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Introduction Achaemenian who introduced Iranian抯the currency4 system, urprisingly, they did not engrave any legends on their imperial issues. The satrapies issues silver specimens, concerning with legends of local official policy. When Alexander invaded …  相似文献   

A typology of urbanization is developed for the 163 major civil divisions of the USSR on the basis of three factors: (a) an index of the level of urbanization (incorporating the percentage of urban population, the share of cities of 100,000 or more in urban population, an index of urban agglomerations, and a coefficient adjusting for the density of urban population); (b) the structural complexity of urbanization (which is treated as deriving either solely from the urban population percentage in the simplest case; or from the urban population percentage and the share of large cities in a two-element case, or additionally from the presence of urban agglomerations in the three-element case); (c) the dominance of any of the three structural elements. The typology yields 24 combinations of the three factors out of a theoretically possible total of 54 combinations, some combinations being represented only by one or two examples. The typology is conceptualized as a mobile system in which particular major civil divisions may advance to higher levels as urbanization processes continue.  相似文献   

This article explores one of Collingwood's most puzzling claims—that, in re-enacting a past act of thought, I can revive not just the propositional content of that act but also the very act of thought itself. This aspect of Collingwood's ideas has been largely ignored, and, when not ignored, it has been almost universally rejected. After all, we might ask, how can it be that two acts of thought—one, say, had by Carol in the library on Wednesday and another act of thought had by Harold in his study on Thursday—are literally identical? I explore this baffling claim and, in particular, Collingwood's argument that acts of thought can have the identity of a continuant. I try to show how the idea of the identity of the continuant might be used to remove some of the puzzlement in Collingwood's claim about literal identity between acts of thought; I thus show how Harold, on Thursday, might be able to experience the exact same act of thought that Carol had on Wednesday.  相似文献   

田野  Siete 《世界》2011,(10):50-99
到伊朗的第一天清晨,我被附近宣礼塔传来的诵经声唤醒。苍凉激越的声调混在晨雾中漫延开,遮蔽了清晨本该有的躁动。早餐后走出饭店大堂,一辆黄色的奔驰跑车猛地停在门口,一位穿着时尚却头戴面纱的姑娘下车从我面前经过,不知是不是错觉,我仿佛透过面纱看到了她的笑容。我们对伊朗的成见与想象就像一块面纱。只有亲身走在那古老都城的废墟上、听过清真寺里虔信者的呢喃、尝过集市里免费分发的蜜水,才能透过面纱,看到那“皎月般的脸庞和软红玉样嘴唇边的笑容”。  相似文献   

High parity has been hypothesised to lead to a shorter and less healthy life. Using the 2007 Taft Ageing Health and Fertility Survey consisting of 696 women aged 50–79, this paper examines the extent to which women's health in middle and older ages is affected by their childbearing histories. The results show that high parity (>8) is associated with a reduction of GP-rated health by 0.094 points on a scale from 1 to 10. These health reductions are four times as large as those of an extra year of age, and are robust to controlling for birth interval, age, area of residence, education, marital status, work history, economic satisfaction and surviving daughters. There is a positive but curvilinear relationship between shorter birth intervals (<2 years) and GP-rated health accounting for socio-demographic factors. Our analysis suggests that parity and birth intervals, along with socio-demographic characteristics, affect women's well-being in later life.  相似文献   

This article argues that the academic representation of Islamic history as a single timeline, which was established in the nineteenth century and continues to predominate to the present, is a primary issue restricting fruitful readings of Islamic historical materials. Utilizing insights in thinking about history that favor multiple temporalities, I suggest that scholars in Islamic studies can expand the possibilities of their work by paying attention to the diversity of ways in which time is conceptualized within original materials. As illustrations for the rethinking I advocate, I provide readings of the structures and literary affects of three Persian works in different genres, produced circa 1490–1540 ce . I suggest that a foundational reorientation in the field of Islamic historiography has the potential to help us break out of binds identified in the critique of orientalism provided by Edward Said and others and would lead to better ways to approach developments in Muslim societies.  相似文献   

孙天胜 《人文地理》1994,9(3):68-74
祖国医学中含有丰富的医学地理思想。在"人与天地相应"的哲学观念指导下,传统医学认为:地理环境的差异,必然导致气候类型、水土性质、中药药性的差异;地理环境不同,人的生活习惯、体质特点和地方性疾病也不一样;诊治疾病必须因地制宜。本文以现代医学和药物学为对照,阐明了中医的这种思想。  相似文献   

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