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为了解中国古滇地区铜铁农具、兵器和工具的制作工艺,采用金相显微镜组织观察和扫描电子显微镜分析的方法,对昆明呈贡天子庙和呈贡石碑村出土的战国至西汉时代11件铜器和2件铁器样品进行分析。分析结果表明,铜器的材质有红铜和铜锡合金两种,相同的器物有较稳定的化学成分。铜器中农具、兵器和工具为铸造制作而成。2件铜柄铁刃剑的材质为亚共析钢,作为兵器,具有优良的性能。本研究成果对进一步研究古滇地区铜铁器具的工艺技术有一定的价值。  相似文献   

蒲锋 《丝绸之路》2011,(16):52-53
张家川县博物馆收藏有一件古兵器,以前命名为六棱铜铁复合殳。笔者通过查阅资料,认为对该件兵器的命名有不妥之处,应将其命名为"六棱铜铁复合锤"较为恰当。  相似文献   

2017年2—9月,重庆市文化遗产研究院(今重庆市文物考古研究院)、奉节县文物保护管理中心组成的白帝城遗址考古队对位于白帝城核心区的子阳城遗址进行了重点发掘,发现并清理了一座南宋时期的兵器埋藏坑,集中出土铜、铁制兵器89件。根据兵器性能特点,分为冷、热兵器两类:冷兵器包括铁矛类近战兵器,铜弩机、铁镞类远射兵器;热兵器为铁火炮。结合文献记载,冷兵器中的铁镞应为大型弓弩所发射的镞,Aa型镞应为穿甲箭镞;热兵器A型铁火炮应以近距离投射为主,B、C型铁火炮应以远距离抛射为主,均属爆炸型火器。铁火炮是我国初级火器创制和使用阶段的重要代表,白帝城遗址出土较多保存完整的铁火炮,是研究我国初级火器制造、使用和功能的重要样本。  相似文献   

鉴定方法及结果北京市平谷县刘家河村商代墓葬出土的铁刃铜钺(图一、二),其原料组成的鉴定及原料来源的判断,是一件难度较大的工作。由于在鉴定过程中不能损坏文物,分析取样受到很大限制。有幸的是挖掘捡出铜钺时将残落大锈块的方位标记了下来,后来在现场收集到锈渣和锈粉共计数百毫克,有便于先进的测试技术的采用。我们共用六种分析方法对铜钺铁刃进行了鉴定。  相似文献   

洛阳市宜阳县文化馆收藏有一件自铭为铍的剑形兵器。它的发现为研究我国古代铜铍的起源、形制及其相关问题,提供了极为珍贵的新资料。一铜铍的形制、铭文和年代这件铜铍由身、格和茎(柄)组成。身扁平  相似文献   

于敏  潜伟 《丝绸之路》2010,(18):11-14
秦汉时期是我国古代冶铁技术发展成熟的重要时期,这一时期的铁兵器,无论是数量、品种,还是质量、技术上,都达到了一定水平。但在这段上下跨越450年左右的历史中,铁兵器是如何发展并取代铜兵器,学界说法不一。本文通过查阅大量文献资料,对秦汉各时期的铁兵器和铜兵器的出土数量进行了详细统计,发现秦代的铁兵器虽有所发展,但并未占据主导地位;西汉时期尤其是西汉中晚期,才是铁兵器发展的关键时期,也是铁兵器取代铜兵器的重要节点;到了东汉时期,则是这种取代过程的巩固加强期。  相似文献   

藁城商代铁刃铜钺及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶史 《文物》1976,(11)
1972年在河北省藁城出土的商代铁刃铜钺,是我国金属史上的一件重要文物。它表明,早在公元前十四世纪,我国劳动人民已经对铁有了初步认识;铁作为一种新的金属,正在中华民族的文化中出现。铁"是在历史上起过革命作用的各种原料中最后的和最重要的一种原科。所谓量后的,是指直到马铃薯的出现为止"。铁器的使用,特别是生铁的发明,对于我国封建社会的形成和巩固,对于封建社会早期的农业发展,从而  相似文献   

安徽霍山县出土吴蔡兵器和车马器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍山县文物组最近入藏两件错金铭文铜兵器,一为"攻敔工差"戟,一为"蔡侯(?)"戈。这两件铜兵器于1980年3月出土于南岳公社上元街大队十八塔生产队的一个小山头上,伴出器物还有铜殳、车(车口)和马衔等。经勘察,得知这批文物系出自一座春秋晚期的  相似文献   

铁-木复合质地文物是指由铁质部分和木构件组成的文物,一般多见于兵器。本文针对馆藏三件文物,铁炮、战刀以及步枪的保存现状,尤其注重针对不同材质的病害,实施科学的保护修复技术处理。处理后的文物状态稳定,达到长期安全存放的目的。  相似文献   

<正> 河北省文物研究所现收藏有元明时期的铜质火器铳(炮)33件,其中除1件可能为元代外,其余皆为明代。这批铜兵器大多是20世纪六七十年代从张家口、唐山、邢台等地市征集所得,其中19件为有铭铜铳,是一批研究中国古代兵器史的珍贵实物资料。  相似文献   

东周青铜复合剑制作技术研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
东周时期,吴越出现了一种奇特的青铜复合剑,剑的中脊和两刃是用两种不同成分的青铜铸接而成。为充分了解青铜复合剑的制作,对上海博物馆馆藏的4把青铜复合剑残剑进行了分析,通过X-射线荧光能谱仪分析残剑的剑刃和剑脊的成分,金相显微镜分析剑刃和剑脊的组织,发现中国古代工匠采用低锡青铜制作韧性好的剑脊,高锡青铜制作强度和硬度高的剑从,通过榫卯结构以铸接法将剑脊与剑从结合成一体,得到刚柔兼具的青铜复合剑。在测试分析的基础上进行模拟实验,先以陶范铸造法铸造出两侧带榫头的青铜剑脊,剑脊的成分采用88%铜、10%锡、2%铅的低锡青铜;然后将青铜剑脊置入铸造剑从的陶范内,两侧的榫头伸入陶范型腔中,剑从的成分采用78%铜、20%锡、2%铅的高锡青铜,当剑从凝固时产生的收缩使剑脊和剑从牢固地结合成整体,再分1次或多次以铸接法铸上剑格、剑茎、剑箍和剑首,成功地复制了青铜复合剑,再现了东周时期青铜复合剑的制作工艺。  相似文献   

Although the tin‐bronze artisans’ tools found at Machu Picchu appear to have been cast to their final shape, examination of their microstructures shows that they were forged and annealed. As found, the tools were broken or cracked due to poor ductility of the bronze. Rolling and annealing of samples of bronze formulated with sulphur and iron additions to replicate the metal used at Machu Picchu show that the minimum amount of deformation needed to induce the observed recrystallization is a 12% reduction in thickness. The sulphur and iron impurities retard nucleation of new grains during annealing, but do not inhibit subsequent grain growth. Tensile tests show that while up to 10% porosity in cast bronze has no effect on hardness or initial strain‐hardening rate, it reduces the tensile strength and ductility enough to embrittle the metal. Hardness is an inadequate indicator of the strength properties of cast bronze intended for use in tools or weapons. The results show that when the metalsmiths at Machu Picchu started making bronze tools for use by stone and woodworkers, they had not mastered the art of making metal with adequate strength properties for this service. The forging and annealing procedure they used did not enhance the mechanical properties of their tools, and may reflect an inherited metallurgical tradition.  相似文献   

山东新泰出土同心圆剑首连接技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
山东新泰周家庄出土了东周时期大量带有吴国特征的兵器,其中尤以青铜剑最具特色。为探讨东周同心圆剑首与剑茎的连接方式和连接结构,采用X射线探伤机、CT检测了3把同心圆首剑。检测结果显示3把同心圆首剑采用了2种铸造技术,即浑铸技术、铸接技术。其中2把铸接的同心圆首剑分别用2段式和3段式铸接成形。文章首次用CT清晰地展示了2把铸接的同心圆首上设置的榫头形状及分布状况。讨论了古代同心圆剑首连接技术的多样性、灵活性,说明了当时青铜连接技术已经非常娴熟、高超。  相似文献   

南阳春秋彭射墓出土兵器中包括有铁援铜戈、铜铍、铜殳、锥形铜镞等少见器物,在同期墓葬中并不常见。其中铁援铜戈的制作工艺与前期同类器物有着一脉相承的工艺技术。出土的铜殳和铜铍皆为春秋时期同类器物中的较早类型,又有所区别,有着地域性特征。圆锥头形铜镞镂空的装饰手法在同类镞中也较为罕见。这些青铜兵器含有较多楚文化风格,但也不乏淮河上游地区文化因素。  相似文献   

详细考察和分析出土铜禁时发现,铜禁体、附兽的头花和尾花、足兽的头花等均为失蜡法铸造,禁体共分25块,逐块制作。各块的透空立体花纹,是由框梗、拱梗、直梗、花梗、撑梗、连纹梗组成,各块蜡模制作后熔接成完整禁体。各蜡模制成后、浇灌范料成为模壳,烘培模壳,蜡料熔失,乘热浇注铜液。附兽身和舌、足兽身和舌是范铸。头花、尾花与兽的组合,兽与禁体的组合,全采用钎焊法。  相似文献   

Studies of early medieval weapon burials make surprisingly little mention of the material properties of the deposited weapons. How did these artefacts’ metallurgical properties, and people’s experiences making and shaping the materials from which they were made, relate to the social and ‘magical’ potential these weapons were ascribed? This article reassesses metallurgical data from fifty-two early Anglo-Saxon spearheads discovered in cemetery contexts, and 118 knives from cemeteries and settlements, and reinterprets their technological properties as a glimpse into the social experiences of their makers and users. The choices smiths made when forging these blades are visible in their surviving metallurgy, and reveal their makers’ desired outcomes — and their mixed results. The difficulties smiths negotiated while forging iron shaped the social biographies that blades accumulated after leaving the workshop. By studying the materials from which these artefacts were made, and the practices of the makers who struggled to shape and control them, we may better appreciate the social agency and value ascribed to material objects in the early medieval period.  相似文献   

Metallographic examination was carried out on forty-nine copper and bronze objects from five megalithic sites located in Vidarbha, India. The artifact assembly consists of horse ornaments, kitchenware, bangles, rings, small bells and the hilt of an iron dagger. Results show that the technology involved is characterized by the use of bronze alloys containing approximately 10% tin based on weight and the application of forging as a key method of fabrication. No deliberate addition of lead was observed. Arsenic was detected, but very rarely and only as an insignificant minor element. The consistent selection of such specific alloys indicates that the megalithic communities in this particular region had established a fully developed and standardized bronze tradition optimized for the production of forged items. Their advanced technological status was also noted in a special technique applied to two forged high-tin bronze bowls. Such a unique bronze tradition, dedicated to sheet metal technology, was most likely a practical choice made by these people to take advantage of the changing role of bronze. Specifically, with the introduction of iron, bronze seems to have become a more prestigious material that could serve as an indicator of the appearance of a more rigid socio-economic stratification within the megalithic communities of the Vidarbha region.  相似文献   

近年来,浙江绍兴西施山遗址出土了一大批春秋战国时期的遗物,据不完全统计,总数不下五六百件。绍兴市博物馆征集到的器物共有200余件,有青铜器、铁器、原始瓷器、陶器等。其中青铜器包括礼器、农具和兵器,数量众多,类型丰富,制作精良,为本遗址最重要的发现。铁器的出土则表明越国在战国中期前后已有了冶铁业,标志着手工业的发达和生产力的进步。同时,众多春秋战国器物的出土还证明了西施山是越国的重要遗址。  相似文献   

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