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In a further empirical study of the impact of past human activities on modern plant δ15N values, plants were collected in each of two growing seasons from several defined contexts of an inland Norse farm in southwest Greenland. The δ15N measures of the plants show a clear distinction between areas with definite evidence of past human activity and those without. The data for the plants on this farm's infield indicates that it was purposely fertilized. The intriguing intra- and inter-variations in the 15N values of plants from several structures are not easily explained, but the differences appear to reflect the different functions of the various farm structures. The findings of this study suggest practical applications for future use of plant δ15N values in archaeology.  相似文献   

The present study employs δ34S analysis to investigate the potential of this method in the investigation of local/geographic origin for the 12 individuals buried collectively over the ruins of a Bronze Age building, under a tumulus, in Thebes, Greece, and to help in the understanding of this unique case in Greek archaeology. Sulphur isotope analysis of bone collagen is applied with increasing frequency to elucidate aspects of paleodiet and movement in archaeology. Sulphur is linked to local geology and can also be used to indicate proximity of people and animals to the sea. The osteoarchaeological analysis of the assemblage revealed that it included individuals of both sexes and all age groups, a configuration which could traditionally be interpreted as an extended family. The absence of synchronous burials in Thebes amplifies the importance of this assemblage. At the same time, traditional archaeological practice has been unable to elucidate the conditions that led to this event, proposing a biological affinity for the individuals and personal reasons for their extinction. However, sulphur isotope analysis clearly demonstrated that at least one of the individuals had spend the last years of life in an environment different from the rest, a fact likely to indicate a rather random composition of this assemblage.  相似文献   

Questions of mobility, settlement pattern, and their relation to economic organization and resource use are central to ongoing work in central-western Argentina. Here we analyze geographic patterns in the distribution of 178 human bone carbonate δ18O samples, 46 human tooth enamel carbonate δ18O samples, and 48 water δ18O samples from throughout the Andean Cordillera and Monte Desert and evaluate their implications for prehistoric mobility and economy. We confirm and refine previous generalizations regarding a highland/lowland dichotomy in water δ18O values and show that the range of human carbonate δ18O values generally reflect available water sources. While there is little within-lifetime change in patterns of water use, we show that most individuals have stable isotope signatures consistent with water use from multiple areas or areas other than where they were ultimately interred. These data indicate high levels of residential mobility, and we conclude by discussing their implications for our understanding of regional prehistory.  相似文献   

汉阳陵地下博物馆是我国首个遗址保存在恒温恒湿环境的博物馆,但遗址表面仍然析出了硫酸钙(CaSO_4·2H_2O)。本研究通过对汉阳陵13号坑封闭展厅内环境温湿度、土壤蒸发量、遗址本体及地下水可溶盐的长期监测分析硫酸钙(CaSO_4·2H_2O)产生原因。结果表明,13号坑环境湿度长期保持100%,由于遗址表面温度高于露点温度,空气中水分子在土壤表面不能转化为液态水返回到土壤中,而随着土壤水分蒸发遗址表面土壤溶液浓度逐渐增大,溶液中离子相互发生反应在遗址表面析出白色的硫酸钙。  相似文献   

2013年中秋,我应邀赴斯里兰卡出席亚洲第二届佛教文化节,参加其中的佛教造像与石窟艺术研讨会。  相似文献   

看过了俄罗斯的文化现状和社会现状之后,作者将解读俄罗斯城市的灵魂——莫斯科地铁,这一交通工具见证着俄罗斯的过去、现在和未来。  相似文献   

1906年8月11日 我们离开了奥什。由于沙漠旅行队(马队)队员的迟到,我们不能再想一直到达兰干了。沙漠旅行队于中午出发,我们自己于下午2点半钟出发。我们一直到奥什城,均由赛义德·汗尼的代理人护送。  相似文献   

1906年8月17日 我们始终向塔尔德克山脚下走去,到达了库克·布拉克。伊利亚佐夫的身体状况很好。我们昨天所在的库尔图克·阿达的宿营地,被载于10俄里比例的地图上了,而且至少也是作为一个名词使用的,但却是以Kurtgata的形式出现的。  相似文献   

1日省委副书记、省长陆昊主持召开省政府专题会议,听取关于制定《黑龙江省绿色食品市场推广工作方案(送审稿)》有关情况汇报,并研究部署了我省绿色食品市场推广工作。副省长孙尧出席专题会议。  相似文献   

我外公在去世前的很长一段时间,生活得很简朴,牙口也不太好,他总是喜欢呆呆地坐在八仙椅上,一边嚼着馒头喝着稀饭,一边极慢地呷着从街上打来的山芋干酒,沉默不语,像一头缅怀岁月的老牛。这个时候的外公,已拿不动锅铲烧菜烧饭了。在此之前,外公的菜一直烧得很好。徽州人烧菜似乎是无师自通的.不仅仅是外公,  相似文献   

那达慕那达慕是杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县进行游乐活动的盛会,每隔三年举办一次,活动时间为3天至5天。活动项目有:田径、摔跤、射箭、赛马、踢乌兰、沙他拉、布鲁、棋类、篮球、中国式摔跤、燃放烟花、经贸洽谈;表演项目有安代舞、大型团体操表演、专场文艺演出。那达慕,蒙古语为“娱乐、游戏”,是蒙古族召开盛会以庆祝丰收的喜悦之情。据《蒙古秘史》记载:“那达慕,蒙古之庆典,由舞蹈筵宴以庆也,即举忽图刺为罕,于豁尔豁那黑Jif,绕蓬松茂树舞蹈,直踏出没肋之膝、没膝之尘矣”。这就是蒙古族那达慕的起源。  相似文献   

玉皇庙文化为冀北地区一支重要的青铜时代考古学文化。本文对目前发现的玉皇庙文化的青铜带钩的发现、类别、型式特点进行了初步研究,对具有典型意义的带钩的发展演变规律进行了分析,并就其地域分布、用途等相关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

吴艾 《江淮文史》2014,(1):25-50
说1936年是中共的重要转折点还因为,正是从这一年开始,中共才摆脱关门主义的桎梏,重返全国政治舞台.在全民族抗日救亡大潮中发挥作用。并促成实现第二次国共合作.为半年后全面抗战的到来做了准备。  相似文献   

评<中国抗日战争史(1931-1945)>   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年底,一部约120万字、全面反映中华民族14年抗日战争史的巨放到了我们面前。它就是由南京大学出版社出版的张宪教授主编、陈谦平、陈红民教授任副主编的《中国抗日战争史  相似文献   

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