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Ancient Egyptians were buried with the most precious food and drink as sustenance for their afterlife. One of these was Shedeh, the most valued and appreciated beverage in ancient Egypt. The botanic origin of Shedeh remains unclear as no mention of its raw material has survived. Some scholars have proposed that Shedeh was a pomegranate wine, while others, a grape wine. Presented here is the first ever analytical evidence of Shedeh's origin through the analysis of a sample of a residue from an extraordinarily well preserved Shedeh amphora from King Tutankhamun's collection. The previously developed LC/MS/MS wine markers method for archaeological samples was used and our results reveal Shedeh had a red grape origin.  相似文献   

In recent years, wineries have proliferated in Israel’s West Bank settlements, some of which are now producing world-class wine. However, growing grapes and making wine in this context represents more than simply commercial viticulture. These wineries are part of a trend to re-establish ancient Jewish winemaking practices, which fosters the imagination of returning and reconnecting to biblical sites. Moreover, high-tech grape science is now being employed to engineer wines from so-called indigenous varietals to create a wine identity for Israel. Some religious settlers regard these developments as the fulfilment of a messianic biblical prophecy. This pursuit of indigenous wine thus bolsters a religiously inflected historical imagination of indigeneity that naturalizes the Jewish presence in this contested territory. This article shows that claims to authentic indigeneity emerging from viticulture entangle high-tech grape science, biblical prophecy and an aesthetic connection to the land so that indigenous wine and an indigenous identity are co-produced in a mutually constitutive process.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):511-515

This paper focuses in part on Jan Assmann's interpretation and refutation of Carl Schmitt's very well-known secularization theory that all significant modern concepts of the state are secularized theological notions. It will be demonstrated that Assmann attempts to counter Schmitt's conception of modern secularization by suggesting that Mosaic monotheism inaugurated a revolution by theologizing the political. By briefly exploring Assmann's interpretation of Egyptian religion, it will be argued that a conception of the political as distinct from the theological characterized the political form of ancient Egypt. This leads to a discussion of Assmann's argument that Schmitt's conception of the friend/enemy distinction should be understood as an aberration of the political form of ancient Egypt and therefore viewed as a category of political illegitimacy. In order to illustrate this, attention will first be drawn to Assmann's distinction between primary and secondary religion. This is followed by a discussion of Assmann's notion of the structural transform of the political by theology, which then moves specifically into his argument for the intellectual origins of Schmitt's concept of the political. It will be attempted throughout this paper to bring conceptual clarification to Assmann's notion of theologization by relating it to the question of political theology currently taking place in France and the English-speaking world. Towards the end I offer a number of criticisms of Assmann's notion of theologization.  相似文献   

The identification of the organic residues preserved in archaeological materials yields good insights into understanding food production, trade and consumption. Wine is one of the most important beverages produced, traded and consumed in the Mediterranean area. Consequently, it is important to identify its presence in ancient materials. Nevertheless, the identification of wine markers is still an object of discussion. We present here the results obtained from analysing different materials using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), which allowed for the identification of tartaric acid and other markers of wine. The method was first tested on experimental and traditional materials that have been used until recently to store and/or produce wine and was then used for investigating archaeological materials. The experiments also involved the degradation of wine through cooking, drastic heating and burial for seven years. The results from the analysis of ceramic and plaster materials are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of cartonnage fragments from the collections of the Petrie Museum, UCL, were examined to identify pigments, media and grounds. The different types of cartonnage made in ancient Egypt are reviewed. Special attention was paid to green pigments, which were shown to be of green earth, or a mixture of Egyptian blue and a yellow, usually goethite or orpiment. Green earth was found in one artefact, dated to the 9th century BC: all other examples were from the Graeco-Roman period. No copper-organometallic greens were present in the examples studied, or Egyptian green, or malachite. Binding media was identified both by ELISA and by GC/MS. A pink colourant was identified as madder, while lead white was used as a white in one example, showing the influence of Roman and Greek pigments on Egyptian art in these later periods. Plant gum, egg, and animal glue were found in different fragments, with mixed media in a few cases. Moganite was found associated with quartz in some preparatory layers by X-ray diffraction, which has not been reported previously as a constituent of ground layers in Egyptian artefacts.  相似文献   

While many analyses of archaeological bronzes have been reported in the literature, in practice it is very difficult to compare them. To assess the present status of the chemical analysis of bronze two ancient objects—a flat axe (arsenic bronze) and a sickle (tin bronze)—were cut into pieces weighing about 2 g each and were distributed to 11 laboratories. The participants used the following methods for analysis: INAA, ED–XRF, PIXE, TRXRF, FAAS, ICP–AES, ICP–MS, SEM–EDS, LA–ICP–MS and PGAA. The samples were analysed in at least quadruplicate. Dixon's and Iglewicz and Hoaglin's tests were used to detect outliers. The majority of methods provided comparable results, especially for macroelements, independent of the technique and standards used. The number of determined elements depended on the method and, naturally, on the concentration level. Therefore an important recommendation that can be made is to supply, with each archaeometric investigation, data from the analysis of appropriate Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) used in the study.  相似文献   

Nineteenth-century Australian wine makers saw Britain as the natural market for their wines and envisioned themselves as participants in a greater imperial economy, so Australian wine should be considered in discussions of imperial commodities and the reception of popular imperialism in advertising. The Australians’ concentrated efforts to sell their wines to British consumers were stymied, though, by high tariffs and negative impressions of the quality of Australian wines, and Australia would remain a marginal player in the British wine market until the second half of the twentieth century. This article uses four case studies to argue that Australian wines were promoted in Britain in the nineteenth century and that the marketing strategies hinged on associating Australian wines with imperial unity and the civilisation of Australian settler society.  相似文献   

Archaeological excavations in the Areni-1 cave complex in southeastern Armenia revealed installations and artifacts dating to around 4000 cal. BCE that are strongly indicative of wine production. Chemical evidence for this hypothesis is presented here using a new method to detect the anthocyanin malvidin that gives grapes and pomegranates their red color. Using solid phase extraction (SPE) and alkaline treatment of the samples, followed by combined liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), this method was applied to authentic standards and four ancient potsherds from Armenia and Syria. A positive result was observed for two of the samples from the Areni-1 cave complex, adding evidence supporting the hypothesis that wine was produced in the Near Eastern highlands in the Late Chalcolithic Period.  相似文献   

Bitumen used as a preservative in ancient Egyptian mummies was previously thought to come only from the Dead Sea in Palestine. Other, closer sources of bitumen were investigated at Abu Durba and Gebel Zeit on the shores of Egypt’s Gulf of Suez. Bitumen from these localities and from five mummies was analysed using molecular biomarkers derived from gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. It was found that four of the mummies contained Dead Sea bitumen, and the fifth and oldest (900 bc) had bitumen from Gebel Zeit, thus providing the first evidence for the use of an indigenous source of bitumen in ancient Egypt.  相似文献   

在埃及学领域 ,人们通常认为埃及的统一是由第一王朝的第一位国王通过武力征服来实现的 ,这一观点的重要依据就是纳尔迈调色板。文献和考古资料证明这种传统观点是不可靠的。纳尔迈调色板展示了埃及统治者对利比亚人的征服 ,而且它还是对相同主题的更早版本的复制 ;第一王朝的建立是和平过渡的结果 ,同时也不乏武力冲突。  相似文献   


Recent fieldwork at Amarna, the short-lived capital city of Egypt in the late 2nd millennium B.C., added a second area of peripheral settlement, the Stone Village, to the well-known Workmen’s Village, the subject of an intensive excavation campaign in the 1970s and 1980s. Both villages were evidently involved in tomb cutting and/or stone quarrying, but the Stone Village is smaller, conveys a particularly vernacular style of architecture, and seems to have had less state support than the Workmen’s Village. This paper describes the Stone Village as a source for the study of urban life in ancient Egypt. The two village sites offer a case study of the tensions that arose from controlling human populations in a border zone and from longestablished belief frameworks concerning desert landscapes and sacred space.  相似文献   

晚清士大夫对古埃及史有着浓厚兴趣,就纪年方面,他们把古埃及年代与先秦纪年接榫,在书写过程中表达了自己的历史观,如林则徐在书写埃及史时故意不用武则天纪年。就物质层面,晚清士人对古埃及的金字塔和木乃伊特别关注。就典籍层面,晚清士人被掌握话语霸权的西方人误导,误以为承载古埃及文明的亚历山大图书馆被阿拉伯人焚烧,从而对阿拉伯人口诛笔伐。就文明层面,晚清士人在埃及文明哺育希腊罗马文明的基础上,将拉克伯里"中国人种西来说"进行改造,构建出埃及文明源于中国的说法,这样的西学中源循环说为晚清中国学习西方文明提供理论依据,唐才常、王树楠等人认为西方文明实际上最早发端于中国,我们只是"礼失求诸野"而已。  相似文献   

A royal tomb of early period of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C–8 A.D) was excavated by archaeologists in Qingzhou County, Shandong Province in 2006. Over 2000 polychromy terracotta soldiers, horses, chariots, servants etc. were unearthed from the tomb. All the terracotta figures are one quarter or one sixth as large as the livings, most of them were painted with well designed patterns. In order to gain complete information about the materials and techniques used for the polychromy on the terracotta army, five samples from the painted areas were taken. In addition, one sample from the area to adhere one leg to the ploychromy horse body was also obtained. The analytical techniques applied include XRF, FTIR, Py-GC/MS and GC/MS. Chinese purple, cinnabar, lead red and ochre were used as pigments, while animal glue was identified as binding medium and adhesive in the polychromy terracotta army in the Han Dynasty. The results definitely will provide new evidence about the materials and technologies used in Han Dynasty. Especially, the binding medium identified is different in comparison with Qin Shihuang's terracotta army (259–210 BC).  相似文献   


The emerging science of enology is an interdisciplinary synthesis of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, engineering and sensory analytical science. Cbemistry analyses grapes, monitors progress of fermentation and assures that the wine is stable and in conformity with legal specifications. Knowledge of the enzymatically mediated reactions of yeasts and bacteria allows control through external conditions, thus yielding berter wines. Their production also demand modern engineering methods and materials. Wine is made to be appreciated with other foods on the basis of its smell and taste, hence sensory analytical methods can control its production. Basically grape growing and winemaking must be a very ancient practical art because it would have required centuries to develop the sophisticated state depicted in the earliest written records of the third millennium B.C. Louis Pasteur provided the scientific basis for understanding enology and since his time enology has gradually moved from a practical art towards the science of enology. It is hard to imagine how wines of the future will be better than those we now enjoy, the finest ever produced. Certain it is, however, that they will be still better.  相似文献   

采用木材制作的藏展空间,木材释放出的挥发性有机酸,在一定的温湿度条件下,会对文物造成不良的影响,因此需要建立一套对木材挥发性有机酸测定的方法.为此,采用固相微萃取(SPME)样品预处理技术,分离富集木材中的挥发性有机物,结合气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)联用技术对木材中挥发性有机酸进行半定量分析,研究了9种木材中挥发性有机酸的挥发量和分布规律.结果表明,不同木材有机酸的挥发量差别较大.实验结果可为博物馆在装修和储藏中对材料的筛选提供科学依据.  相似文献   

帕勒莫石碑是古代埃及已知最早的王室年鉴。它还有其他6个版本。它们来自于两块不同的石碑。帕勒莫石碑的书写年代是古王国时期,是埃及人为神庙而刻写的,是他们祖先崇拜的一项重要内容。石碑关于埃及前5个王朝的记述不能被用来重建埃及早期历史,它只是揭示了埃及早期王权思想,即国王的行政职能和宗教职能。  相似文献   

This paper presents research into the identification of tobacco residues in ancient smoking pipes. Two techniques have been used so far: gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS), and Raman microscopy. GC/MS has been used successful in the past by the author to identify ancient tobacco residues, and the results of this round of analysis support prior research. Raman microscopy, which has the advantage of working on dry samples without solvents, was not successful. It appears that combustion products overwhelm any useful signal that would identify the substance smoked. We are pursuing the use of Raman in non-combusted samples.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is used to analyse soil residues from hearth sites in Swan Point, Alaska. An experimental hearth is also prepared by burning animal bones to study the characteristics of bone fires and the lipid residues that they leave embedded in soil. Hearth soil samples are derivatized with HCl in methanol to convert bound and unbound fatty acids into methyl esters. Concentrations of saturated fatty acid methyl esters in the samples are determined and their ratios analysed. The fatty acid patterns found in ancient campfires are consistent with burning bones of large ruminants as well as monogastric herbivores.  相似文献   

托勒密王朝是古代埃及史上一个重要历史时期。法老埃及的王权与神权之间从来就不是和谐统一的,始终存在矛盾和斗争。但是,在托勒密王朝,二者的关系发生了重大变化,王权有效地控制了神权。这主要是因为托勒密王朝的国王借鉴了法老埃及的经验,采取了有利于王权的政治、经济政策,等级和阶级关系决定了宗教祭司集团不可能干涉世俗政权,文化背景也使托勒密国王从意识深处拒绝给予宗教和祭司各种权力。托勒密王朝王权与神权之间是赤裸裸的利用与被利用的关系,这也正是托勒密王朝逐渐失去本土埃及人支持的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

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