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正Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is situated in the southwestern area of Qinghai Province, the central region of the QinghaiTibet Plateau. It connects with Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture to the north and Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture to the east. It also neighbors Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province to the southeast as well as the TAR's Chamdo and Nagqu to the south  相似文献   

Benpa Township of Lhodrak County in Lhoka City,the Tibet Autonomous Region,is famous for possessing thousands of ancient watchtowers.When we came across Saldron and Zhou Jinsheng,the two were wandering hand in hand between these lofty wonders.Their smiles lit up everything around them in spite of the dusk falling over the land.  相似文献   

正In the view of many people, Lhasa's weather is harsh and cold. This is because it is geographically situated upon the highland and surrounded by snow-capped mountain ranges and glaciers. How absolutely bleak such a place must be! Climatically, the city only has around two to three months when the weather is considered relatively favorable for outsiders to visit, but is this really the case?  相似文献   

The illustrations for Tibetan sutras are coloured in two ways:in black and white or colours-the monotone illustrations accompanying Tibetan characters and usually engraved on woodblocks.The illustrations are often showed on the cover pages or two sides of the head pages of sutras; they are frequently displayed at two frames and in the middle of end pages.In this paper,I am going to introduce the  相似文献   

The illustrations for Tibetan sutras are coloured in two ways:in black and white or colours-the monotone illustrations accompanying Tibetan characters and usually engraved on woodblocks.The illustrations are often showed on the cover pages or two sides of the head pages of sutras; they are frequently displayed at two frames and in the middle of end pages.In this paper,I am going to introduce the  相似文献   

正Since 2002, I have developed a strong affinity towards Tibet.By now, I have made 20 trips to Tibet, the shortest being 12 days,the longest 16 months. On my fifth trip, I decided to leave behind my comfortable life as a documentary filmmaker in Beijing and live semipermanently for a while in Lhasa, so  相似文献   

<正>Tibet Autonomous Region is a place of spectacular scenic beauty.I have had the privilege of visiting it four times.In addition,I have visited quite a few Tibetan areas outside Tibet,including in Qinghai,Sichuan,Gansu,and Yunnan.My visits to the Tibetan areas of China span the years 1985 to 2011.  相似文献   

<正>As deputy president,he has been working in the clinical department for 12 years.His daily clinical consultations average up to 50 patients.In one year,he attends over ten thousand patients. He is Dr.Jampa Gelek,a famous senior Tibetan doctor working as deputy president in the Tibetan Hospital of Chamdo Prefecture.For many years,his outstanding medical knowledge, skills and high medical ethics are well known in the east of Tibet.  相似文献   

<正>In the early 1990s,as the senior visiting scholar commissioned by the Education Working Committee(now the Ministry of Education)of the People's Republic of China,I was invited by the Asian Research Center of Tribhuvan University in Nepal to work in Nepal for one year. During my stay I had a rare opportunity,while participating in a Buddhist conference,to  相似文献   

文科  村长 《旅游纵览》2011,(4):72-79
<正>第一次去西藏,第一次到高原拍鸟,第一次感受高原反应,然而,很值,因为西藏有大美!西藏海拔较高,沿途上的风光有着另一番的神韵!到西藏去,感受这里的山,感受这里的水,感受这里的人文,感受这里的鸟类。只要一踏上这片神奇的土地,一定会让你忘乎所以。  相似文献   

正Many people use significant events to denote certain points in time.This can be seen when people say things like"before the founding of the new nation"or"after the great economic reform began".Yushu,for example,is often referred to as"Old Yushu"and"New Yushu",with the dividing line placed before and after liberation.The devastating earthquake that occurred on April 14,2010,  相似文献   

<正>情系玉树为震区深深的祈福若生命回旋,我愿再见!玉树,一个遥远的名字,当灾难来临的那一刻,铭记在亿万中华儿女的心中。一个藏族孩子写下这样的诗句:"若生命回旋,我愿再见!"在这片格萨尔王曾经策马的土地上,美丽的玉树,埋下悲伤,不要哭泣,我们相信,再过两个月,这里又会鲜花满天……  相似文献   

<正>玉树约占青海总面积1/3,长江、黄河和澜沧江均发源于此,而巍峨的唐古拉、茫茫的昆仑山、连绵的巴颜喀拉山脉,也在这片神奇的土地上世代伫立,留下无数动人的传说和神话。玉树,全称玉树藏族自治州,在藏语中的意思是"遗址",位于青海省西南青藏高原腹地的三江源头地区,是青海省第一个、全国第二个成立的少数民族自治州,也是中国30个少数民族自治州中海拔最高、人均占有面积最  相似文献   

玉树,那是一个被高原所托起的地方:天蓝蓝,水清清,野花、草地和牛羊。那是一片充满宗教色彩的净土:飘扬的经幡,转动的经轮,以及随处可见的寺院、喇嘛。在那里,我听到最多的语言是佛家的"六字真言"。我收到的最珍贵的礼物是洁白的哈达。我得到的最多的祝福是:扎西德勒。当时我真有了一种被洗净浮尘,净化灵魂的空灵感。我曾那么天真的想:这是一个受到神灵保护的地方,这里将会永远那么神圣、美丽、祥和、悠然。然而我错了,可我又如何能接受眼前所发生的一切呢?  相似文献   

Traditional Tibetan pottery has a long history and comes in varying categories and shapes,making it one of ethnic Tibetans’ most refined forms of cultural art.Today,however,very few craftsmen have been able to fully pass on the pottery-making process,and pottery makers have disappeared from the map entirely in some places.  相似文献   

The conference, which was the second plenary meeting of the third session, was held from Apr. 28 to 29 in China Tibetology Research Center, Beijing.  相似文献   

<正>Nyingchi City situated at the southeast of Tibet is known for its Tibetan pigs,selling pork contributes a key part of the villagers'family income.The pork of the Tibetan pigs is more expensive than the common pork in the markets,because it is believed with better taste and good for health.In many Tibetan farming areas and especially in the eastern Nyingchi,normally,each family raises ten to fifteen Tibetan pigs.It is called the Tibetan pigs,because the pig breed was said to be domesticated from wild boar,according to local Tibetans.  相似文献   

An exhibition on the theme of the successive Panchen Lamas and Buddhism art opened on Dec.8,2019 in the Palace Museum.The exhibition,with the theme of"the Fortune and Longevity of Sumeru:an Encounter between the Tashilhunpo Monastery and the Palace Museum",shows the cultural and historical significance of the Buddhism arts and heritage of the monastery.A total of 280 pieces of cultural relics preserved in the museum and the monastery are displayed at the exhibition,which will run through February,2020.  相似文献   

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