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Palynologists seeking evidence of patterns in human plant use among the pollen spectra of archaeological site floors operate on the assumption that the pollen of economic plants is deposited at the locations of undertakings involving these plants in quantities significantly exceeding the amounts of the same pollen types in the background pollen component. This assumption has never been questioned in the literature, even though it has not been tested. Researchers are, however, uncertain about the extent to which floor deposits of economic pollen are affected by later human activities. Pollen profiles from three functionally distinct bays in the cellar of a New England livestock barn that was actively used for at least 40 years were analyzed to examine economic pollen deposition and dispersal. The data from this test indicate that the pollen of economic plants is deposited in distinctive quantities where the plants were used and that these pollen deposits are not significantly diffused by subsequent human activity. The data also suggest that pollen concentrations per unit of matrix will assist in defining active surfaces within archaeological floor zones.  相似文献   

Trading post personnel maintained records of natural and cultural phenomena, including data on fish and fishing. The Hudson's Bay Company posts on the north shore of Lake Superior developed a diverse fishery based on a rather complex association of species and stocks, especially lake trout, whitefish, and herring. In part learning from the Indians, the fishermen gained a fairly sophisticated understanding of the seasonal and spatial occurrences of fish aggregations. These are here summarized in text and table form and provide baseline data for fisheries which since the 1800s have been degraded and changed.
Les employés des comptoirs consignaient régulièrement les divers phénomènes culturels et naturels, y compris ceux qui relevaient des poissons et de la pêche. Les comptoirs de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson au littoral nord du lac Supérieur ont développé une industrie de la pêche diversifiée basée sur des rapports assez complexes entre les espèces et les stocks de poissons, surtout de touladi, de grand corégone, et de cisco de lac. Tirant leurs connaissances en partie des Indiens, les pêcheurs ont réussi à bien comprendre les détails des occurences spatiales et saisonnières des aggrégations de poissons. Les données de leurs observations se présentent dans ce travail sous forme de textes et de tableaux, et fournissent les renseignements de base pour les pêcheries qui, depuis le 19e siècle, subissent des transformations et tiennent aujourd'hui une place moins importante dans l'industrie de la pêche.  相似文献   


This article describes the unusually detailed inventory made in 1696 of the South Stoneham paper mills near Southampton. It sheds light on methods of paper making in late 17th-century England, and gives an idea of the surprising scale of the undertaking.  相似文献   

The company town is often an ephemeral phenomenon on the landscape. When the mine or factory closes, the town closes too, and its houses are removed or left to decay. A few company towns survive the removal of their economic base. Haydenville, in the Hocking Valley of southeast Ohio, has physically changed little since the boom days of the clay products industry. Its founder, Columbus industrialist Peter Hayden, wanted to build a self-contained community where employees and their families would live, work, play and worship together. The kiln-dried building tiles and conduit made at the company plants were used to build family houses, a church, post office, community center and store. The generally benevolent rule of the company gave the town social cohesion. When the plants closed in the 1960s, many families chose to stay in Haydenville, buying the company houses they had rented. Although the town has lost the sense of community that a single employer provided, most of the houses and public buildings still stand today—a striking testimonial to Haydenville's industrial past.  相似文献   


Coastal zones are specific areas which usually have natural resources of particular interest from ecological and heritage points of view. They are nevertheless subject to considerable pressure because of their attractiveness. Integrated coastal zone management is supposed to take into account these multiple factors in order to preserve natural resources and to allow for coastal development. In this context, land-use conflicts may emerge. This study aims to identify such conflicts and to explain them in terms of heritage conventions. An interesting methodology is implemented, using both focus groups' representations and daily press articles concerning the specific coastal zone of Arcachon Bay in the south west of France. The results raise questions on the link between water and land in coastal land-use management.  相似文献   

Early Massachusetts is generally seen by scholars as “intolerant.” But this is to employ a misleading dichotomy between tolerant and intolerant societies which obscures the colonists’ understanding of themselves. They believed that their society instead successfully reconciled individual liberty and communal harmony through rational debate, social consensus, and the pursuit of truth. Their response to the Antinomian controversy is highly revealing in this context, demonstrating that they desired to persuade the aberrant back into the fold and that they reserved political intervention for when dissension had serious public implications. It was only those deemed irreconcilable who were ultimately excluded from the community. To approach the topic in this way is to resist the marginalisation of New England from the history of political and social thought by re‐evaluating the ends and actions of the colonists and by providing an important alternative perspective on the nature of toleration and its limits.  相似文献   

The 4th duke of Newcastle (1785–1851) is recognized as one of the most prominent peers with electoral influence in early-19th-century Britain. This essay considers the way in which he deployed that influence and the purposes to which it was turned. The essay explains why Newcastle became a leading symbol of the campaign for parliamentary reform and details the nature of his opposition to the bill which eventually became the ‘Great’ Reform Act of 1832. In some respects, Newcastle was an atypical electioneer, because he was less overtly concerned with the desire for office, patronage, or income. On the other hand, the methods by which that influence was deployed, and the anti-reform purposes to which it was turned, meant that he was inevitably numbered among the reactionary forces opposing political change in this period.  相似文献   

岳钦韬 《史学集刊》2012,(1):113-120
抗战爆发后,传统的社会心理因素与国家政权的压力阻碍了部分民众抗敌意识的形成,抗敌意识薄弱是通敌行为的重要前因。通敌行为包含着主动与被动的复杂动机:主动方面包括借机恢复地位、伺机为非作歹、出面"保护"地方、"曲线救国"任务、经济利益驱使、人际关系与情感因素等;被动方面有现实生活压力、无知与盲目、日伪强权压迫、时间因素等。总体而言,大多数民众终究还是回到对现实生活的诉求,将个人生存放在首要位置。  相似文献   

The goal of the Massachusetts Watershed Initiative (MWI) is to use a watershed approach to restore and maintain the integrity of state waters. The MWI is presented as an effort to bring about the convergence of the agendas of government, the informed public, and the general public. In the planning phase of the MWI's pilot project in the Neponset River Watershed, government and the informed public successfully struggled to create a joint basin-wide action plan. Stronger outreach is needed to involve the broader public and to engage local municipalities and businesses more fully.  相似文献   

Animal bone assemblages from four historical sites in eastern Massachusetts are analysed in a comparative framework to interpret aspects of urban food systems. Characteristics of the urban environment and the nature of food supply and exchange systems are interpreted from taxonomic representation, body part representation, butchery patterns, and age and seasonal slaughtering patterns. These analyses show that specialized husbandry to supply urban markets was limited during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and that many aspects of urban food distribution systems followed traditional rural patterns. A model that explores the relation between patterning of bone collections and characteristics of urban areas is applicable to other studies of urban assemblages. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Seafort Burial Site (FcPr100) is a Fur Trade Period cemetery located near the town of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. The results of recent analysis of skeletons recovered during salvage excavations between 1969 and 1971 suggest that three males in this sample were voyageurs in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company. Vertebral osteophytosis and osteoarthritis, Schmorl's nodes, muscle origin robusticity and new bone formation at entheses and syndesmoses, and osteoarthritis at the elbow and shoulder joints provide evidence for carrying, lifting, and paddling or rowing. The presence of accessory sacral facets also may be stress-related. In addition, the development of accessory articular facets on the metatarsals and proximal pedal phalanges may indicate activity-induced stress from hyperdorsiflexion of the toes in habitual kneeling, such as when river canoeing.  相似文献   

《Textile history》2013,44(1):46-61

The history of Joint-Stock Company Woollen Mills exhibits a singular instance of energy amongst the smaller capitalists of the manufacturing districts…. the clothiers of certain country districts, such as Farsley, Idle, Eccleshill, Batley, Dewsbury, etc, put their heads together, and subsequently their purses…by erecting mills at home, to scribble their own wool and full their own cloth …. In the formation of a company mill a number of clothiers (for they must be clothiers to be partners) of small capital meet together and determine to become a company of so many partners, from ten to fifty, in shares generally of £25 each, each person taking as many shares as his capital will enable him…. With this subscribed capital deeds of partnership are drawn, land is bought, a mill erected, and machinery put up …. The processes which are carried on in these company mills are scribbling, carding, slubbing, and fulling cloth, which are the preparatory processes of the cloth manufacture, and the remaining processes—viz, spinning, warping, weaving, and burling—are done at home by members of the family or by persons employed for that purpose.  相似文献   

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