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The state-enforced compulsion to vote can be defended as a reasonable imposition on individual autonomy. This article moves on from this position to examine a number of residual problems with Australia's compulsory voting arrangements. While maintaining a commitment to the compulsory voting system, I suggest that, in order to protect the reputation of the practice and preserve the norm of universal participation, some reforms may be necessary. While the argument that it is reasonable to compel people to vote accepts that the state can legitimately penalise avoidance, I have doubts about the propriety of some current and past practices, specifically those relating to the legal consequences of avoidance and the public promotion of avoidance. One recommendation allows genuine 'conscientious objectors' to apply for exemption provided they meet a number of conditions. I also make suggestions that address the complaint that compulsion limits democratic choice.  相似文献   

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory - This contribution discusses methods for reconstructing the links of past physical networks, based on archaeological site locations and mathematical...  相似文献   

Some deliberative theorists advocate for increased public participation to improve the health and vitality of democracy, but skeptics warn that public deliberation may fall prey to multiple decision-making pathologies. We describe a research program based on structured public deliberations about science and technology policies that was designed to explore the validity of critics' worst fears. In this research, we specifically test the complaint that group deliberations often bias toward the original majority preferences because of cognitive and affective errors in decision making, such as deference to the numerical majority opinion held within a group. Our results, based on data collected from a set of small-group public deliberations about nanotechnology, offer weak support to the polarization hypothesis. We explain this finding as the likely consequence of manipulating two key variables of deliberations: task facilitation and the quality of the argument pool. As a result, we argue that it is possible to structure public deliberations about policy to mitigate known decision-making problems. We conclude by also warning scholars of the dangers in assuming that opinion change consistent with polarization effects is inherently the result of undesirable decision-making qualities.  相似文献   

华夏考古学术论坛于 2 0 0 1年 9月 1 3日 ,在河南省文物考古研究所举行报告会 ,请澳大利亚雷楚布大学考古系主任蒂姆·马瑞 (TimMurray)教授作了题为《当代考古学理论的多样化及其问题》的演讲 ,经蒂姆·马瑞教授惠允 ,本刊摘要发表演讲稿 ,以飨读者  相似文献   

The identification of chemical activity residues on archaeological surfaces requires the analysis of large numbers of samples, which can be costly and time consuming. Researchers wishing to apply sediment chemistry often are confronted with a dilemma of which technique to use and how to accommodate sediment chemistry into their budget. We propose an approach to the identification of chemical activity residues in which semiquantitative spot tests, which are cheap, quick, and easy to apply, are employed as an initial phase of analysis in order to leverage the results of more time-consuming and costly instrumental techniques. Three examples that pair spot tests with gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry analysis show that spot tests successfully identify areas of interest. This approach can save both time and research funds.  相似文献   

The issue of marine debris is of a growing concern to present day society. Nonetheless, the occurrence of garbage on the sea floor is widely ignored by the marine archaeological body. The main purpose of this article is to discuss archaeological aspects of marine debris of the contemporary past. In particular, the article explores the phenomenon of marine dumping, the active use of raised debris for the sake of education and opinion forming and the human footprint of holiday boating. Drawing from this, it is argued that a maritime garbology—a maritime archaeology that intersects both with the archaeology of the contemporary past and the multidisciplinary field of consumption- and garbage studies—is not only possible but also a promising and relevant field of research.  相似文献   

The rapid development of natural scientific methods coupled with the recent popularity of new materialist philosophies in archaeological theory has raised discussion about the possibility of a return to empiricism in archaeology. While empiricism as a pragmatic philosophy is in line with archaeology’s hands-on character, the recent development has left some concerned about the vanishing role of vagueness and ambiguity in archaeological interpretation. In this setting, the exactitude of natural scientific methods is seen as a process of simplification that compromises the tacit dimensions of archaeological knowledge. This article discusses vagueness as an elementary part of all archaeological knowledge formation, with a particular emphasis on the role of perception and senses in finds analysis. Archaeological finds analysis is explored as an example of epistemologically vague and creative hypothesis formation.  相似文献   

三维激光扫描技术凭借快速、准确、无需接触文物表面等优势,已被越来越多地应用于文物保护和考古发掘工作中。江苏句容孔塘遗址在发掘过程中运用三维激光扫描技术不断跟进扫描,全面真实记录发掘过程中的各类遗迹的空间数据。在顾及遗存特征的前提下,对多时相墓葬点云数据进行了空间匹配、分割和缺失数据拟合等后期处理,重建遗址三维场景,直观展示多期遗存的时空关系,为后期考古研究推理提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

In Turkey, most of the historic city centres have been continuously occupied since early ages, and ongoing research or ad hoc findings indicate urban archaeological resources beneath modern cities. According to the results of such research, archaeological and conservation sites are determined in terms of current legal frameworks. However, urban archaeological resources have not been included in the planning process because of inadequacy in spatial documentation, so archaeological deposits have been seen as problem areas in urban development. Thus, urban archaeological resources — not only subsoil resources, even monumental sites — could not be integrated into urban daily life, so most citizens are not aware of archaeological layers beneath their feet. The research project in Tarsus historic city centre, which is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), primarily aims to develop a method to include urban archaeology — especially subsoil archaeological resources — into the urban conservation planning process of multilayered historic city centres in Turkey. In this way, planners would be informed, aware, and equipped about the urban archaeological potential at the earliest stages of the planning process. Consequently, urban archaeology, as an inter-/ multi-disciplinary field of research, is going to evolve as a crucial planning analysis in urban conservation including not only archaeological research, but also in evaluating settlement history and issues in urban development.  相似文献   

韩国河 《华夏考古》2001,(2):102-112
一、视点的选择和方法论 国际化的今天,把本国的文化立足于国际的视点,采取综合及跨学科的研究方法逐渐成为考古学、历史学界的一个主要趋势,尤其是从异文化的角度或者是相互比较的研究方法,越来越成为国际合作研究的基本手段。具体到中日考古学的比较研究,其实也是从东亚的视点来整体看待和考察中日两国考古的发现和存在的问题。这种比较研究具有两方面的含义:一是因为比较的对象相同,在人为交流和文化传播存在为背景的前提下,探讨当时两国或两地区间存在的历史实事和性质;另一个是被比较的对象没有任何交流关系,通过比较旨在加…  相似文献   

Small, remote islands were marginal environments for prehistoric human populations. We report archaeological and radiocarbon data from Alamagan, a small and isolated island in the northern part of the Mariana Islands archipelago. Challenging environmental conditions, including rugged terrain, active or recent volcanism, and uncertain freshwater availability posed significant challenges for permanent settlement throughout the Northern Islands. The Alamagan archaeological investigations documented 14 megalithic domestic structures, or latte sets, as well as isolated and non-portable Latte Period artifacts, and one historical site. Test excavations were undertaken at two of the latte features. These investigations add to a growing body of data suggesting colonization of the Northern Islands during the middle part of the Latte Period (probably during the late a.d. 1200s or early 1300s). We consider the implications of these data for the study of human adaptations to marginal insular environments in the Pacific.  相似文献   

The elderly are the most neglected demographic in archaeology. In today's youth‐obsessed society, the elderly are consistently denigrated, particularly those perceived to be physically or mentally frail. A related and growing concern in contemporary populations is the physical abuse of the elderly, believed to be an escalating phenomenon. This study is the first to examine the risk factors, social context and patterns of trauma associated with elder abuse in the present, with the aim of providing diagnostic criteria to apply to past societies. The utility of skeletal evidence in the identification of violent trauma has been detailed in cases of child and intimate partner abuse, both modern and archaeological. Investigating the skeletal evidence for elder abuse is potentially more complex because of the confounding physiological effects of the ageing process, lack of clinical research and contemporary ageist attitudes towards older people. Within the clinical and bioarchaeological literature, there has been a tendency to dismiss injuries in older individuals as the product of accident or opportunistic violence. A proportion of elder members of past societies is likely to have been victims of abuse and family violence. While there are no pathognomonic skeletal features of elder abuse, multiple injuries to the bones of the following are indicative: cranium, maxilla‐facial region, dentition, cervical vertebrae, clavicles, ribs and spiral fractures to the humeri. Attention is also drawn to decubiti as indirect skeletal indicators of immobility and possibly neglect. Archaeological context is important to consider, including non‐normative burials or those indicating social marginalisation. Bioarchaeological evidence has the potential to provide a long‐term perspective on the care and treatment of past elders. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

明了木构建筑遗存形式与埋藏条件、发掘过程的关系,以及木桩、木柱、柱洞、柱坑的概念,才能对木构建筑遗迹作出准确的判断,辨证、灵活地运用层位学原理对木构建筑遗迹进行考古发掘。  相似文献   

大遗址考古发掘与保护的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、背景大遗址的概念是我国文化遗产保护在全球视野下从近十几年来的遗址保护与管理工作中提出的一个重要概念。尽管这个概念在目前还没有清晰而科学的法定量化界  相似文献   


Sverre Marstrander (eds.): Acts of the International Symposium on Rock Art. The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, Bergen, Troms? 1978. 248 pp.

Helge I. H?eg, Hans‐Emil Lidén, Aslak Liest?l, Petter B. Molaug, Erik Schia, Christina Wiberg: De arkeologiske utgravninger i Gamlebyen, Oslo. Bind I. Feltet ‘Mindets tomt’. Stratigrafi, topografi, daterende funngrupper. (The Archaeological Excavations in Gamlebyen, Oslo. Vol. I. Site ‘Mindets tomt’. Stratigraphy, Topography, Dating Artefact Groups). Universitetsforlaget, Oslo‐Bergen‐Troms?. 265 pp., 9 Pls., 287 Figs. English summary.  相似文献   

Although there has been great interest and controversy concerning the detection of proteins in archaeological residues, very few studies have considered the effect of different extraction methods. Using well-defined control materials, this study compares the extraction efficiency of a number of different extraction reagents. Immunological and spectrophotometric assays are used to assess the amount of protein removed by each extraction method and the effectiveness is reported with reference to previous work. None of the previously reported methods were found to be effective at removing the protein from the mineral surface. We conclude that proteins are very strongly bound to the surface probably via short-range bonds. Although this may be encouraging for the long-term preservation of proteins in this context, extraction methods will have to be re-evaluated in order to achieve efficient recovery.  相似文献   


Umm Qais is one of the most significant archaeological tourist attractions in Jordan besides Petra and Jerash. It is also popular with locals due to its rich diversity of natural history features and landscapes. However, there has been no detailed study of approaches to visitor management at the site. This paper investigates the visitor management pressures on the site of Umm Qais, seeking to develop an understanding of the approaches that direct the process of visitor management in an archaeological site. The specific objective of this study is to identify and analyse the current visitor management measures and tools at the site. It explores issues of hard and soft visitor management through monitoring, visitor guidance, and interpretation. The study has been conducted as a qualitative case study, and its results are based on direct personal observation and discussions with the personnel that have been conducted on-site by the Jordanian authors.

Despite the visitor management applied approaches, results reveal important and continuing challenges for Umm Qais due to limited visitor monitoring, weak information, and poor restriction measures. Based on the findings of the study, some recommendations are made in order to permit the local heritage managers to develop the site and its visitor management appropriately. This is an essential process in aiding this potential World Heritage Site to update approaches and adapt to the changing circumstances related to the visitor needs for the site. This will contribute to heritage and tourism literature and practice by enhancing the knowledge of visitor management at a national level.  相似文献   

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