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《史》、《汉》之际史学的发展表现有二:一是思想上正统化观念不断加强,前人已多有论述;二是史学自身的发展更多体现在史家对史书编撰形式的探索上。纪传体体例逐渐"整齐",起居注著录渐成常例,地方史的撰述得到提倡,学术史、人物专史、杂史、制度史等都以专书的形式出现,"史氏流别,殊途并骛",史书编撰出现多途发展趋势。  相似文献   

从存在根基看唯物史观与史学的内在会通   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文旨在探究唯物史观和史学在存在论根基处的内在会通,借以澄明史学研究的源始开端及其应有的成长道路,并点破实证主义理念的偏颇,探讨史学研究迈向生活世界的理论前提。  相似文献   

五代以降,史家重视历史记载的前后相承,并有目的地记录周边民族政权与中原王朝相互交往的现实内容,文化认同进一步拓宽;辽金元时期重视对前朝史和本朝国史的编纂,这不仅说明编纂者拥有历史传承的明确意识,而且体现出他们对于中原文化的一种自我认同。总之,通过历史经验的总结,发挥了史学的鉴戒功能,彰显了史学传统与文化认同不可分割的密切关系。  相似文献   

Sulphur isotopes in archaeological bone collagen are not routinely analysed in palaeodietary studies. Here we investigate the potential contribution that sulphur isotope analysis can provide toward the study of ancient human diet and economy, with particular emphasis on the distinction between freshwater and terrestrial consumers. For material from the Late Bronze Age site of Chicha in the south-western Eurasian forest-steppe, sulphur isotopes effectively separate freshwater and terrestrial animal food resources. The sulphur isotope data coupled with nitrogen isotope values from Chicha reflect a dietary reliance upon freshwater animal protein (fish) for the Late Bronze Age inhabitants. In contrast, sulphur isotope values for freshwater and terrestrial potential food species from the Eneolithic site of Bil'shivtsi in western Ukraine were indistinguishable, demonstrating that δ34S values cannot always be relied upon to identify freshwater and terrestrial consumers. The data from this study support the adoption of δ34S analysis as a standard component of palaeodietary studies; apart from its potential to distinguish freshwater from terrestrial consumers, it can provide supplementary dietary information not evident from the carbon and nitrogen isotope data. In addition, certain indices are considered that may be used to assess the validity of sulphur isotope data, as currently exist for carbon and nitrogen. According to the analysis of modern collagen samples, N:S appears to be a broad indicator of collagen sulphur isotope quality. However, more work needs to be done to establish an effective means by which highly-altered sulphur isotope values can be identified and thereby removed from consideration.  相似文献   

我从1933年接触中国历史地理到现在已65个春秋。60多年来,我与中国历史地理学结下不解之缘。在这篇文章中,我从十个方面简单回顾了自己研究中国历史地理学的历程,进一步阐发了自己的一些主要学术观点。我始终认为中国历史地理学是一门有用于世的学科,深望这门学科能够发扬光大。  相似文献   

逍遥津之战是三国时期东吴对曹魏发动的一场重要战役,是赤壁之战后东吴为维系孙刘联盟共抗曹魏所采取的最大一次军事行动。逍遥津之战东吴的失败,进一步促使东吴改变联刘抗曹的方针。逍遥津之战后东吴采纳了吕蒙的策略,袭取荆州以巩固长江一线,从而对魏、蜀、吴三方之间的关系产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

程群 《史学月刊》2004,(4):70-79
《美国历史评论》是美国主流的核心历史刊物,更是“第一份科学的美国历史杂志”。它是19世纪末西方史学职业化的产物,也是美国史学科学化、职业化的标志。100多年来,它坚持严肃的专业态度,坚持和发展了自己的栏目内容和形式,主旨是为了繁荣和发展美国的历史学术。它最初不是美国历史协会的机关刊物和出版物,但由于业务发展的需要,《评论》最终成为美国历史协会的“旗舰”。有人批判《评论》内容方面的保守,但细心考察会发现它是美国史学发展的晴雨表,尤其反映了第二次世界大战前后美国史学发展的趋势和变化。  相似文献   

A fundamental observation of 21st century cities is that they have become great centers of consumption. In this paper, we seek to understand the geographic variation in consumer behavior. Using Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE), we analyze how consumption differs across 21 major U.S. metropolitan areas, and the association between urban characteristics and consumption. We extend previous geographic analysis of consumption to include luxury goods that are socially visible (conspicuous consumption) and luxury goods that are relatively less visible (inconspicuous consumption). Our analysis shows that conspicuous consumption is more sensitive to an urban context than is inconspicuous consumption.  相似文献   

汉晋至元代是云南古代地方史学发展的早期阶段 ,其中汉晋时期是云南史学的萌起时期 ,开始出现了专门记载云南地方历史的、带有方志特点的史著 ;南诏大理国时期 (即唐宋时期 )为云南史学发展的关键时期 ,地方志史书的编撰趋于成熟 ,史籍体例日趋丰富 ,信史特征更加明显。元代为云南古代早期史学的成熟期 ,云南地方史学的编撰直追中原内地的发展水平。而且云南古代史学发展从一个侧面体现了云南地方文化与中原文化交流和融合  相似文献   

刘兰青 《清史研究》2002,(1):114-115
2001年10月15日至18日,由中国第一历史档案馆与日本冲绳县教育委员会联合主办的“第六届中国·琉球历史关系研讨会”在北京召开。来自中国第一历史档案馆、中央档案馆、国家档案局、北京市档案馆、中国社会科学院、北京社会科学院、故宫博物院、中国人民大学、福建师范大学,以及日本冲绳县教育委员会、冲绳县公文书馆、琉球大学、大东文化大学等中日两国的专家学者总计49人参加了本届研讨会。中国第一历史档案馆馆长、研究馆员邢永福,日本冲绳县教育委员会委员长津嘉山朝祥分别代表中日双方致开幕词。中国第一历史档案馆副馆长刘余才主持…  相似文献   

Using the form of cinematic montage, this essay explores the nature of historical consciousness in a mass-mediated culture where historical discourse takes the form of both showing and saying, moving images and written words. The title draws upon and argues with Roland Barthes's critique of the duplicity of the "insistent fringes" that supposedly reduce and naturalize "Roman-ness" to fringed hair in popular historical film. Barthes presumes a "certainty" in such a cinematic image, and hence deems it mythological—that is, "it goes without saying." Countering Barthes with Walter Benjamin, one might argue that the "insistent fringe" is insistently historical and constitutes, in its insistence, a "dialectical image": a site and sight full of contradictions and open to excavation. That is, it concretizes historiographic saying by showing. Neither historiographic saying nor showing are privileged in medias res —in a culture saturated in images and textuality, in competing modes of expression each of which has its limits. Historical consciousness is sparked and constituted from both showing and saying. Indeed, the "insistent fringe" is precisely not clear-cut—and, if it insists on anything, it is its serrated nature, its articulation as a limit that differs from, but is constituted by, the elements of the two distinct domains which it both separates and connects. Similarly, there is a dynamic, functional, and hardly clear-cut relation that exists between the mythological histories wrought by Hollywood cinema (and other visual arts) and the academic histories written by scholars. They coexist, compete, and cooperate in a contingent, heteroglossic, and always shifting ratio—thus constituting the "rationality" of contemporary historical consciousness.  相似文献   

1978年是新中国具有转折意义的重要一年。通过关于真理标准问题的大讨论,人们冲破了“两个凡是”的束缚,解放了思想;顺应人们要求改变生产力的落后状况的迫切心情,我国对外改善了与日、美等国的关系,确立了引进开放的方针;对内大胆地提出改革生产关系和上层建筑的意见,确定经济战线必须实行三个转变,达成对改革的原则问题的一致认识;最后通过召开中共十一届三中全会,重新确立了党的实事求是的思想路线,实现了全党工作重心的转移。  相似文献   

Morphological characters for the separation of red and fallow deer remains are described. These encompass antlers, permanent dentition, and postcranial bones. The characters were tested on samples of known red and fallow deer from an array of contexts, thus helping to ensure their validity across different populations. An attempt is made to quantify the reliability of each character, using a simple arithmetic method of scoring and analysing the test data. This forms the basis for a more objective assessment of the identity of an unknown specimen.  相似文献   

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