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丝路极边 去腾冲时,正是油菜花开的季节,打一辆面的,顺着蜿蜒的泥道。车从后山将我们送进和顺。因地处丝路要冲,和顺是腾冲走向南亚的第一镇。  相似文献   

<正>盛夏的树葱郁摇曳,碎金子一样的阳光伴着绿色一起摇,太阳以最明亮、最热烈的语言和树叶攀谈。高温和阳光牵手穿过树叶,透过细小的空隙,照下点点斑驳。不用走多远,就能看到这里那里长着星星点点黄色的萱草花  相似文献   

路学与流动性研究极为重视道路与人类社会文化的关系研究,是道路社会文化研究的重要基础。国内外路学和流动性相关研究表明,以文化人类学为重心的路学研究关注道路建设和使用过程中国家与地方、网络与节点之间的关系,强调物质流动与社会建构的内在联系。社会文化地理学者热衷的流动性研究则以人地关系为基础,将道路本身视为一个流动的物质空间,探讨其中的社会空间的生产、人的主体空间感知和身份认同。二者聚焦道路本体又极具批判精神,但在研究内容、方法、对象和尺度上都尚存缺陷,还未建立科学的道路社会文化研究框架。因此,可尝试从道路的空间关系、社会关系和权力关系等方面展开道路社会文化研究,以推动这一领域广泛而深入的知识生产。  相似文献   

<正>《旅游纵览》是"精于摄影,专于旅游"的杂志,2月,全中国都泡在年味里,有那么一群人依然在路上行行摄摄。他们是热爱旅行和摄影的人,是把一大年凡俗的事抛在脑后的人,他们是《旅游纵览》的忠实读者。他们已经获得成功或正在走向成功,可以从容地去旅行,拍片,去享受采撷瞬间美的快乐。  相似文献   

A road-network reliability analysis for a scenario seismic event is performed for a region of southern Italy characterised by a large number of small to medium municipalities quite close to each other and served by a dense network of roads. Among the many functions of the road network, whose links may fail after an earthquake due to the collapse of the bridges within them, the one selected for the present study is that of allowing rescue operations to be carried out at the sites of collapsed schools. For this to be possible, connection must be maintained between schools that survived, rescue centres and hospitals. Required elements for the study are the fragility curves of the bridges, the schools, the hospitals and the rescue centres. Output of the study is the expected value of the fraction of the total population in the area that is in need of assistance and cannot be hospitalised due to either failure of the network or other vulnerable components.  相似文献   

RedRock 《世界》2012,(9):48-91
密西西比河总以雄性的形式出现。奔腾的河水、冒出黑烟的水轮船、大型张和摇曳的布鲁斯让男性荷尔蒙的味道伴随着我,追寻几千里!  相似文献   

君雅  weed 《世界》2008,(2):146-149
拎Prada手袋,戴出位白色框眼镜、DiorHomme的黑色滑雪帽,配一条Paul Smith围巾——曾经被某知名时尚杂志当做街头型人物拍过的健崔,跻身于北京媒体圈,由于工作关系,常有机会游走世界各地,也成全了他寻觅大牌的爱好。  相似文献   

丝绸之路是一条连接欧亚大陆的著名古代陆上商贸通道,沿线分布有众多的城镇。通过实地调研和文献分析,结合立地条件对丝绸之路沿线城镇空间分布的地域特征进行了系统分析,依据城镇发展阶段的不同,提出了散点型、串珠型和网络型三种基本的空间分布形态,在分析研究政治、经济、环境、文化等要素的时空组合基础上,提出了城镇空间演变的三个基本特征,即空间发展的差异性,中心城镇的游移性和城址变迁的宜居性,这对于指导丝绸之路沿线城镇化发展和新农村建设具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

April 2005 was the charming spring season in China's hinterland, but the snowflakes still flew in the air along the section of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in the northern plateau of Tibet.  相似文献   

品牌传奇BRAND LEGEND2003年,国际知名品牌美国"骆驼"与中国乐登户外用品公司合作,全面授权乐登公司在中国开发、设计、生产、销售"骆驼牌"户外装备;从此,一个豪放不羁、鲜亮明快、粗犷却不乏细腻的骆驼品牌,以其差异化的视觉营销模式迅速在消费者心目中建立起强势品牌地位。短短7年,"骆驼"品牌凭借雄厚的研发实力、过硬的产品质  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议的提出兼具改善地缘环境和拉动对外投资的目的。然而,现有研究较少采取地缘战略视角分析“一带一路”倡议对于中国向“一带一路”沿线国家投资的影响。本文基于中国对外投资数据,通过整合政治地理学和经济地理学的相关研究成果,运用双重差分的面板回归模型考察“一带一路”倡议对中国在“一带一路”沿线国家投资的政策效应。研究发现,“一带一路”倡议提出后中国向中亚和西亚地区的投资比“一带一路”沿线其他国家增长更快,说明地缘战略对中国海外投资有重要影响;此外,中国对“一带一路”沿线国家的投资受中国与东道国经贸联系和东道国市场规模的影响,但是地理邻近性、东道国的制度环境和东道国自然资源等因素的影响不显著。本研究对于加强政治地理和经济地理的结合和制定中国对“一带一路”沿线国家投资政策等有参考意义。  相似文献   

贺席燕  赵航  黄红良 《人文地理》2018,33(3):112-120
利用贵阳市出租车GPS数据,建立ArcGIS空间模型计算路段平均行程速度,以空间数据库和ArcGIS空间分析为技术支撑,分析道路拥堵状态的时空演化规律。结果表明:①路网平均行程速度的时间分布特征具有高度相似性,且工作日与休息日分布差异大;②工作日高峰时段拥堵区域分布主要以老城区为主。休息日总体上呈现离散分布趋势,且晚高峰时段交通状况比早高峰更拥堵;③工作日早高峰交通拥堵路段呈由中心核心区逐渐向外围扩散的趋势,晚高峰呈由外围向中心核心区聚拢趋势。休息日早高峰不明显,晚高峰呈现由外围区域向内聚拢趋势。基于上述时空演化规律,从城市功能分散、城市道路网、城市空间发展、城市公交系统等方面讨论了贵阳市城市道路交通优化调整对策。  相似文献   

李博英  尹海涛 《人文地理》2022,37(2):167-172
克罗地亚是马可·波罗的故乡,作为中东欧地区的重要国家、古丝绸之路的重要一站,对推动“一带一路”倡议的有效实施具有重要作用。本文基于2013—2020年中国与克罗地亚贸易投资合作数据,对“一带一路”背景下两国的贸易投资合作进展及其贸易投资中的互补性和竞争性进行分析。结论发现:中国在中国与克罗地亚的贸易投资合作中处于相对核心位置;中国与克罗地亚的贸易投资合作更具互补性,竞争性较弱,存在较大合作潜力。目前,中国与克罗地亚的贸易投资稳步发展,今后可进一步扩大中国与克罗地亚的贸易投资合作领域和范围,加强两国在优势产业、基础设施、旅游和服务外包项目等方面的合作。  相似文献   

'The Road Not Taken'
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -I took the road less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):271-283

We conducted an analysis of economic transaction records from the Fort Wilkinson Factory Store in central Georgia in an attempt to understand trade behaviors by the Muscogee Creek people of the southeastern United States. Between February 4, 1804, and November 29, 1806, factory personnel recorded 2,168 trade transactions at Fort Wilkinson. During this period, 38,226.5 deerskins and skins, 482 hides and rawhides, and 569 furs entered the fort. In exchange for these items, the Creek Indians primarily received cloth, followed by manufactured items such as kettles, gun supplies, and consumable groceries. We analyze the month-by-month exchange trends and compare the trade-good assemblages to archaeological sites that represent Creek occupations that date to the same time period in Georgia and Alabama. Further, we assess the biases of the data and interpret the data in relation to existing historical and archaeological studies of the Muscogee Creek people.  相似文献   

申立敬  程广斌 《人文地理》2016,31(5):126-132
以丝绸之路经济带暨第二亚欧大陆桥沿线的我国境内西北地区城市群为研究对象,构建城市综合竞争力指标,运用修正的引力模型、隶属度模型及潜力模型等对西北地区城市群空间联系特征进行实证分析,得出结论:伴随该区域城市群的迅速发育,城市间最短时间距离缩短,通达性大为改观;城市群城市空间联系强度水平较差,空间分异呈由东向西逐渐递减的趋势,受最短时间距离影响明显;城市群内城市受其中心城市的辐射带动作用不足;西北地区城市群潜力值整体呈东西两头好、中间凹陷的"哑铃型"状态,各城市群内城市集聚能力差异明显。  相似文献   

<正>With a reddish color,strong flavor,and smooth aftertaste,Ya'an Tibetan tea is a symbol of the unbreakable bond between the Tibetans and ethnic Han people.For us tea producers,Mingshan in Ya'an,Sichuan is a special place because it is the hometown of Tibetan brick tea.Our journey in Ya'an is one of hard work,happiness,and fulfillment.Namse Tibetan Tea Factory is now an  相似文献   

在回顾国有文物商店历史成因、分析文物商店困境的基础上提出了对其改制的必要性,进一步分析了国有文物商店改制的特殊性以及国有文物商店改制必须要处理好的四点关系。  相似文献   

中原经济区的“三化”协调发展之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王发曾 《人文地理》2012,27(3):55-59
中原经济区走新型工业化、新型城镇化与农业现代化"三化"协调发展之路,是中原崛起的时代呼唤,是中原经济区建设的最高境界,是中原儿女的庄严承诺。选择"三化"协调作为中原经济区的发展之路,有着深厚的宏观背景。在整体、协调、融合、可持续原则的制约下,"三化"协调发展的主要途径为:产业集群发展、产城互动发展、城乡统筹发展。其中,城乡统筹发展是"三化"协调发展的最终落脚点,包括构建现代城镇体系,搭建城镇化本土承载平台,推进新农村和新型农村社区建设,构建城乡资源共享平台和社会保障体系。  相似文献   

Dimensions of the road transport problem in the southern Far East Economic Region (Primorskiy Kray, Amur Oblast, and Khabarovsk Kray) are outlined and some of its social and economic impacts described (for example, the inadequate levels of services provision addressed in the preceding paper). Road connectivity and passenger mobility trends are analyzed before coverage shifts to more specific challenges confronting planners: the need to (a) separate inter-city from intra-city flows in cities along major transport corridors, (b) improve road surfaces, (c) reduce travel times and regulate seasonal fluctuations in service, and (d) provide a more favorable environment for growing private automobile use (translated by H. L. Haslett, Leamington Spa, UK).  相似文献   

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