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A total of 67 bricks and tiles found in different archaeological contexts during excavations at Thamusida have been investigated here. The first analysed set consists of 27 bricks found in the area of an Islamic ceramic workshop, which was active at Thamusida from the 8th century onwards. The second set of 40 bricks and tiles was found mostly in situ. They date to the Roman occupation of the site (1st-3rd century AD). Thirteen of them bear different types of stamps. In addition, two types of clay (7 samples) from the surrounding area were analysed as reference for the materials used in the local ceramic production. The samples were investigated by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. The results allowed reconstructing two local productions of building materials: one during Roman and one during Islamic times, both using local grey tirs (without any manipulation or temper additions) as raw materials. Imports were further identified, tracing both short- and medium-range trade connections. Banasa could be addressed as a likely production site of bricks stamped QAP and APP, while the bay of Tangiers should be indicated as a likely provenance of bricks stamped C∞ and HADRIAVG.  相似文献   

Women’s history for Árpád-era Hungary (1000–1301) has generally been restricted to legal issues and the royal court. This study addresses these deficiencies by examining women in the Register of Várad in regard to three areas of investigation: marriage practices and the involvement of the Church, access women had to property and the access women had to authority. Evidence from the register indicates that by the thirteenth century, ecclesiastical ideas regarding marriage were barely making themselves felt. Ideas of consent and even the indissolubility of marriage were at times unimportant. Though priests were occasionally present at marriages, their role was not decisive. Women had three primary means of obtaining property. They could receive gifts or dower on the event of their wedding, and they could receive a portion of the patrimony. This inheritance was termed the quarta filialis as it amounted to no more than one-quarter of the father’s property. These gifts came under the control of the woman’s husband, and she could not access them until his death. Widowhood combined with guardianship of a minor son could allow women to exert considerable power and, just as elsewhere in Latin Europe, women’s access to public and private authority most approximated that of men’s as a widow. Not all women, of course, had access to such power. The Register of Várad shows numerous instances of women slaves who were under the complete control of their master.  相似文献   

A Camelus metapodial, found among the animal bones excavated by Garrod from the Levalloiso-Mousterian of the Tabun Cave (Mount Carmel, Israel), adds to the relatively small number of Camelus finds reported from the Pleistocene of the Near East. The mammal faunas associated with these finds suggest relatively dry open conditions, but not desert conditions. The Tabun specimen is of moderate size, in contrast to the very large Camelus from Far'ah II; two species of camel may thus have been present in the Near East during the Upper Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Criteria developed to distinguish between selected postcranial elements of sheep and goats are evaluated using modern specimens from the collections of the Field Museum of Natural History, the National Museum of Natural History, and the Museum of Anthropology and the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. Elements considered are: the distal humerus, proximal and distal radius, distal tibia, distal metapodials, astragalus, calcaneus, and the first and second phalanx. This evaluation includes an assessment of 1385 elements from 49 goat and 84 modern sheep skeletons. It also includes a blind test on elements drawn from 20 specimens taken by six analysts with differing levels of experience. Overall, the criteria evaluated are highly reliable, especially in goats and only slightly less so in sheep. A major exception is the distal tibia, where diagnostic criteria tested proved substantially less reliable than other criteria evaluated here. Strongly positive results were also obtained when the sample was partitioned by sex, domestic status, and age. Results of the blind test show some variability depending on the level of experience of the analyst, underscoring the need for training and access to adequate modern reference collections before attempting to apply these criteria to archaeological assemblages. The results of this assessment stand in stark contrast to those obtained in an earlier assessment of the reliability of criteria used to distinguish between mandibles and mandibular teeth of sheep and goats. In all but a few teeth, dental criteria proved to be much less reliable, especially in goats. They were also significantly less reliable in the identification of both younger and older animals. Unlike dental criteria, there are no biases introduced by variable reliability of postcranial criteria that distort taxon-specific harvest profiles based on long-bones.  相似文献   

The Homo erectus cranium found at Gongwangling, near Lantian, China, and dated to ≈1.2 ma BP has been analyzed with respect to its evolutionary position. However, the remains, and especially the internal and external surfaces of the neurocranium, present a series of marked abnormalities. These irregularities consist principally of a pronounced cresting and scalloping of the external surface of the frontal bone and anterior parietal bone and a similar alteration of the internal surface of a mid transverse section of parietal bone that connects with the fossilization break across the anterior parietal bone. There is no obvious exposure of diploë on the surfaces. Woo (Vertebrata PalAsiatica 10:1–16, 1966) briefly ascribed these abnormalities to postmortem erosion, and Caspari (Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 102:565–568, 1997) has attributed the irregularities of the right supraorbital torus to antemortem trauma. It has been suggested that the pervasive neurocranial alterations might be pathological. Computerized tomography (CT) analysis of the frontal and parietal bones revealed complete radiopacity of the anterior half of the fossil; it is possible to distinguish large frontal sinuses but other details, including in the area of the purported traumatic lesion, are invisible. However, in the posterior frontal bone and preserved portions of the parietal bone the diploë and tables are discernible. Externally on the frontoparietal section and internally on the transverse parietal piece, there are clear erosional lacunae in the associated table, combined with a thin layer of matrix which obscures the eroded diploë externally. The superficial irregularities are therefore due to postmortem taphonomic alterations of the bone and not pathological processes. In addition, it is apparent that the two pieces were embedded in the matrix at different angles, resulting in their differential erosion.  相似文献   

The History of Sicily from the Earliest Times. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A., Hon. D.C.L., LL.D. 2 Vols.: Pp. 609 + 583. With Maps. Oxford : at the Clarendon Press, 1891.

Denmark. Edited by H. Weitemeyer. With a Coloured Map. London : W. Heinemann. Copenhagen : A. F. Host and Son. Pp. 268.

New Light on Dark Africa: being the Narrative of the German Emin Pasha Expedition. Related by Dr. Carl Peters, the Commander of the Expedition. Translated from the German by H. W. Dulcken, Ph.D. London: Ward, Lock, &; Co., 1891. Maps and Illustrations. 1 vol., pp. 597.

Rulers of India: The Earl of Mayo. By Sir W. W. Hunter. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1891. Pp. 201.

Wild Beasts and their Ways. By Sir Samuel W. Baker, F.R.S., P.R.G.S., etc. London : Macmillan and Co., 1891. Pp. 455.

Log of a Jack Tar; and Captain O'Brien's Captivity in France. Edited by Commander Lovett Cameron, R.N. “ Adventure Series.” London: Fisher Unwin, 1891. Pp. 379. Price 5s.

Portugal. By H. Morse Stephens, “ Story of the Nations “ Series. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1891. Pp. xxiv+450. Price 5s.

Industrial Ireland: A German View of the Irish Question. By J. B. Keller. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1891. Pp. 48.

A Lady's Letters from Central Africa : A Journey from Mandala, Shiri Highlands, to Ujiji, Lake Tanganyika, and back. By Jane F. Moir. With an Introduction by Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D. Glasgow: J. MacLehose and Sons, 1891. Pp. 91.

Manica: Being a Report addressed to the Minister of the Marine and the Colonies of Portugal. By J. Paiva de Andrada, Colonel of Artillery. With a Sketch‐Map by E. G. Eavenstein. London : George Philip and Son, 1891. Pp. 63. Price 1s.

Matabeleland and Mashonaland. Being a Special Number of South Africa. London : at the Offices of South Africa, 1891. Pp. 146. Price 2s.

The Bermuda Islands: A Contribution to the Physical History and Zoology of the Somers Archipelago, with an examination of the Structure of the Coral Beefs. By Angelo Heilprin, , F.G.S.A., etc. etc. Published by the Author. Philadelphia, 1889.

Wanderings in South America, etc. By Charles Waterton. Illustrations and Index. Pp. xxxix + 367. Thomas Kelson and Sons, 1891. Price 4s.

The Malay Archipelago : The Land of the Orang‐utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature. By Alfred Russel Wallace. London and New York : Macmillan and Co., 1890. Pp. xvii + 515.

The Opening of the Arctic Sea. By H. A. N. Demsford, C.E. London : Eidgway, 1890.

The Cruise of the Dunottar Castle. By W. Scott Dalgleish, M. A. Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable, 1890. Pp. 94. Illustrated.

The Cyclists’ Route‐Book of Great Britain. By W. J. Spurrier. London : Iliffe and Son, 1890. Pp. 170. Price 1s.

History of Newport and the Parish of Forgan ; and Rambles round the District. By J. S. Neish. Dundee: W. and D. C. Thomson, 1890. Pp. vii+256. Price 3s.  相似文献   

Criteria developed to distinguish between the mandibles and mandibular teeth of sheep and goats are evaluated using modern specimens from the collections of the National Museum of Natural History and the Field Museum of Natural History. Certain teeth prove to be quite reliable in this regard (dP3, P3, P4). Other dental elements, however, are not reliable and should not be used in dental based identifications of these closely related species (dP4, M1, and mandibular bones). Overall, the identification of sheep dentition using these criteria is more reliable than it is for goats. However, the generally greater likelihood of incorrect identification of goat teeth and mandibles means that specimens identified as sheep are likely to contain high proportion of misidentified goats. Both the proportion of remains that can only be classified as ‘Ovis-Capra’ and the proportion of incorrectly identified teeth and mandibular bones varies with age, with identifications of younger and older animals less reliable than those of animals in the 1.5–6 year age range. Reliability of identifications increases when more criteria and more elements are used. Identifications based on whole mandibles with complete tooth rows are quite reliable. However, the proportion of specimens likely to be classified as ‘Ovis-Capra’ also increases in whole mandible identifications, especially in goats. Systematic differences in the proportions of indeterminate and incorrect identifications have a significant impact on species-level dentition-based harvest profiles. Recommendations are made for the use of dentition and long bone based harvest profiles in the study of sheep and goat exploitation strategies.  相似文献   

Wool fibre measurements defining fleece type are described from cloth remains found in the seventeenth century wreck of the Wasa in Stockholm harbour. Half the fleeces were from the primitive type known as the hairy medium, and the remainder were distributed over the hairy, generalized medium and medium types, with a few short and fine types. The wools were similar to medieval Swedish wools, being coarser than Viking examples, but finer than the fleeces of living, primitive Swedish Goth breed.  相似文献   

Morphological distinctions between the mandibular teeth of young sheep (Ovis) and goats (Capra) are described, and their value in the study of bone samples from archaeological sites is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with some of the hydraulic structures of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain), specifically those found in the Mithraeum House. In particular, we describe and characterise the hydraulic mortars and coatings of the viridarium water channel. The recipient of the channel was covered with two hydraulic mortars and a finishing coating. Hydrated lime was used as binder. Calcite grains with different morphology have been observed in the mortars studied. The siliceous aggregate was composed of quartz, mica and feldspars. Ceramic fragments, which were added to the mortar to improve its hydraulic properties, were composed of quartz, mica, iron oxides, anorthite and an amorphous phase; aluminium-iron silicates were used as raw materials for their manufacture. We discuss the interactions between the hydrated lime and the surface of the ceramics in the mortars.  相似文献   

Wool fibre diameter measurements defining fleece type are described for 25 yarns from fabric remains recovered from the 16th century wreck of the Mary Rose in Portsmouth harbour. Over half had natural grey pigmentation and nearly two-thirds were of primitive hairy medium wool.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to question the assumption that the outbreak of prolonged Anglo-Scottish war in 1296 brought an abrupt decline in Scottish interest in St Thomas, his shrine at Canterbury and the great abbey dedicated to him in Scotland at Arbroath. A survey of Scottish devotion to Becket after 1296 reveals that in fact the interest of the monarchy and certain sections of Scottish society intensified. For the two Bruce kings, devotion to Becket developed a double importance although in very different political contexts. For Robert I (1306-29) St Thomas, Canterbury and Arbroath served as both a focus of personal faith and of strategic observances in the struggle against England. However, for David II (1329-71), captured in battle against England in 1346, such observances also became a central feature of attempts to persuade his subjects of the value of closer Anglo-Scottish relations: David's reign was marked by a surge in pilgrimage to Canterbury by Scottish royals, nobles, clerics and ordinary lay folk. Had David lived longer and/or produced a Bruce heir, continued Scottish devotion to Becket might have formed the basis of far more amicable Anglo-Scottish relations than would be the norm under Stewart kings of Scots after 1371.  相似文献   

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