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善意取得是近现代民法物权的一项重要制度,适用善意取得制度须以财产已经交付为要件,占有改定作为一项特殊的动产交付方式是否适用善意取得制度,是理论界争论的问题之一。从善意取得的渊源及构成要件出发可判定占有改定不可以适用善意取得制度。  相似文献   

王瑞红 《旅游》2003,(12):32-33
据有关资料显示,截止2001年底,我国旅游业直接从业人员597,072万人,间接从业人员约为2980万人;全国取得导游资格证书的人数达15万,取得导游员等级的达2.5万人,取得出境旅游领队资格的0.4万人。至2002年底,取得全国导游资格证书的人员数量已达到了20万人。  相似文献   

从十五大到十六大的5年,是山西实现“三个基本”目标,经济结构调整开始取得明显成效,基础设施建设继续取得重大成就,社会主义精神明建设取得丰硕成果的5年。山西人民满怀喜悦,胜利跨入新的世纪。  相似文献   

1998年7月1日起对我国生效的《国际统一私法协会关于被盗或者非法出口文物的公约》第四条对有条件善意取得被盗或者非法出口文物作出了明确规定。2016年3月1日起施行的《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国物权法〉若干问题的解释(一)》,对善意取得适用的前提、善意的判断标准时点等作出了相应的司法解释,形成了我国适用善意取得较为完整的规则体系。在当前《中华人民共和国文物保护法》修订过程中,该文通过分析我国建立文物赃物善意取得的必要性和评介国外善意取得立法例,探讨了我国文物保护法中文物赃物善意取得制度需明确的问题。  相似文献   

王茂 《神州》2012,(23):66+68-66,68
近现代法中的善意取得制度可谓是物权法中的一枝奇葩,由于其瑰丽与思辨而深深吸引着无数求学者。而这项制度的滥觞,正是罗马法中先进而充满人性的取得时效制度。本文试从罗马法著作《法学阶梯》切入,对取得时效制度做一分析,并将其与近现代法之善意取得制度做一比较,进而对其做出评价。  相似文献   

孙丹  王丹 《沧桑》2011,(4):58-59
1911年武昌起义后各省相继响应革命,并纷纷取得独立。正当辛亥革命在全国大部分地区取得成功的时候,东北地区却以失败而告终,笔者通过对东北地区的周围环境以及东北革命党人自身特点的分析,探析辛亥革命在东北地区未能取得成功的原因。  相似文献   

海外华人取得了他们应该取得的成果,可喜可贺;但也有可悲的一面,成功为什么要换算为内陆的科举功名,才能建立自己的心理平衡?  相似文献   

延安大学中共党史学科创建于延安时期。改革开放以来,学科建设取得了很大成绩。1992年成为陕西省高校重点学科,1998年取得硕士学位授权资格,2004年评为陕西省高校精品课程,确  相似文献   

在"大跃进"期间,中国制药行业曾在"超声波化"运动中大量制造土超声器并广泛应用于各个领域,但是并没有取得预期的成效。从技术的角度看,单个项目没有取得成效是因为没有同时符合科学性、技术性、经济性的要求,而整个行业的运动没有取得成功,主要原因并不是通常认为的虚假浮夸,而是一系列技术政策的失误。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,新疆经济社会发展取得了辉煌的成就,表现在经济增长速度较快、产业结构不断高级化、居民收入与生活水平都得到了提高、对内对外贸易合作水平得到了提高、社会事业不断发展、重点工程建设取得了突破、人才队伍建设上也有了进展.在取得成就的同时,与全国相比,新疆还有许多问题亟待解决.新疆经济社会发展所取得的一系列成就是与财政的支持分不开的,与中央对新疆的财政转移支付分不开的.因此,有必要通过进一步完善财政转移支付制度,以此推动新疆经济社会的进一步发展.  相似文献   

洞庭湖变迁的历史过程再探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
关于洞庭湖的历史变迁过程问题,学术界一直没有取得共识。本文认为,今洞庭湖地区在先秦两汉时期尚处于河网沼泽平原阶段,没有形成大型湖泊;进入魏晋南朝隋唐时期,今洞庭湖地区的湖泊水体得到快速扩展;唐后期至清前期,今洞庭湖地区的湖泊水体面积处于全盛阶段;自清中期以来,随着长江来沙量的日益增加,湖泊进入明显的萎缩阶段。历史时期洞庭湖的形成与变迁主要取决于洞庭湖区的沉降速度和长江干流的来沙量。  相似文献   

张敏 《东南文化》2005,3(3):6-11
对江苏20世纪的考古工作进行了客观的总结,并对21世纪江苏的考古工作进行了科学的展望。  相似文献   

The very rare find of the relic of the original lustre pigment attached to the glazed surface of a sherd of 13th century ad Raqqa type lustreware from Syria has been analysed using a combination of analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM), micro‐X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS). The composition of the pigment relic inferred from these analyses is shown to match those of recipes for lustre production given in the early treatises by Jazbir Ibn Hayyan (c. ad 721–c. ad 815) and Abū'l Qasim (ad 1301). Similarities and differences between this 13th century ad Syrian pigment and pigments used in the ninth century ad in Iraq, in the 14th century ad in Islamic and Hispano‐Moresque Spain, and in the 16th century ad in Renaissance Italy are discussed.  相似文献   

陈锋 《史学月刊》2004,(1):113-122
20世纪的清代财政史研究,按照其研究进程,可划分为20世纪上半叶和20世纪下半叶两个阶段。这两个阶段的总体研究情况,反映了20世纪清代财政史研究的特点与得失。  相似文献   

This article is an examination of the uneasy relationship between religion and witchcraft (the worship of the serpent/obeah) on the British colony of Montserrat in the Eastern Caribbean. It looks at obeah in the 20th century as practised by colonial British subjects and prohibited by British law imposed by British expatriates. Colonial governance is examined first through correspondence at the start of the 20th century, and then through newspaper archives and fieldwork reports and experiences throughout the century. The continued use of anti‐obeah laws by the British is shown to be an irrational but effective colonial technology of control.  相似文献   

Erik Swyngedouw 《对极》2010,41(Z1):298-319
Abstract: This essay starts from the presumption that “the communist hypothesis” is still a good one, but argues that the idea of communism requires urgent re‐thinking in light of both the “obscure” disaster of twentieth century really existing socialism and the specific conditions of twenty‐first century capitalism. I explore the contours of the communist hypothesis, chart the characteristics of the revolutionary capitalism of the twenty‐first century and consider how our present predicament relates to the urgency of rethinking and reviving the communist hypothesis. Throughout, I tentatively suggest a number of avenues that require urgent intellectual and theoretical attention and interrogate the present condition in light of the possibilities for creating communist geographies for the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

This article considers the attitude of the governing elite in sixteenth‐century England to the minority languages spoken by subjects within their jurisdiction, concentrating on Cornish, Welsh and Irish. Perhaps influenced by the tendency of nineteenth‐century nationalists to equate nationality and language, historians have assumed that Tudor governments were hostile to languages other than English and wished to suppress them. An examination of a variety of sources leads to the suggestion that this was not the case. There was a certain amount of apprehension in the political sphere in the 1530s but in the second half of the century cultural perception of languages dominated as attempts to spread the Protestant faith led to an encouragement of the range of vernaculars. The conclusion points to parallels between sixteenth‐century and contemporary sympathy towards minority cultures in the context of the devolution debate.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, we find a Court which has not yet found its role, and whose principal impact is deciding which litigant wins in a particular lawsuit. Chief Justice John Marshall, appointed in 1801, changes that; he and his successor, Roger B. Taney, are the dominant figures in the Courts over which they preside. From 1801 until 1864-sixty-three years-the nation had only two Chief Justices; during the same time, it had fifteen presidents. In the latter part of the nineteenth century, the Chief Justices are less dominant and influential, sharing their authority with several notable Associate Justices. By the end of the century, the Court is beginning to wrestle with the many problems facing the nation after a little more than a century of existence.  相似文献   

The early nineteenth century was transformative of the Supreme Court's practices. Yet understanding those fundamental changes requires some appreciation of practice before the Court in the late eighteenth century, and the developments in the early nineteenth century produced changes in the Court's practices that are still felt today. In this first half-century or so of the Court's existence, more dramatic developments and changes occurred in oral argument practice than in any other period of the Court's history. 1  相似文献   

Body mass index (BMI) values reflect the net balance between nutrition, work effort, and calories consumed to fight disease. Nineteenth-century prison records in the United States demonstrate that the BMI values of blacks and whites were distributed symmetrically; neither underweight nor obese individuals were common among the working class. BMI values declined throughout the nineteenth century. By modern standards, however, nineteenth-century BMIs were in healthy weight ranges, though the biological living standards in rural areas exceeded those in urban areas. The increase in BMIs during the twentieth century did not have its origin in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

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