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This article investigates the differential structure and representation of time in memory and history. It examines two moments in Jewish historical thought—in the Middle Ages, and in works written within and after the Holocaust—and demonstrates the fundamentally liturgical nature of Jewish historical memory in selected texts from these two periods. Following the groundbreaking work of Yerushalmi, it seeks to demonstrate that for Jews, historical experience is incorporated into the cyclical reenactment of paradigmatic events in Jewish sacred ritual. Recent or contemporary experiences acquire meaning only insofar as they can be subsumed within Biblical categories of events and their interpretation bequeathed to the community through the medium of Scripture, that is to say, only insofar as they can be transfigured, ritually and liturgically, into repetitions and reenactments of ancient happening. In such liturgical commemoration, the past exists only by means of recitation; the fundamental goal of such recitation is to make it live again in the present, to fuse past and present, chanter and hearer, into a single collective entity. History, in the sense that we understand it to consist of unique events unfolding within irreversible linear time, is absorbed into cyclical, liturgical memory.
This article argues that the question of Jewish history—both medieval and post-Holocaust—poses in a compelling fashion the question of the relationship between memory and history more generally, and serves to contest the current tendency in academic historiography to collapse history into memory. It claims that to the extent that memory "resurrects,""re-cycles," and makes the past "reappear" and live again in the present, it cannot perform historically, since it refuses to keep the past in the past, to draw the line, as it were, that is constitutive of the modern enterprise of historiography.  相似文献   

唯物史观与思想文化史研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在思想化史的研究中,存在着两种错误的倾向。一是在运用唯物史观之理论上的公式化与教条化,另一则是沿袭唯心史观的“从思想到思想”的诠释模式。实际上,唯物史观的思想观念源于“现实生活过程”的原理,为我们在这一学术领域的研究提供了科学的“本体”论与方法论。按照唯物史观的要求,我们应在三个层面上展开研究,即从广大民众、统治阶级或日益崛起的新兴阶级与思想家本人的“现实生活过程”出发,去分析相应的思想化形态、思想流派、思想家的主张。惟有如此方能正确地阐明各种思想化现象的本质,进而揭示出其发展演进的历史规律。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代初,有些学重新认识“历史”一词,厘清和界定它的基本含义,明确区分和论述了客观存在的历史、历史学和史书等概念,从而为中国现代史学建设奠定了重要基础。这在拓宽史学研究的思路、扩展历史研究的空间和范围、建设科学的历史学以及建立中西方史学对话的环境,使中国史学走向世界等方面有积极的意义。  相似文献   

唐代入华粟特人商业活动的历史意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中亚粟特人是唐代入华异域胡商中的一支最主要力量,通过他们的商业活动,在沟通唐代东西方之间物质化交流的过程中,还沟通了东西方之间化艺术的交流,同时,促进和巩固了唐王朝的统一,加速了粟特民族向东方的移民及其与汉民族的融合,对唐代社会产生了非常深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

Melissa Walker, an associate professor of history at ConverseCollege, author of All We Knew Was To Farm: Rural Women in theUpcountry South, 1919–1941 (Baltimore, MD: Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, 2000), winner of the Willie Lee Rose Prizefrom the Southern Association for Women Historians, presentsan intellectual tour de force in Southern Farmers and TheirStories: Memory and Meaning in Oral History, part of the NewDirections in Southern History Series from the University ofKentucky  相似文献   

先秦史官与史学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为先秦史官职责的演变经历三个阶段 :夏商史官基本特征是充当沟通天人的使者 ,宗教性明显 ;周史官基本特征是以“官”的角色定位而行使历史官之史的职责 ;春秋晚期至战国史官 ,带有许多士文化的特征。先秦史官历史演变是决定中国早期史学发展的重要条件。  相似文献   

历史人类学与近代区域社会史研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
近年来,“历史人类学”这一名词开始频繁在国内报刊出现,既有学者大力倡导,亦有学者相当怀疑。①近代史学界对此亦有回应。桑兵《从眼光向下回到历史现场———社会学人类学对近代中国史学的影响》,从学术史的维度,系统地回顾了20世纪社会学和人类学在中国史学发展进程中的影响,其间对历史学引入人类学视野与方法有诸多分析与讨论②,张佩国则直接使用“历史人类学”一词,出版了他的专著《近代江南乡村地权的历史人类学研究》③。那么,什么是历史人类学?历史人类学在中国史学界的出现对近代史研究可能意味着什么?回答这些问题,对于新世纪的中…  相似文献   

逍遥津之战是三国时期东吴对曹魏发动的一场重要战役,是赤壁之战后东吴为维系孙刘联盟共抗曹魏所采取的最大一次军事行动。逍遥津之战东吴的失败,进一步促使东吴改变联刘抗曹的方针。逍遥津之战后东吴采纳了吕蒙的策略,袭取荆州以巩固长江一线,从而对魏、蜀、吴三方之间的关系产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

"Documenting Cultural and Historical Memory: Oral History inthe National Park Service" provides an overview and assessmentof the current state of oral history projects and programs withinthe National Park Service. Oral history has long been a particularlyvaluable resource and tool for the Park Service in preservingcultural and historical memory. Its rangers, interpreters, historians,archaeologists, ethnographers, and cultural landscape specialistsuse oral history to document the history of individual parks,as well as the events and people the parks commemorate. Theyuse oral history to create interpretive exhibits, movies, andvideos and to record perspectives on major events, figures,and movements. The Service initiates and manages a large numberof unique and significant oral history projects and programs. However, too often the value of its oral history projects andcollections has been diminished because of funding shortages,poor equipment, insufficient training, inadequate preservationmeasures, or other problems.  相似文献   

One can easily use nineteenth-century tithe data of England and Wales in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze a range of subjects, for example, land use, productivity, land ownership, or tenancy. Making the tithe data GIS ready, on the other hand, is a nontrivial matter. The tithe data consist of two main types: spatial, that is, the tithe map, and nonspatial attribute data linked to the map. The tithe therefore has the characteristics of a GIS, albeit in paper form. The author outlines the process of creating the structures for building a data repository that allows the storage and dissemination of both tithe schedules and maps in a single GIS-ready system. The author chose Oracle to host the repository. The Oracle Spatial module allows storage of both spatial and attribute information. Oracle also provides the means of serving data to users via the Internet.  相似文献   

历史观与意识形态:世界历史叙事中的现代化理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任东波 《史学集刊》2006,44(4):138-143
作为世界历史叙事的一种范式,现代化理论不仅体现了一种历史观,也展示了其意识形态的特质。现代化理论的意识形态功能包括:解释功能、压制宣传功能、整合和激发功能以及合法化功能,这些功能使世界历史叙事充斥着偏见与“公允”、“真理”与权力、压制与整合等悖论。这种悖论在历史观层面,则凸显为现代化的“历史观”和历史观的“现代化”二者之间的张力。只有克服二者之间的张力,才能超越现代化的“历史观”的局限,才能使历史观的“现代化”成为一种世界历史叙事的实践理念。  相似文献   

蒋卫东 《收藏家》2009,(11):11-16
从汉灵帝中平元年(184年)的黄巾起义,到晋武帝太康元年(280年)的东吴归晋,短短九十余年由合而分、由分而合的三国时代,是中国历史上一个承前启后的重要时期,是一个将军百战、慨当以慷、英雄辈出、雄姿英发的时代,是一个风云际会、扑朔迷离、充满引人入胜历史情节和艺术魅力的时代。  相似文献   

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