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指正《中国古方志考》《广西方志编纂史》中一些方志时代归属、类别归属的错误。两书认为《广西会要》《广西郡邑图志》属于通志类方志,无据可证。《广西方志编纂史》列举了21部唐代广西的图经,但事实上《邕州图经》等图经不一定是唐代的。两书对许多方志有所考释,但仍存在许多需要补充考释之处。将《邕管杂记》等列为方志类,是错误的,应为...  相似文献   

丁玲 《岭南文史》2020,(1):71-77,96
正图经是中国早期地方志书的一种。历史上图经编纂的数量很大,但由于年代久远,多已散佚,内容则散见于其他史志书中。据现存文献,见于著录和征引的广州图经主要编纂于宋明两朝。宋代有王中行《广州图经》、佚名《广州新图经》、李木《南海图经》,均已佚;明代《永乐大典》多处征引的广州府"图经志"资料当编纂于明初,嘉靖间戴璟修、张岳等纂的《广东通志初稿》和黄佐纂修的《广东通志》中亦含有广州图经。此外,宋代王象之《舆地纪胜》、方信孺《南海百咏》,清顾祖禹《读  相似文献   

在"地记—图经—地方志"三阶段论成为学界共识的背景下,人们讨论宋代方志转型时,往往偏重图经而忽略其余,似乎南宋以后的地方志乃图经演变而来。本文以地理、人物、职官、选举、艺文五大内容作为方志定型标准,从而提出新的看法,认为以祥符《州县图经》、《吴郡图经续记》为代表的图经,注重记载职官、艺文等人文内容,积极促进方志转型;同时,以《吴兴统记》、《成都古今集记》为代表的地记在编制牧守题名、艺文志以及登科录上,也对方志转型起到了关键作用。因此,南宋以后的定型方志是由图经、地记汇聚而成,是它们共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

评《汉唐方志辑佚》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方志之修,始于东汉。至隋唐间,天下州郡修图经已渐成制度。德宗建中前,各州图三年一送职方司,建中元年,改为五年一造送(见《唐会要》卷五九)。五代乱世,仍相沿不改,要求逢闰年州县各进图经,“古今事迹,地里山川,土地所宜,风俗所尚,皆须备载,不得漏略”(《五代会要》卷一五)。可以毫不夸张地说,自汉魏至五代近千年间,地记图经之,当不少于数千种,见于载录的仅是其中一小部分,流传至今,相对完整的仅有《华阳国志》、《吴地记》等几种,  相似文献   

1983年4月,自治区党委、自治区人民政府根据党中央、国务院的统一部署,作出开展地方志编纂工作的决定,迄2001年底,已出版《新疆通志》专业志47部、地州县志58部。李铁映同志在全国地方志第二次工作会议上指出:“方志事业要连续不断,代代相继。”“一届志书完成之日,就是新一届志书开修之时。”  相似文献   

王旭 《史学史研究》2023,(2):102-112+122
宋元方志中的“乡里”类目源于更早时代的图经,而其中的地名解释、乡里风物等内容则是承袭了地记的传统。唐代图经记载“乡里”尚不普遍,且内容限于乡数,可能还有乡名。北宋方志记载“乡里”的情况已较普遍,其中祥符《州县图经》“统一体例”的编纂原则确立了“乡里”类目在方志中的地位,不过此时尚未以专门的类目统御之。南宋时,方志中的“乡里”部分进一步发展,表现在记录“乡里”方志的数量大增,“乡里”部分大多有了专门的类目,“乡里”内容大大丰富。“乡里”类目的存在,除了资政以及满足官员基层治理的需求外,还具有教化功能。宋元方志中“乡里”类目的所属关系及编排方式之所以表现出层级差异大、统辖关系模糊等杂乱无章的特点,原因可归结为:方志资料的多元来源、方志编纂的时空差异性、编修者的变化、宋代基层管理体系的“在地化”特色和宋代基层管理体系与方志书写之间存在落差等因素。  相似文献   

从署名、序言、神名、文献关系四个角度综合分析,《真灵位业图》的作者只能是南朝齐梁之际的陶弘景,大约编纂于499—517年间。北周《无上秘要》“道人名品”只是《位业图》的改编本;唐代《道门经法相承次序》中潘师正所引“登真隐诀真灵位业经”的神名并非全部源于《位业图》,而是来自《登真隐诀》和《位业图》两部独立的文献;唐末闾丘方远仅是《位业图》的校定者,而非窜改者或重组者。鉴于目前学界质疑陶弘景编纂《位业图》的各种意见均缺乏足够说服力,故其无法影响关于六朝中陶弘景道教地位的相关讨论。  相似文献   

伊犁哈萨克自治州 ,各州、市、县 (市 )人民政府 ,各行政公署 ,自治区人民政府各部门、各直属机构 :1983年 ,我区开始了新方志的编纂工作。在自治区党委的正确领导和各有关部门的共同努力下 ,我区的新方志编纂工作取得了很大成绩。截至 2 0 0 2年底 ,我区共出版《新疆通志》专业志 5 1部 ,地、州、市、县 (市、区 )志6 9部 ,地、州部门、企事业单位自行编纂出版的志书 2 0 0余部 ,出版少数民族文版志书 2 0部。从总体上看 ,我区志书政治观点正确 ,史料翔实、准确 ,质量较好 ,有较高的使用价值。但也有部分志书在质量上存在着一些问题 ,需要…  相似文献   

南宁编纂地方志,早在北宋时期,就有记载。但当时编纂的《邕州图经》、《宣化县志》。《邕州志》、《建武志》等,由于长期战乱均已佚失。元代。南宁编修的地方志未找到。但元代编纂的《元一统志》记载有邕州路的建置沿革、至里、土产、风俗、形胜及宣化、武缘县、横山、迁隆、古万、太平、永平五寨的情况,还有邕州《建武志》引南越志的记载。明代。广西州、府、县的150多种地方志,多已散佚。有关南宁府的尚存2部志书,一部是明嘉靖17年(153年)南宁知府郭楠编纂的《南宁府志》共10卷〈第10卷已佚〉,距今已有460年。另一部是明嘉靖43年…  相似文献   

文章从中国方志史的角度,考察苏州早期府县志在方志史上的地位。苏州是地方志的发源地之一,汉代《越绝书》是中国最早的方志之一。自汉至北宋千余年间,地方志曾以地记、图经等名称和形式长期流行,现存最有名的地记当推唐代陆广微的《吴地记》。宋代,朱长文的《吴郡图经续记》为现存图经实例,范成大的《吴郡志》为首部体例完备的方志定型之作,宋代昆山《玉峰志》首创"凡例"之先例。《至正昆山郡志》和《至正重修琴川志》为两部元代志书的代表作。明代,《嘉靖昆山县志》《弘治太仓州志》堪称州县志书的代表作,卢熊的《洪武苏州府志》和王鏊的《正德姑苏志》为两部明代善本府志。  相似文献   

清代的乾隆朝,是中国古代官方修书的鼎盛时期,尤以史部书籍为最。统治者出于总结历史经验、倡导伦理纲常、颂扬赫赫武功、厘定本朝历史、疏理学术源流等多方面的考虑,同时出于制定条例法则,规范用人行政的现实需要,先后编纂了130余种史书。这些门类齐全,数量众多的官修史书,不仅保留了极为丰富的历史资料,也可以反映出清朝统治者的某些思想主张和文化政策特点及其缺失,值得深入探究。  相似文献   

清末日语教材的特点及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末,中国人编著了数十种日语教材。这些教材既有在中国内地,也有留学生在日本出版的。教材形式多样,内容丰富。既有词汇集、读本,又有语法、尺牍、辞典等。清末日语教材具有许多共性,而且无论从形式到内容,从中日“同文观”到由此产生的“和文汉读法”,都对民国时期日语教材产生了不小的影响。  相似文献   


Elizabeth Simcoe (1762–1850) travelled from England to Canada in 1791 and returned to her home, Wolford Lodge, in Honiton, Devon, in 1796. She was accompanying her husband, John Graves Simcoe (1752–1806), who had just been appointed Lieutenant Governor of the newly formed province of Upper Canada. Throughout their travels, Elizabeth recorded her Canadian experiences in her diaries and sketchbooks. She drew, corrected and copied maps for her husband. Upon their return to England they offered to the king an album of 32 works and a map, all drawn on birch bark. The map and the album acted as a report to the king of her husband’s political achievements in Canada and her engagement as a cartographer.  相似文献   

乾隆年间直隶总督方观承主持编纂的《直隶河渠书》是一部记载乾隆中期以前直隶河道事宜的重要志书,但未能成书。因段玉裁等人认为嘉庆十三年王履泰进献朝廷的《畿辅安澜志》乃是攘窃自《直隶河渠书》,由此引发了一桩学术公案,多位学者参与其中。目前唯一可见的《直隶河渠书》稿本是现存于台北的戴震藏本。这部稿本只经过部分删定,体例不一,卷目混乱,前辈学者对其记载也多有不同。戴震去世后,根据史料记载,可以基本梳理书稿的流传情况。而其他本子的情况,也可根据史料记载作出推断。  相似文献   

C. A. Macartney (1895–1978) was a British historian with a life‐long interest in the history and politics of the peoples of East‐Central Europe and in particular, those of Hungary. He combined historical research with an advisory role in various policy‐making bodies. Macartney had little faith in the system of small nation states that resulted from the break‐up of the Austro‐Hungarian Monarchy. He called attention to the fact that the principle of self‐determination was applied unevenly by the peacemakers in Paris, and that the new states were unstable and thus consequently unable to resist pressures from Germany and Russia. While always forthright, Macartney was also often controversial. He became a proponent of various Hungarian interests and causes in Britain, a standpoint difficult to maintain during and immediately after World War II. Yet Macartney was not simply an appeaser. For him, the solution to the problems of the Danube Basin lay in the gradual eradication of overlapping nationalisms and the establishment of a supra‐national economic and political structure for the benefit of all the peoples concerned. His scholarly works conform to the highest standards of academic professionalism, and are to this day often the only source in English on the particular subject.  相似文献   

《新安志》续修钩沉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自南宋罗愿《新安志》纂成之后,宋元明时期不断续修和补充,有史记载的就有近十次,具有一定的连续性,这在我国方志的纂修历史上有典型意义。随着时间的推移,除《徽州府志》、《新安志补》等传世外,其它续修之作佚失,续修情况不明,相关记载屡有舛误,也就有了钩沉补阙的必要。这对深入研究《新安志》、徽州文化及方志史都有重要意义。  相似文献   

作为汉晋时期西域主要的绿洲城郭国之一,鄯善王国的牧业经济也十分发达,不仅为丝路交通提供了充足的畜力资源,而且在王国的政治、社会和经济生活中占有重要地位。当地的牧业经济以畜牧业为主,大致可分为牧养和厩养两种方式。鄯善王国有王室专属的畜群,并对畜群造册登记,设置专门的官吏进行管理。鄯善王还常以敕谕的形式直接参与畜牧事务的管理。各类牲畜不仅是王国重要的税收来源,而且还在民间的商贸活动中充当着货币的角色。  相似文献   


The reconstitution of populations through linkage of historical records is a powerful approach to generate longitudinal historical microdata resources of interest to researchers in various fields. Here we consider automated linking of the vital events recorded in the civil registers of birth, death and marriage compiled in Scotland, to bring together the various records associated with the demographic events in the life course of each individual in the population. From the histories, the genealogical structure of the population can then be built up. Rather than apply standard linkage techniques to link the individuals on the available certificates, we explore an alternative approach, inspired by the family reconstitution techniques adopted by historical demographers, in which the births of siblings are first linked to form family groups, after which intergenerational links between families can be established. We report a small-scale evaluation of this approach, using two district-level data sets from Scotland in the late nineteenth century, for which sibling links have already been created by demographers. We show that quality measures of up to 83% can be achieved on these data sets (using F-Measure, a combination of precision and recall). In the future, we intend to compare the results with a standard linkage approach and to investigate how these various methods may be used in a project which aims to link the entire Scottish population from 1856 to 1973.  相似文献   

In his great history of England, the Gesta regum Anglorum, completed in 1125, William of Malmesbury included digressions on continental affairs. One of these, on the Merovingian and Carolingian monarchs, provides an interesting study of William's historical method. His Frankish sources are difficult to identify, but we are helped by the survival of the late twelfth-century English MS. Oxford, Bodleian Library Lat. class d.39. This book contains, inter alia, a collection of chronicles and short pieces on Frankish history. We attempt to show that it was copied from a MS. made by or for William, and that his own notes were recopied into its margins. Moreover, it seems probable that he himself compiled the collection of chronicles in it. This discovery enables us to identify most of William's Frankish materials, to draw important conclusions about his manipulation of them, and so advance our knowledge of twelfth-century historiography generally.  相似文献   

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