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John Marshall Harlan had a singularly successful legal career as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court that spanned thirty-three years, from 1877 to 1911, one of the longest terms in history. For twenty-one of those years on the Court he also distinguished himself as a professor of constitutional law at George Washington University. Along with his colleague on the Bench and on the faculty, Associate Justice David J. Brewer, Harlan carried a full course load, teaching just about every subject: evidence, torts, property law, corporation law, commercial law, international law, and his specialty, constitutional law.  相似文献   

George Washington's religious beliefs have long been debated by scholars, who have insisted that he was anything from a devout Anglican to a Deist. This study argues that he was neither, instead contending that Washington had Latitudinarian tendencies, and that while he believed in God, he was not otherwise particularly religious. As some with Latitudinarian affinities, he showed no preference among varying creeds or forms of worship despite his Anglican upbringing. His personal beliefs also intersected with his stance on public religion. Washington favoured broad religious liberty for Christians and non‐Christians alike, reflecting his Latitudinarianism because he believed that denomination, dogma, doctrine, and creed were insignificant, and that it was up to the individual to decide the best way to worship God.  相似文献   

As first president, George Washington was in an historically unique position to shape the forms and customs of the newly-ratified Federal Constitution. Unlike most previous accounts of his presidency that focus on Washington's symbolic contributions, this essay suggests that he had a very clear substantive constitutional agenda–an agenda which he consciously sought to shape. Specifically, Washington attempted to graft his own views of separation of powers, executive privilege, federalism, and the rule of law on to the Constitution. More of the “original formsrdquo; of the Constitution, then, bear Washington's distinctive mark than heretofore thought.  相似文献   

Collections of owl pellets deposited before and after a change in nearby habitats from producing wheat fields only to producing wheat fields and a patchy grass field were obtained from Columbia County, southeastern Washington. Pellets deposited before the change contained more than three times as many deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) as montane vole (Microtus montanus); pellets deposited after the change contained more than three times as many voles (M. montanus, M. longicaudus) as deer mice. The change in the ratio of deer mice to voles mirrors changes in rodent faunas in nearby areas caused by altered agricultural practices and resulting changes in vegetation. Because biologists correctly suggest the change in prey ratios could reflect variation in predation behaviours or prey availability, it is apparent that multiple lines of evidence are necessary to establish that changes in rodent faunas reflect changes in habitats. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sudden cancellation of the Virginia lotteries during the first sitting of the parliament of 1621 was not part of a general parliamentary attack on monopolies but a calculated political act intended to pressure the Virginia Company of London to pay more taxes than required by its charter of 1612. The appropriate context for considering the cancellation is the financial difficulties of James I and the search for funds by Sir Lionel Cranfield. The cancellation coincided with a rejection of a new charter for the company, possibly incited by Count Gondomar, the Spanish ambassador in England. The cancellation of the lotteries was the most important turning point in the history of Jamestown and started the company on its downward spiral.  相似文献   

于化民 《史学月刊》2008,10(6):50-61
汇集了一大批杰出知识精英的西南联大教授会,秉承北大、清华、南开三校"教授治校"的传统,在联大校务管理和学校生活中发挥着重要作用."一二·一"运动发生后,原本非政治性的教授会也不得不在政治是非面前表明立场,它运用自己特殊的社会影响,采取一系列步骤揭露和抗议国民党当局镇压民主的恶劣行径,给青年学生的爱国行动以有力的支持.同时,教授会的内部矛盾也随着运动的深入而突显出来,发展为公开的对立.在即将到来的社会大变革面前,尤其是经过运动的洗礼,在闻一多、吴晗等进步教授感召下,更多的教授逐渐转向进步方面.  相似文献   

At the centre of this article stands a letter written by Abbot Richard of Saint-Vanne sometime during the first quarter of the eleventh century. The letter describes two voyages to the otherworld taken by two monks at the abbey of Saint-Vaast in Arras in 1011 and 1012. A careful reading of the letter reveals that behind what appears to be a standard text, belonging to the very popular genre of otherworld journeys, hides an apocalyptic message of urgent warning that the world is about to reach its end. The letter thus serves as a prooftext for the existence of apocalyptic tension in the period between A.D. 1000 and A.D. 1033, and as such contributes to the ongoing debate regarding the ‘terrors of the year 1000’.  相似文献   

At the centre of this article stands a letter written by Abbot Richard of Saint-Vanne sometime during the first quarter of the eleventh century. The letter describes two voyages to the otherworld taken by two monks at the abbey of Saint-Vaast in Arras in 1011 and 1012. A careful reading of the letter reveals that behind what appears to be a standard text, belonging to the very popular genre of otherworld journeys, hides an apocalyptic message of urgent warning that the world is about to reach its end. The letter thus serves as a prooftext for the existence of apocalyptic tension in the period between A.D. 1000 and A.D. 1033, and as such contributes to the ongoing debate regarding the ‘terrors of the year 1000’.  相似文献   

Opinion on the age and origin of the honorary degree differs according to the region under study and the criteria used to define what precisely constitutes an honorary promotion. By applying a flexible definition of the honorary degree, and combining existing research on the background and origin of early honorary degrees in different regions, this article aims to offer an answer to the question of the origin of the tradition of conferring honorary degrees. The giving and receiving of honorary degrees emerged in a variety of situations. Such degrees were awarded by popes and emperors – or their representatives – who wished to honour their ‘disciples’. They were also granted to meritorious professionals seeking a way around the strict rules for academic promotion via a promotion in absentia. And they were granted by universities wishing to benefit from the prestige of the celebrities they honoured, or which offered these degrees to professors without a doctoral degree, as a practical answer to the need for academic ceremonies and/or by way of thanks to their friends and benefactors. The emergence of the honorary promotion can only be explained through a combination of all these factors.  相似文献   

Aboriginal peoples in Canada are gaining influence in post‐secondary education through Aboriginal‐directed programs and policies in non‐Aboriginal institutions. However, these gains have occurred alongside, and in some cases through, neoliberal reforms to higher education. This article explores the political consequences of the neoliberal institutionalization of First Nations empowerment for public sector unions and workers. We examine a case where the indigenization of a community college in British Columbia was embedded in neoliberal reforms that ran counter to the interests of academic instructors. Although many union members supported indigenization, many also possessed a deep ambivalence about the change. Neoliberal indigenization increased work intensity, decreased worker autonomy and promoted an educational philosophy that prioritized labour market needs over liberal arts. This example demonstrates how the integration of Aboriginal aspirations into neoliberal processes of reform works to rationalize public sector restructuring, constricting labour agency and the possibilities for alliances between labour and Aboriginal peoples.  相似文献   

元明之际的学风   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元明之际社会的急剧动荡与朱陆合流的学术气氛 ,促使大批文人退居讲学和自由结社 ,从而形成了这个时期既主张格物致知的笃实功夫 ,又主张敬以直内的心性冥悟的学风。这种学风 ,对明代学风的形成具有重要作用  相似文献   

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