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众所周知,现代经济增长肇始于英国工业革命时期,然而,对此期间的工人阶层的生活水平是否提高却存在着争论。作为影响生活水平的最重要指标,工业革命时期英国工业工人的实际工资经历了一个复杂的变化过程。从整体上看,他们实际工资在经历了18世纪90年代到19世纪10年代的普遍下降后,自1820年开始总体有所改善。工业革命并没有导致工人生活水平的普遍恶化,相反,正是工业的发展带来了实际工资和生活水平的提高。但是,实际工资的改善程度在所有工人群体中绝非均匀一致,各行业、各地区间存在不同程度的差异,生活水平从来没有得到改善甚至恶化的情况也是客观存在的。  相似文献   

湖北新式工业的出现,始于汉口开埠后的19世纪70年代,起初的创办者都是外国来汉商人。如1873年前后在汉口英租界开办的顺丰砖茶厂,1876年在汉口兴办的机器制革厂,都分别是由俄国商人和英国商人投资兴建。由中国官府投资兴办湖北新式工业.肇始于19世纪90年代,这是与张之洞调任湖广总督联系在一起的。  相似文献   

正体育活动上的"拉拉队"的出现,是在19世纪的后期。19世纪70年代,第一个旨在创造体育比赛激励气氛的俱乐部,成立于普林斯顿大学。1884年,一位普林斯顿大学的毕业生汤姆·皮博斯,将拉拉队这种比赛激励形式和美式足球这个运动项目,传播到明尼苏达大学。19世纪90年代,有组织的拉拉队活动,以及第一首鼓励运动员比赛拼搏的歌曲,诞生于明尼苏达大学。20世纪20年代,女性开始活跃于拉拉队活  相似文献   

葛继圣 《百年潮》2005,(1):79-80
20世纪90年代初,美籍著名历史学家,华盛顿中国近现代历史研究所主任周谷教授,在阔别祖国大陆半个多世纪之后,第一次来大陆探亲旅游.在上海逗留期间,他会见了早年在国立政治大学求学期间的同窗学友,并展示他于50年代末,在"中华民国驻美大使馆"任职期间,参与馆产清理过程中,在一包待废的档卷中,发现了一批清末中国留美学生使用过的出国护照.  相似文献   

京汉铁路工人的精神驿站——劳动补习学校   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪20年代,随着五四运动的爆发,一些有先进思想的共产党人逐渐认识到工人阶级的力量,他们在工人中开办劳动补习学校。工人夜校开始组织和领导工人阶级登上政治舞台。其中京汉铁路沿线的劳动补习学校对早期的工人运动具有十分重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

在美国工会运动的历史上,美国工会一直对移民工人持排斥和反对的态度,然而,自20世纪90年代中期开始,其态度却发生了截然不同的变化。  相似文献   

著名的日本通小泉八云在19世纪90年代发表过一系列评说日本的文章。这个热爱日本文化的洋人认为:明治维新30年来,日本只是采用了西方先进的科学和技术,使国家强大起来,日本文明的天性丝毫未变:富士山依然耸立,  相似文献   

林薇 《史学月刊》2007,2(4):94-102
19世纪英国铁路筑路工人是一个独特的工人群体。本文通过考察筑路工人在主要铁路修建体制分包制中的工作与生活状况,并对比工厂制中雇佣工人的相关情况,认为规训机制与信用体制的缺乏正是造成他们独特境遇和种种不幸的主要因素。在19世纪中期后,尽管对分包制进行了局部改革,但这些改革都未能从根本上改变分包制下筑路工人的不幸遭遇。  相似文献   

<正>位于三门峡市上村岭的虢国墓地,经过20世纪50年代和90年代两次大规模发掘后,出土了数量众多的动物玉雕。特别是90年代国君兆域区的发掘清理,出土的象生动物玉雕有天上飞的、地上跑的、水里游的,土里钻的,不仅包含了神化动物形象,而且各种飞禽走兽都有发现,种类几乎囊括了北温带所有的物种。玉牛就是其中数量较多的一类。发掘的18座墓中共出土了10余件牛形玉器,下面分  相似文献   

城市史学是第二次世界大战以后在西方涌现出来的新的历史分支学科。它在60年代得到了大发展,直到90年代,始终方兴未艾。然而,在有些国家,对城市的研究从19世纪末就开始了,至今已有一个世纪的历史。一百年来,对城市的研究经历了哪几个阶段,都研究些什么问题?发展的状况如何?本文试图在这一方面做些初步探讨。  相似文献   

Rooflessness in London emerged as a media issue and political problem during the 1980s. While "rough sleeping" undoubtedly increased, numbers are hard to quantify because studies are unreliable, use different categories, and people seamlessly drift from one category to another. This article analyzes the causes of rooflessness in London, focusing on central government policy change at a time when London, atypically among major cities, had no overarching metropolitan government. The creation of multiple quasi-governmental agencies and charities whose responsibilities for homelessness overlap does not help coordination. Many short-term initiatives have been attempted, but solving rooflessness may require more radical changes if endemic homelessness is not to be the condition of the post-welfare state.  相似文献   

德国学者阿尔伯特·莫塞(Albert Mosse1846—1925)1886年至1890年受日、本聘请,担任阁法律顾问。在此期间,他为日本近代法制,特别是地方自治法制的建设起到了举足轻重的作用,其地方自治理论对近代日本产生了深远的影响。通过读解其各个时期的有关地方自治的讲义及意见,我们发现,以法治国为目标,强调地方自治之于国家与社会的调和的重作用,是其地方自治理论的核心。  相似文献   

1930年伦敦海军会议是对美、英、日、法、意五国海军辅助舰作出限制的一次会议。会上签订的《1930年伦敦海军条约》在日本国内的批准过程颇费周章,在政府做出大量让步的情形下条约才勉强获得批准。其结果对日本政局以及政治走向产生了重大影响:条约的签订非但未能有效遏制法西斯势力的崛起,延续政党政治的强势力量,反而使海军内部分裂、派系之争明显,并加速了日本对美国发动战争的进程。  相似文献   

Relieving poverty amongst skilled but unemployed workers during the Tasmanian economic collapse in the 1890s challenged both a conservative government's policy of avoiding public debt by initiating minimal relief and the limited financial and human resources of voluntary philanthropic agencies, the Anglican Church amongst them, whom the Tasmanian governments expected to carry the burden of delivering relief to those deemed to deserve it. With labour organisations too weak to lead, and amidst the silence of church leaders, it fell to individuals like the Reverend Archibald Turnbull to articulate a Christian socialist critique of government policies and values and to advocate the desperate plight of the poor. In this context, this study examines how contemporary government and Anglican Church leaders responded to Turnbull's political and pastoral initiatives in Hobart in 1893–96.  相似文献   

The History of Sicily from the Earliest Times. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A., Hon. D.C.L., LL.D. 2 Vols.: Pp. 609 + 583. With Maps. Oxford : at the Clarendon Press, 1891.

Denmark. Edited by H. Weitemeyer. With a Coloured Map. London : W. Heinemann. Copenhagen : A. F. Host and Son. Pp. 268.

New Light on Dark Africa: being the Narrative of the German Emin Pasha Expedition. Related by Dr. Carl Peters, the Commander of the Expedition. Translated from the German by H. W. Dulcken, Ph.D. London: Ward, Lock, &; Co., 1891. Maps and Illustrations. 1 vol., pp. 597.

Rulers of India: The Earl of Mayo. By Sir W. W. Hunter. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1891. Pp. 201.

Wild Beasts and their Ways. By Sir Samuel W. Baker, F.R.S., P.R.G.S., etc. London : Macmillan and Co., 1891. Pp. 455.

Log of a Jack Tar; and Captain O'Brien's Captivity in France. Edited by Commander Lovett Cameron, R.N. “ Adventure Series.” London: Fisher Unwin, 1891. Pp. 379. Price 5s.

Portugal. By H. Morse Stephens, “ Story of the Nations “ Series. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1891. Pp. xxiv+450. Price 5s.

Industrial Ireland: A German View of the Irish Question. By J. B. Keller. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1891. Pp. 48.

A Lady's Letters from Central Africa : A Journey from Mandala, Shiri Highlands, to Ujiji, Lake Tanganyika, and back. By Jane F. Moir. With an Introduction by Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D. Glasgow: J. MacLehose and Sons, 1891. Pp. 91.

Manica: Being a Report addressed to the Minister of the Marine and the Colonies of Portugal. By J. Paiva de Andrada, Colonel of Artillery. With a Sketch‐Map by E. G. Eavenstein. London : George Philip and Son, 1891. Pp. 63. Price 1s.

Matabeleland and Mashonaland. Being a Special Number of South Africa. London : at the Offices of South Africa, 1891. Pp. 146. Price 2s.

The Bermuda Islands: A Contribution to the Physical History and Zoology of the Somers Archipelago, with an examination of the Structure of the Coral Beefs. By Angelo Heilprin, , F.G.S.A., etc. etc. Published by the Author. Philadelphia, 1889.

Wanderings in South America, etc. By Charles Waterton. Illustrations and Index. Pp. xxxix + 367. Thomas Kelson and Sons, 1891. Price 4s.

The Malay Archipelago : The Land of the Orang‐utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature. By Alfred Russel Wallace. London and New York : Macmillan and Co., 1890. Pp. xvii + 515.

The Opening of the Arctic Sea. By H. A. N. Demsford, C.E. London : Eidgway, 1890.

The Cruise of the Dunottar Castle. By W. Scott Dalgleish, M. A. Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable, 1890. Pp. 94. Illustrated.

The Cyclists’ Route‐Book of Great Britain. By W. J. Spurrier. London : Iliffe and Son, 1890. Pp. 170. Price 1s.

History of Newport and the Parish of Forgan ; and Rambles round the District. By J. S. Neish. Dundee: W. and D. C. Thomson, 1890. Pp. vii+256. Price 3s.  相似文献   

This article investigates the deepening of the UK's security and defence arrangements with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In recent years there has been a flurry of diplomatic activity indicating far closer engagement between London and Abu Dhabi. Rather than being an innovative initiative of the Cameron government, the interaction has deeper roots, with this article uncovering the importance of the relatively unknown Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) of 1996, signed by the Major government. Furthermore, the UK‐UAE defence relationship is shown to have endured beyond the infamous UK withdrawal from ‘east of Suez’ in 1971. The current engagement is, however, more intense and potentially far‐reaching than it had been in recent decades, with the defence sector being placed at the forefront of UK efforts to bolster the relationship with the oil‐rich Gulf emirate. Using official statements from London and Abu Dhabi, this article suggests that the UK‐UAE relationship has always remained intact, although it lost focus following the end of the Major government until the refocusing on the Gulf by the Cameron government. The article concludes with an assessment of the expectations of the UAE, and the strategic drivers underpinning UK policy.  相似文献   

It was during two train-journey meetings with the physicist William Lawrence Bragg (1890–1971) that both Charles Percy Snow's (1905–1980) civil service career and, if the anecdotal evidence is to be believed, the ‘two cultures’ metaphor originated. The first part of this paper is concerned with the background, consequences and significance of the first of these journeys: Kettering station in 1939. It will address the somewhat hazy record of Snow's wartime work found in existing accounts, and argue that Snow's wartime experience helped shape his characterisation of the scientific side of his ‘two cultures’. The second part of this paper deals with Bragg's intellectual influence on Snow, tracing the former's interest in ‘two cultures’ arguments prior to probable encounters between the two on the Cambridge to London train in the late 1940s and early 1950s, including a historically hazy one in which together they allegedly coined the famous phrase. In examining their early relationship, it becomes clear that Bragg was a key influence and support in Snow's career as an administrator and as a cultural commentator.  相似文献   

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