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近年,在常州太平天国护王府遗址东北隅内一座清中期建筑内,发现一批太平天国的壁画、彩画.据调查考证,为太平天国护王陈坤书府邸或府邸附属馆衙建筑上的装饰画.现予介绍并作初步研究.  相似文献   

继南京发现太平天国壁画后,在宜兴太平天国辅王府又发现珍贵的壁画遗迹(图一)。经南京博物院、江苏省文物管理委员会、北京故宫博物院多次考察鉴定,在壁画中发现有人物,这是在以往太平天国壁画中很少见到的,对于研究太平天国时期的历史、文化、绘画艺术和思想内容,有着重要的意义。绘画的遗迹有彩绘和壁画两种。在辅王府大门背后的四扇屏门上,绘"鲤鱼跳龙门"(图二)。屏门每扇长248、宽74厘米,  相似文献   

50年代初,太平天国壁画的发现和它精湛的艺术造诣,曾使当时画坛专家们喷喷称赞。但南京、苏州等处壁画中不见人物,而绍兴、金华等处壁画中却多出现人物,因而引出了不同的鉴定和解释,这是令人困惑的。近来有机会对太平天国壁画进行欣赏和研究,也和几位国画家共同探讨,兴味日浓,渐有所窥。下面将太平天国对“偶像”的含义,明、清时期吴派与浙派画家画风的异同与太平天国壁画中的人物问题,作些考证和论述。  相似文献   

一引言近年在几次太平天国学术讨论会上,有几位同志提出根本否定太平天国有不准绘人物规定的论文。会后,文章已在学刊上发表。由于我曾参加南京太平天国某王府壁画、如意里壁画、罗廊巷壁画,苏州忠王府壁画、彩画,绍兴太平天国壁画以及天津杨柳青太平天国年画的调查研究工作,所以否定太平天国有不准绘人物规定的论文都指明与我商榷。我想到近年有些地方发现的壁画今天还在引起争论,将来可能还有发现需要鉴定,这是有关国家保护文物的现实问题,并不单是学术上的问题。我既是参加这些工作中的一名人员,理应对人民负责,把我们当年提出太平天国存在这条规定的根据,这条规定是否只限于前期而后期已不复存在,以及据找们所知后期有何新情况发现等等,向同志们作一些简要的汇报,以求指教。  相似文献   

漫话太平天国壁画艺术晋文霞1991年1月17日,南京竺桥20号在拆迁房屋时,发现层层剥落的墙壁上有色彩斑斓的6幅太平天国壁画。画面线条清晰,色彩鲜艳,全部是黑色双边框,框内绘有回纹,壁画在山石、动物、树木的绘法技巧上与已发现的太平天国壁画极为相似,其...  相似文献   

一浙江金华太平天国侍王府建筑中的彩色壁画,是目前发现的太平天国王府壁画艺术中保存比较完好的一处,对研究太平天国的艺术很有意义。许多年来,罗尔纲先生根据太平天国的一些遗物和涤浮道人《金陵杂记》一书,作出了太平天国不准画人物的论断,并指出太平天国之所以不允许画人物,其目的在于对外打击敌人,对内加强团结、反对个人崇拜。但从侍王府发现的人物壁画来看,罗先生的这个结论,是值得商榷的。  相似文献   

金华太平天国侍王府是全国重点文物保护单位,其中的壁画绘制精美,内容丰富,是现存太平天国遗址中壁画数量最多、规模最大的一处文化遗产。目前,壁画风化较严重,普遍存在空鼓、地仗脱落、粉化、褪色等病害现象。2016年4月,浙江大学文物保护材料实验室和浙江省博物馆文物保护基地人员对金华太平天国侍王府内壁画的现存状况进行了调研。按照12类壁画病害,分别进行病害识别、面积测量、程度确定。对壁画表层湿度、表面光泽度、各处光照度等进行测量。特别对约20年前做过表面化学加固的壁画进行了考察评估,旨在了解壁画保存现状,探讨侍王府壁画修缮保护策略。  相似文献   

金华侍王府是太平天国后期主要将领李世贤的府邸,现存壁画119幅,彩画407方,内容丰富,是现存全国保存最完整,壁画、彩画数量最多的太平天国王府。  相似文献   

苏州太平天国忠王府现存四百余方梁枋苏式彩绘,这些彩绘内容多为传统吉庆题材,寓意吉祥祈福。众多木构件上的彩绘是明清以来苏式彩绘的典范,为明清时代所留而经太平天国利用改造而成;九幅壁画则是太平天国时期的作品,体现了太平天国壁画的艺术特色。忠王府苏式彩绘为研究明清苏式彩绘和太平天国彩绘提供了丰富的资料。  相似文献   

罗尔纲先生过去认为现在仍然认为太平天国是不许绘人物的,而对实际上存在的绘有人物的太平天国壁画,他就解释为:①不可信为太平天国壁画,如浙江绍兴神怪壁画.②只是彩画工人忘记了太平天国制度失检而绘上的,如苏州忠王府四方有人物点缀的彩画.(3)是太平天国的非嫡系部队干的,因为他们不懂得或不严格遵守太平天国的规矩.如绩溪曹氏支祠的壁画,他就认为是由广东天地会过来的太平军绘的;(4)他认为有一个唯一的例外,那就是杨秀清假托天父圣旨,绘  相似文献   

南京堂子街太平天国壁画中有四幅重要的山水画已经相关专家考释并命名。但根据壁画内容及对画中地点的考证,现有命名方式的合理性遭到质疑。对金陵图咏进行脉络梳理之后可发现这四幅山水画的原形应为清乾隆至同治间《金陵四十八景》中的四幅。太平天国壁画历来有为政治、军事服务的传统,故军事因素应是对金陵四十八景中四景的选取原则。  相似文献   


This article argues that a portion of the fifteenth-century frescos at the entrance door from the cloister to the cathedral of Bressanone can be seen as a painted sermon. The analysis draws on the frescos of two vaults and the interaction between words and images. In the first vault, just above the entrance of the church, the frescos present not only the contents of a sermon, but also its structure, namely an episode from the Gospel, a catechetical pattern, the quotation of auctoritates and a social goal to be achieved. The frescos of the second vault represent the contrast between virtues and vices using the pairs presented in Matthew 24. 40–41. This text was read by the medieval exegetical tradition as a scheme for the different status of Christian life, thus this vault could be seen as an elaborate catechetical pattern with a large system of biblical quotations. Moreover, the structure of the frescos of the second vault can be read as a sermo modernus based on the divisio of Matthew 24. 40–41. Finally, the comparison with a portion of a sermon by Bernardino da Siena on the theme of avarice confirms that the elements represented in Bressanone were really used both by preachers and painters.

In this way, the images of the cloister are a sermon, which continually preaches to anyone entering or leaving the church, thus organizing the public space as a 'theatre of memory' and offering a message readable at different levels.  相似文献   

唐墓壁画中的妇女发饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彬 《东南文化》2004,(6):83-90
唐墓壁画资料显示唐代妇女发饰是中国服饰发展演进中最为活跃和最富特色的一个阶段,不仅具有等级性,还具有艺术性。  相似文献   

The drawing of eight auspicious symbols differs in names,such as eight emblems, eight auspicious treasures,and so forth.In Tibetan,it is called Tashitag Gya.As an extremely popular traditional cultural artwork and having been endowed with profound connotations,Tashitag Gya is the most auspicious and happily adorned painting; it is usually displayed at the portico or in the frescos of monasteries,on door or bed curtains.The motif of Tashitag Gya is composed of eight auspicious patterns symbolising perfect...  相似文献   

甘肃省永登县连城鲁土司属寺壁画的科学分析和时代研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本项研究主要是运用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和共聚焦显微激光拉曼光谱技术,分析了甘肃永登连城鲁土司属寺中的妙因寺、感恩寺和雷坛中的部分壁画。分析结果表明感恩寺和雷坛壁画基本保持了明代最初的绘制风格和内容。其中感恩寺主要壁画的绘画颜料和工艺特点鲜明,表明绘制该壁画的画工不同于绘制鲁土司属寺其他壁画的工匠;妙因寺万岁殿壁画存在后期改动和重绘的情况,其中万岁殿外回廊壁画主要部分的最初绘制时间要早于万岁殿大殿内壁画的最后绘制时间;而妙因寺塔尔殿壁画则绘制于19世纪后期。  相似文献   

Addressing life in borders and refugee camps requires understanding the way these spaces are ruled, the kinds of problems rule poses for the people who live there, and the abilities of inhabitants to remake their own lives. Recent literature on such spaces has been influenced by Agamben's notion of sovereignty, which reduces these spaces and their residents to abstractions. We propose an alternate framework focused on what we call aleatory sovereignty, or rule by chance. This allows us to see camps and borders not only as the outcomes of humanitarian projects but also of anxieties about governance and rule; to see their inhabitants not only as abject recipients of aid, but also as individuals who make decisions and choices in complex conditions; and to show that while the outcome of projects within such spaces is often unpredictable, the assumptions that undergird such projects create regular cycles of implementation and failure.  相似文献   


The development of rule of law is touted as one of the most important considerations in Burma (Myanmar) today, yet its meaning is highly contested after fifty years of military rule. This paper will examine how the rule of law in Burma’s transitional political environment has been influenced by the legacies of military rule and the government’s development policies since 2011. A series of laws introduced by the Thein Sein government under the rubric of rule of law and good governance had a significant impact upon small hold farmers across the country. While some laws specifically related to farmers and their land, others encouraged private investment in the land used by farmers. The combined effect of these laws was to formalise the pattern of land grabbing that had developed under the previous government and to encourage land speculation. Moreover, they show how an expedited procedural rule of law incited conflict and further injustice. Any progress towards substantive justice and a more democratic rule of law must keep pace with improvements in the country’s limited administrative and judicial capacities. Whether, and how far, Burma can develop and move beyond a thin or procedural rule of law will be tested as the country experiences life under the NLD government.  相似文献   

San (Bushman) society in the Cape Colony was almost completely annihilated during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as a result of land confiscation, massacre, forced labour and cultural suppression that accompanied colonial rule. Whereas similar obliterations of indigenous peoples in other parts of the world have resulted in major public controversies and heated debate amongst academics about the genocidal nature of these episodes, in South Africa the issue has effectively been ignored aside from passing, often polemical, references to it as genocide. Even recent studies that have approached the mass killing of the Cape San with sensitivity and insight do not address it as a case of genocide. This article sets out to redress this imbalance in part by analysing the dynamic of frontier conflict between San and settler under Dutch colonial rule as genocide. It demonstrates both the exterminatory intent underlying settler violence as well as the complicity of a weak colonial state in these depredations, including its sanctioning of the root-and-branch eradication of the San.  相似文献   

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