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Quaternary stratigraphy and sea level changes have been extensively investigated in many areas of the Mediterranean. However, numerical dating of coastal deposits and the associated paleoenvironmental information are limited for the coasts of Cyprus, principally based on radiometric and radiation-exposure geochronological techniques on fossils which bear a range of limitations and uncertainties. As such, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques are deemed to be the most suitable in direct dating of the coastal sediments of Cyprus. In the southeastern Cyprus, coastal dunes (aeolianites) now forming elongated ridges appear as morphological features running parallel to the current shoreline presenting an indicator of sea level and climate changes of great paleoenvironmental significance. We present our first chronological results for the exposed aeolianites and underlying littoral deposits formed along the southeastern coastal Cyprus ranging from 78.4 ± 9.9 to 56.2 ± 7.4 ka. The post-infrared–infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IRSL) revealed that dune formation took place during the marine isotope stages (MISs) 3, 4, and possibly 5a. Late Holocene reworking is proposed for a distinctively isolated dune with an age of ~1.3 ka ago. This study also showed that pIR-IRSL dating of feldspars may be a reliable alternative to quartz OSL dating when the quartz luminescence characteristics are unsuitable.  相似文献   

Quartz has been the main mineral used for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments over the last decade. The quartz OSL signal, however, has been shown to saturate at relatively low doses of ~200–400 Gy, making it difficult to be used for dating beyond about 200 thou-sand years (ka), unless the environmental dose rate is low. The infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) from feldspars has been shown to continue to grow to higher dose levels than quartz OSL. The application of IRSL dating of feldspars, however, has long been hampered by the anomalous fading effect. Recent progress in understanding anomalous fading of the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals in potassium-feldspar has led to the development of post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) protocols and also a multiple elevated temperature (MET) stimulation (MET-pIRIR) protocol. These procedures have raised the prospect of isolating a non-fading IRSL component for dating Quaternary deposits containing feldspars. In this study, we review the recent progress made on (1) overcoming anomalous fading of feldspar, and (2) the development of pIRIR dating techniques for feldspar. The potential and problems associated with these methods are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of feldspar for luminescence dating has been restricted because of anomalous fading. This has made its application to several important geological problems such as volcanic terrains difficult. Presently, two correction procedures are used to correct for anomalous fading. The present study tests these correction procedures using volcanic samples of known ages spanning the time period of 400 ka to 2.2 Ma. These correction procedures provided grossly underestimated ages (up to 60%). The possible causes for the underestimation are discussed.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the history of a building represents a difficult task, as written information is not usually available or incomplete. Some building materials (e.g., bricks, wood) have been classically used for absolute dating while on others has been considered unreliable (e.g., stone). However, developments and tests performed in the last 20 years have shown important advances on the use of such methods, increasing the possibilities of successful reconstruction of building chronologies, although most of these advances are still scarcely known by the community involved in the site management (e.g., archaeologists, architects). Both, radiocarbon and luminescence dating have been the most successful techniques but others, such as archaeomagnetism, can also be used. Even, some important events such as fires could be dated. The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of the last achievements of absolute dating techniques available in building materials.  相似文献   

Ceramic snuffing tubes and inhaling bowls used for ingesting hallucinogenic substances are known from several islands in the West Indies, but their chronological distribution is often vague. A partial inhaling bowl found at the site of Grand Bay on Carriacou in deposits dating between ca. A.D. 1000–1200, along with two other unprovenienced specimens from the local museum, were dated using luminescence (TL and OSL) to determine their antiquity. Surprisingly, the dates had a weighted average of 400 ± 189 B.C., making them several hundred years older than all 14C assays from the island; however, they do overlap in age with similar artifacts found on Puerto Rico and Vieques Island over 750 km away. Additional luminescence dating of two stylistically distinct Suazan ceramic sherds excavated from stratified deposits at Grand Bay fall within the expected ceramic and radiocarbon chronology. These data, coupled with petrographic analysis of the specimens, suggests that they were not made using local materials. Instead, they appear to have been transported to the island, possibly hundreds of years later, as heirlooms. This may be the first evidence for inter-island transport of drug paraphernalia in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating has been applied to volcanogenic outburst flood sediments (Takuma gravel bed) from Aso volcano, Japan, and tephric loess deposits overlying the gravel bed. The poly-mineral fine grains (4–11 μm) from loess deposits were measured with pulsed optically stimulated luminescence (pulsed OSL) and post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) methods, whereas the Takuma gravel bed containing no quartz, was measured with IRSL and pIRIR methods using sand sized (150–200 μm) plagioclase. The loess deposits date back at least to ~50 ka by consistent IRSL, pIRIR and pulsed OSL ages from the lowermost part of the loess deposits from one section. The ages obtained from the bottom part of the other loess section are not consistent each other. However, we consider that the pIRIR age (72±6 ka) which showed negligible anomalous fading is most reliable, and regard as a preliminary minimum age of the Takuma gravel bed. The equivalent doses (De) for the plagioclase from the Takuma gravel bed have a narrow distribution and the weighted mean of the three samples yield an age of 89±3 ka. This age is in agreement with the last caldera-forming eruption of Aso volcano (~87 ka) and it is likely that the pIRIR signal has not been bleached before the deposition. IRSL dating without applying pIRIR using small aliquots was also conducted, however, the IRSL signal shows no clear evidence of an additional bleaching during the event of outburst flood from the caldera lake.  相似文献   

A novel luminescence methodology for dating surfaces of granitoid rocks is presented, with encouraging results for archaeological stone structures. It is based on the zeroing of the latent signal of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) in feldspar and quartz grains of the stone surface during exposure to daylight. When after bleaching the surface is shielded from light, the OSL signal builds up again, such that its intensity provides an age for the event of the last exposure to light. This event could be the construction or the destruction of stone structures or, for example, sedimentary deposition of granitic boulders, such as in fan deposits. The experimental approach utilizes a high spatial resolution detection technique (HR‐OSL) for OSL of minerals that are left in their original petrological context; that is, without any mineral separation. With this approach, steep gradients in microdosimetry at the surface and at grain boundaries become important and are discussed in detail. The new dating technique is successfully applied to a stone wall of the medieval castle of Lindenfels in southwestern Germany and the pre‐Columbian Nasca lines (geoglyphs) around Palpa in southern Peru.  相似文献   

Over 40 historically dated Mt Etna lava flows have been carefully sampled for the purpose of palaeomagnetic analysis. The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of each lava flow contains a record of both the magnitude and direction of the Earth's magnetic field at the time of its eruption. Our analysis has thus enabled us to determine the change of the magnetic field in Sicily through historic times and to construct curves which show this secular variation of the field in both direction and magnitude. In this paper, the curves are used to reconsider the historical dates attributed to a number of Etna lavas, dates which had since been questioned by recent palaeomagnetic and geological studies. In a similar manner, these secular variation curves can be used as a powerful archaeological dating tool by comparison with the NRM of fired artifacts.  相似文献   

Quartz sediments from the floor deposit at Jinmium rock shelter have been investigated using the multiple-grain and single-grain optical dating methods described by Galbraith et al. (1999, this volume). Here we present the results of this dating programme and argue that the artefact-bearing sediments were deposited within the last 10000 years. This time interval is consistent with the radiocarbon chronology but is much younger than previous claims for initial human occupation during the Pleistocene. Analysis of individual grains revealed also that the characteristic saturation doses of some grains are unusually high, which may permit dating of deposits older than a few hundred thousand years. Such grain-to-grain differences raise doubts, however, about the validity of using multiple-grain samples to investigate the phenomenology of quartz luminescence.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of heated/fired materials of archaeological importance from various parts of India was attempted. A single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure was used for palaeodose determination in the quartz grains extracted from the heated materials using the luminescence produced by blue light stimulation. In most pottery samples, the palaeodose obtained using SAR-OSL is ∼6% lower than the palaeodose measured using thermoluminescence (TL) method. Broadly, there is good agreement between the SAR-OSL and TL ages of the artefacts and their archaeologically expected ages. The results suggest that routine dating of heated/fired materials using the SAR-OSL procedure is more practicable, especially when the TL sensitivity of the quartz grains is poor and availability of datable material is limited.  相似文献   

The explosive eruption at Santorini in the Aegean Sea during the second millennium BCE was the largest Holocene volcanic upheaval in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The eruption was disastrous for the Minoan settlements at Santorini, but the effect on human society in the neighbouring islands and regions is still clouded in uncertainty. Tsunami generation was suggested, but comparatively little evidence was found. The lack of firm tsunami traces is particularly puzzling in Crete with its coastal settlements of the Late Minoan IA period, during which the Santorini eruption occurred. Here, we report the discovery of extensive geoarchaeological tsunami deposits at Palaikastro in north-eastern Crete. These deposits are characterized by a mixture of geological materials, including volcanic Santorini ash, and archaeological settlement debris. Various tsunami signatures were identified: (1) erosional contact with the underlying strata, (2) volcanic ash intraclasts in the lower part of the deposit, (3) reworked building stone material in the lower part of the deposit, (4) individual marine shells, (5) marine micro-fauna, (6) imbrication of rounded beach pebbles, settlement debris, ceramic sherds and even bones, (7) multi-modal chaotic composition. Late Minoan human settlement activities at Palaikastro provided architectural and stratigraphic frameworks in space and time that recorded and preserved tsunami evidence as geoarchaeological deposits. Such stratigraphic resolution and preservation may not occur in the natural landscape. Volcanic ash transported by wind from Santorini south-east to Crete preceded the tsunami. Geological, archaeological and radiocarbon dating criteria all converge, indicating that the tsunami deposits are coeval with the Minoan Santorini eruption. Field evidence suggests that tsunami waves at Palaikastro were at least 9 m high. Inverse tsunami modeling was attempted, based on these newly discovered tsunamigenic deposits. The initial wave in the generation region at Santorini that best fits the stratigraphic data is a wave with +35 to −15 m initial amplitude and a crest length of about 15 km.  相似文献   

The luminescence dating of the K-feldspar fraction is an alternative way for samples that cannot yield reasonable equivalent dose (De) from quartz fraction with very weak luminescence signal. For testing the reliability of the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of K-feldspar, luminescence dating was applied to quartz and K-feldspar fractions respectively for several Holocene samples in this study. K-feldspar apparent ages using routine single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, K-feldspar ages using g value correction method and ages from isochron dating method were compared with quartz ages. It is found that the g value correction method cannot give reliable ages due to the large errors induced during measurements. The isochron dating method is effective to the sample with problematically external dose rate. However, isochron dating may introduce a relatively greater error during grain sizes — De curve fitting, therefore this method could obtain low-resolution ages for Holocene samples. Even K-feldspar apparent age from routine SAR protocol is relatively younger by about 10% than the quartz age, it still could establish reasonable chronological framework for Holocene samples.  相似文献   

Archaeologists have long recognized the problem of the “old wood” effect in radiocarbon dating charcoal and wood samples, the age of which may be hundreds of years older than their use by humans. Such problems have resulted in significant changes in how most researchers select wood and charcoal samples for 14C dating, with many now using relatively short-lived carbonized materials for dating. Despite the significant strides made in our understanding of the potential biases of the “old wood” effect, little emphasis has been placed on the possible impacts of dating “old shell” in archaeological deposits. The use of marine shell for 14C dating is widespread in coastal areas around the world, including a growing emphasis on the dating of individual shell artifacts via Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). In dating shell artifacts, we have obtained several dates older than associated 14C dates for short-lived subsistence remains from the same deposits, including great disparities (>10,000 years) and more subtle differences (≥100 years). These discrepancies appear to be due to the use of old shells by humans to make beads and other artifacts, including shells collected from fossil deposits, older archaeological sites, and beaches. The problems caused by the use of old shells to make beads and other artifacts are surmountable through careful sample selection, analysis of multiple 14C dates on a variety of materials, and proper calibration procedures.  相似文献   

Lithic analysis, radiocarbon dating and luminescence dating are applied to a stratified open-air Paleoindian site in Central Brazil, lending some balance to a published record dominated by rock shelter sites. Most lithics are found in two discrete occupation layers. Lithics found outside these layers are attributed to post-depositional movement of small flakes mainly upwards. Single-grain luminescence dating on quartz grains also suggest post-depositional movement. Both wind and bioturbation are suspected mechanisms. The luminescence analysis does not provide precise depositional dates in this situation but does support such dates suggested by radiocarbon.  相似文献   

We determined the eruption age of basaltic rocks by application of thermoluminescence (TL) method, which is often used for TL dating, to quartz. Mafic magma only rarely includes quartz because of their mutual disequilibration. The basaltic lavas reported herein include quartz as xenocrysts, as corroborated by their rounded or anhedral shape. The basaltic lava used for this study is from the Oninomi monogenetic volcano in northern Kyushu, Japan. The volcano eruption was estimated as occurring 7.3–29 ka because the lava exists between two widespread tephras: Aira-Tanzawa ash (26–29 ka) and Kikai-Akahoya ash (7.3 ka). We succeed-ed in collecting ca. 200 mg of quartz by decomposition of 30 kg of the lava samples. TL measurements for the lava indicate the eruption age as 15.8 ± 2.5 ka, which is fairly consistent with the stratigraphical estimation. Although the TL method has played a considerable part in constraining the timescale of Quaternary events, its application has been limited to silicic samples. The present result demonstrates the availability of quartz for dating even of mafic rock.  相似文献   

The surface of the floodplain of the Ohio River about 20km southwest of Louisville, Kentucky, is a series of linear ridges and swales that are subparallel to the channel of the river, which here is relatively straight and flows southward. Numerous prehistoric occupational sites are located on these ridges. The sediments that underlie the ridges, which were examined in four archaeological excavations as deep as 8 m, are predominantly sandy silt and silty fine to very fine sand and appear to be mainly the product of overbank deposition from suspended load. Abundant cultural material and occupational sites dating as early as 10,000 years BP are found in the sediments at depths as great as 6·5 m. The fine sediments of the floodplain are underlain by sand and gravel.The context of the cultural materials and the stratigraphy and morphology of the deposits indicate that the ridged deposits began as linear riverside sand and gravel bars. These were succeeded upward by fine-grained overbank deposits in which the ridged morphology was maintained because the overbank silt and fine sand were deposited as prograding elongate bars at high water. As the floodplain ridge built upward, the sedimentation rate decreased and the sand content of the sediments diminished, and as the river channel occasionally shifted, the ridged deposits were built in successive subparallel sequences.Two archaeological consequences are implicit in this depositional model of orderly growth of the floodplain. First, available archaeological data from floodplain segments along other parts of the river should confirm the model; and second, the model should make it possible to search the floodplains of the Ohio River for stratified sites of any desired age.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews the various approaches used to estimate the age of the rock art in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. They include: (i) the relative superimposition of styles; (ii) the use of diagnostic subject matter (depictions of extinct animals, stone tool technology, introduced European and Asian objects and animals); (iii) the recovery of a ‘painted’ slab from a dated archaeological unit; (iv) radiocarbon dating of beeswax figures, charcoal pigments, organic matter in overlying mineral deposits and ‘accreted paint layers’ (oxalate rich crusts and amorphous silica skin), pollen grains from an overlaying mud-wasp nest; and (v) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz grains from overlying mud-wasp nests. Future directions for rock art dating in the Kimberley include uranium-series dating of overlying and underlying mineral deposits.  相似文献   

A series of deposits from the agricultural infield of the multiperiod settlement mound, Old Scatness, were investigated for their potential to yield optically stimulated luminescence dates. Luminescence properties of quartz grains were found to vary through the sequence, but dates were successfully obtained from five deposits, including anthropogenic soils, windblown sands and sands within midden deposits. Single‐aliquot equivalent dose measurement was found to be the most appropriate method for dating the deposits. The OSL dates obtained accorded well with the dates provided by archaeological evidence and included the post‐medieval, Iron Age, Bronze Age and Neolithic periods of Shetland, while a substantial midden was dated to the Bronze/Iron Age transition.  相似文献   

This paper documents the results of in situ analysis of 306 lava paving stones and 74 possible source rocks using pXRF. Data were collected from sites both in the city of Rome—on major roads beyond the city (including the Viae Flaminia, Cassia, Clodia, Praenestina and Appia)—and in the city of Ostia. Comparison of the pXRF data with lava compositional data from the geological literature allows broad identification of possible sources. The results point to quite distinctive patterns of exploitation for the city of Rome and Ostia, utilizing the Alban Hills lava flows, and the roads of the middle Tiber Valley, drawing on lava flows associated with the Vico and Sabatini volcanoes. The results show the potential of pXRF to produce data to elucidate the exploitation of lava flows for paving the Roman roads.  相似文献   

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