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A geophysical survey was carried out at the ruins of Occhiolà Castle (Sicily, Italy), a medieval village located at the north-western part of a hill named “Terravecchia” at 491 m asl. In order to map the archaeological structures (such as walls and burrows), Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and seismic-refraction tomography methods were used. The resistivity variations are known to correlate quite well with the lithology, thus providing important information for identifying the buried archaeological remains. On the other hand, seismic velocity variations provide information about the geometrical features of the remains. The two geophysical methods are used in an enjoined way to better aid the interpretation and evaluate the significance and reliability of the results obtained with each single method. The electrical and seismic data are displayed in three dimensions by using the iso-resistivity and iso-velocity surfaces, respectively. This allows us to effectively define the location of the anomalies present in the single electrical and seismic sections. The results obtained in the survey highlight the presence of structures of regular shape, probably due to features of archaeological interest.  相似文献   

Satala is one of the last great military centers in the Roman East available for archaeological and historical investigations. This archaeological site is situated on the crossing of two singularly important routes in North-East Asia Minor. Only little archaeological fieldwork in and around Satala has so far been carried out, thus delimiting our knowledge of the site and its role within the Roman military structure of the East. In order to provide further data on the site, we carried out geophysical surveys including the application of magnetic and electrical resistivity techniques in an area north of the Sadak village. The geophysical surveys within this area (supposedly part of the Roman military camp) proceeded in two stages. The first stage saw magnetic gradiometer imaging studies being carried out on 2.1 ha, measured by a Geoscan FM-36 fluxgate gradiometer by using 0.5 × 1 m grid intervals. For the second stage a different geophysical technique was used—resistivity tomography. Resistivity data were collected using a number of combined 2D resistivity pseudosections in the eastern part of the area which contained very regular magnetic anomalies. The 3D data were obtained by the combination of all survey lines collected from 2D data sets, and thereafter the arranged data were processed by using the 3D robust inversion modified from the smoothness-constrained algorithm. Electrical resistivity tomography investigations revealed that the buried archaeological structures might be located near the surface, except for some structures found in the middle of the studied area. The archaeological structures were furthermore determined by realistic model sections and volumetric representations. Magnetic imaging and electrical resistivity tomography surveys show that the combined usage of these techniques advances the understanding of archaeological structures beneath the surface.  相似文献   

A combined near surface geophysical survey conducted in San Miguel Tocuila show that geophysical methods offer the possibility to characterize and reconstruct the geometry of subsurface structures without destroying the deposits, providing a way to find solutions to the questions of archaeological or engineering significance. The survey consisted of the application magnetometry, seismic refraction tomography (SRT) and ground penetrating radar (GPR) within a depth range of 10 m. Before Spanier conquest San Miguel Tocuila was a very prominent suburb of the main Aztec ceremonial complex located on the eastern margin of Lake Texcoco, central Mexico, where several mounds known as Tlateles in Nahuatl language have been identified. Nowadays, the rapid expansion of Mexico City's metropolitan area within the last four decades has strongly influenced Tocuila's environment and has compromised several of its archaeological and ancient human settlements. This study shows how the high resolution imagining of non-invasive geophysical methodologies in addition with surface archaeological studies [Parsons, J.R., 1971. Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Texcoco Region, Mexico. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Number 3] provide different kinds of information that characterize the subsoil and a buried structure. Based on the history of the ancient settlements in the zone and considering the characteristics of shape and height of the structure, we interpreted that the subsurface images obtained depict a buried Tlatel which corresponds to a ceremonial–civic center of Late Aztec times.  相似文献   

N. T. LINFORD 《Archaeometry》1998,40(1):187-216
A geophysical survey was conducted at Boden Vean, St. Anthony Meneage, Cornwall, over the site of a buried chamber thought to be the remains of a souterrain or fogou. A combination of geophysical techniques was successfully applied including an experimental microgravity survey over the location of the buried chamber itself. Magnetometer survey revealed a complex palimpsest of archaeological activity extending throughout the surrounding landscape, centred on a rectangular ditched enclosure containing the fogou. A series of gravity anomalies were recorded in the vicinity of the latter which were consistent with the collapsed section of the feature recorded by the Cornish Archaeological Unit. Further gravity anomalies suggested the presence of additional void features, possibly related to the extended passages of the fogou.  相似文献   

In this work we present and discuss the results of a novel and timely GPR-2D and GPR-3D survey performed at an archaeological rock shelter site, Lapa do Santo, localized in the karstic region of Lagoa Santa, central Brazil. A total of 113 ground-penetrating radar profiles were acquired with 200 MHz and 400 MHz shielded antennas aiming in identifying geological and archaeological anomalies in order to assist archaeologists in an excavation program. The GPR results indicated clear geophysical anomalies characterized by hyperbolic reflections and areas with high amplitude sub-horizontal electromagnetic waves. The anomalies observed by GPR were confirmed by the excavation of test units, allowing the identification anthropogenic features such as a fire-hearth structure and wooden artifact, and natural features, such as, tree roots and rocky bodies such as speleothems, boulders and bedrock. The results showed the efficiency of GPR method in identifying potential buried archaeological targets in cave sites within a karstic area, and they oriented to archaeological excavations, reducing costs and increasing the probability of finding archaeological targets in the initial stages of a project.  相似文献   

In order to take full advantage of the archaeological information contained within buried archaeological sites, it is important to apply an integrative approach combining complementary prospection methods. In this study, geochemical prospection data are combined with archaeological and geophysical survey results on an unexcavated site in suburban Sagalassos (SW-Turkey), with the aim of obtaining better insights into the structural shapes and past functionalities of the area. Spatial and multivariate statistical analyses of the chemical data reveal anomalies of K, P and Zn on a location where archaeological and geophysical results suggest the presence of ceramic producing kilns. These elemental enrichments are thought to result from burning wood or dung as fuel for the detected kilns. In addition, local anomalies of Co, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn and Ni were found to reflect the working and storage of ophiolitic clays, employed as a raw material for ceramic production. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal in a 2.5 m deep drill core in this zone provides ages between AD 120 and 350 at depths of 50 and 60 cm. Al, As, Ba, Ca, Na, Sr, Ti and Pb are considered geogenic elements in this study. The present study supports the theory that geochemical prospection holds potential as a surveying technique, as it was found that chemical data facilitate the interpretation of structures detected by geophysical and archaeological methods, thereby creating an extra dimension to the interpretation of survey data. The results further argue in favour of using strong-acid extractions and the consideration of a large suite of elements when applying chemical soil survey as an archaeological prospection technique, and highlight the importance of considering site lithology. Multivariate statistics proved to be invaluable in distinguishing anthropogenic from lithological soil patterns.  相似文献   

A marine electric resistivity survey was carried out over a submerged beach along the Agropoli shore (Salerno, Italy) to detect buried objects of archaeological interest below the sandy seabed. We found a shipwreck, a military vessel that probably sunk during the Salerno landing operations of the allied forces in the Second World War. Resistivity data provide information on the vertical and horizontal extension of the shipwreck, which is characterized by very low calculated resistivity values (about 2–5 ohm m). Such values differ significantly from the sand and the bedrock values (5–40 ohm m). Although the presence of the shipwreck is clearly visible from geoelectric data, the joint application of electric, magnetic and multibeam bathymetric techniques reduces the ambiguities inherent in each method. As shown in the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and confirmed by the Digital Elevation Model (obtained from the processing of bathymetric data), the shipwreck extends more than 30 m in NE–SW direction and it is about 13 m wide. The global extension of the relic is consistent with the magnetic data, that are characterized by a magnetic anomaly with an amplitude of about 1800 nT and similar dimension, as inferred from the estimation of source boundaries obtained from the computation of the analytic signal. The results of our survey encourage the use of marine geoelectrical methods for the detection of buried archaeological targets, particularly in locations where the use of seismic prospecting is not effective (e.g. very shallow water with sandy sea-bottoms). The integration of different geophysical methods allows to better define the extension, depth and thickness of buried objects, suggesting that such an approach is the most effective for underwater archaeological investigations.  相似文献   

Geophysical surveys are commonly used in areas where the presence of ancient civilizations is historically documented. These investigations are able to detect through indirect methods the presence of bodies or structures in the subsoil measuring the variations of some physical parameters, obtaining information about archaeological remains without causing harm to them.

In the present study, we investigated the presence of anthropogenic buried cavities partially filled with rubble material, in an area located in the northern part of Cava Ispica, one of the most important archaeological sites located in south-eastern Sicily. The results of seismic refraction prospections, processed with tomographic methods, are presented and discussed. The entire valley contains prehistoric burial sites, Christian catacombs and residential units of various kinds. Despite the numerous searches made over past years, much still remains to be discovered.

The seismic refraction tomographic data, analyzed in 3D, revealed the presence of low velocity values (<400 m/s) areas that, considering the lithotypes locally present and the features of other archaeological structures discovered during previous surveys, can be ascribed to the presence of possible cavities. The obtained results show how such geophysical inspections represent an important preliminary tool for archaeological surveys.  相似文献   

A high resolution geophysical survey was carried out in the archaeological site of Rossano di Vaglio (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy), where an important ancient sanctuary is located. It was built during the IV century B.C. and devoted to the goddess Mephitis. The sanctuary rises in an area affected by a multiple and retrogressive rototraslational landslide, historically and presently subject to reactivation. The main objective of this work was the identification of buried structures of archaeological interest in an area designated by the Archaeological Superintendence of the Basilicata Region. The study was performed by means of the use of high resolution geophysical surveys. In particular, we made use of the joint application of three highly sensitive and non-invasive geophysical techniques, namely the Geoelectrical, the Magnetic and the Ground Probing Radar (GPR) methodologies. In such a way, we obtained two important results: first, we provided the archaeologists with information about the limits of the areas to be excavated; second, we could verify in real time the reliability of the geophysical results. The experimental results showed four main magnetic anomalies in the area of study, in agreement with the GPR results obtained for the same target. Finally, a partial excavation test of the investigated area revealed a buried building structure, located in correspondence of an anomaly identified by means of the geophysical prospecting.  相似文献   

Historic Fort Wayne is located on the Detroit River in a landscape of heavy industry and marginalized urban neighborhoods (figure 1). Geophysical survey south of the Fort Wayne Mound—a Late Woodland Period burial mound enclosed by the Fort—indicates that pre-contact residential structures may be preserved at the site. Residential sites with mortuary monuments are uncommon in southeastern Michigan and represent an opportunity to better understand variation in Late Woodland settlement. Our approach combines existing archaeological research, historical records, and non-invasive geophysical survey in a culturally sensitive Native American site context presently unavailable for conventional archaeological excavation. We examine archaeological and historical records from Springwells and Late Woodland period settlements in the region to contextualize geophysical evidence from the site. The research prioritizes protection of Native American heritage sites in urban contexts together with ongoing archaeological interpretation of the Late Woodland cultural Landscape.  相似文献   

We show that carbonized fruits and seeds recovered from Middle Stone Age deposits in rock shelters are likely to have been carbonized as part of post-depositional processes. We buried indigenous South African fruits, nuts and seeds at pre-determined depths and distances from the centers of experimental fires. The cold ashes of the hearths and the sand surrounding them were subsequently excavated, using standard archaeological techniques and dry-screening. The fruiting structures from the oxidizing part of the fire were burnt to ashes, whereas those buried in sand under anoxic conditions survived in varying forms. Those buried 5 cm below the center of the fire were carbonized; those buried 10 cm below the center of the fire were dehydrated; and those 5 cm and 10 cm below the surface at the outer edge of the fire were unaffected. Size, moisture or oil content of the original fruit or seed did not appear to influence whether or not carbonization took place. Temperatures recorded 5 cm below the experimental fires suggest that the carbonization occurred at or before a maximum temperature of 328 °C, and also at lower maximum temperatures (152 °C) that were maintained for long periods. Even when the quantities of a particular wood are controlled, open fires may produce variable underground temperatures and the temperatures below ancient hearths would have been equally variable. We suggest that Cyperaceae (sedge) nutlets, the most numerous fruiting structures in the Sibudu Middle Stone Age archaeobotanical assemblage, occur in the shelter as a result of human activity, subsequent burial, and accidental carbonization when hearths were built directly above the buried nutlets.  相似文献   

In Archaeology, geophysical methods had been applied usually in a qualitative form, limited only to the use of filters that enhance the data display. The main objective in this work is the implementation of a modelling technique that allows us to reconstruct the geometry of buried bodies and the determination of their depths. This is done by means of the estimation of the magnetic moments of archaeological objects using a three-dimensional mesh of individual magnetic dipoles using the least squares method and the singular value decomposition of a weighted matrix to solve the linear problem. The distribution and shape of the underlying archaeological remains can be inferred. This methodology was applied to an archaeological site called Los Teteles de Ocotitla, in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. A high-resolution magnetic prospection was carried out in three selected areas (terraces). The most important total field anomalies found on each area were inverted, obtaining results that were corroborated by archaeological excavations. This investigation demonstrates the potential of quantitative geophysical methods for the characterization of archaeological structures, in extension and in depth.  相似文献   

The joint application of electric and magnetic techniques for near-surface exploration represents a very useful tool for archaeological investigation and can provide a quantitative contribution to describe the spatial distribution of buried objects. In this work we show a new advanced tomographic approach, based on the parallel inversion of magnetic and electric observed data, aimed at the reconstruction of the subsoil of a still unexplored area of the archaeological site of Pompeii (Southern Italy). The survey was performed in collaboration with Pompeii's Archaeological Commission. The comparison between the results obtained from the tomographic inversions of both electrical and magnetic data was carried out in terms of the data inversions, which allowed us to obtain information about the location of the buried geophysical sources in the investigated subsoil. The results obtained seem to be in a good agreement, both for the position of the geophysical sources and for their dimensions.  相似文献   

This paper documents a comprehensive study of coarse wares for table use, serving, washing and cooking, found at the archaeological site of Paola (Cosenza, southern Italy). Major aims of the study were to group local products and imports and to determine technological features of local products. Results were obtained through a combination of archaeological (stratigraphy and ceramic typology), chemical and mineralogical–petrographical techniques (ICP-OES, ICP-MS, INAA, XRF, OM, SEM-EDS and EMPA). Data integration revealed that the coarse wares found at Paola were produced locally or imported over short (Calabria region), medium (Campania, Pantelleria, Sicily) and long distances (Greece and Africa). The local production focused on basins, stewpots, pitchers, bowls, pans, casseroles and lids, sometimes imitating African, or Pompei (Campania) or San Foca (Puglia) typical shapes. The production technology of local ceramics used a sandy–clayey blend of materials collected in the immediate vicinity of the archaeological site, fired at intermediate (about 800 °C) to low (around 650–750 °C) temperatures and used a Fe-rich clayey compound as a red ceramic coating. From a technological perspective, the Paola example arise new questions about table wares produced with clay bodies typical of cooking wares.  相似文献   

We present results of electrical conductivity profiles obtained with inductive electromagnetic geophysical method in Santa Marta archaeological site, Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. This site is a sambaqui (shell mound), in which several human occupation remains are found during pre-colonial period such as buried lithic and bone artifacts, fire-place, etc. Most of these mounds include as well many human burials, which, in many cases, point to funerary ritual as a main agency for mound building. A set of profiles of apparent electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility was acquired in two sites aiming the identification of geophysical anomalies with potential interest for excavation. To enhance conductivity data, we applied an effective procedure to remove topographical effects in the apparent conductivity measurements, which are rather conditioned by the presence of a variable water table depth or conductive sediment layer. A linear dependence among conductivity values and the site elevation provided a simple linear model to remove the influence of topography. Corrected electric conductivity maps substantially improved the definition of anomalies, many of them rather subtle in raw data images. Corrected maps also show a better adherence with magnetic susceptibility maps, both of them identifying archaeological structures of interest: a well-structured fire-place and a concentration of ceramic fragments.  相似文献   

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys are very much influenced by the site-specific physical properties, soil parameters and the sample density of the radar pulses. According to the electromagnetic theory, the transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves is dominated by the conductivity, dielectric permittivity and the soil moisture. Therefore, it is advisable to measure these parameters in advance of a GPR survey. Commonly, this is not possible directly with the standard common-offset GPR arrays. To overcome this problem, we adapted and applied a direct method called time-domain reflectometry to a selected case study of the Roman picket Hienheim at the Raetischer Limes in Lower Bavaria. Furthermore, we present some important results relating to the profile spacing and orientation of GPR surveys and the site-specific soil parameters. The location and the identification of the archaeological features were successful by all geophysical methods. However, the application of all these geophysical methods like magnetometry, resistivity and GPR in addition with aerial photography and Airborne Laserscanning exemplifies the advantages of an integrated survey to achieve a comprehensive result of an archaeological site. The Roman picket of Hienheim shows up differently in all results, as each one traces the archaeological remains according to a specific physical parameter. Resistivity and radar are best to resolve buried stone structures like the walls of the picket or stone-filled ditches. In contrary, magnetometry benefits of the magnetic contrast between the limestone walls and the surrounding soil.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of the integrated usage of geophysics in the Agios Voukolos Church, one of the unique Orthodox constructions in ?zmir. The surveys had two main objectives: to define subsurface characteristics inside and around the church and search for possible structural damage such as cracks and fissures, that may exist in the subfloor of the church. Magnetic gradiometry, ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography were used in the investigations; this study is the first indoor application of magnetic gradiometry. The studies revealed that several suspicious relics and crypts might have existed under the floor of the church. In addition, investigations of the courtyard area indicated potential buried structures under the settling area of the church. This study demonstrates the importance of the integrated usage of non-destructive geophysical techniques in searching for possible hidden subsurface structures in standing historical buildings. In addition, magnetic gradiometry might be useful in indoor studies, assuming that there are no important magnetic sources near the site.  相似文献   

The study primarily aims at providing adequate imaging resolution of large and prominent targets of archaeological interest, such as pyramids and tumuli, at all depth levels. We implemented an integrated seismic tomography and georadar (STG) technique to perform high-resolution imaging and characterization of tumuli (burial mounds). We tested the proposed technique on a preserved late Bronze Age burial mound in northern Italy, for which STG succeeded in performing an accurate 3-D reconstruction of the structure and stratigraphy as proved by later archaeological excavations. We completed two transmission seismic tomography measurements, at present ground level and at 1.5 m elevation, with a 24-channel seismograph and 15° angular separation between geophones. The ground-penetrating radar (GPR) dataset encompasses 12 250 MHz radial profiles and 12 common mid point gathers for velocity analysis. Shallow layers of the mound are successfully imaged by GPR, whilst the structure of the deep central part of the tomb is reconstructed from seismic traveltime inversion. In particular, GPR images lenses and layers of sediments forming the external part of the tumulus, evidences of a looting attempt, peripheral structures associated with later exploitation of the mound (furnaces) and, in the external sector of the tumulus, the top of the deep layer of silty sediments covering the funeral chamber. Tomographic results reveal seismic velocity anomalies of potential archaeological interest at ground level, which were successively validated by archaeological excavations. The integration of GPR and tomographic datasets is an effective strategy to overcome the imaging and interpretation problems related to the structure of such peculiar funeral monuments. STG can be applied to a virtually unlimited dimensional range and requires a limited data acquisition, processing and inversion effort. The results of the study allowed the identification of the funeral chamber and a detailed imaging of layering and structural details.  相似文献   

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