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卞敏 《东南文化》2007,(4):60-64
从世界现代化进程看,城市现代化作为现代化的一个载体,本质上是一种历史文化现象。从这一视角考察城市现代化问题,文化生态是城市现代化的一个重要内涵。南京作为历史文化名城,其文化生态主要包括六朝文化、明文化和民国文化三个方面。在城市现代化的进程中,应当充分发挥文化生态的功能,展示出人文关怀的独特魅力。  相似文献   

In contrast with conventional formulations of urban growth, Tolley proposed a simple, supply-driven model relying upon the intersectoral differential in nonlabor productivity growth as the prime motivator of urbanization in developing countries. In the present paper, we apply Tolley's model to India over the period 1951–1981 and attempt to explain its mixed performance in tracking the pace of urbanization in that country. A modified version, adjusted for inter-regional migration, is then simulated for individual Indian states; the exercise confirms actual urban growth during 1971–81 to have been generally below that predicted by Tolley's model. Tolley's assumptions then are tested through an examination of the relationship between urban growth rates and translog indexes of intertemporal productivity growth. Finally, exploratory analysis of Tolley-model deviations in the various states is used to suggest directions for extending urban growth formulations for India. We conclude with a normative examination of policy implications.  相似文献   

林广 《世界历史》2006,(5):36-44
以色列建国初期,在南部、北部等边境地区建立若干新城镇,以分散人口、开发新区和保卫国家安全。但在利库德集团上台之后,政府投资重点转到约旦河西岸定居点建设。此举导致新城镇的衰落和城市网络的破坏,对以色列经济发展造成负面影响。本文探究政治因素如何促使政府改变投资方向并导致新城镇衰落的历史过程,厘清政治因素与以色列城市化进程的关系。  相似文献   

本文根据《邗江县志》(1988~2000)编纂实践,就该志彰显邗江城市化时代特色方面谈了几点经验,并从有针对性地开展资料工作、突出重点篇章、多角度记述城市化进程方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

jean  张琪 《风景名胜》2011,(2):71-75,70
葱郁的森林和湛蓝的湖泊,纯种马背上的田园牧歌和顶级高尔夫球场,旖旎的花园和浪漫的古堡,对于奢华人士来说,爱尔兰是一个绮丽的天堂,在这个绿色环抱的翡翠之岛更能体验自驾随风的乐趣。  相似文献   


The emergent reflexive process, by which researchers in a computational humanities project work towards a viable organizational modality for interdisciplinary collaboration, is analyzed. Using the metaphor of decomposition, successful collaboration between computer scientists and humanities scholars can be seen to require a reflexive scrutiny — a decomposition — of the disciplinary research processes that are involved, thus allowing crucial differences with respect to typical ways of posing research questions, the role of data, and the rhythm of the research process to be highlighted. It is argued that the currently popular expectation towards data as a self-identical organizational unit tends to downplay the role of decomposition as practice and process. A European cyberinfrastructure initiative that tries to respect the specificities of scholarly practice in the humanities is critically assessed, reflecting in particular on the inherent tension between ‘mutual shaping’ of digital tools and their users on the one hand, and the policy interest in efficient, functionalist design principles on the other.  相似文献   

禁忌,作为一种普遍的文化现象,是民俗学、人类学等学科特别关注的领域.在我国民俗学界,关于禁忌的研究亦有相当多的成果问世.但是,禁忌问题本身的复杂性,使得在禁忌研究的许多方面都存在着一些还十分模糊、有待于进一步深入讨论的问题.从我国民俗学界关于禁忌研究的情况来看,禁忌现象的范围或曰禁忌的界限,就是一个需要进一步明确的问题.……  相似文献   

中世纪英国城市化水平研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐浩 《史学理论研究》2006,1(4):104-114
城市化发端和发展于前工业社会,工业社会只是大大加速了这一历史进程。城市化水平是国际公认和切实可行的前工业时期城市化的测量指标,但如何进行测定又决定于研究者对城市定义的看法。以往的研究者认为中世纪英国是一个低城市化水平的社会,而晚近的研究证明这种认识是不正确的。根据现在对城市化水平的衡量标准,中世纪英国不是城市化的“低水平状态”,很可能从13世纪晚期到14世纪早期起进入了城市化的“一般发展状态”,并在人口锐减的条件下基本保持下来,为工业革命后攀登“中等发展状态”这个城市化的第三个台阶奠定了非常重要的历史基础。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯羊绒衫无疑是我国家喻户晓的驰名品牌,给140多万人口的鄂尔多斯市带来了巨大的经济效益。在较长的时间里,鄂尔多斯是以蒙古族歌舞闻名于世,鄂尔多斯祝酒歌传唱一时,在青海的酒席上也时常可以听得到那首《金杯银杯》。著名的蒙古族歌唱家腾格尔就出生在这片富饶美丽的草原上,我们有多少次在酒酣之际为他深沉悠扬的歌声所陶醉啊!到鄂尔多斯的第一天,在下榻的鄂尔多斯饭店,亲耳聆听了蒙古族姑娘和小伙子美妙的歌声,蒙古长调似长空掠过的雁阵、似马头琴深情的吟咏,听得人心儿似在颤动呢!蒙古民族人人会唱歌跳舞,辽阔的蒙古草原上还不知…  相似文献   

Moving On     
Linda McDowell 《对极》1998,30(4):303-304

良渚文化的聚落级差及城市萌芽   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚落级差是指聚落之间规模尺度与发展水平的差异。根据目前的考古资料,环太湖地区的聚落级差始自崧泽文化晚期,其扩大化过程在良渚文化中期达到顶点,聚落级差作为一种现象一直持续至良渚文化晚期。良渚遗址群反映出良渚文化中期聚落级差的极端化,已经超越了一般聚落遗存的范畴,是处于萌芽状态的城市。城市萌芽是环太湖地区聚落级差扩大程度的标志性结果,聚落级差扩大化过程本身也蕴含了城市萌芽的催生力量。  相似文献   

我国城市化发展的历史、现状与未来   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
中华人民共和国成立以来,中国的城市化与其经济、社会发展一样,走过半个多世纪的艰难曲折的道路。从发展阶段来看,1978年改革开放为重要的“分水岭”,我国的城市化历程明显可以分为两个不同的历史阶段:1978年以前为城市化的徘徊起伏阶段,1978年以后为城市化的迅速推进阶段。我国城市化发展具有发展水平非典型性、地区发展不平衡、公共服务水平低的特点。实现城市化是新世纪中国经济社会发展的宏观目标和各级政府面临的重大使命。  相似文献   

Using the form of cinematic montage, this essay explores the nature of historical consciousness in a mass-mediated culture where historical discourse takes the form of both showing and saying, moving images and written words. The title draws upon and argues with Roland Barthes's critique of the duplicity of the "insistent fringes" that supposedly reduce and naturalize "Roman-ness" to fringed hair in popular historical film. Barthes presumes a "certainty" in such a cinematic image, and hence deems it mythological—that is, "it goes without saying." Countering Barthes with Walter Benjamin, one might argue that the "insistent fringe" is insistently historical and constitutes, in its insistence, a "dialectical image": a site and sight full of contradictions and open to excavation. That is, it concretizes historiographic saying by showing. Neither historiographic saying nor showing are privileged in medias res —in a culture saturated in images and textuality, in competing modes of expression each of which has its limits. Historical consciousness is sparked and constituted from both showing and saying. Indeed, the "insistent fringe" is precisely not clear-cut—and, if it insists on anything, it is its serrated nature, its articulation as a limit that differs from, but is constituted by, the elements of the two distinct domains which it both separates and connects. Similarly, there is a dynamic, functional, and hardly clear-cut relation that exists between the mythological histories wrought by Hollywood cinema (and other visual arts) and the academic histories written by scholars. They coexist, compete, and cooperate in a contingent, heteroglossic, and always shifting ratio—thus constituting the "rationality" of contemporary historical consciousness.  相似文献   

Moving on up   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

闫天灵 《历史研究》2012,(3):44-60,190
民国时期,历史上长期积累的政区边界矛盾全面激化。为彻底解决政区边界纠纷和规范管理,南京国民政府颁行《省市县勘界条例》,推行依法勘界,但效果并不理想,省界勘划尤为艰难。甘青省界临循段勘划因青宁"二马"之争而坠入死局,祁连山段因甘青两省对立而长陷僵局,夏同段因黄马相争而频生战局,呈全线停滞之势。甘青勘界之难突出反映了民国时期省际勘界所遭遇的政治困境及西北民族地区政治格局的复杂性。  相似文献   

当代中国城市化的历程与特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨升祥 《史学月刊》2000,(6):129-134
当代中国城市化的历程,以1978年为界,分为两个时期:1949年至1978年是计划经济体制下的城市化发展时期,1979年迄今是市场经济取向下的城市化发展时期。中国50年来城市化历程的突出特征是城乡分割的二元体制和工农业两极对峙的二元发展模式。分析中国城市化进程中的利弊得失和基本特征,对于实现城市经济系统、社会系统、行政系统、化系统和生态系统的现代化,具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

1853年到1870年奥斯曼的巴黎改造构成了欧洲高速城市化时代的缩影。这主要是由于19世纪以来人口增长、经济发展以及资本积累达到一定程度的结果。巴黎的城市建设也是中世纪后期以来就已进行而从未间断的改造的延续。奥斯曼对巴黎的改造是系统的、全面的,而且是同基础设施建设和社会福利发展联系在一起的,并非任意的破坏和扩建,也遵循了一定的审美法则,从而在极端开发改造的时代走出了一条独特的城市化道路。  相似文献   

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