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Mt. Qomolangma is the loftiest mountain at the top of Himalayas;the mountain peak is shaped like a pyramid and penetrates directly into the sky offering a spectacular view.  相似文献   

正Mt.Qomolangma stands magnificently on the roof of the world,a mountain longed for by many mountaineering fans,"a barometer"testing the world ecological environment.In recent years,under the rigorous policy on the protection of ecological environment,the ecology of Mt.Qomolangma has gone on well in China's Tibet.The population and species of rare animals and plants has been increasing,and  相似文献   

Mt. Qomolangma is the loftiest mountain at the top of Himalayas;the mountain peak is shaped like a pyramid and penetrates directly into the sky offering a spectacular view.  相似文献   

1 Introduction On 18 May 1989,the Mt.Qomolangma (Everest)Natural Reserve(abbr.MQNR)in Tibet Autonomous Region formally came into existence and it was listed as World Network of Biosphere Reserves(WNBR)in May 2005.The MQNR is a comprehensive reserve,which mainly protects alpine ecosystems,plateau natural landscapes,geological remains and Tibetan historical and cultural heritages.  相似文献   

1 Introduction On 18 May 1989,the Mt.Qomolangma (Everest)Natural Reserve(abbr.MQNR)in Tibet Autonomous Region formally came into existence and it was listed as World Network of Biosphere Reserves(WNBR)in May 2005.The MQNR is a comprehensive reserve,which mainly protects alpine ecosystems,plateau natural landscapes,geological remains and Tibetan historical and cultural heritages.  相似文献   

Situated at the southern end of the ancient northern pole of bio-geographic terrain,by combing the natural geographic  相似文献   

<正>The Second Tibetology Qomolangma Forum was held in China Tibetology Research Center in Beijing from Oct.30th to 31st.Themed as Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and"One Belt and One Road"Strategy,the forum attracted nearly one hundred Tibetology experts from all over the country.They shared the latest Tibetology research achievements,exchanged ideas about research thesis,and offered sugges-  相似文献   

论宁夏长城的保护性旅游开发   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘锋  郭来喜 《人文地理》2000,15(2):41-44
长城是历史的巨大遗赠,是中国永远不倒的旅游王牌。宁夏自古为祖国北部边防前线和边塞要地,历代修筑长城的总长度达1500多公里,素有"天然长城博物馆"之称。这些长城遗迹已越来越受到破坏,无论是从历史文化保护,或从旅游开发角度都应纳入宁夏总体规划之中,并作为宁夏可持续旅游的优先发展领域。为此,宁夏应在加强保护的基础上,选择不同代表地段加以维护和仿造,采用"长城徒步游"、"自行车长城游"、"越野车长城游"、"直升飞机空中长城游"等不同旅行方式,推出"历代长城大系游"、"原始长城风情游"、"沿黄河长城游"、"沿公路长城游"、"沿沙漠长城游"等。  相似文献   

清明时节访绵山   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白英 《旅游纵览》2012,(4):30-31
<正>清明发源地、历史文化名山绵山位于山西介休市,这里不仅雄、奇、秀、险,而且有因春秋战国时介子推事母尽孝而闻名的中国寒食文化节的传说。又到一年清明时,"棠梨花映白杨树,尽是死生别离处。"唐代著名诗人白居易《寒食野望吟》中描绘出了清明祭祖的场景。"梨花风起正清明,游子寻春半出城。"宋代诗人吴惟信《苏堤  相似文献   

苏北运河经济带构建的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沿江沿河地区的发展一直是国内外地理与规划学所关注的重点和热点。对于经济落后地区而言,沿江沿河的开发更是振兴经济的有效手段。本文从GDP增长率、产业结构变化等方面,分析了苏北运河沿河地区的经济发展状况,指出了构建苏北运河经济带的必要性和可行性,进而提出了构建苏北运河经济带的设想,从开发模式、重点产业和空间结构等方面进行了分析,这对苏北运河地区资源环境、社会、经济等的发展有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

伟人故里“红三角”旅游产业优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省韶山、花明楼、乌石红三角是伟人毛泽东、刘少奇、彭德怀的故乡,是极具盛名的革命纪念地和国内外最具影响力的红色旅游品牌。本文较全面分析了红三角旅游产业规模较大、旅游产品已趋成熟、旅游品牌知名度很高、旅游设施较为齐全的良好发展态势;同时客观指出了红三角所存在的旅游产业发展水平不高、旅游产品单一、旅游管理体制不畅、旅游发展水平不平衡等问题;在此基础上,提出了红三角旅游产业优化的基本思路,即优化旅游开发空间布局、构建红色旅游产品体系、培育全国红色旅游第一品牌、策划红色旅游重大开发项目、构建旅游产业集群、加强旅游区域联动、创新旅游管理体制,以促进红三角旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

大上海旅游圈旅游资源配置研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对大上海旅游圈中旅游资源结构、旅游客源结构、旅游行为结构的分析,提出了以上海为中心、以公路交通网络为框架和追求旅游效益最大化的旅游资源配置原则。对大上海旅游圈在3个圈层上进行了旅游资源的配置,形成以上海为中心0- 50公里范围内的都市风情旅游圈、50- 150公里范围内的江南水乡风情与城市园林景观旅游圈、150- 300公里范围内的山水风光和历史文化旅游圈,并认为构建大上海旅游圈、对旅游资源进行科学配置,是促进长江三角洲地区区域旅游一体化发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

黄向  杨文彩 《人文地理》2014,29(2):144-149
本文以广州白云山作为研究对象,在前期采用"游客使用图片"(VEP)方法的基础上,构建了旅游地的地方依恋结构模型。基于1947份问卷数据,运用结构方程模型的验证性因素分析方法对旅游地地方依恋的结构进行检验,分析结果显示了旅游地的地方依恋结构与数据拟合良好,修正后的旅游地的地方依恋结构更加清晰、信度与效度更加理想,同时验证了地方依恋的二阶因子结构,即旅游地地方依恋的结构由环境景观维度、休闲维度、人际社交维度和设施服务维度4个维度及16个具体特质指标构成。  相似文献   

第一次见到大火烈鸟,我就被极大地震惊了!那是在肯尼亚西部,著名的东非大裂谷贯穿其中。在那深壑万丈、险景不绝的峡谷中,隐藏着一潭潋滟的湖水,这就是纳库鲁湖。纳库鲁湖不大,只有62平方公里,水也很浅,只有两三米。然而令人惊奇的是,这里竟聚集有400万只大火烈鸟,是世界上最大的大火烈鸟聚居地,被称为"大火烈鸟的天堂"。这种喜欢扎堆生活的大鸟,往往成千上万只、甚至多达10万只以上聚集在一起,一个挨一个紧密地排列着,与雁类相似的叫声此起彼伏,震耳欲聋。远远望去,红腿如林,似蜘蛛一般,一条条长颈频频交替蠕动,十分壮观。如果从飞机上向下看,遍地通红,绵延好几公里,就像一块巨大的红地毯,又宛如一片在泥沼原野上沸腾的红色波涛,一派生机勃勃的景象,令人心旷神怡。  相似文献   

<正>The warm spring sun casts a gentle light across the dark face of a Tibetan woman.She slowly opens her eyes and subconsciously moves her hand to touch her neck. Suddenly,she realizes there are thick bandages wound around her neck.Her eyes immediately open in surprise. "Droma,are you finally awake!" The surrounding doctors and nurses are excited."We have removed a big tumor which weighed about 10 Jin(One Jin is equal to half kilogram),so now you will no longer need a special pillow while sleeping!"  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Empirical analysis has lagged behind the impressive additions to the theoretical literature on trade center systems during the past 15 years. This study of the trade center system in Saskatchewan is an attempt to begin to redress the imbalance and to test some of the recently formulated theoretical propositions. Communities are identified according to functional classifications for 1961 and 1981 with the aid of a cluster analysis program, and the validity of the groupings are verified using multiple discriminant analysis. Changes in the size, spacing, and function of clusters and individual communities during the 20-year interval are described and an effort is made to prdvide explanations for the changes observed.  相似文献   

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