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From the mid-1970s onwards, many southern European regions experienced a pattern of decentralized development and growth. This pattern has been largely explained by theories of “local” or “endogenous” development which became the new catch-phrases during a period of great financial difficulties. Despite logical improvements and the use of some radical rhetoric, local development approaches based on rationalization of existing cases (especially in Third Italian regions) suffer both in their theory and practice from the same inherent limitations of two decades ago. The paper argues for an alternative interpretation of local development characteristics in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece, discussing the political implications of proposed policies.  相似文献   

Richard Florida argues that regional economic outcomes are tied to the underlying conditions that facilitate creativity and diversity. Thus the Creative Class thesis suggests that the ability to attract creativity and to be open to diverse groups of people of different ethnic, racial and lifestyle groups provides distinct advantages to regions in generating innovations, growing and attracting high‐technology industries, and spurring economic growth. In this paper we investigate the extent to which there might be similar processes concerning the relationship between creativity, human capital, and high‐technology industries at work in the UK as in North America. The approach taken is broadly sympathetic to the Creative Class thesis; critical perspectives and reservations from the literature are introduced as appropriate research is focused around the three principal research questions: Where is the creative class located in the UK? What is the impact of quality of place upon this dispersion? What is the connection between the location of the creative class and inequalities in technical and economic outcomes within the UK? To this end, the creative class and its subgroups are defined and identified. We then construct quality of place indicators relating to tolerance, diversity, creativity and cultural opportunity. To these are added measures of public provision and social cohesion. Data are analysed by means of correlations and regression. In general we find that, although the distribution of the creative class is uneven and complex, our results are consistent with the findings of the North American research with the notable exception of technology‐based employment growth. Finally, priorities for further research are discussed. The need to further investigate causality, variations within the creative class itself, and the potential role of qualitative data in this are highlighted, as is the potential fate of “non‐creative” workers and places.  相似文献   

How successful is a particular neighborhood program? This question poses a special challenge for evaluation research. This paper demonstrates how implementation analysis can be utilized to reinforce the evaluation endeavor. Israel's Project Renewal is the laboratory. As a large-scale national program that encompasses most towns in Israel, it provides what few programs can: the possibility of studying a large enough sample of neighborhoods to cover diversity, yet in the context of a small, unitary-system country that provides the canopy of shared national policy, institutional structure and administrative norms.  相似文献   

A controversial new Criminal Justice and Public Order Act in Great Britain contains measures to curb the lifestyles of a group known collectively as "New Age Travellers". This paper examines these travellers as "folk devils" of the Conservative "New Right" on a number of levels: their lifestyle does not conform to that espoused by authoritarian or libertarian Conservatism; moreover, they violate the spatial order of contemporary British society by trespassing against the dominant social representation of the countryside — the "rural idyll". In Parliamentary debates speakers drew on the rural idyll to defend the exclusivity of access to the countryside. Notably, whilst Gypsies were seen as having a legitimate if highly marginalized position in the rural representation, few saw any place for New Age travellers.  相似文献   

Can a state re-assertion of power to override local exclusionary zoning practices “open up” the suburbs for low and moderate income households? Such an approach, tried in Massachusetts over the last ten years, has had some notable, though limited results. Some 14,000 units of LMIH have been proposed under the innovative provisions of the Massachusetts “Anti-Snob Zoning” Law, but only about 3,600 have actually been built. The foremost factor limiting the impact of the law has been persistent resistance to it by suburbanites. While much suburban opposition undoubtably stems from racial prejudice and fears, some is based upon rational concern over the costs to local communities of providing services to the residents of subsidized housing. Offsetting these costs with state and/or federal subsidies could lower major barriers to the creation of more housing opportunities in the suburbs for low and moderate income persons.  相似文献   

21世纪的"海洋破碎带"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本简析了海洋的争夺史,在此基础上提出了本的中心议题—21世纪的“海洋破碎带”。探析了“海洋破碎带”形成的七大因素,即:①海洋霸权主义对海洋国际贸易通道的争夺;②国际间对海洋国土的争夺;③海洋生物资源的争夺;④海洋矿产资源的争夺;⑤南极大陆的争夺;⑥海军军备竞赛;⑦海缘政治形势日益恶化。阐释了21纪“海洋破碎带”分布的海域。最后指出,中国不仅是一个陆地国家,也是一个海洋国家,中国的海上安全已近底线。为此,中国必须树立新的海洋观念,建立强大的海军,保卫国家的每一寸海洋国土。  相似文献   

樱桃是迎着春雨丝儿长大的果,样儿水灵,味儿可人,有"春果第一枝"的美称。山海关不仅长城出名,还是举世闻名的中国樱桃之乡。6月,谁都能吃到肥硕的樱桃;但想过一个地道的樱桃节,可得找点时间,去趟山海关。  相似文献   

韦俊峰  吴忠军 《人文地理》2015,30(6):153-159
选择龙胜金坑大寨梯田作为案例地,引用"隐性介体"这一概念统摄本文的四个研究对象:摄影家、旅游规划机构、旅游经营公司、政府,发现四者分别主要运用独立性旅游话语、专业性旅游话语、商业性旅游话语和消费性旅游话语建构金坑梯田的旅游形象,形象的话语建构过程同时也表现为各"隐性介体"诸空间利益诉求下的梯田多维空间生产过程,最终金坑大寨梯田由最初的"稻作空间系统"被生产为"摄影天堂"、"经典案例地"、"旅游胜地"和"政治高地"四种空间形态。最后文章从"东道主-游客"互动的角度讨论了这种形象建构可能对旅游地产生的两类问题以及应用旅游人类学"主体-介体-客体"三段式研究范式的必要性和途径。  相似文献   

浅谈清代铸钱体系中的“卯”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李强 《中国钱币》2007,(3):46-48
在清代银钱货币体系中,清政府将制钱作为主要的货币调控手段,独揽铸造权力。在具体的铸造过程中,清政府“分卯鼓铸”,山将“卯”作为铸钱过程中的铸造数量与成本控制工具。呵见,“卯”在清代货币铸造中具有重要地位。  相似文献   

杨青山 《人文地理》2002,17(2):90-93
近20年来,西方区域地理学发生了巨大变化。从80年代开始,出现了一种新的区域地理学。与传统区域地理学相比,新区域地理学倾向于结构主义、现实主义和后现代主义的哲学思维。强调区域的个性,强调人的能力及角色与社会结构在区域特性的形成与发展的作用。新区域地理学的核心概念是“地方”、“行为主体”、“体系”。在具体的区域研究中,它不仅注重当地的人及其它因素的重要性,也很重视“人”的各种行为背景,并且也重视来自“体系”的外部大环境的影响。本认为,新区域地理学的研究观点和方法对我国区域经济地理的研究具有启示意义,并主张在我国的区域研究中,应从对“地”的关注转向对“人”及“人地关系”的关注,发展中国的新区域地理学。  相似文献   

<正>The press conference of the Tibetan themed film"Never Give up"was held in Beijing on Jan.18,2015.The film is based on the novel"Tibetan Children",written by a Tibetan young writer Yingsa Norbu Tsering.It tells stories of Tibetan kids such as Norbu Tsering who go to inland for studying and growing up.  相似文献   

正During the day,she bustles around the operation table in her thick antiradiation vest.At night,she has to go to sleep on a chair due to her pulmonary edema.On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,where congenital heart disease occurs at a high rate,she sustains a hope of survival for the children with congenital heart disease by working hard.Parents call her"a living Buddha",and her colleagues think her a  相似文献   

姚朔民老师寄来日本《收集》杂志2 0 0 0年第六期上加藤正宏先生的文章 ,对我在《中国近代纸币》中称满洲中央银行、中国联合准备银行、蒙疆银行、中央储备银行、冀东银行、察南银行、华兴商业储蓄银行等七家为伪银行不解 ,他认为“在日本和中国 ,对于‘伪’银行的理解首先就有所不同。即使退一步讲 ,按照中国的认识 ,在前述 (如汇丰银行等外国银行或中外合办银行 )中恐怕也有着应看作‘伪’银行的银行。在上述诸外国银行中 ,同样可以看到把在半殖民地化的地区作为势力范围来发行纸币的思想。这些银行与由于侵略国日本有关而被作为‘伪’的…  相似文献   

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