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Istill remember the facial expression of two foreign women a few days ago. Just like me, they were visiting an exhibitionof Tibet, but confused in front of a glass window. They asked me for help. When I explained to them that big stone hat was used to punish "criminals"(actually those poor serfs maybe without committing any crime) by pressing their eyes out, they both were so shocked and surprised, thinking that was horrible and incredibly cruel.  相似文献   

June 8^th, 1959
The rainy season is coming to Lhoka, and today there have been several showers.
According to the work team this morning, the shadow of slavery remains over Lhoka and throughout this area. One example is Khesum Manor where the self determined rules of the landlords stipulated that the landlords were entitled to reduce Tralpa families who have extra members in their labor force. In practice, landlords determined one or two persons to be Hangsan from these Tralpa families to provide corvee labor to those Tralpa families who had a shortage of labors but had plenty of tenant land.  相似文献   

A call from Professor Yang Jiaming changed my journey to Tibet. Professor Yang advised me that he was going to conduct a field study on the Gesar culture at Seda where there were plentiful Thangkar and rock carvings.He stressed,The most important thing is that there are several outstanding storytellers of the oral epic  相似文献   

I was born in 1961,the second year after the Tibetan Democratic Reform.Now,I am more than fifty years old.I am a lucky dog to be living in the times when millions of Tibetan serfs have been liberated.The older generations have spent the first half of their lives in the darkness of old Tibet. My father told me that there were six people in our family then,yet the livestock belonging to our family amounted to no more than 50 sheep...no-where near enough to make a living.So everyone had to work  相似文献   

The “Wenxian(document)“in the Confucian analects said by confucius is the literal ma-terials which possess evidential functions. It‘s wrong that the past scholars explained the “xian“as the“wisdom“ many times for all generations, and all kinds of these explanations didn‘t conform to thcmeanings of Confucius himselfs. According to the original meanings of the Chinese word “Xian“ andthe tradition of collecting situation of the people in the ancientry,the “Xian“ is the literal materialswhich was reported to the leadership from conditions of the lower levels, and the only difference be-tween “Wen“ and “Xian“ is that the latter emphasized that itself had originated from the local proffer.when the literal materials from the local proffer“have been stored into the archives of the court“andwas put together with the “Wen“ which was stored in the court before,as another words,when theywere mixed together,the difference between“wen“and “Xian would disappear gradually and wouldhaven‘t any significance. So it was called“Wenxian(document)”as a word generally  相似文献   

The ancient city of Lhasa sits in a basin screened by high mountains that, Ithink, are holy. When I mentioned what was on my mind to a senior Tibetan, he agreed with me, explaining that these mountains face the city with their peaks as a token of respect for Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. The only exception, he added, is the Chagyia Garbo (Droppings of White Eagle) Mountain on the southern bank of the Lhasa River. As it faces the holy city with its back, a ritual is held on the 29th day of the second Tibetan month each year to bom-  相似文献   

At first, Liu Yuan gave me the impression that she must be a "health nut" because at the dining table, she drank neither wine nor other beverages, just tea. She started her meal with vegetables and finished it with meat. I asked her what she had studied and, as expected, she answered 'medicine'. I continued by , asking her how to refuse a toast.., and she gave me the simple response: "insist". As we returned to Songpan from Hongyuan and Ruoergai, Lv Qiang, Director of the New Lotus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus Base, Liu Yuan and her two post-graduate students had been waiting for us in the Chuandrnp Monastery for some time. Soon, we were taken to the base. It should have been Lv Qiang that hosted the meeting but Liu Yuan interrupted now and then, trying to introduce their common "treasures" by herself: F.unibracteata Hsiao et K.C.Hsia, F.unibraeteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsiavar. wabuensis (S. Y. Tang et S. C.Yue), Z. D. Liu, S. Wang et and S. C. Chen, Rheum offieinale, Notopterygiumincisium Ting, and so on. Her quiek temper, wit and speech led me to suppose that she must walk and work very fast. When we finally had an opportunity to sit down together and In 2002, Liu Yuan was awarded a PhD in Chinese Pharmacology by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At that time, the Southwest University for Nationalities was trying a project to "recruit talent". Among the 238 people who were accepted that year, she was the only PhD candidate and received a "settling-in" allowance of 30 thousand Yuan as and a scientific research fund of another 30 thousand. While nursing her three month-old daughter, she took the position of adviser for two classes and studied in the meanwhile. That year, she published a dozen thesis, such as Thin.layer Chromatography of Three Ligusticum Species: Naixiong, Shah Chuanxiong and Chuan Xiong (L. Wallichii). In 2003, in spite of a normal procedure, she was appointed Associate Professor by the university and initiated a precedent amongst the teachers that someone could be Associate Professor just one year later after graduation as a PhD. She was then aged 35. In the same year, Liu Yuan began to give lectures on Medicinal Plants and Traditional Chinese Medicine. "I prefer to be a teacher, because I like the feeling of standing before a class. I can give my students all that I know. Maybe sometimes they cannot understand a thing I say, but my enthusiasm and my love for what I teach will affect them, and lead them into study. For a teacher, it is the greatest satisfaction and achievement" Both her courses include content to identify primitive medicines so Liu Yuan was not satisfied to only teach in a classroom: she therefore decided to take her students out for a practice class.  相似文献   

Among Mongolian and Tibetan high-ranking Bud-dhist monks,the Khutukhtu is second only to that ofthe Dalai and the Panchen.There have,however,beenvarious interpretations of the word khutukhtu,its lin-guistic origin,and connotations.In this essay,therefore,I expound on the preliminary textual re-search I have made into questions regarding the ori-gin of the word “khutukhtu,” its course of evolution,  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE:In 1999 the author conducted a social investigation in Ngari, carefully examining all that hesaw and heard to produce an analysis providing a better understanding of the customs andhabits of the Tibetanrace. The following is ananalysis of marriagecustoms in Tibet.During my 1999 visit toNgari, I stayed in Shiquanhe, the prefecturalcapital. Not far from ourhostel was a street stand selling miscellaneous goods. Whenever I passedby, the young man who owned italways greeted me…  相似文献   

Thin and dressed in a red, yellow-lined monk's robe, 24-year-old Thubten Palden was seated quietly before me. His purity and simplicity were touched with a little shyness. It was hard to believe that such a young monk of the Nyingma Sect had the clear intention to burn himselfi Thubten Palden said that the idea occurred to him after he had an Internet chat with a Tibetan woman who was in India last summer. Intruth, the Tibetan woman (named "Trewa Online") is responsible for the overseas network of"Independent Tibet".  相似文献   

EDRROR's NOTE: During our interview with Director Celo,the Kamba man told us he used to be a road maintenance workerI was born in 1956 in the rural areain Zayu. My hometown was inaccessible by highway. It took me sixdays to walk to Zugong Countyseat, where, however, I still did not findan automobile.When I graduated from primaryschool, I passed examinations to be amember of the County Literary Propaganda Troupe. It was an easy jobbecause we Tibetans are born singersand dancers.When …  相似文献   

When my car sped along the Highway No.317, which is part of the Sichuan-Tibet road, I was entranced to find I was in a fairyland. The surrounding environment was so enchanting that I slowed down to enjoy the picturesque scene. Daofu is the first of the eight counties one reaches when traveling from Sichuan to Tibet. Everyday the county has a dozen passenger buses heading for Kangding and Chengdu. The Daofu-Chengdu Highway is asphalted now, and is so smooth and spacious that the entire jo…  相似文献   

正Seeing that I came to the interview without an interpreter,a trace of displeasure flashed across the fair,thin face of Jannette Troost.I was afraid she would consider me unprofessional.But soon,the problem was easily solved and  相似文献   

In the outer circle of the Barkor Street,Lhasa City of Tibet,a gallery named as"Art Gallery of Traditional Handcrafts"is located,specializing by making clay sculptures and masks. Surprisingly,two artisans have the same name as Penpa who are working for this gallery.For the sake of easily identifying them, people are used to calling the elder one as senior Penpa,and the young one as junior Penpa.Their common perspective might be that they both have already worked for making masks for 12 years.They,by  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, I have tramped the mountains and rivers of nearly all the Tibetan-inhabited areas. What touches me deeply is that wherever I went, I would find holy mountains, holy rivers and holy lakes. Invisible deities can be found everywhere at any time. Like man, they are hierarchical. Small holy mountains serve large holy mountains and perform duties for them. The four largest holy mountains are: Magyiabenri Mountain in the east, Kawagyibo Mountain in the south, Dan-gdese Mountain in the west and Nyain-  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Note:Han Shuli,modern painter and first-class national artist,has worked on art in Tibet since 1973.He has worked on quite a number of paintings on Tibet,and is honored as the"leading figure of the Tibet highland school of painting".It is often said that disposition decides destiny or your hobby foretells your fate.I do not entirely agree with this.For my part,before I was 25,it had never occurred to me that my life would have any  相似文献   

Whenever I encounter friends who haverecently been to Tibet,I always seize the opportunity to catch up with them on recent change in the the Barkor Street of Lhasa.From 1956 to 1972,I was working in the Tibetan branch of Xinhua News Agency stationed in Lhasa where I formed many unforgettable memories.To answer my questions,people always tell me that in the Barkor Street,change is happening every day.  相似文献   

The discovery at Gebel el Silsila in 2015 of a scene depicting the transport of obelisks by watercraft provided the opportunity to reconsider the means and hull type that could be employed for this task,other than the lighter depicted in Hatshepsuts’temple at Deir el Bahari.Although seriously damaged,it was clear that the Gebel el Silsila craft was a different hull type to the Hatshepsut lighter.In this article,I advance concepts regarding the Gebel el Silsila scene.These include the sizes of the obelisks aboard,their means of stowage,some proposals as to the size of the hull and an attempt to deduce the hull type itself.As this is the only known depiction of obelisk transportation,other than the Hatshepsut scene,it is hoped that this paper will provoke additional examination,research and rigorous debate into this depiction of obelisk transportation.  相似文献   

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