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A model based on renewal theory generates the number of retail establishments in a place as the outcome of a competitive partitioning process. The available market, measured for example by population or by existing retail sales, is shared among businesses until no market potential market remains. Competing businesses obtain different shares of the market, and the number of establishments is predicted as a discrete random variable. Several alternative formulations are presented of varying generality. One version is successfully tested, using GLIM, on ten business types (SIC two-digit classes) in 232 cities of New York State for 1977 and 1987. The model correctly predicts the form and the variance structure of the relationship between number of establishments and place size. It is shown how the model may be combined with models of city-size distributions to predict aggregate frequency distributions of retail establishments across urban systems.  相似文献   

A review of the use of mathematical techniques in Soviet geography finds that the new methods are an essential tool in the application of systems theory to geographical problems. Mathematical techniques are held to have the greatest promise in the investigation of space (topology), the study of large systems (set theory, general systems theory) and research on complex relationships between phenomena with a certain randomness (linear algebra, polylinear algebra, probability theory). The use of mathematical techniques should be combined with traditional methods in geography, and instead of replacing the traditional geographical methodology, mathematics may be expected to strengthen that methodology. A real need is seen for a set of basic axioms in geography, and mathematics is expected to play a significant role in this connection. Mathematical models have proved useful in the investigation of particular spatial structures, such as population density within cities and the location of service establishments. But problems have been encountered in the modeling of territorial production systems.  相似文献   

Central place theory predicts that geographic markets located in rural areas have lower demand thresholds, and, therefore, a higher frequency of business establishments relative to areas that are more proximate to urban centers, other things equal. Wensley and Stabler (1998) confirm this prediction using data on the location and frequency of business activities in rural Saskatchewan. We demonstrate that this relationship may not always hold true depending on the existence and magnitude of agglomeration economies. If average cost differences associated with being located in an urbanized area are sufficiently large, then the relationship between urban proximity and number of establishments may be reversed. We provide evidence of this reversal using 1996 cross-sectional data on hospital services in Texas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines how offering tax incentives in a local area affects the entry of new business establishments. We use the federal Empowerment Zone (EZ) program as a natural experiment to test this relationship. Using instrumental variables estimation, we find that the EZ wage tax credit is responsible for attracting about 2.2 new establishments per 1,000 existing establishments, or a total of 20 new establishments in EZ areas. New establishment growth is strongest in the retail (about 40 new establishments) and service (about five new establishments) sectors, and offset by declines or slower growth in other industries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Research generally focuses on how immigration affects native workers, while the impact of immigration on domestic firms is often overlooked. This paper addresses this important omission by examining whether firms respond to immigration by expanding their production activities within a city in order to utilize the abundant supply of low‐skilled workers. Using data on immigration and the universe of establishments in U.S. cities, the results indicate that firms respond to immigration at the extensive margin by increasing the number of establishments. Not surprisingly, immigration has a more positive impact on the number of establishments that are small in size and in relatively mobile, low‐skill intensive industries. Additional evidence indicates that immigration has little impact on employment within existing establishments, the intensive margin, or on the number of establishments in service industries which may expand simply due to immigrant consumption.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of state economic development incentives on the growth of 366 Ohio manufacturing and nonmanufacturing establishments that launched major expansions between 1993 and 1995. Growth is measured as the actual employment change that occurred in these establishments and as the employment growth announced when expansions were launched. Empirical findings indicate that incentives have very little (or even a negative) effect on actual growth and they have a substantial positive effect on announced growth. Findings also suggest that establishments that received incentives overestimated their announced employment targets more than establishments that did not receive incentives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper explores the relationship between urban growth and establishment‐level dynamics through geographic variations in the establishment age distribution. Using administrative microdata, I find that faster growing cities have higher rates of entry and exit, and younger establishments, on average. The resulting differences in the age distribution account for 38 percent of the variation in MSA employment growth, leaving the majority due to differences among establishments of the same age. In particular, entry and the growth and survival of young establishments (aged five years or less) account for the majority of the variation in MSA growth.  相似文献   

道路密度对犯罪分布存在影响已得到大多数学者的证实,但忽略了不同类型道路属性的差异对犯罪的影响。不同类型道路在社会-建成环境等各种属性方面存在较大的差异,因此明确不同类型道路密度对公共空间盗窃犯罪率存在的影响有助于犯罪的防控。基于此,本文以派出所为单元构建多元线性回归模型进行研究。研究发现,不同类型道路密度对公共空间盗窃犯罪率影响不同:城市次干道、城市支路和其他可通车道路密度对公共空间盗窃犯罪率有正向影响;不可通车道路密度对公共空间盗窃犯罪率有负向影响;城市主干道密度对公共空间盗窃犯罪率影响不显著。不同类型道路社会-建成环境的差异是公共空间盗窃犯罪率不同的原因。研究结果可为犯罪精准防控提供指导。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article examines the extent to which agglomeration economies in one location affect employment growth and establishment births, using data from the Dutch province of South‐Holland. The data are of particular interest because they represent a census, rather than a sample, of all establishments and the location of establishments can be pinpointed to within 416 (postal) zip code areas averaging less than 6 km2 in size. Results suggest that agglomeration economies positively affect employment growth and the location of new establishments, but with the possible exception of manufacturing, this effect dies out quickly with distance. Thus, the main finding is that for many industries, agglomerative forces may well operate at a geographic scale that is smaller than a city.  相似文献   

The theory of economic development based on industry clusters emphasizes the importance of co-location of firms or industries with potential to share technical information and knowledge transfer. The paper identifies industry cluster templates in Turkey using the 1996 Turkish input/output table. Engineering and textile clusters are the largest ones with respect to the number of establishments and employment. Majority of manufacturing clusters are located in ?stanbul, ?zmir, Ankara/K?r?kkale and Çukurova districts. The study points out the importance of newly developing centres near the periphery of Ankara and several production centres in Anatolia.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence about location and colocation patterns of manufacturing entrepreneurship and spatial scope of agglomeration economies in the context of a developing country. Using microgeographic data for all Brazilian manufacturing activities and distance-based measures, we find clear patterns of colocalization between entrants and existing establishments, and that these patterns occur mainly at short distances. For activities presenting colocalization between entrants and existing establishments, our results also indicate that a greater number of incumbent establishments in a given location positively affects the number of entrant establishments that decide to locate there, an effect that attenuates rapidly with distance (generally disappearing after 5 km). This pattern of attenuation is robust to both the inclusion of a comprehensive set of controls for observable and unobservable local characteristics and the use of instrumental variables to address remaining endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

Point pattern analysis based on concepts from information theory can go beyond existing techniques. Direct measurement of spatial form is achieved when Thiessen polygons are constructed around the points; in this scheme, each point's proportion of total area may be treated like a probability. Three information-theoretic indices are available for analysis of a distribution of such probabilities. Entropy is density dependent. Redundancy, defined as the difference between observed and maximum entropy, seems to avoid this problem when the number of individuals in a pattern exceeds twenty. Comparisons of prior and posterior redundancy provide an indication of change in overall pattern form. An information gain expectation reflects changes for each individual in a pattern. Here, point-area redundancy parameters are determined for Poisson-generated patterns, using a gamma distribution of polygon areas and a computer-generated set. An application to an urban crime problem illustrates the use of these parameters in the analysis of pattern change.  相似文献   

Regional patterns in the names of commercial drinking establishments are explored with reference to the delimitation of culture areas in 15 states between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. A data base of over 6.000 names, taken from 105 yellow-page telephone directories, represents some one-third of all establishments, with a focus upon cities of small and medium sizes

Four categories of names are examined: generic, environment-related, ethnic-social and "western." Quantitative expressions of nomenclature are augmented with a frequency measure of all establishments in constructing a set of nine drinking-place regions, the most definitive of which are titled Bar Bell, Beer Parlor Belt, Dixie Drought Belt and Drinking Club Belt.

Drinking-place regions are at greatest variance from recognized culture areas in respect to the West, the northern Middle West, the northern Rio Grande Valley and a tri-state zone from southern Kansas to northern Texas. More intensive studies of drinking-place names, as a possible prelude to full cultural reexaminations, are recommended for these four geographic sectors in particular.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is on product innovations introduced by firms (establishments) and the collaborations they enter into with other firms and organizations in carrying out this activity. The theoretical framework combines innovation theories with the literature on regional innovation systems and the knowledge-based economy. Empirically we have investigated characteristics of collaboration among manufacturing establishments in the region of East Gothia in Sweden, with specific focus on the number of employees involved in the innovation projects, mechanisms of knowledge transfer between organizations, as well as financing and patenting in relation to product innovations.  相似文献   

We integrate into a unified framework the spatial and the employment dimensions of worker mobility, tracing workers across firms, across establishments, and across regions. Drawing upon the spatial dimension of internal labor markets in firms with multiple establishments in multiple locations, our results indicate that the contemporaneous wage premium to migration is around 3 percentage points. For the case of job switchers, we find that the return to regional migration is due to access to better jobs at the destination. We also document the existence of an urban premium for same‐employer migrants but for employer changes this premium is driven by selection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines productivity catch‐up as a source of establishment productivity growth. We present evidence that, other things equal, establishments further behind the industry frontier experience faster rates of productivity growth. Geographic proximity to frontier firms makes catch‐up faster. Our econometric specification implies a long‐run relationship between productivity levels, where nonfrontier establishments lie a steady‐state distance behind the frontier such that their rate of productivity growth including catch‐up equals productivity growth at the frontier. We use our econometric estimates to quantify the implied contribution to productivity growth of catch‐up to both the national and regional productivity frontiers.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate industry characteristics associated with the clustering of establishments in three-digit SIC manufacturing industries in nonmetropolitan areas. The dispersion parameter k of the negative binomial distribution is selected as the measure of industry spatial concentration. Associations between industry characteristics and spatial concentration are investigated using OLS regression analysis. Our findings indicate that the spatial clustering of establishments is positively related to industry average establishment size, reliance on natural resource inputs, labor intensity, cost shares of professional and technical employees, and cost shares of low-skilled workers. Agglomeration is negatively related to multiplant structure, employment in precision production, and reliance on local product and input markets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We use the National Establishment Time‐Series database to describe shifts in the geographic dispersion of employment and ownership of firms. Focusing on data on business establishments in California, and establishments anywhere in the United States that are owned by firms headquartered in California, we find shifts in the operations of businesses headquartered in California to other states. However, this shift has been offset by increased employment in the state by firms headquartered elsewhere, resulting in California's share of national employment holding quite constant. The evidence points to increasing geographic dispersion of firms' operations, especially in industries with lower communication costs.  相似文献   

Soviet planners are advised to consider the linkage between rural settlement patterns and the provision of services, an issue that is assuming particular significance in connection with the present development program in the Nonchernozem Zone of the RSFSR. The number of service establishments per 1,000 population is not considered a useful indicator because it tends to be high in areas with widely dispersed settlement in small inhabited places, and yet does not reflect a high level of services because of the small size of the establishments. It is desirable to cluster sets of services in central places; the presence of a single kind of service (store, school, etc.) in a small place is found tantamount to having no service whatever. Adequate provision of services is found to reduce, or even reverse, rural out-migration.  相似文献   

The debate on regional innovation potentials has concentrated in recent times upon the topic of regional knowledge networking. This article presents the findings of the first phase of a detailed network analysis of the cooperation relations between scientific institutions and firms in the “metropolitan region Hanover-Brunswick-Göttingen”. The research concentrated on the regional and supra-regional cooperation relations of approximately 500 science establishments of the region, including their interlinks with private sector firms. This analysis of a polycentric metropolitan region's knowledge networks in different fields of competence produced detailed information on the density of knowledge interlinking within the region, on the degree of connectivity between the region's scientific institutions and private sector firms, and on central network nodes within the regional innovation networks. The case study exemplifies the methodical approach of a regional network analysis and emphasizes the role of knowledge networks as a development resource which is of particular relevance to the region's innovation capacities.  相似文献   

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