with innovation performance. Drawing on evolutionary economic geography, we applied a combinatorial and dynamic view on knowledge bases. The main contribution is the examination of changes and transformations of knowledge bases over time in particular group of regions in Europe and links with innovation performance. Our study revealed systematic regularities between regions with different innovation performance and their knowledge bases. With decreasing regional innovation performance the volatility of knowledge bases over time increases. Innovation leaders evinced stability over time and the most balanced composition of knowledge bases (compared with Central and Eastern Europe regions). Western European countries and regions exhibit the most balanced structure of knowledge bases. An important complementarity and synergy has been identified in the close relatedness of the symbolic knowledge base to the analytical knowledge base. The highest intensity of SME cooperation takes place in regions with a strong analytical base and in regions with the most balanced mix among all three bases (particularly in the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium. Underperforming in innovation show a balanced mix of synthetic and symbolic knowledge bases.  相似文献   

Stilt structures in the inter-tidal zone or over shallow water on fringing reefs are widely accepted as a feature of settlements of the Lapita cultural complex in Near Oceania. Claims for similar structures in a pre-Lapita context at the Apalo site in the Arawe Islands, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, have been queried on several grounds. Re-evaluation of the Apalo evidence, together with 10 additional AMS radiocarbon dates, establishes human activity associated with some form of structure and possibly with a ground stone axe about 400–500 years before the Lapita pottery occupation. The paucity of occupational refuse suggests a non-residential structure perhaps associated with water transport. Comparisons with the older Dongan midden site in the Sepik-Ramu basin suggest stilt structures were probably used there as well. An apparent shift in depositional processes between the pre-Lapita and Lapita use of Apalo could reflect changed sea conditions arising from increased ENSO activity.  相似文献   

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