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Since the advent of European colonial expansion, medical theories of acclimatization have been inextricably related to convictions about the possibility and desirability of white settlement in the colonies, and political ideas of colonial governance. Before 1800, acclimatization theories emphasized the inherent flexibility of the human constitution and its ability to adapt to new environments. During the first half of the nineteenth century, European theorists came to highlight the vulnerability of white Europeans in the tropics to disease, degeneration, and death instead. They consequently argued that white settlement in the tropics was impossible and inadvisable. European physicians in the British and French colonies presented similar views. By contrast, their colleagues in the Dutch East Indies remained optimistic. They associated themselves with the colonial European settler community and shared their grievances against autocratic colonial rule. They presented medical theories which related acclimatization to prudent behavior, morality, and proper management of the environment, thereby downplaying the significance of climate and high temperatures. During the following decades, their views on acclimatization were transferred to the Netherlands, where they were deployed as an argument against the cultivation system, the then-current approach of colonial governance, which emphasized the trade of cash crops grown by the indigenous population, severely limited European settlement, and curtailed the rights of Europeans living in the Indies. Throughout the nineteenth century, the influence of climate and the possibility of acclimatization became recurring themes in debates about colonial governance in both the Dutch East Indies and the Netherlands.  相似文献   

以玛腰陈永元为个案,阐述了巴达维亚甲必丹制度与包税制度的源起与演变及包税事业的经营,并通过探讨陈永元长期经营承包税收的原因,对两个制度之间的相互关系进行分析研究。  相似文献   

"吧国公堂"档案之《公案簿》述略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
<公案簿>是现存吧国公堂(巴达维亚华人评议会)档案中的核心部分,所涵盖的时间范围大约为150年(1787-1940年)左右.<公案簿>的内容主要有两个方面一是对吧国公堂有关华人的各类案件的会审记录;二是对有关吧城华人社区重要事件和重大决议的记录.对涵盖这一时期最为原始的记事录的内容及案例加以考察和分析,一方面可以洞察一个处在多种变革时期具有代表性的华人社区的社会生活及其行政管理的内幕,另一方面也可以从中了解各个历史阶段荷印殖民政策的变化及其对当地华人社会的影响.  相似文献   

论文利用公堂审理华人民事案件和日常管理的档案记录《公案簿》和荷兰莱顿大学图书馆藏原始公堂数字化档案,从华人社会权力管制的视角对公堂的丧葬管理过程、华人丧葬规范以及丧葬背后体现的社会内在矛盾进行了研究探讨。1742年建立的吧城公堂是荷属东印度时期荷兰殖民者委任华人甲必丹管理的华人半自治机构,主要处理华人民政事务,其中丧葬事宜便是管理要务之一,包括倡建、购置和经营华人塚地,规范华人葬仪、丧服之礼。然而在西方殖民统治不断强化的时代背景下,公堂在丧葬管理中面临唐吧贸易衰落后甲必丹们义葬观念的转变、闽粤二帮祭祀矛盾、华人美色甘及公堂内部人士对塚地经费管理的质疑以及殖民政府推进城市化过程中对塚地的侵蚀等挑战,再加上1900年吧达维亚中华会馆成立后倡导革新婚丧旧俗,公堂的权威地位逐渐遭到削弱,华人社会管理多元化的诉求和实践成为时代需要。  相似文献   

根据《公案簿》案例,分别对审前、审理和判决这三个阶段的审判程序进行了梳理。在1619-1928年间,巴达维亚华人社会的民事审判是一个典型的移民社会法律移植的历史现象。具有相当自治权力的公堂,负责华人社会的民事审判。公堂较为完整地将母国的法律移植到所在地,并保持了母国的民事法律传统。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to define the relation between (1) human skeletal measurements and (2) height, weight and physique indices. Admitted to the study were 686 men and women from five ethnic groups (White, Inuit, Gurkha, Bantu and San). In addition to height and weight, subjects had defined cranial and postcranial measurements taken using methods derived from clinical examination techniques. Measurements were checked for reliability. Skinfold callipers were used to allow for the thickness of soft‐tissues overlying bone widths. Adjustment factors were derived from radiological gold standards. Radiological measurements, adjusted for magnification, of the lumbar vertebrae from 42 subjects were also done. A correlation matrix was constructed for the complete study population and all variables to allow a preliminary assessment of useful predictive independent variables. Discriminant scores for classification by gender were calculated. Regression computations, using least square regression, were calculated for six defined reference populations. The regression residuals were examined to confirm fulfilment of assumptions. The results indicated that skull and dental arcade variables yield little information about the size and physique of an individual but have some relevance for group comparisons. Long bone widths are moderately and equally correlated with height and weight. Lower limb bone widths are better correlated with body weight than those of the upper limb. The best predictive variables for body weight are the minimal ‘area’ of the lumbar vertebrae (L1–L4) and regressions involving various bone widths. It is confirmed that height correlates well with the lengths of long bones, but the prediction is improved by the addition of a width from the same bone as a second independent variable. Lower limb long bones are not better predictors of height than upper limb ones. The body mass index is best predicted from the available measurements by a regression with the minimal ‘area’ of L1 and the tibial length as independent variables. A lumbar vertebra, particularly L1, yields important information about height, weight and the body mass index. The patella width is, in part, a marker for mesomorphy. Reconstruction of the ankle to enable the width across the malleoli to be measured would yield useful estimates of weight and height. The findings have been applied to the Paviland femur. A provisional male attribution has been made. The derived height is similar to that of tall modern White men. The physique was probably mesomorphic and ectopenic, the physique of strength rather than mobility, but the confidence intervals are very wide. To enable this sort of assessment to be made more confidently, the study requires replication substituting the precision of magnetic resonance imaging for the relative imprecision of skeletal measurements taken directly from the intact body. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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