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在晚清上海都市化的进程中,各类传统休闲空间发生了相应的变革。作为有着悠久历史且已日常化的休闲场所,茶馆同样发生了改变,在城市空间拓展主要是商业区域的转移和拓展之时,茶馆亦步亦趋、迅速发展,并以精致、富丽和娱乐多样化成为晚清上海重要的游艺场所之一。以茶馆为研究对象,可以反映晚清上海休闲娱乐空间在都市化进程中的变革,进而审视都市文化和休闲空间之间的互动交织。  相似文献   

二十世纪初的茶馆与中国城市社会生活——以成都为例   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
茶馆在中国城市社会生活中扮演着十分重要的角色 ,是非常理想的观察社会、经济、文化及地方政治变化的场所。 2 0世纪初 ,成都的茶馆是市民日常生活的重要舞台 ,它们既是娱乐消闲的场所 ,亦为从事商业以及社会政治活动的空间。长期以来 ,茶馆被误认为鼓励人们无所事事、孳生惰性 ,不利于社会健康发展 ,因此从专制政权到社会改良精英 ,都把控制和改造茶馆视为维持社会秩序安定的重要一环 ,然其努力都以失败告终。这既反映了社会对茶馆的需要 ,亦充分显示了其极为旺盛的生命力。  相似文献   

程美宝 《史学月刊》2008,23(6):101-112
光绪年间广州及佛山四大戏园之设,在当时的粤东实属创举,亦可谓是晚清城镇新兴的公共场所之一.我们可以估计,戏班在戏园演出,与在乡村空地或私人庭院里演出,可能会因环境、物质和社会条件、观众与演员的互动等因素不同而有异.可惜,目前笔者所能掌握的资料,均未能反映此四大戏园的建筑、舞台陈设、室内装璜、灯光和声音效果等具体情况,因而难以就清末戏园之兴起对戏曲表演的影响作进一步的推敲.不过,在四大戏园出现之前的三四十年,美国三藩市的粤商就已经自广州等地延请戏班到三藩市的剧院演出,未几更出资兴建专供中国戏班演出的戏院.  相似文献   

尹晴画 《神州》2020,(4):41-41
湖北戏曲作为我国地方文化的重要标志,是中国几千年来的生活写照。伴随着社会变迁经济技术的飞速发展,多方文化的洗礼大众娱乐的方式也不断的呈现多样化,这对于地方戏曲来说,既是机遇也是挑战。因此,我们应该直面迎接挑战,从内部结构和外部建设两方面实现地方戏曲融合发展,在文化保护发展的进程中探索地方戏曲的生命活力。  相似文献   

徐剑雄 《史学月刊》2008,(6):113-120
1867年,京剧传播到上海,迅速盛行,成为晚清上海城市流行艺术.戏园观剧是上海市民闲暇生活重要部分,捧角和玩票也是市民乐此不疲的消遣;京剧女伶滥觞于上海,女伶登上城市戏剧舞台是晚清上海女性解放的重大成就;京剧及伶人与晚清上海社会变革紧密相连,京剧被赋予启迪民众的重任,伶人被视为教育民众的大师.以京剧为经纬可以勾勒出一幅晚清上海社会色彩斑驳的图画.  相似文献   

“吃讲茶”:成都茶馆、袍哥与地方政治空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为公共空间的茶馆成为袍哥的活动中心,他们在那里联络、聚集和开会,成为袍哥社会网络的一个重要部分。袍哥在茶馆里活动形成了他们独特的语言和行为,"摆茶碗阵"便是他们经常使用的联络方法。茶馆作为地方政治空间可以表现在很多方面,不过,"吃讲茶"仍然是最为典型和最具代表性的活动,这个实践显示了市民的相对自治状态,他们试图在没有官方介入的情况下解决冲突,说明一种国家之外社会力量的存在。  相似文献   

神圣空间、社会、地理和民族主义之间存在着微妙的关系。泰山,作为中国最著名的圣山之一和晚清帝国时期的大众朝圣地,是研究神圣与世俗界限及两者紧密联系的绝佳对象。民国之前,虽有少数精英将泰山看作全中国的文化符号,但大多数的老百姓却仍然将其当作地域朝圣中心;民国时期,许多知识分子开始有意识地寻求营造一个中国的当代身份认同,泰山由此被选中为国家的象征符号。  相似文献   

戴婷 《沧桑》2009,(1):246-247
戏曲在中国是重要的娱乐形式之一,丰富的故事、优美的唱腔早已深入人心。多少艺术家受到戏曲文化的影响,把自己所听到的故事、看到的人物,塑造在他们的艺术作品中,使戏曲舞台上长久地存留了那么多熠熠生辉的人物形象。中国传统戏曲的娱乐性便不可回避地根植其中。一方面,戏曲在形成之初便具有了先天的娱乐因素;男一方面,在戏曲的整个发展过程中,市民经济的发展与大众对通俗文化的迫切需要,也促进了戏曲的娱乐作用的发展。娱乐性便成为中国传统戏曲的第一特性。  相似文献   

早期维新派法律思想的形成是中西法文化交汇融合的产物,是他们用"中体西用"的传统法文化观对西方法律文化裁剪的过程,其刑法改良思想就是在儒家思想"仁"的指导下的直接体现,不过他们提出的废除重刑的主张实开晚清法制改革的先声。  相似文献   

清末民初地方社会整合格局的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
晚清以降,在内忧外患交侵之下,乡族自治传统下的地方社会秩序陷入困境。随着国家扩张权力需要的增强和地方资产阶级化新兴士绅的倔起,一种以国家与新型地方精英的合作为基础的新的地方权力格局呼之欲出。当然,由于传统势力的牵制以及国家权力与地方精英权力之间的张力,清末民初的地方权力重建过程充满了复杂的纠葛与冲突。  相似文献   

This article discusses the relationships among folk entertainers and audience members, theater, and popular performances. It also explores the opera reform and its impact. Entertainment in Chengdu was mainly concentrated in teahouses, where people could watch folk performances and local operas while sipping tea, and teahouses became the most important location for leisure pursuits, although they were also multifunctional. This study argues that popular entertainment was a powerful educational tool; many people, especially those who had little or no formal instruction, learned about history, literature and traditional values and virtues from local operas and storytellers. Reformist elites and government officials believed operas could provide enlightenment, enhance civilized discourse, and boost morale. The government used this forum for public entertainment to spread orthodox ideologies and influence the minds of ordinary people, while enacting regulations to control what people watched. In this article, we find that as a part of their control of entertainment, reformist elites and local government sought to reform local opera, which imposed a political agenda onto popular entertainment.  相似文献   

朱敏 《收藏家》2009,(1):41-44
唐裴孝源在《贞观公私画史》记录了魏晋时期魏高贵乡公所画《新丰放鸡犬图》。从名称上看,此画描绘的是当时农村日常生活情景。唐代风俗画更多,据裴孝源记载有如刘填《少年行乐图》、杨修“两京图》、史道硕《田家社会图》、顾宝光《洛中车马图》《越中风俗图二卷》、史文敬《张平子西京赋图》、杨子华《邺中百戏图》、  相似文献   

This article examines how Malay women in remote Malaysian villages engage with images of transnational modernity shown in popular soap operas imported from other Asian countries. While the government promoted these Asian soap operas at first as appropriate vehicles for the cultural project of modernising the mindsets and attitudes of the masses, authorities have now expressed some discomfort and ambivalence about the excessive representation of consumer culture in these soaps, which they fear will compromise the cultural values of Malay women. However, I argue that Malay women are discerning viewers who are able to critically negotiate the images of consumer culture in these soaps without necessarily ignoring their cultural values or social responsibilities. This debate about whether these soaps broaden the mindsets of Malay women viewers or teach them degenerate values of consumerist culture is part of an ongoing contestation over the cultural ramifications of modernity in Malaysia. This television genre of Asian soaps can be conceptualised as a site for negotiating modernity, where Malay women derive pleasure from the consumerist modernity depicted in the Asian soap operas while remaining mindful of the strictures posed by local culture.  相似文献   

《盛明杂剧》《远山堂剧品》和《群音类选》,俱为研究明杂剧不可或缺之基本文献,然其选剧评曲之角度和标准同中有异,与编选者个人经历及思想认识有关,由此决定了各自不同的参考价值。站在今天的角度分别衡量,也可看出它们各自拥有的优势和存在的不足。  相似文献   


The past two decades have witnessed an unprecedented rise in public policies aimed at hearing children and young people’s voices, which typically entail creating supportive participatory spaces. While this political project is usually presented as a radical move towards a more inclusive society, it raises critical questions about whose voices are being represented, how, why, by whom and for whom. Drawing upon recent ethnographic research on childhood and youth policies in Switzerland, this article explores how children and young people’s voices are produced in concrete situations. It studies how the institutional and material characteristics of participatory spaces and situated interactions shape which voices will actually be heard. The research highlights that, despite their inclusive ambitions, participatory spaces paradoxically exclude young persons who fail to articulate, orally or in written, linguistically, morally or politically legitimate voices.  相似文献   

Dwarfs, midgets, even freaks, are among the terms that have been used to label little people. Feminist theorists have argued that discursive identities of women prevent any meaningful essentialised analysis of their experiences. Similarly, disability researchers have argued against generalising the experiences of disabled individuals. This paper explores the intersection of gender and dwarfism through the narratives of four women who are little people. Findings suggest that the ways women, who are little people, negotiate public spaces are affected by discourses of gender, disability and common conceptions of what is physically normal. Furthermore, these discourses have material implications in the everyday lives of these women. A brief historical overview of dwarfism is followed by narratives that describe experiences in public spaces, perceptions of height related to age and capability, gendered spaces and sexual stereotypes, uncomfortable spaces, violations of personal space and transportation. This paper provides a partial perspective on how discourses of dwarfism are manifest in social spaces and the built environment. Despite these significant commonalities that little people shared with other disabled people, there are socio‐spatial experiences that appear to be unique to people with dwarfism .  相似文献   

While public support for culture has become a less self-evident privilege than in the past, the economic evidence for benefits a society gains from these goods has become essential for both cultural economics and cultural policy. The aim of our study is to investigate socially preferred ways of allocating scarce public resources among municipal theaters in Warsaw. The problem investigated is a current issue for local policy-making, but in a broader sense, it illustrates how state-of-the-art stated preference methods can be employed to support cultural policy. We find that inhabitants of Warsaw assign a positive value to the broader accessibility of the theaters, and their willingness to pay for making them a truly public good (by introducing a program of highly discounted tickets) exceeds the costs of such a policy. However, we also find that the cost-benefit relationship varies across theaters with different types of plays in their repertories. Our results imply a different level of socially efficient support for experimental, drama, children’s and entertainment theaters.  相似文献   

戏曲地理在文化展演空间感知与认同方面的积极探索,对深入拓展文化地理学的空间文化隐喻与再现等研究内容具有重要意义。基于微观尺度探讨了文化消费者对秦腔剧院的感知与认同差异,显示出秦腔展演空间对传递与隐喻地域文化特性、功能和意义有着重要影响。文化消费者在获得秦腔蕴含陕西地域文化记忆的同时,对秦腔地域文化内涵的审美性及其传递的文化价值功能性特征给予显著认同,体现出秦腔的社会群体教育功能价值的重要性;不同消费者对空间主体的价值取向存在差异,“我者”对有共同爱好和价值追求的“他者”产生亲切感、对群体则产生归属感,基于展演空间,秦腔文化生产者、经营者和消费者构建了一个地域文化共同体。  相似文献   

The rise of local theaters during the latter half of the 19th century was due to a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic causes. The decline of Kunqu opera as a performing art tailored to the taste of the gentry society, artistic innovations in regional theaters – particularly that of Jingju opera – as well as a more commercialized economy all contributed to this development. Moreover, reformist impulses among many literati-playwrights at the turn of the 20th century provided momentum, leading to the formation of the reform movement in Chinese theater (xiqu). Although influence from Japan and the West played an important part in the process, Yu Zhi (1809–1874) can be regarded as a “forerunner,” who promoted regional theaters as a tool for social reform. Through an examination of him and his “benevolent plays” in the Shuji tang jinyue collection, this study sheds light on his effort to reform society through xiqu, as well as possible connections with the later xiqu reform movement.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the social geographies of people with intellectual disabilities. We focus particular attention on the significance of shopping and spaces of consumption as they relate to questions social inclusion and belonging in the lives of PWID. The focus on consumption offers a useful counterpoint to a prevailing policy emphasis on social inclusion through productive activities. The paper also contributes to the literature on intellectual disability within social and health geography, shedding light on the varied socio-spatial experiences of people beyond the confines of community-care facilities and other separate spaces. Our analysis draws on data collected from a participatory research project in Toronto (Canada). The project involved a small but diverse group of people with intellectual disabilities, who led academic researchers on a series of excursions designed to explore those places and routes that make up their everyday social geographies. Shopping emerged as a significant but often ambivalent theme in the context of these geographies, and the analysis demonstrates the complex interplay of autonomy and control, pleasure and restraint, care and support that shape people’s experiences of consumption. We conclude by discussing the significance of these findings for notions of social inclusion and belonging.  相似文献   

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