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The 11th Panchen Lama Extends Wishes for Chinese Lunar New Year and Tibetan New Year In 2021,the Chinese Lunar New Year and the Tibetan New Year fall on the same day of Feb.12.Ahead of the festivals,Panchen Erdeni Choskyi Gyalpo,the 11th Panchen Lama,expresses best wishes to all Tibetans at home and abroad.  相似文献   

Last 19 Impoverished Areas in Tibet Rise out of Poverty Authorities in the Tibet Autonomous Region announced on Dec.23 that the last 19 impoverished areas now meet a series of delisting requirements and have removed from the poverty list.This means that all counties and county-level districts in the Tibet Autonomous Region have been lifted out of poverty and the region has eliminated absolute impoverishment.  相似文献   

National Conference on Religious Work Held in Beijing A national conference on work related to religious affairs was held from Dec.3 to 4 in Beijing.President Xi Jinping,also general secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission,emphasized developing religions in the Chinese context and providing active guidance for the adaptation of religions to socialist society.  相似文献   

Xi Replies to Letter from Medical Students of Tibet University Chinese President Xi Jinping has encouraged medical students of Tibet University to develop strong skills and serve the people at the primary level ahead of the Tibetan New Year in 2020.Xi made the remarks when answering a letter from 17 students who are interning at Peking University Shougang Hospital in Beijing.He also extended festive greetings and best wishes to the students as well as the people of all ethnic groups living in Tibet and the Tibetaninhabited areas.  相似文献   

National Conference on Religious Work Held in Beijing A national conference on work related to religious affairs was held from Dec.3 to 4 in Beijing.President Xi Jinping,also general secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission,emphasized developing religions in the Chinese context and providing active guidance for the adaptation of religions to socialist society.  相似文献   

<正>美宇航局发布2100年全球气候变化预测图据美国宇航局(NASA)网站报道,该机构近日发布了直到2100年全球气温与降水的变化预测情况。这项研究中所使用的全部是公众可以查询到的公开数据,根据21个气候模型进行模拟计算,反映全球范围内不同地区在二氧化碳不同排放量的影响下所产生的结果。这项新的数据集是美国宇航局地球交换(NEX)项目下的一项最新成果。它结合了来自全球各地的实测数据以及利用气候模型开展模拟得到的预测数据,  相似文献   

<正>烧光化石能源将使海平面上升六十米近日,一个国际团队的新研究显示,如果将地球上剩余的目前人类可获取的化石燃料燃烧完,足以导致整个南极的冰都融化掉,这将使海平面上升50米到60米,也会使拥有高达10亿人的人口密集地区葬身海平面以下。这一研究结果发表在最新一期《科学进展》杂志上。新研究显示,燃烧煤炭、石油和天然气也会给面积更大的东南极冰盖带来损失。尽管南极的冰盖已经开始融化,它们未来的命运仍将由一系列复杂的因素决定,这些因素包括温室气体带来的气候变暖,海水温度升高,还  相似文献   

<正>蛟龙号完成印度洋首探发现大型金银矿床外媒称,中国"蛟龙号"载人深潜器结束在印度洋为期118天的首次勘探之旅后返回。据报道,此次勘探发现金银等贵金属的大型矿床。《新印度快报》网站3月17日发表题为《中国深海潜水器在海底发现巨大矿床》的文章称,在最近的这次任务中,"蛟龙号"成功进行13次下潜,考察了多个热液区、热液特点和深海生物多样性,收集了大量数据和700多个样本。这艘深潜器发现几个新的深海热液喷口——喷发热水的深海裂缝。这些发现  相似文献   

<正>北京霾为何发生快程度重近日,北京大学环境科学与工程学院胡敏教授课题组,与美国德州AM大学张人一教授合作研究,揭示了北京霾形成的机制。研究表明:城市交通排放挥发性有机物、工业生产排放二氧化硫等转化生成的颗粒物,比直接排放到大气的颗粒物更污染北京的空气。由于气态污染物浓度更高、大气氧化性更强,致使北京的霾比其他发达国家城市形成更迅速、更严重。  相似文献   

<正>去年我国天然气新增探明储量逾万亿立方米国土资源部矿产资源储量司司长许大纯在国土资源部4月16日召开的新闻发布会上介绍,2014年,全国天然气、页岩气和煤层气等能源类气体新增探明地质储量总量达11107.15亿立方米,创历史最高水平,呈快速增长态势。尤其是随着对地质规律认识的提高和我国非常规油气勘查及开采技术不断创新,页岩气、煤层气等非常规油气资源新增储  相似文献   

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News in BriefNewsinBrief¥//NewDiscoveryofAncientTombsArchaeologistshavediscovered218tombsoftheTuboKingdompened.Coveringanarea...  相似文献   

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正Two Tibetans Awarded for Reform and Opening-up Contributions China awarded 100 people for their contributions for the country's 40 years of reform and opening-up at a gathering in the Great Hall of the People on Dec. 18th. Among the 100 people,there are two ethnic Tibetans. One is Nyima Dondrup from Ngari Prefecture in Tibet and the other is Sonam Dargye from the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai province.  相似文献   

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NewsinBrief¥//EnvironmentalProtectionBytheendof1993,Tibethassetup13region-levelnaturereserves,coveringatotalareaof325,400squa...  相似文献   

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inthebeginningyearoftheNinthFive-Yearplan,Tibet'sgrossnationalpr0ductreached6.453billionyuan,anincreaseofl0percent0verthepreviousyearandsurpassingChina'snati0nalaverageforthefirsttimeinhist0ry.ThepercaPitaincomeofurbanresidentsandfarmersandherdersreached5…  相似文献   

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TownshipEnterprisesTownshipenterPrisesachievedatotaloutputvalueof320millionyuanin1996,anincreaseof12.5percentoverthepreviousyear,whileincomefromdiversifiedeconomyaddedupto480millionyuan,anincreaseof12.5percent.dsInmid-Junethisyear,theLivingBuddhaNgagungwh…  相似文献   

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<正>Purang Port Welcomes Overseas Tourists Tibet has welcomed its first group of overseas tourists via the region's Purang Port in Ngari this year.Purang Port is a first class land port in China.As the infrastructure and management continues to improve,foreign visitors passing in and out via the port increase every year.Stone Lion Unearthed in Lhasa A painted stone lion was unearthed at the construction site on Dosenge Road in Lhasa on March 22.On-site investigation has confirmed that the 169cm high  相似文献   

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11th Panchen Lama First Visited Ngari The llth Panehen Lama, Panchen Erdeni Choskyi Gyalpo, came to Ngari Prefecture for the first time to hold religious and social activities. Since he arrived on Aug. 13, he had worshipped the holy mountains and lakes, visited the tomb of Kong Fansen, chanted sutras for all living beings, visited two local farm household and gave head-touching blessing to the local Buddhists.  相似文献   

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Tibet First Select Regional Art and Craft Masters
The government of TAR selected 25 art and craft masters on the regional level for the first time on April 18, 2014 to further promote the inheritance and development of traditional Tibetan arts and crafts. The 25 masters are as follow:  相似文献   

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<正>Xi Congratulates Scientists on Expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to a research team on the second scientific expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on Aug.19.Xi expressed his congratulations and greetings to scientists,young students and support staff who joined the country's second comprehensive scientific expedition to the plateau.He noted that the expedition will promote the plateau's sustainable development and the world's ecological environmental protection.  相似文献   

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NewsinBriefCurpuMonasteryDonatestoDisasterAreaAtarecentsutrarecitingceremonyintheCurpuMonastery,Lhozui,chiefofthemonasterysD...  相似文献   

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