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<正>In Tongren County of the Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province,more and more expectant Tibetan mothers have been coming to a building complex built around a center courtyard to give birth to their children.The place to which they are going is the first Tibetan natural birth center in China.  相似文献   

Thousands of scientists in the world have visited the South Pole for scientific survey, but one of the most unique is Benba Cering from Tibet and the first Tibetan to do the work. Sent by the Chinese Academy of Meteorology and its Tibetan Branch, he stayed at the South Pole for 15 months.Benba, now 28, graduated from the Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in 1996, and was assigned to remote sensing work in the Tibet Academy of Meteorology. Three years later, he was invited to receive tra…  相似文献   

From October 10th to 19th in 2006,the First China Tibetan Culture Forum was held at Beijing and then at Lhasa. Over one hundred of scholars,experts,intellectuals,and board members of the China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture attended to forum. Participants were from Mainland China,Hong Kong,Taiwan,and twelve other countries.  相似文献   

As the first group of Tibetan lawyers in Tibet and actually the first female lawyer,the first lawyer to open a collective law firm in Tibet and the first individual to open a private law consultation firm,Yangjen holds manyfirstin Tibetan law.  相似文献   

<正>Papermaking technology is one of the four great inventions of China and also one of the outstanding inventions of civilization throughout human history.In A.D.105,Cai Lun,based on his study and analysis of his predecessors'technology on producing silk crystals,used  相似文献   

Inapublicspeech,the14thDalaiLamasaid,Iwasmentallypreparedtofightforseveralgenerationsbeginningin1959whenwefirstwentintoexile.WhenI,the14thDalaiLama,havedied,thosewhoworshipmewillbeindanger.Thispointstotheneedtoestablishanorganizationfortheyouths.WhentheTibetanyouthcongresswasfirstsetup,theveteransinexilefelttheywerechallengedandoftenvetoedthenewcongresseffortstoseparateTibetfromChina.internalfightsandsquabbleswerecommon.ThoseinexileviewedthisasinfightingbecausetheysawtheTibetanyouth…  相似文献   

正Ngari Prefecture of Tibet,the so-called"Roof of the World",where the mountains and waters originate,is known for bringing out the ancient secret Shangshung civilization."Shangshung"is a word from the ancient Shangshung language."Shang"is the name of an ancient tribe,and"Shung"stands for"place"or"valley".According to historical records,the Kingdom of Shangshung came into being as early as  相似文献   

<正>Yognag Village in the town of Yagla in Sog County is one of the common small villages situated at the northeast section of the Tibet Autonomous Region,but a fairly common phenomenon there is the large crowd gatherings.People disregard their long journeys and come from far and near to see the"Gen Kyibuk"-an exclusive inheritor who is specialized in using a traditional  相似文献   

正From August 2 to 4,2016,the sixth Beijing International Seminar on Tibetan Studies was held,with over 300 scholars from both home and abroad gathering and exchanging their academic standpoints.As one of the largest academic gatherings on Tibetan studies in the world,the seminar fully showcased new research results and reflected new trends on Tibetan studies around the globe.  相似文献   

This is a short presentation drawn from a Belgian experience by Philippe Paquet,reporter at La Libre Belgique,Brussels,Beijing,October 2006.  相似文献   

1. Origins The search tot the means to maintain health is as ancient as the civilization of man. There is a Tibetan saying that: "the first ailment was indigestion; and boiled water,the first medicine," There are many such expressions through which we can deduce the knowledge of ancient times. For example, the application of melted butter to cauterize a wound, or the drinking of boiled water to cure indigestion, tell us something of traditional household treatments. Such experiential knowledge, gathered and passed on for many generations, gradually was collected and became a written tradition.  相似文献   

This is a short presentation drawn from a Belgian experience by Philippe Paquet,reporter at La Libre Belgique,Brussels,Beijing,October 2006.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Red Deer(Cervus canadensis wallichi) is also called the Sikkim red deer and is pronounced "xiawa" in the Tibetan language.It is a special member of the red deer family and a unique species to the Tibet Autonomous Region.The Tibetan red deer was first discovered by scientists about 150 years ago.Because of its status in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora as being endangered,the Tibetan red deer was listed before the white-lipped deer,which is under first-level key  相似文献   

<正>When people usually think of winter,especially in a place such as Changtang,I think it would be pretty safe to say that most people would imagine a land full of desolation,even more than such a place may be in summer,with not a tree or single blade of green grass in sight.Cold  相似文献   

From 2006 to 2010,Tibet Autonomous Region launched thecomfortable housing project, a program for completely regulating and upgrading the living standards of local residents. The project allowed 274.8 thousand households (about 1.4 million farmers and herdsmen)who had previously lived in substandard residences to transfer to safe and comfortable new houses while the whole region in Tibet is enjoying web and telephone access.All townships and villages,and 80 percent of constructed villages,can now access r...  相似文献   

正When Tibetan Harley bikers are together, they are always confused whose phone is ringing, as all of them have the same ringtone:the revving of a motorcycle engine.Having a nice horse was and is a luxury and source of pride for a Tibetan nomad on the grassland, butin a city like Lhasa, some consider riding a Harley to be the new fashion.A mix of Harley and Tibetan culture,the Tibetan Harley team known as the"Garuda"is an eye-catching scene in the ancient streets of Lhasa.  相似文献   

正Jingxin Zoo lies in the Chushur Village near Lhasa, and the attraction is an important section of the Chushur County Pure Land Agricultural Park. Here, one can find animals from all over the world, such as elephants, tigers, lions, and ring-tailed lemurs.In order to provide a better environment for the newly arrived animals, a year ago, Jingxin Zoo  相似文献   

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