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The status and potential of Australian State upper houses have been enhanced, to a greater or lesser degree from State to State, by electoral system change over the past half century. The purpose of this article is to determine the extent to which those changes have been accompanied by efforts on the part of the upper houses to improve performance of their core functions of review of legislation and scrutiny of government. The focus is the parliamentary procedures that facilitate performance of these functions. As well as surveying innovation in, and use of, relevant parliamentary procedures in the five upper houses, the article explains differential outcomes in innovation and effectiveness across the States in terms of the consequences of choice of electoral system and size of upper house membership.  相似文献   

为了对108窟内不同位置的温度、湿度和空气压力进行监测,设置了12个点的传感器。监测结果表明,窟内温度存在着显著的昼夜和长期的变化,其中上层空气的温度变化尤其明显,而下层空气的温度变化则相对较小。在夏天,窟内的上层空气温度高于下层空气的温度。窟内空气的绝对湿度受外部环境严重影响,存在近似昼夜的变化。在分布上,窟内空气湿度在上层和前部高,而在下层和后部则较小。窟内存在着净的水汽输入过程,但水汽不是从洞窟的入口进入的。同样,窟内的空气压力也存在着明显的昼夜变化过程,并受外部环境的影响而升高或下降,窟内东侧的空气压力大于西侧的空气压力。这些结果一致说明,在108窟的东侧上层存在着水汽和热量的来源。研究结果为下一步的盐害防治工作提供了思路,具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

Limited excavations were undertaken between 1975 and 1982 in two areas: south of the upper ward gatehouse and in the area of the lower ward eastern entrance. The excavations revealed traces of four bridges, one of which had left clear evidence of the design of its timber piers. Archaeological evidence suggests that all four bridges date from no later than the middle years of the twelfth century. The eastern gatehouse was shown to be a comparatively insubstantial structure, in spite of a major rebuild, suggesting that the main defence in this area was concentrated forward on the great barbican. The latter awaits future investigation. Limited re-examination of the structure of the lower ward Westgate and finds from this area enabled a sequence of gatehouse development and use to be suggested. South of the upper ward gatehouse excavations uncovered two substantial pits; the southern one was a lime kiln, sealed by construction of the successive bridges to the upper ward, and probably associated with the building of the ‘country house’ in the 1070S. The second pit, on the northern side of the upper ward ditch to the south-west of the upper ward gatehouse, could not be fully excavated and its purpose is rather more enigmatic; it was most likely another lime kiln. Investigation of the original topsoil on the northern lip of the upper ward ditch has identified early occupation levels apparently preceeding construction of the country house.  相似文献   

We report an investigation of forty-two prehistoric sites in the upper Yellow River valley located in Guide, Jianzha, Hualong, Xunha and Minhe, Qinghai Province, China, including forty-four new radiocarbon dates from twenty-four sites, review published archaeological surveys and radiocarbon dates, analyze landform features and discuss the reasons for spatial and temporal variety of regional prehistoric human settlement. Our results suggest that people occupied the upper Yellow River valley during the early Holocene, but a continuous archaeological record begins only after about 5500 Cal yr BP. Thereafter, the intensity of prehistoric human settlement in the area is varied. Neolithic human settlement spread northwestward to high altitude areas of the upper Yellow River valley during early-mid Majiayao and Qijia periods, but moved southeastward to lower locations in the area during late Majiayao period. During the Bronze period, two coeval archaeological cultures, the Kayue and Xindian, occupied the upper Yellow River Region. Kayue archaeological sites are numerous and widely distributed in the high areas of the upper Yellow River, while Xindian sites are restricted to the lowest basin of the region. Variation in site density and location are likely the result of changing paleoclimate and technology.  相似文献   

从房县七里河诸遗址看史前东夷族的西迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以房县七里河诸遗址为代表的汉水上游地区新石器时代晚期的原始文化,在物质文化面貌上与黄河中游地区及长江中游地区均有较大的差异,在许多社会习俗方面十分接近大汶口文化。因此该文化应是史前东夷族的一支,经过两次西迁到达今之汉水上游地区。  相似文献   

The hydro energy reserves of the Yarlung Zangbo River stand at 113.47 million square meters, ranking second in China and next only to the Yangtze River. The Yarlung Zangbo River Valley is the richest region of Tibet, with its upper, middle and lower reaches running through the entire Tibetan region. Over 20 rivers converge along the upper reaches. The birthplace of the Yarlung Zangbo River is the Gyima Yangzoin Glacier within Zongba County of the Shigatse region. The source arises fro…  相似文献   

Using asymptotic expansions of the hydrodynamic equations in the Rossby number and the method of multiple time scales, we derive approximate expressions for the inhomogeneous “forcing” terms which describe the continuous generation of inertio-gravity waves by quasi-geostrophic motions. As a result of numerical modelling applied to the evolution of tropospheric meso- and macro-scale wave sources, the values of these forcing terms are estimated. A three-dimensional numerical simulation of wave propagation from a mesometeorological tropospheric eddy into the upper atmosphere was done to estimate the gravity wave response to the sources described. The results of the calculations show that the most part of the wave energy propagates quasi-horizontally carried by two-dimensional inertio-gravity waves. At the same time, a part of the energy is transported into the upper atmosphere by internal-gravity waves which can create regions of wave disturbance in the upper atmosphere at considerable distances from the source site. The amplitudes of these waves increase with increasing intensity and decreasing time scales of the wave sources and can reach the values observed in the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

The seismic damage evaluated through Nonlinear Time-History Analyses is significantly affected by the response quantity chosen to represent the seismic responses. Starting from the theory of tolerance regions, a generic upper limit of the seismic responses is proposed. The method is applied to a reinforced concrete structure subjected to different record combinations. For each considered damage index and record combination, the upper limit damage is compared with the average value suggested by seismic codes. The proposed method yields a higher seismic damage than the average response and an increase in the damage indices as the number of records decreases.  相似文献   

本文通过对相关历史文献和金石记载的考证,认为高句丽的"平壤城"有上平壤、下平壤、南平壤之别,"上平壤"由《好太王碑》所载之"下平壤"推导而来,313年之前的"平壤城"是上平壤,即今集安市区。此后,尤其是334年故国原王"增筑平壤城"之后的"平壤城",皆是下平壤,位置为大同江北岸今平壤市区的长安城故址。"南平壤"之说首见于《三国史记》,位置为今长寿山城南的平地城。  相似文献   

古代沅水五溪地区,近世以为广大到整个沅水中、上游,并将今上游之巫术、渠水视为古五溪之中的雄溪、■溪。据《后汉书》、《水经注》及方志等资料考证,古五溪地域思只限于泥水中游西部一带;雄溪、横滨应是令说陵境内的大晏溪和明溪。  相似文献   

Three specimens of silicified wood, two transported and one probably in situ, have been found in association with Early Miocene basaltic lavas in the upper Lachlan valley, N.S.W. On the basis of their preserved structure, the three specimens have been identified as belonging to Nothofagus, Acacia, and the family Myrtaceae, respectively. The specimen of Nothofagus (one of the transported specimens) constitutes the first identification of a macrofossil of this genus from this interval in southeastern mainland Australia, while its conjunction with the myrtaceous specimens (one probably in situ) may indicate vegetation zonation according to elevation, as proposed on pollen evidence from Kiandra. Such zonation is not demanded by the upper Lachlan evidence, however, but if it is favoured, reconstruction of the Early Miocene geography of the upper Lachlan constrains the maximum elevation above the locality of the myrtaceous fossils to be 350 m.  相似文献   

关于济南大辛庄商代遗存年代的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
济南大辛庄商代遗存的上限约当二里岗上层晚段,下限已到殷墟文化末期。由大辛庄遗存看鲁西地区商文化上限,将有助于商族起源、“中商文化”乃至岳石文化下限和去向等重大课题的研讨;其下限的判定则可为商周文化断代提供标准。  相似文献   

老虎墩遗址位于江西省靖安县城西北约15公里,在高湖镇中港村邓家自然村东约200米的台地上。2009~2010年,江西省文物考古研究所、厦门大学历史系考古专业、靖安县博物馆联合对遗址进行了发掘,揭示出从史前时期到明代中期的文化内涵。本文主要对老虎墩遗址的史前遗存进行了介绍,分为下层遗存和上层遗存。下层遗存有房址、道路、灰坑等,出土有石器和陶器;上层遗存有墓葬、房址、灰坑,出土器物主要是陶器。下层文化陶器表现出较早的形态,初步推断其年代在距今6000年之前;上层文化可能是江西省一支新的古文化类型,年代距今5000~4500年。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Upper bounds are presented for a measure of the overall percentage error caused in a multiregional input-output model when interregional feedback effects are ignored. This error figure is thus a measure of the magnitude of interregional linkages. The upper bounds are expressed as a function of the levels of self-sufficiency in the regions in the model and of the norms of the regional technical coefficients matrices. Experimental results are presented for a variety of examples that are thought to reflect real-world situations, and it is clear that in many cases the upper bound (and hence the error) is extremely small. The implication is that single-region input-output models may be adequate for a variety of questions.  相似文献   

"Brain Abuse", or the Devaluation of Immigrant Labour in Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Harald Bauder 《对极》2003,35(4):699-717
Many professional and skilled Canadian immigrants suffer from de-skilling and the nonrecognition of their foreign credentials. Consequently, they are underrepresented in the upper segments of the Canadian labour market. Rather than accepting this devaluation of immigrant labour as a naturally occurring adjustment period, I suggest that regulatory institutions actively exclude immigrants from the upper segments of the labour market. In particular, professional associations and employers give preference to Canadian-born and educated workers and deny immigrants access to the most highly desired occupations.
Pierre Bourdieu's notion of institutionalised cultural capital and his views of the educational system as a site of social reproduction provide the entry point for my theoretical argument. I find that the nonrecognition of foreign credentials and dismissal of foreign work experience systematically excludes immigrant workers from the upper segments of the labour market. This finding is based on data from interviews with institutional administrators and employers in Greater Vancouver who service or employ immigrants from South Asia and the former Yugoslavia.  相似文献   

There is little published information on heavy metals in surficial sediments of the upper Hawkesbury‐Nepean River in central New South Wales, Australia. In the current investigation, the fine fraction (<62.5 µm) of 90 sediment samples taken from this section of the river was analysed by flame‐Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for nine heavy metals (Ag, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu Co, Fe, Ni and Mn) to determine background and enrichment. Sediment in the upper Hawkesbury‐Nepean River is not heavily polluted by heavy metals. Maximum enrichment over background for Ni and Ag, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu and Mn is 3x, 5.7x, 6x, 6.7x, 12x and 13.6x, respectively. Mean heavy metal concentrations for this, the upper section of the river, are about half the mean values for the Hawkesbury River between Windsor and Broken Bay in the lower, estuarine section of the river. The highest Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations (214, 108 and 334 mg kg?1, respectively) occur in surficial sediments in Peachtree Creek at Penrith and the Nepean River near Jacksons Lane, Castlereagh. These metal concentrations are possibly associated with industrial activity at Penrith. Two of the six sewage treatment plants on the upper Hawkesbury‐Nepean River are associated with high metal concentrations (Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn) in sediments, that is, the West Camden and Penrith sewage treatment plants. Other possible sources of heavy metals are coal mining and washing which occurs at several places in the upper catchment. The highest Cd, Co and Fe concentrations (1.7, 27.6 mg kg?1 and 4.81%, respectively) were found in sediments 400 m downstream of the Nepean Dam and the highest concentrations of Ni and Mn (54 and 790 mg kg?1, respectively) were located in sediment from the Nepean River at Moresby Hill Road Bridge, near Robertson and at the Avon Dam Road Bridge. The source of these metals is unknown.  相似文献   

The long bones of the human upper limb usually show lateral asymmetries of length. This pattern can be attributed either to the mechanical consequences of handedness bias or to genetic or hormonal factors acting directly on longitudinal bone growth. Length data was obtained from the long bones of the upper limbs of a large skeletal assemblage from Wharram Percy, Yorkshire (England), predominantly deriving from the 11th-16th centuries A.D. The Wharram Percy adult skeletons had a population distribution of lateral asymmetries of length in the humerus and in the humerus-plus-radius (a proxy arm length index) which closely parallels the pattern of behavioural handedness found in modern populations. This pattern was developing in the skeletons from the infant and juvenile age ranges, but was absent in the neonates (of whom 12 out of 14 had longer left humeri). We argue that this supports the environmental hypothesis that the ontogeny of long bone length asymmetry is consequent to the earlier development of lateral bias in mechanical loading of the upper limbs.  相似文献   

张研 《安徽史学》2006,(1):66-77
刘铭传是特定历史时期--19世纪中期战乱之际,通过非常规仕途进入上层政权的极具代表性的地方精英.从刘铭传的入仕,可透视晚清基层社会与上层政权发生的深刻变化、晚清统治危机的特殊性、中国传统社会发展趋势的深层基础等.  相似文献   


The historian who is engaged in the study of Byzantine social history is faced with a problem common to pre-industrial societies, or societies in which the majority of the population is both exploited and illiterate. The sources, written as they are by an upper class and largely for an upper class, give relatively abundant information about a small segment of the population, leaving us in darkness about the rest of society. In Byzantine history this is particularly true about the peasantry, which has left us only a very few sources of its own, and rather uninspiring ones at that. The Byzantine upper class wrote its own history, but the Byzantine peasants did not, thus making the task of the modern historian more difficult. Despite these problems, work has been done on both the urban and the rural population of the Empire, and more will probably be done as monastic archives become available. The study of the Byzantine peasantry is of primary importance. For if we are to understand Byzantine society, we must study and understand what happened in the countryside. After all, the Byzantine economy rested on agriculture, and the social relations which determined the fate of the state were, primarily, the social relations prevalent in the countryside.  相似文献   

Lhunzhub County is located in the middle of Tibet along the upper reaches of the Lhasa River,It is also called Pengbo after the Pengbo River.Gandain Qugo Town,the county government headquarters,is 65km from Lhasa.  相似文献   

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