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1960年代中后期,学生非暴力协调委员会认识到黑人问题的根源在于美国的权力体制,因而提出"黑人权力"主张。"黑人权力"强调黑人必须掌控自己的事务,重新分配政治和经济权力,但受到权力机构的污蔑,遭到体制化民权领袖的批判,被视为"反向种族主义",煽动了城市骚乱。本文认为,"黑人权力"重视黑人的群体权利,颠覆白人文化对黑人的偏见论述,重塑黑人形象,强调黑人文化和传统的价值,肯定其对美国社会的重要性和与白人文化的平等。它对美国从种族主义社会转变为多元文化主义社会作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

While much current scholarship and research on the 1960s takesthe existence of a number of myths about the 1960s for granted,effective attempts to define and challenge such myths are rare.One aspect of the period that has suffered conspicuously fromthis neglect, and indeed from a lack of detailed research, isthe series of protests by students that occurred in Britainin the second half of the decade. The myths that have been constructedaround these protests are numerous, and many are, at first glanceat least, persuasive. When they are analysed, however, theyare found to be misleading, and have resulted in the creationof a distorted view of this aspect of the period.  相似文献   

This article examines how Maoist theory and practice were imported to France during the 1960s. A syncretic phenomenon, as notions developed in the Chinese cultural context were adapted to the very different Gallic situation, French Maoism proved to be especially influential among students at the École normale supérieure at the rue d’Ulm in Paris, where the Marxist theoretician, Louis Althusser, was teaching. Maoist philosophy facilitated critiques of the Moscow-aligned French Communist Party and its student union; it enabled Althusser's rethinking of the Marxist tradition, and it ultimately provided ammunition for his students’ eventual break with his “theoreticism.” Maoism's fecund contribution to French intellectual culture in the 1960s, helping to lay the groundwork for the events of May 1968, derived principally from its dual theoretical and practical nature. This article highlights two specific Maoist tenants—the inevitably violent nature of revolution and the ersatz-empiricist method of the “investigation”—and suggests how, after 1968, French Maoism ultimately surrendered the former as the latter proved more useful to direct democratic politics.  相似文献   

By bringing to bear previously unstudied Soviet archival documents and conducting firsthand interviews with former diplomats, the article traces the ways in which the Soviet Union sought out opportunities to reinvigorate deteriorated Soviet?Iranian ties through cultural organizations and events in Iran during the decades following World War II. A variety of Soviet cultural representatives—from wrestlers to classical musicians to scholars of Iranian literature—were marshaled for this effort, which bore unexpected fruit considering the modest expectations of the Soviet leadership, ideological differences between the two countries, and increasingly dominant US cultural projection. The connections between cultural ties and state goals, Iranian perceptions of Russia, and the Soviet/Russian sympathies of some members of the shah’s government are among sub-themes examined.  相似文献   

This article examines how gender shaped the political cultureand political communities that developed among radical Catholicsin their direct action protests against the Vietnam War. Itsfocus is on the Catholic Left, an informally-organized but highlyinfluential group of resisters defined by their participationin the draft board raids made famous by the radical priestsDaniel and Philip Berrigan. Then as now, the grassroots natureof this movement disappeared in the shadow of the Berrigan brothers'fame. Women became the most notable victims of this phenomena,receiving little publicity or acclaim despite the fact thatthey played pivotal roles both behind the scenes and on thestreets. Using a combination of oral interviews and archivalsources, this article seeks to put these women back into thehistory of the Catholic Left and onto the front lines of a broaderunderstanding of the nature of political struggle.  相似文献   

Student mental health services were created at many American universities during the interwar years in association with the mental hygiene movement of that era. In Canada, psychologists and psychiatrists became focused on the well-being of schoolchildren during this period, but services for university students were minimal or non-existent at most institutions until well after the Second World War. Influenced by American trends and in tune with rising public concern over the problems students were experiencing on Canada's burgeoning campuses, student organizations, in co-operation with the Canadian Mental Health Association, began a concerted campaign for improved services in the early 1960s. Through conferences, seminars, and surveys, they revealed the extent of student distress, and by 1965 their efforts were attracting increasing media attention and having a direct impact on university student health policies. Their campaign then entered a new phase, transformed by the same radicalization that infused the wider student movement in the wake of the Berkeley free speech protests. Dissatisfied with the institutional response and distrustful of the motives behind the services now provided, activists questioned the very meaning of 'mental health' in the context of their deeper critique of the university and society. By the end of the decade, the student mental health movement had run its course, but it left a lasting legacy in the ongoing reform of university health services and in attitudes towards student mental health.  相似文献   

张杨 《世界历史》2012,(4):69-78,159,160
20世纪60年代,随着冷战扩展到整个第三世界,美国更加关注亚非拉国家第二、三代青年领袖的重要作用。肯尼迪执政时期,美国政府着手整合各部门各自推行的争取第三世界青年领袖的项目,并最终完成了"青年领袖项目"的政策规划和机构建制。同美国心理战的总体战略目标一致,"青年领袖项目"亦致力于赢得目标群体,使其选择亲美反共的道路,并影响其所在国家的政治走向。尽管投入巨大的人力和物力,"青年领袖项目"在肯尼迪和约翰逊政府时期并未见明显成效,但美国对第三世界青年进行的意识形态输出和文化灌输活动,最终对第三世界国家的道路选择产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   


20世纪70年代以后,左翼运动急剧地衰落和消失了,之后便是保守主义的泛滥、苏联和东欧社会主义国家的解体,以及资本主义在全球的凯歌行进。尽管在60年代西方学生运动之后出现了新社会运动,但无论其锋芒和规模都无法与60年代的学生运动相比。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the state and art collectors during the 1950s and 1960s in Shanghai. It explores how the state gained control over art and collecting, by building state museums, by co-opting connoisseurs and their collections, and by extending “socialist transformation” to the antiquities market in 1956. However, state control was far from complete, and some trade in antiquities continued outside of official channels. To crack down on this illegal trade, cultural authorities in Shanghai launched a Five-Antis Campaign in 1964 to punish alleged art speculators. Through its cultural institutions and political campaigns, the state controlled culture but did not monopolize it.  相似文献   

Following the increasing attention paid to popular music in heritage discourses, this article explores how the popular music culture from the 1960s is remembered in Europe. I discuss the role of heritage organizations, media and the cultural policy of the EU in the construction of a popular music heritage of this period. Furthermore, I examine the ways in which attachments to local, national and European identities are negotiated. To this end, I draw upon interviews with representatives of museums, websites and archives. The article reveals a recurring tension between transnational and local experiences of the 1960s. It is found that media and heritage institutions like museums and archives predominantly have a national and local orientation, although narratives with a European vantage point are now emerging on the internet.  相似文献   

This brief article attempts to paint a picture of the social and intellectual atmosphere in which Susan Hanson's postgraduate education took place and then discusses her particular experiences in the Geography Department at Northwestern University. It describes the sexist characteristics of American geographical university education in the 1960s and the competitive and male-dominated environment of Northwestern. It suggests that Susan's experiences at Northwestern were an important influence on her subsequent values, skills and interests as a feminist academic.  相似文献   

Roland Barthes observed that though there is a ‘lover's discourse’ shared by all those who are in love, it is a discourse ignored or disparaged by ‘surrounding languages’. Concerned that the discourse of heritage may participate in this closure against the ‘in love’ experience, I begin to explore ways the field of heritage studies might start speaking this language. Specifically, I ponder the ways that a young Chinese woman in the film Days of being wild, following the breakup of a love affair, becomes locked in a landscape of lost love that is populated with objects sticky with affect, objects which although they transmit painful affects nevertheless bind her by a dynamic that Lauren Berlant terms ‘cruel optimism’. I then turn to imagine the way a Balinese house compound gateway might, in a similar way, have become impregnated with affects relating to victims of the 1965–1966 killings in Bali and how, for those left behind, it might assume the ability to ‘presence’ a lost one. Archaeology and heritage studies have great potential to foster empathy with the experience of past others, but this calls for a sophisticated understanding of how objects become imbued with affect and how they transmit it.  相似文献   

The Oral History Association's 2008 annual meeting was heldin Pittsburgh last October, as the World Series and the 2008U.S. Presidential Election approached. While the PittsburghPirates were not in the playoffs—and had not been since1992—Pennsylvania's other team, the Philadelphia Phillies,were. And with the Keystone State's status as a key "swing state"in the 2008 election, the presidential candidates and theirprospective running mates made stops in myriad cities and townsthere during the summer and fall. The intersection of politics and sports always will give riseto politicians trying  相似文献   

This article uses memory and specifically my memories to build up a sense of how Australians perceived India in the second half of the 20th century. I focus first on the late 1950s to consider Australian perceptions of India as seen through my eyes as a university student. I then present my observations as a student studying in India in the first half of the 1960s to track the limited awareness of Australia in India. The final section, based mainly on newspaper clippings of the late 1980s, assesses how India featured in Australian perceptions some two decades on and in the very different world of the day – one that was much more knowledgeable but not necessarily significantly more involved.  相似文献   

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