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In this study, I analyse how the Chinese Government imposes the concept of authenticity on local heritage practices in the process of heritage nomination, conservation and management. Rather than discussing authenticity as an objective criterion, I approach authentication as a social process in the heritage discourse that impacts on local cultural practice. Through illustrating two cases in China, I propose three cultural effects of authentication on local heritage practices, namely spatial separation, emotional banishment and value shifting. Moreover, the heritage practices in China have created space for dynamic negotiations between local and global value systems. When the concept of authenticity is imposed on local heritage practices by heritage agencies, local communities are not passive recipients; rather, they consume, contest and negotiate the concept of authenticity in various ways.  相似文献   


Because the nature of society is both negotiated and contested, cultural artefacts, including heritage landscapes, will be invested with differing and conflicting meanings by various social groups. This is but one aspect of what might be termed the dissonance of heritage. The present discussion is framed within the context of the argument that relics of the past are a resource to be selectively exploited in accordance with contemporary political and cultural demands. The paper uses the example of Ulster's Folk and Transport Museum to examine these issues. It concludes that while consumers do appreciate the cultural complexity of the Museum's role as one medium of communication of identity in a contested society, the institution's effectiveness in this regard is undermined by the middle‐class bias of those consumers.  相似文献   

UNESCO’s World Heritage Convention has become a global policy for natural and cultural conservation and in particular the intricate relation between the two. This article presents two cases, Laponia and the Lofoten Islands, put forward as mixed World Heritage Sites by the governments of Sweden and Norway. The overall national goals of the nominations have been to ensure sustainable human use of natural resources and the conservation of biodiversity. However, in both countries the nomination and implementation of mixed sites have produced a series of challenges at the municipality management level. Comparing the processes of promoting Laponia and Lofoten as World Heritage Sites, the article discusses the challenges of local involvement and democratic participation in national decision-making by asking what comprises local involvement and co-management at mixed World Heritage Sites. Why does the implementation of management at mixed World Heritage Sites create conflict between local stakeholders and the national governments of Norway and Sweden?  相似文献   

长年埋藏于水下的文化遗产,在适应周围的化学、物理及生态环境后可达到一种平衡的保存状态。通过概述水下埋藏环境对文物产生的影响,并对国外文物保护工作者在沉船、水下文物点、古代聚落遗址等类型水下文化遗产原址保护的成果进行研究,为中国水下文化遗产保护相关工作的开展提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   


The economic literature on heritage has primarily analysed the impact of building preservation on real‐estate values and community redevelopment. Recently, economists have expanded their study on heritage to include everything from historic buildings and antiques to museums and monuments. However, this research ignores the political and legal characteristics of heritage and is used primarily to justify government expenditures on heritage. The economic study of heritage should include a conceptual framework to explain the process through which certain artefacts acquire historic significance and value. This framework would provide guidance to establish which economic agents form part of the heritage world and what incentives guide them to join it. With this framework in place., we can evaluate how the tools used by these agents to obtain their own goals affect the provision of historic resources.  相似文献   

The Kennedy Committee Report on Ireland's reformatory and industrial schools, published in 1970, is an important, though contested, milestone in the history of Ireland's childcare policy. The Committee found its genesis in Church/state conflict and conducted much of its work in the teeth of state and religious opposition. Its published report was watered down on the understanding that the state would act to curb the worst excesses of the system without the need for some of the more damaging discoveries reaching the public realm. Notwithstanding this the published report became the focus of political manoeuvring that stifled its potential effectiveness. Its legacy, therefore, is mixed, marking the beginning of the slow painful modernisation of the Irish childcare system whilst being an opportunity lost in terms of its potential to ameliorate the suffering of children detained in the system for a further three decades.  相似文献   

This article discusses the effects of tourism on local development in the context of World Heritage sites. The ‘Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque’ in Mexico will be used as a case study, with especial attention on local Indigenous communities. It analyses the use of ‘World Heritage’ as a brand for tourism promotion and expected tourism growth, and the changes in the role of the Indigenous peoples in archaeology and UNESCO policies. Furthermore, it examines the implementation of World Heritage policies by the Mexican government and the local decision-makers in Palenque. It presents the touristic elements of the site and how other factors have impacted tourism flow. The article points out the empowerment processes of modern Mayan people, the response by the official managers and the Indigenous reaction to governmental investments in tourism infrastructure. The article concludes that a shift from the current type management model to a new, participatory one could contribute to reduce social tension, fostering local development through tourism and improving communities’ quality of life. The data used for my analysis were collected during fieldwork in Palenque in 2014 and 2016.  相似文献   

世界文化遗产云冈石窟的防水保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然风化是世界文化遗产云冈石窟保存的最大的问题,而其风化与水和盐的活动密切相关.为了解决水对石窟的影响问题,通过多种手段进行了勘查和试验,基本查清了影响云冈石窟保存的水的来源,明确了云冈石窟防水保护工程的重点工作,即顶部防渗、建设保护性窟檐、洞窟凝结水研究与治理.顶部防渗治理应坚持以排为主,防排结合的原则,防渗材料选用膨润土防水毯为宜.建设保护性窟檐对于石窟内部文物所处的环境保持相对稳定具有一定作用.采用新研制的岩石表面凝结水量测量装置,对云冈石窟砂岩表而凝结水量进行的实地测量表明,石窟表而凝结水量相当可观.采用除湿机可以降低窟内相对湿度,可以防止凝结水在岩壁上形成,消除凝结水对石雕的危害.  相似文献   


This article provides the first theoretical treatment of the ontologies and epistemologies of digital heritage research at the time of the interconnected and social web, based on extensive empirical and analytical investigation. We draw on observations and concepts developed while conducting the first study of public experiences of the past that utilised big data – over 1.4 million Facebook posts, comments and replies – to revisit or generate new theory from the ground up. We expect that this will help scholars from a range of fields in the humanities, social and computing sciences who are interested in undertaking digital heritage research to understand the deeper implications of their work, the complexities and limitations of the knowledge they create, and its value in exposing the processes via which heritage is made and assessed.  相似文献   

El propósito de este artículo es mostrar la importancia de la colaboracción entre los gobiernos indígenas y los/as arqueólogos/as. Un aspecto de la colaboración es la investigación de las denuncias amparadas bajo el acto de la Protección de las Tumbas de los Indígenas Nativos Norteamericanos y la Repatriación (NAGPRA). Para los Caddo, el trabajar con la comunidad de arqueólogos/as puede fortalecer las denuncias que ellos pueden hacer sobre restos humanos y los objetos funerarios sean adjuntos o no, u objectos sagrados o artefactos de patrimonio cultural que han sido identificados por el NAGPRA.
Résumé Notre objectif est de montrer l'importance de la collaboration entre les représentants tribaux et les archéologues dans l'étude des revendications du Native American Protection et du Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). Dans le cas des Caddo, travailler ensemble avec la communauté archéologique peut seulement renforcer toute demande qu'ils peuvent formuler pour le rapatriement de restes humains et d'objects funéraires associés ou non, d'objets sacrés et tout objet faisant partie du patrimoine culturel défini par le NAGPRA.

European territorial policies increasingly refer to broad goals such as sustainability, well-being and cohesion. For their operationalization as political goals, there is a need to create indicators. But how can an indicator be meaningful in relation to a complex concept that is not well defined? If the creation of an indicator is primarily aimed at quantifying a concept and making it more operational, in the case of a contested concept (such as territorial cohesion), the process of building indicators also helps stabilize it, allowing a potential decontestation. A participatory constructivist approach – as used by the ESPON project Indicators for Territorial Cohesion (INTERCO) – is considered to be the most suitable for building indicators of contested concepts. While ensuring computability of the indicators, it allows more flexibility and reconciles the different meanings of the concept in order to stabilize it. Ultimately, the validity of indicators of contested concepts lies in pragmatic criteria: usability, usefulness and use.  相似文献   


Peace through tourism focuses on the place of tourism in promoting peaceful relations in positive multidimensional terms. Sport events are associated to tourism in that such events provide tourists with the opportunity to engage in friendly competition and social proximity brings local sport people, teams and communities in contact with societies from around the world. The main study aim is to examine and analyze how, why, under what circumstances, and to what extent a cross border sport tourism event can contribute to the promotion of a message of peace between Israelis and Palestinians in the Holy Land. The case study examines the Bethlehem to Jerusalem Peace Run in which participants were Catholic Italian pilgrims, Israelis and Palestinians. The qualitative methodology includes several forms of mixed data collection: participant observation; content analysis of media documents, and in depth interviews based on a grounded theory approach. The in-depth interview questions to the organizers focused on understanding the challenges and implications of organizing the event, and the extent to which it was important and successful, in their estimation. Participants were asked about their feelings during the event and their estimation of its importance and success. In light of the study findings, a typological model was constructed of tourism-sport-peace relations against a background of conflicts and confrontations. The model illustrates that the elements are interrelated and encourage peace-promotion aspects in three dimensions: at the decision-making and governmental level in the organizational dimension; at the level of people’s feelings in the field in the social dimension; and in the positive media image that emerges in the media dimension, promoting positive coverage and a positive image. These insights and the proposed model should be considered for implementation in other areas of the world suffering from closed and hostile borders.  相似文献   

Tanzania's endangered heritage: A call for a protection program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is no doubt that heritage resource loss in Tanzania is proceeding at an alarming rate. Natural and human agencies, adverse storage infrastructures and techniques, and lack of trained conservators and curators and of a proper protection program are the major threats that endanger the heritage resources of Tanzania. As our natural and cultural environments bring irreparable damage to the resources that document our human history, we need to preserve and protect them before they vanish. A preservation and protection program for Tanzania should include public education, the establishment of heritage preservation laws, more progress in the inventory and protection of in situ heritage resources, research into preservation and conservation methods, training of staff, and improvements in the curation of collected heritage resources and records. Preservation and protection of heritage resources are collaborative exercises. The scientific and world community need to support and engage in this proposed program both technically and financially, if the preservation and protection of heritage resources in Tanzania are to succeed.
Résumé Il ne fait pas de doute que la perte des ressources du patrimoine historique se poursuit à un rythme alarmant en Tanzanie. Les agents naturels et humains, des techniques et des locaux de conservation inadaptés, el manque de conservateurs bien formés et d'un programme de sauvegarde adéquat sont les principales menaces qui pèsent sur les biens historiques et culturels en Tanzanie. Comme notre environnement naturel et culturel provoque des dommages irréparables aux sources historiques, nous devons les préserver et les protéger avant qu'elles ne disparaissent. Un programme de préservation et de protection pour la Tanzanie devrait inclure l'éducation du public, l'adoption de lois relatives à la sauvegarde du patrimoine, de nouveaux progrès dans l'inventaire et la protection in situdes vestiges, des recherches sur les méthodes de préservation et de conservation, la formation des responsables et l'amélioration des conditions de conservation et de récolte des objets et de la documentation. La préservation et la protection des vestiges du patrimoine impliquent une large collaboration. Pour arriver à la préservation et à la protection des ressources du patrimoine tanzanien, el faut que la communauté scientifique et mondiale s'implique et soutienne ce projet à la fois techniquement et financièrement.


Each month in Britain marks a further, official, distancing from the past and its memorials, as we move closer to the selected Millennium marker. Heritage has a particularly low profile at present with policies for destruction of the House of Lords encouraging increasing ridicule aimed at legacies from the past. In terms of media coverage, at least, the heritage bubble has burst, as indeed it had to. As soon as modest, individual or community, breaths were marshalled into corporate puff, the sheer size of the national preservation and presentation enterprise hinted at its own demise. Nicholas Howard, he of Castle Howard, provided an appropriate caution in 1993, when he noted:  相似文献   


Before colonialism, heritage sites such as Khami were considered resting places for ancestors, valued more for the spirit of place than their monumentality. In this context, local custodians hardly intervened with the fabric of the site. With the introduction of modern conservation principles, which persist to this day, vegetation control and wall restorations became part of routine conservation measures. This paper discusses drystone wall restorations carried out at Khami between 2000 and 2015 focusing on the disjuncture between indigenous and local concepts of heritage, concerned with access and preserving the spirit of ancestors, and ‘western’ principles of restoration. It argues that while ignoring the structural disintegration of Khami would have resulted in possible delisting from the World Heritage List, the ‘neglect’ which Khami experienced was in tandem with its local social context; being a resting place for ancestors. While the reconstructions interfered with an acceptable physical context of local beliefs, restorations maintained the integrity of the site as a tourist destination with positive local economic benefits. Although compromises are by their nature unsatisfactory, modern heritage conservation in Africa must adapt and improvise to achieve a mix of local and international practices to reflect changed and changing realities.  相似文献   

随着计算机及相关技术的迅猛发展,以数字近景摄影测量、三维激光扫描测量、虚拟现实等技术为基础的数字化保护与复原开始在古建筑保护中扮演重要的角色。但由于经费短缺,人员匮乏,制约了文化遗产数字化保护与利用的发展。为了更好地保护和利用好罗布林卡,应提高认识数字化保护建设,增强危机感。建立完整的罗布林卡古建筑数字化保护与展示技术,形成一套集建筑表征、内部结构、周围环境影响因素于一体的档案系统,利用数字平台打造综合性的罗布林卡文化遗产展示与推广平台。  相似文献   

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