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李勤学 《故宫博物院院刊》2021,(9):25-41+143-144
新门底寺系藏传佛教觉囊派寺院,由措尔基寺一世活佛嘉瓦桑布创建。佛塔内绘制大量壁画,题材从释迦牟尼佛、大黑天、宝帐护法及上师传承关系等逐层过渡至时轮金刚等内容,涉及密宗行部、事部、瑜伽部和无上瑜伽部中父续、母续传承关系,较为全面地展示了觉囊派的教法体系。塔内壁画是阿坝地区发现的第一处具有尼泊尔-西藏混合风格壁画。对研究阿坝地区早期艺术风格的形成与演变具有重要的价值,更为研究觉囊派东传后至多罗那他中兴前阶段的绘画艺术和风格演化提供了重要的新材料。  相似文献   

赵斌 《东方收藏》2023,(8):77-79
栖真观位于山东省淄博市沂源县鲁村镇安平村,为全真派祖师丘处机弟子张志顺所建,是山东地区早期全真教活动的重要道观之一。栖真观玉皇殿内的二十八星宿壁画,形象塑造生动、文化内涵丰厚。文章对比分析栖真观二十八星宿牛宿壁画形象,探讨其形象对比及人文关怀,为了解当地神仙崇拜、星宿信仰和民众生活提供参考。  相似文献   

哲蚌寺协热拉康殿十六罗汉壁画是五世达赖喇嘛下令、由清初西藏官方艺术流派创作的重要遗珍之一,与清代宫廷作品关系密切,但迄今未能引起学术界的足够重视。本文根据壁画图像和题记,结合当时的历史文献,认为壁画为1654年哲蚌寺措钦大殿扩建时期的作品,由曼塘派和钦孜派的五位重要大师领衔,按五世达赖喇嘛及西藏地方政府之令创作而成。通过文献和图像比较可知,十六罗汉壁画不仅与钦孜画派明代重要遗珍的贡嘎寺壁画具有直接渊源关系,主要出自钦孜派画家之手,而且与故宫博物院现存清宫佛日楼同一题材的唐卡藏品在风格上有着密切的关系,系清代西藏地方与以宫廷为首的内地藏传佛教艺术之间大规模、频繁互动的重要例证之一。  相似文献   

本篇着重分析了皮央石窟IV区32窟(护法殿)壁画中萨迦派及俄派祖师传承以及护法、供养场景,综合探讨了壁画年代、艺术风格及教派影响范围,认为此窟壁画的绘制年代在16世纪晚期至17世纪初,具有藏中地区艺术风格,反映出当时萨迦俄派在西藏西部普兰、古格地区具有较大影响力。  相似文献   

本次修复对象是北宋早期的墓葬壁画,该壁画的出土为弥补邯郸乃至河北宋代早期墓葬壁画实物资料提供了珍贵资料,具有重要的学术研究价值。对该壁画的保护修复,不同于以往揭取或整体提取的方法,该壁画采用切割砖体的方法。该方法能较好保留文物结构上的完整,保护了壁画的安全,也为后期的二次修复提供了可操作空间。  相似文献   

夏格旺堆  熊文彬  何伟  边顿  洛桑次仁  曲扎  赤列次仁  王鹏 《考古》2012,(7):68-82,112,116,2
恰姆石窟群共有三区105座洞窟。其中,ⅠK1为单室造像窟,平面形状呈马蹄形,在西、北、南三壁发现泥塑和壁画。ⅠK2为多室窟,窟内残存有泥塑和壁画。ⅠK3为相邻的两座单室窟,仅见壁画。该石窟群的发现,对探讨西藏早期佛教艺术、佛教发展史,甚至后弘期初期西藏社会历史的进程具有重要价值。  相似文献   

2001年和2004年,由四川大学和西藏自治区文物局组成的联合考古队,两次对西藏西部展开考古调查。在阿里地区象泉河流域首次发现了卡俄普和西林衮两处佛教石窟遗迹。石窟中壁画保存较好,时代上限为公元11世纪,下限可延续至16~17世纪。其中早期壁画主要受克什米尔佛教艺术风格影响,后期壁画较多接受了同时期卫藏地区的绘画风格。这些石窟壁画提供了阿里象泉河流域古格王国时代不同时期佛教石窟壁画的演变线索,对今天认识古格王国佛教艺术的自身发展及其与外来文化的交融互动,提供了新的重要实物资料。  相似文献   

闫雪 《故宫博物院院刊》2020,(12):48-58+110
西藏自治区拉孜县彭措林寺大经堂内保存完好的17世纪初壁画,近年来备受国内外学界关注,然迄今为止尚未有学者对壁画图像进行完整准确的辨识研究。作者基于前期对彭措林寺壁画题记的研究,确定壁画是依据佛传故事、两部本续以及觉囊派祖师笃布巴定义的"了义十经"和"如来藏十经"而绘的变相图,同时依据相关藏文文献并结合图像志特征,对其中的"如来藏十经"变相图进行了解读研究。  相似文献   

永乐宫原位于山西省芮城县永乐镇,建于1247—1368年,是为纪念吕洞宾而修建的。其壁画绘制700多年来,历经多次自然灾害和修缮,还经历了20世纪60年代的整体搬迁,目前壁画已出现常见的颜料层起甲、脱落、粉化等病害,还存在拼接缝开裂起翘,表层画面受污染变色的状况。由于早期切割、搬迁和修复的大量介入,现存壁画表面及内部结构都发生了巨大的变化。永乐宫在搬迁过程中保存下来的少量壁画残块,一定程度上代表了永乐宫壁画的原始状态,是研究早期壁画材料和工艺信息的重要的和极有价值的样本。对此,针对取自永乐宫的11块壁画残块的微量样品,通过光学显微镜(OM)、剖面分析(cross-section analysis)、X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDS)等多种分析手段,对其制作材料和工艺进行初步调查分析,并取得了其相关壁画地仗、颜料材质及绘制壁画层位的信息,为永乐宫壁画的科学保护和深入研究提供了重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

现存的馆藏壁画和部分原址壁画中,为了加固、保护壁画颜料层,在20世纪70~90年代,曾经大量使用加固剂和封护剂对壁画颜料层进行保护修复。受当时修复材料和施工工艺的局限,经过仅40余年的变化,一些早期的保护修复有机材料老化,导致许多壁画出现了新问题,主要表现为眩光、变色、龟裂、起翘等病害,严重影响壁画的长期保存和展陈。文章列举了国内外早期修复材料因老化失效而损害壁画的几桩案例,讨论了现代有机材料的老化对壁画保存的不利影响,并对修复材料的"失效"概念进行了界定和阐述。可以认为,修复材料老化导致壁画外观的变化及保护材料未失效但造成壁画性质改变引发潜在病害的两种情况中任意一种,均可视为修复材料"失效",为了长久保护壁画必须予以清除。最后探讨了清除失效修复材料时使用凝胶清洗和微乳液清洗等方法的有效性和前瞻性。  相似文献   

泰国华校发展受中国、泰国、泰国华人以及世界发展的影响,经历初兴、艰难繁荣、极度衰落、复兴四个阶段。华校20世纪初产生,随即迅猛发展。二战后,华校勃兴,其校所、生源在泰国华文教育史上都是最多的。1948年始,泰国全面执行限制政策,学校不断减少。经几十年的限制,到20世纪80年代中期,落入最低谷。其后,泰国逐步开放华文教育,华校复兴。百年间,华校的命运与近代以来中国的命运息息相关。  相似文献   


This article charts the development of physical education and sports in girls’ schools in Ireland during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It notes how early developments were undoubtedly influenced by traditions and practices in English public schools, with games such as hockey and cricket becoming popular in Irish girls’ schools. The “Swedish” gymnastics movement, which became popular the 1870s, led to the introduction of callisthenics and drill in many Irish schools. By the turn of the twentieth century, drill and dance displays had become a highlight in the convent school calendar of events. Official policy following the introduction of the Revised Programme for National Schools (1900) placed unprecedented emphasis on the importance of physical education. While many embraced these developments, others were critical of girls’ involvement in competitive games and sports, particularly those considered “foreign” and “un-Irish”. Drawing on convent school archives, official sources, and newspaper articles, this article provides new insights into the evolution of physical education and sports in Irish girls’ schools.  相似文献   

American evangelicals have long maintained a tense and paradoxical relationship to mainstream American culture. This article explores the effect of the 1962 and 1963 United States Supreme Court school decisions on that perennial tension. Unlike many conservatives, conservative evangelicals greeted the court's 1962 Engel decision to ban state‐written prayer in public schools with cautious approval; however, evangelicals saw the 1963 Schempp decision to ban Bible reading and the Lord's Prayer from those schools as an affront. The unique relationship between evangelical belief and America's public school system forced evangelicals to reconsider their special place in both schools and society as a whole. They concluded with surprising unanimity that those school decisions had done more than forced evangelical belief out of America's public schools; the decisions had pushed evangelicals themselves out of America's mainstream culture.  相似文献   

Charter schools have grown in popularity, as both citizens and government officials search for ways to improve public education in America. Much of the research on charter schools focuses on academic performance comparisons between charter schools and traditional public schools. Far less attention has been devoted to whether the presence of charter schools creates marketlike environments that bring about systemic improvements in public education. This study examines the extent to which charter schools stimulate performance gains in traditional public schools. The results show that charter schools contribute to modest overall performance improvements for students enrolled in traditional public schools. Charter schools help bring about stronger performance gains for low-income students enrolled in traditional public schools. The presence of charter schools also affects how financial and programmatic resources are allocated in traditional public schools.  相似文献   

During the Soviet period the network of medical schools expanded from one essentially limited to the European part of the country to a widely dispersed system covering the entire territory except for the far north. Analysis of the locational factors of Soviet medical school establishment shows that, like other higher education institutions, these medical schools were located primarily by city population size. Many peripheral regions received schools, despite having only lower-order population centers, and those places where schools were established fared much better in retaining physicians than those where they were not.  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate the role of private schools in the housing market and in the supply and demand for public schooling. I estimate public school-quality supply simultaneously with demand, which provides greater confidence in calculated demand elasticities than in single-equation studies. The price of public schools, private schools, and taxes all appear in the demand estimation and have elasticities of @ndash;0.19, 0.11, and –0.49, respectively. Public school–quality supply is responsive to private-school competition but not to competition from other public schools. The percentage of school-aged children attending private schools depresses house values holding public-schooling outcomes constant.  相似文献   

Proponents of charter schools credit them with many advantages over traditional schools. One claim is that school choice yields increased parental participation in voluntary school activities—which we shall call education‐related social capital. In this article we test for the independent effect of school choice on education‐related social capital, controlling for general social capital and other potentially confounding variables. Studies of school choice invariably show that choosing parents have a greater level of general social capital than non‐choosing parents. Consequently, any increase in education‐related social capital could be spurious—due to the fact that choice parents start with atypically high levels of general social capital. We find under controlled conditions that school choice has a small but statistically significant effect on education‐related social capital. However, its effect is considerably smaller than for general social capital, as well as for other traditional predictors such as parental education and the school‐related home resources that parents may provide.  相似文献   

The dramatic decline in the number of US medical schools in the early twentieth century has been traced to a medical education reform movement that gained momentum after the Civil War. The major parties to reform-the universities themselves, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), state licensing boards, the American Medical Association (AMA), and Flexner-had different interests and strategies, however, and scholars have continued to debate the impact each had on the decline. To isolate the independent effects that the temporally intertwined forces for reform had on medical school failures, this study applies statistical survival analysis to an extensive and unique data set on medical schools operating in the United States between 1870 and 1930. Contrary to the views of some scholars, the results indicate that schools closed in response to critical evaluations published by the Illinois State Board of Health in the nineteenth century and the AMA and Flexner in the twentieth century. Additionally, the results indicate that schools were less likely to have failed if they adopted certain reforms implemented at leading schools or joined the AAMC, and were more likely to have failed if their state's licensing regulations mandated lengthier premedical and medical training.  相似文献   

清代“科举必由学校”,学额的分配实质上是国家政治资源和权力在县级政区的分配。清朝近三百年间,地方行政制度多有变化。厅制行政区划为清代独有,其形成是一个较长的历史过程;后有废县(州厅卫)置乡;还形成具有“分征钱粮”职能的分州、分县。不过,按照规制非州县不得设学校。通过统计和案例分析可知,为保证各地都有一定数量基层绅士(生员),减少不同地区的学额之争,产生了散厅、废县置乡、分州分县设学立额的现象。清代看似严格的学校学额制度,在地方实际运作中有一定的灵活度。又通过适当的变通,保证了国家政治资源和权力在地方的有效分配。  相似文献   

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